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Obama on redistribution of wealth

Discussion in 'TrumpFest 2016' started by Jerk, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. tommieharris91

    tommieharris91 SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    Not quite true. Interstate highways and a few railroad systems are very necessary infrastructure spenditures necessary for a strong economy. Regulations that keep financial markets in check and make sure the flow of assets is smooth and targeted in that they get to the right people are also necessary interstate expenditures.
  2. soonerhubs

    soonerhubs SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    In the spirit of not starting another thread:
    Here is my choice and why:
    I choose McCain and Palin because...
    1) as far as I can tell they propose less taxes.
    2) as far as I can tell they propose a cut in government spending.
    3) I feel more confident in my financial goals with McCain in the white house.
    4) I feel like McCain's new financial team is some of the best minds in the world.
    I have to say though, that he formed this team a little late in my opinion.
    5) I don't trust Obama's comments regarding the redistribution of wealth, and I feel like he wants to give more to those who won't help themselves.
    6) I listened to both speeches today, and I've done tons of homework over the past year, and I feel McCain's ideology fits mine the most.
    7) I believe in earning what I work for, and I feel that too many folks who can, but won't, work are getting hand outs as it is. I believe that this should be curbed.
    8) I honestly feel that more businesses will go overseas when taxes are raised.

    Say what you will. I'm up for suggestions and critiques, but this is what I think and feel is best for our country. Boomer Sooner!
    LosAngelesSooner likes this.
  3. Fraggle145

    Fraggle145 Drunky Town Limnologist


  4. PalmBeachSooner1

    PalmBeachSooner1 New Member

    A lot of Obama voters wanting hand outs will be sadly disappointed. I plan on blaming every hurricane on Obama just like everyone has done with Bush.
    Ardmore_Sooner likes this.
  5. Fraggle145

    Fraggle145 Drunky Town Limnologist

    I hope they are.

    Sorry global warming is already the republicans fault. ;)
  6. 1890MilesToNorman

    1890MilesToNorman New Member

    All this has been said before in campaigns, the problem is nothing changes no matter who is elected. Sad situation. It truly has become elections for the guy least liable to get into our lives, not for what is good for the country.
  7. Okla-homey

    Okla-homey SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    yeah but, this involves money, and all those GOP appointed judges enjoying lifetime appointments will come in handy to put the injunctive smackdown on it if it gets too wacky.
  8. Vaevictis

    Vaevictis SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    Quoth Andrew Jackson: "they have made their decision, now let them enforce it."

    This is, of course, the fundamental consequence of a unitary executive, which Bush has done much to advance. I think we'll get to see just how good of a job of it he's done.
  9. yermom

    yermom Stayatworkdad

    have any of you actually interacted much with people getting government handouts?

    they aren't exactly driving Subarus in my experience.

    i've eaten government cheese and peanut butter, it's not exactly some great lifestyle these people have.

    there is still a whole lot of incentive to "help yourself"
    Fraggle145 likes this.
  10. tommieharris91

    tommieharris91 SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    1) I think you're right there.
    2) I think you're right as well, but I'm leary over the Bushes and Reagan saying this and then running up government spending. This is a big reason why I can't vote for McCain.
    3) Most normal thinkers (i.e. non-Marxist) would probably agree with you. by far the biggest thing that is stopping me from voting for Obama is that he wants to double the capital gains tax. This will make things tougher for anyone who wants to try to make their savings grow.
    4) He changed his financial team? Who's on it now?
    5) My other big problem with Obama.
    6) I haven't listened to either speech, so no critique from me yet.
    7) Agreed.
    8) Here's where you go wrong. Obama wants tax cuts for businesses who hire American workers. However, W has been doing this all thoroughout his presidency, but the jobs keep leaving. Until the American worker is willing to get paid the slave wages that Asian workers are willing to earn, jobs will keep leaving. What's funny is that weak dollar that was running up our gas prices for awhile is one thing that was keeping jobs in the US.
  11. Okla-homey

    Okla-homey SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    to date, unlike Old Hick'ry, I don't recall the W administration blowing off any judicial rulings or court Orders. And you can bet the two lawyer team of BHO and Lunchbox Joe would do what the courts tell them they must.
  12. soonerscuba

    soonerscuba New Member

    How are those tribunals at Gitmo going?
  13. PalmBeachSooner1

    PalmBeachSooner1 New Member

    The People's Republic of America is coming unfortunately.
    Ardmore_Sooner likes this.
  14. Okla-homey

    Okla-homey SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    If you read the Opinions, and didn't rely on the Daily Kos, you would know they stated the detainees had to be afforded counsel and had rights under the Geneva Convention, but the tribunals could continue since they are provided for under the Convention. The adminsitration complied.
  15. soonerscuba

    soonerscuba New Member

    Good thing you're here, we were running out of conservative chicken-littles. Help the cause and start a thread about Obama's birth certificate/socialism, nobody has done that yet.
    Fraggle145 and LosAngelesSooner like this.
  16. Vaevictis

    Vaevictis SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    The Bush administration has on more than one occasion instituted policy that they knew or should have known was a violation of the law (see NSA wiretaps, due process issues in Gitmo, etc). They get a court order, and under the pretense of obeying it, they do something else that they know or should know is a violation.

    Then they pardon the folks involved, or go to a friendly Congress and get immunity.

    It's the same thing, just a little less blatant. And if Bush had had the power base to do it the way Jackson did, I have no doubt he would have.

    Bush wrote the playbook. Don't be surprised if Obama follows it, if elected.

  17. LosAngelesSooner

    LosAngelesSooner SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    No! No! Stop! They're watching plasmas and drinking Jack Daniels!

    It's MUCH easier to generalize about how the poor are lazy and living in style off of our hard work.
  18. Okla-homey

    Okla-homey SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    I say again, this involves MONEY, not merely the rights of shady foreigners. That will make a lot of difference.
  19. SoonerProphet

    SoonerProphet Well-Known Member

    Congressional subpoenas of Harriet Miers and Joshua Bolton of the Justice Department imbroglio?

    No money? I see.
  20. Vaevictis

    Vaevictis SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    That's pretty much what folks thought when FDR was pushing the New Deal. How'd that work out?

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