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  1. so, ins prem can double for smokers through obamacare... (52 replies)
  2. For The Record (90 replies)
  3. Union membership expands (1 replies)
  4. So what is this bull****? - host Church services in your home and save on taxes? (35 replies)
  5. How can we STOP ABORTIONS? (490 replies)
  6. Phil Mickelson Apologizes for Complaining About High Taxes (34 replies)
  7. Women Cleared To Serve On The Front Line In The Military (39 replies)
  8. wow..if ya don't want to see a crucifix DON'T go to school there... (17 replies)
  9. Hillary Clinton gets angry at questioning (27 replies)
  10. House Repubs to Pursue 10-Year Balanced Budget (23 replies)
  11. The Jungle Book (1 replies)
  12. Apparent gunfight on college campus (69 replies)
  13. A Couple of Questions About ObamaFest 2012 (16 replies)
  14. Chu gone? (5 replies)
  15. Salazar leaving (0 replies)
  16. Heh. (10 replies)
  17. Did you know that today, Monday 1-21-13 is HUMP DAY for OBAMA? (12 replies)
  18. Michelle Obama Multi-Talented (2 replies)
  19. GAO Report Says We Are USCWAP. (73 replies)
  22. No Wonder Former Mayor of New Orleans (5 replies)
  23. Nothing says I luv guns more than shooting yourself (3 replies)
  24. This was reported 4 days ago, What happened ? (2 replies)
  25. gun nuts not helping their case today... (22 replies)
  26. Heh, My Daughter brot me a Bottle yesterday (10 replies)
  27. Can Danny Glover get any stupider? (24 replies)
  28. Blacks Moving Back to The Evil Racist, Redneck Red States (0 replies)
  29. CHICAGO! The Poster Child for Failed Gun Control (19 replies)
  30. Obama's delusional policy (1 replies)
  31. Obama Giving Driver Licenses to Illegals (50 replies)
  32. The National Media Is Racist:Ignoring The War On Young Black Men (17 replies)
  33. Matlock, Did ya get out yet? (3 replies)
  34. Happy Lee-Jackson Day! (44 replies)
  35. Just Some Military News for You Vets (0 replies)
  36. This Guy Has It Exactly Right Concerning The Debt (46 replies)
  37. The Model Blue State (49 replies)
  38. Might as well laugh on the way down... (4 replies)
  39. Obama's $500 million gun violence package (78 replies)
  40. Not again. Sandy Hook conspiracy talk. (44 replies)
  41. ah...nothing like a good "delay until after the elections" story to get ya going... (6 replies)
  42. STOCKMAN WARNS OBAMA: Push for gun control will be met with White House budget cuts (24 replies)
  43. It's Alive! Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks For The First Time In Seven Years (84 replies)
  44. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are (10 replies)
  45. Salon Magazine:Lincoln's Unfinished War On The South (54 replies)
  46. Senator Schumer Makes Dumbest Request In History (8 replies)
  47. The debt limit (36 replies)
  48. Wango Tango...Ted vs that idiot from oversees...PM (5 replies)
  49. obama care 2014...good basic anology (22 replies)
  50. Climate change symposium @ OSU - 22Feb13; 3:30-4:30PM - Michael Mann (5 replies)
  51. Gun Control/Assault Weapons Ban is now pointless (20 replies)
  52. Well Its Happened. Thanks Journal news for Providing Criminals with a map (57 replies)
  53. Fallacy That Clinton Was A Good President (32 replies)
  54. Hopefully D.C. will be next (27 replies)
  55. Biden has Foot in mouth Disease (2 replies)
  56. Official POUS Election Results (0 replies)
  57. DD fishing with a tuna....red meat for da righties (16 replies)
  58. Mali (25 replies)
  59. WTF? MSNBC's Harris Perry: Clarence Thomas Doesn't Represent Blacks (15 replies)
  60. New gun thread...a question... (19 replies)
  61. IT'S OFFICIAL! We Are a Corrupt, Disgusting Society! (63 replies)
  62. English teacher kicks Flag's azz (45 replies)
  63. Taco Hell? (16 replies)
  64. Barney's back? (25 replies)
  65. Saban (26 replies)
  66. Donald gets Trumped (1 replies)
  67. The Trillion Dollar Coin (33 replies)
  68. Hagel for SecDef (96 replies)
  69. Isn't It fun To Watch As The Idiots On The Left Realize They Have Been Duped? (112 replies)
  70. Eff the Dims, the not-so-progressives and the libs... (22 replies)
  71. SS in Worse Shape Than Previously Thought (8 replies)
  72. The Christ Manifesto (110 replies)
  73. Yeah.... lets get rid of guns (71 replies)
  74. Why Republicans are mad as hell (9 replies)
  75. Congress Sneaks One by Obama - Enforces Religious Freedom in Military Too (22 replies)
  76. heh, win a 1200 jackpot and get a free trip to mezzico (9 replies)
  77. Ted Cruz Texas’s first Hispanic U.S. Senato (35 replies)
  78. DD? Big Banks Systematically Hiding Potential Losses (13 replies)
  79. Anyone see their first pay stub of 2013 yet? (82 replies)
  80. Ima Liking John Boehner More an More (17 replies)
  81. What happens when you tax the rich too much... (21 replies)
  82. Al Jazeera buys Al Gore's Current TV (20 replies)
  83. Seeing any impact from Obamacare yet? (7 replies)
  84. I pray to god Christie runs for POTUS (99 replies)
  85. How Pork Happened - Fiscal Cliff Bill (2 replies)
  86. Obama, The Champion Of The Middle Class And Scourge Of Corporate Welfare. (74 replies)
  87. Sandy Scam (13 replies)
  88. Congressional Rumblings: Boehner to Resign?? (31 replies)
  89. Only Oklahoman to vote against fiscal cliff (58 replies)
  90. The House just passed the Fiscal Cliff Amendment (142 replies)
  91. Donate Sperm.....pay child support. (22 replies)
  92. so now obama has said what your kids can read in hs... (15 replies)
  93. Thursday....The 113th Congress will be in Power (0 replies)
  94. Chavez Prayer Thread (94 replies)
  95. Shocking Video of Midtowner Resisting Arrest! (1 replies)
  96. CBO Score for what the Senate passed (21 replies)
  97. Judicial Watch's List of 2012 Corrupt Politicians (3 replies)
  98. New laws for the new year (10 replies)
  99. If The GOP in the HoR Supports The Senate Plan They are Finished (76 replies)
  100. VP BIDEN SAVES THE DAY! (27 replies)
  101. President Barack O'Insult! (207 replies)
  102. Thoughts and prayers for Hillary Clinton (3 replies)
  103. Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in. (4 replies)
  104. billiary hospitalized with a blood clot (38 replies)
  105. Oil Without Dead Things Creating It? (36 replies)
  106. I joined the NRA today! (34 replies)
  107. Pole: Are the Liberals drunk with power (17 replies)
  108. Scum suckin Vultures are out in Newtown (15 replies)
  109. Okies and oilies run for cover!!!! (8 replies)
  110. Some one splain this please? (44 replies)
  111. Hobby Lobby tells Obamacare, "Go **** yourself"... (241 replies)
  112. Social Security $47.8 Billion Deficit FY 2012 (4 replies)
  113. WHERE AAAAARE YOU? Hey, finding you is a piece of cake! New York starts ball rolling (41 replies)
  114. Iowa Supreme ct upholds dental asst firing...wow (52 replies)
  115. G.H.W. Bush... (31 replies)
  116. Syria: how would you handle it...say (19 replies)
  117. So, our wonderful President is cutting his vacation short? (19 replies)
  118. Dick Armey Brought Armed Guard Into FreedomWorks In Coup Attemp (31 replies)
  119. Fiscal cliff: Are we going over? (78 replies)
  120. LAWYER'S VIEW of recent American history (114 replies)
  121. Gun violence CAN BE stopped. This should have been thought of before: (14 replies)
  122. 75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Too Crazy To Believe (9 replies)
  123. Another Mass slaughter of Kids, When will this madness stop? (29 replies)
  124. What does a trillion dollars look like? (7 replies)
  125. Pubfest Plan B (47 replies)
  126. What is Pelosi Smoking? (2 replies)
  127. NRA News Conference (2 replies)
  128. Kerry as Sect of State... (31 replies)
  129. So the same people who tell us that Obama will lead us down the road to a nanny state (15 replies)
  130. Yall read this , Then get back to me Ok? (11 replies)
  131. What would would LOUIS ARMSTRONG say? (2 replies)
  132. 2014 A BANNER YEAR (10 replies)
  133. Why No Breakdown Of Family Matters (7 replies)
  134. What Exactly is an Assault Weapon? (100 replies)
  135. Ball bustin Maria Bartiromo !!!!! (2 replies)
  136. Town tells Media ENOUGH now GTFO (14 replies)
  137. John Stossel on OUR SECOND AMENDMENT (49 replies)
  138. Why The Breakdown Of The Family Matters (111 replies)
  139. Robert Bork (1 replies)
  140. Texas Is Quickly becoming My Favorite State (15 replies)
  141. Sometimes I think the entire country is on an episode of Punk'd... (23 replies)
  142. Benghazi Security: Grossly Inadequate (37 replies)
  143. Hagel as SecDef (11 replies)
  144. The Lunitic Left are encourgaing Obama to By-pass Congress (39 replies)
  145. Pelosi's Lackey States Dem/Pelosi Proposal Was A "Ploy" (16 replies)
  146. Sensitive subject to Oklahomans, OKC Bombing/gun control (120 replies)
  147. Heres ya a Hypothetical, (61 replies)
  148. Now here's a twist (2 replies)
  149. It's a beautiful thing!!!! (56 replies)
  150. This from Austrailia, lol...can't believe she won her lawsuit. (9 replies)
  151. If you're SE and make >$45K, welcome to the 1% (13 replies)
  152. I am Adam Lanza's mother (0 replies)
  153. Gun Control: Is it counterproductive? (118 replies)
  154. Here goes obama for gun control AT THE MEMORIAL... (26 replies)
  155. 26 moments (13 replies)
  156. Clinton will not testify due to a concussion...lol (29 replies)
  157. Conservative Logic (53 replies)
  158. Drug cartels now corrupting S. Texas police? (12 replies)
  159. Oh yea the Libs here said to wait a few days before starting to defend Our Guns, They (182 replies)
  160. Heres yer Perp, Now tell me this punk wasnt a Vid playin dweeb. (85 replies)
  161. sure everyone has heard...26 dead, 18 kids in Conn school shooting (110 replies)
  162. Rice withdrawals from consideration... (16 replies)
  163. good use of the Justice dept? Fla boys home invest 30 yrs later (0 replies)
  164. pelosi what a jackoff... (39 replies)
  165. Warren Buffet's Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds (2 replies)
  166. Deficit 172 Billion in November: On Pace To Hit 1.6 Trillion for the Year (6 replies)
  168. Al Franken: "Job-Killing Tax" (61 replies)
  169. He*l, let's just BAN FIREARMS (119 replies)
  170. HIDDEN TAXES and FEES IN OBAMACARE! (16 replies)
  171. "There will be blood"...Michigan Passes Right to Work... (112 replies)
  172. liberal logic (16 replies)
  173. Maybe there is a war on Christmas (37 replies)
  174. Fed to Launch New Bond Buying Program (18 replies)
  175. Claim:80% Of Drone Attack Victims Are Innocent Civilians (43 replies)
  176. obama's flip flop on debt ceiling (14 replies)
  177. SNAP Hits Another Record: Doubles in 4 Years (23 replies)
  178. why America is going to miss the bush tax cuts (32 replies)
  179. SNL host/skit last night (38 replies)
  180. Own It California! Tax Rates Go Up, Revenues Go Down, Surprising I Know (36 replies)
  181. Ive had my Flag at 1/2 mast all day (29 replies)
  182. The United States of Detroit aka Where We Are Heading (3 replies)
  183. 540,000 Drop Out of Labor Force And It is Reported As Good News By The Media (10 replies)
  184. Who Said The US Doesn"t Have A Royal Family? (12 replies)
  185. Obama Admin Approved Sending Weapons to Libya That Ended Up In Islamists Hands (43 replies)
  186. Coburn to support tax increases? (36 replies)
  187. DeMint steps down (36 replies)
  188. You liberal yahoos thought THA was crazy...They ARE going after our 401k's!!! (168 replies)
  189. Oklahoma Versus Obamacare (4 replies)
  190. Syria Weaponizes and Loads Serin Gas Into Weapons (20 replies)
  191. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the Government. Love it. (113 replies)
  192. The Real Hillary Clinton - Antisemetic? (11 replies)
  193. Nothing new...GOP/Dems can't agree. (26 replies)
  194. Obama's Costco cronies borrowing cash to pay themselves fat dividend. (34 replies)
  195. Rising Mexico (29 replies)
  196. does obama really care if we go over the cliff... (72 replies)
  197. Dems: Good for you...just not good for me (7 replies)
  198. Some Interesting Tidbits (46 replies)
  199. Pat Robertson's gone liberal (35 replies)
  200. 10 Things Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve (14 replies)
  201. And you wonder why they are called "death panels"... (49 replies)
  202. The Fiscal Cliff and the Grand Bargain (45 replies)
  203. The Borrower Is The Slave To The Lender: Applications for future generations. (4 replies)
  204. Comedy break... (3 replies)
  205. Christian vs Muslim (17 replies)
  206. GOP's Immigration Bill (106 replies)
  207. North Korea's Kim Jong Um named 'Sexiest Man Alive' (5 replies)
  208. Unfunded Federal Liabilities: $86 TRILLION (23 replies)
  209. GOP Iowa Straw Poll (6 replies)
  210. A Historical Perspective: Federal spending as a percentage of GDP (2 replies)
  211. Arizona continues to be cutting edge!!!!! (16 replies)
  212. A sad day for congress..... (6 replies)
  213. XCLNT new poster found, espousing our Leadership (10 replies)
  214. Thank God for texas... (50 replies)
  215. MARK STEYNE in for RUSH right now (28 replies)
  216. Walmart protests (128 replies)
  217. dear Piedmonth, ok Cops........seriously? (19 replies)
  218. Let The Democrats And Their Supporters Own It: Let Go Of The Rope (51 replies)
  219. Happy Thanksgiving! (13 replies)
  220. Letter to a future Republican strategist regarding white people (75 replies)
  221. The People have spoken , And the Dems think they are Bullet proof . (6 replies)
  222. Ron Paul: Secession Is A Deeply Held American Principle (108 replies)
  223. Creepy Cyber-Stalking By The Democratic Party (0 replies)
  224. Federal Deficit On Pace For another 1.5 Trillion Dollar Deficit Next Year. (9 replies)
  225. West finally concedes... (38 replies)
  226. Wimmens should Make Sammich's Not Policy (41 replies)
  227. PubFestEpilogue2012Prologue2016 (2 replies)
  228. Just sent off my application for Irish citizenship (77 replies)
  229. Oklahoma #2 in % of interracial marriages (28 replies)
  230. Stop DREAMing and Start ACHIEVING (31 replies)
  231. Business people...and obamacare (4 replies)
  232. The Will of the people has spoken, and America Died. The End of an Empire (68 replies)
  233. John Kerry for new Secretary of Defense? (6 replies)
  234. Irony, thy name is Bill-O (29 replies)
  235. A Rabbit's take on the election (0 replies)
  236. Oklahoma Doctors vs. Obamacare (108 replies)
  237. Stick this here 'cause Obama will (21 replies)
  238. The election has been over for a week and.. (37 replies)
  239. Addressing the fear/hatred of Capitalism (21 replies)
  240. Obama and his "I am a man"moment. (59 replies)
  241. Harry Reid on Social Security (18 replies)
  242. BHO's "mandate" (6 replies)
  243. Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress (11 replies)
  244. Leave it to the UN (10 replies)
  245. Illegals...here's the payoff!!!! (38 replies)
  246. so when is BHO's presser? (9 replies)
  247. Pelosi (16 replies)
  248. Tough Interior Secretary (20 replies)
  249. A Rabbi's take on the election (67 replies)
  250. Most Out Of The Loop President:Bush or Obama (5 replies)