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12/13/2012, 12:53 PM
Pelosi within hours put the blame on Boehner, insisting he make House Republicans vote on what Obama has already offered, and some of his party member appear willing to accept a compromise to help avert the fiscal crisis and extending tax cuts to 98 percent of income earners.

"Figure it out. We did," said Pelosi, referring to when she was House speaker and forced a full vote on funding the Iraq War. "Then go forward and debate the issue. ... What are we waiting for? Is there a dove going to fly in with a message tied to his leg?"

I about rolled reading this..."Faith and family, that's what the holidays are about," the California Democrat said during a news conference. "These are bonding opportunities for families and strengtheners for our families. We should be home for that." Think she actually has ANY faith...besides herself...and the twice a year ritual of going to some church...? On top of it all..YOU ran for office ya dumba$$...SOMETIMES YOU have to sacrifice for the COUNTRY.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/12/13/boehner-failure-to-get-erious-about-spending-cuts-holding-up-budget-deal/#ixzz2ExIk3H3N

12/13/2012, 01:28 PM
Democrats need a new Speaker-in-waiting (for the Democrats to get the majority back, not that it will happen but just in case it does). Former Speaker Pelosi lost the majority that Democrats should have held with her dumb one-liners (most notably about voting for Obamacare to find out what's in it) and lack of action during her tenure.

And if Speaker Boehner doesn't avoid this fiscal cliff, then I nominate him for eviction from his position of power.

California and Ohio: Two arrogant states with two arrogant reps trying to throw their weight around in a dire economic situation that calls for compromise, not finger pointing.

12/13/2012, 01:51 PM
not sure I concur with Boehner, course I'm more on the side of obama is not giving in at all. When in reality, he won the election by a measly 3-4%. So in reality he represents EVERYONE and there are a lot of us that think there needs to be just as many cuts as tax hikes. So I don't mind him sticking to his guns on the cuts. The newest polls show 65%+ of the folks want BOTH. I think if obama doesn't give in at all it might bite him in the a$$ instead of the Pubs...

12/13/2012, 02:09 PM
I wonder if her cosmetic surgeon uses the extra skin he excises off her face after her face lifts to make a set of luggage.

12/13/2012, 02:13 PM
Pelosi's teetering on the edge of irrelevancy, much like Obama. Will her legacy be that she was the first female Speaker of the House, much like Obama's legacy right now is just "first black president?"

That shouldn't be what either aspire to, especially since they've already done that. Since that's already been done, how are going to go forward?

12/13/2012, 02:41 PM
That 65% number is very revealing when you dig into it. It is basically the middle 40-45% plus about a third of each party.
That looks to me like a hell of a governing coalition if you could put together a decent third party. And you'd get to throw both the Pelosi Democrats AND the tinfoil hat Tea Partiers under the SAME bus.
That truly would be gratifying.

12/13/2012, 02:43 PM
That 65% number is very revealing when you dig into it. It is basically the middle 40-45% plus about a third of each party.
That looks to me like a hell of a governing coalition if you could put together a decent third party. And you'd get to throw both the Pelosi Democrats AND the tinfoil hat Tea Partiers under the SAME bus.
That truly would be gratifying.

Kanto, what is the philosophy of the Tea Party? Do you really even understand what the party represents or have you just swallowed the swill from the liberal apologists in the MSM?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2012, 03:18 PM
California and Ohio: Two arrogant states with two arrogant reps trying to throw their weight around in a dire economic situation that calls for compromise, not finger pointing.Have you noticed that the democrats are not going to compromise on anything, ever? They will not lower govt. social spending, ever. It's how they entice low information voters to vote for them.(along with effectively destroying republicans by all means possible-MSM, public schools, entertainment industry)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2012, 03:21 PM
Kanto, what is the philosophy of the Tea Party? Do you really even understand what the party represents or have you just swallowed the swill from the liberal apologists in the MSM?He's been beating the drum that there is no difference between the full-on Socialists and the Tea Party constitutionalists(or at least neo-cons in some cases). AND, he's for Obamacare too... Yeah, I scratch my head on that, too.

12/13/2012, 03:23 PM
Have you noticed that the democrats are not going to compromise on anything, ever? They will not lower govt. social spending, ever. It's how they entice low information voters to vote for them.(along with effectively destroying republicans by all means possible-MSM, public schools, entertainment industry)

Their definition of compromise is "the Republicans cave, again, and we get everything we want, again."

I said it a few days after the election.

The Republicans should get up on the floor of the House and Senate, state the case for conservative fiscal policies, what would happen if we followed them. Then state the case about what is about to happen under the Obama/Dem's and then vote "present", and let them own it.

When it collapses and fails, and it will spectacularly, then they cannot be blamed by the WH or the sycophant media. Short of that, Obama will run this country in to the ground (too late I know), and then scream the Republicans are to blame, and that same sycophantic media will write story after story about the obstructionist Republicans.

Then and only then, maybe we might have a sea change of direction for the country.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2012, 03:29 PM
Pelosi's teetering on the edge of irrelevancy, much like Obama. Will her legacy be that she was the first female Speaker of the House, much like Obama's legacy right now is just "first black president?"

That shouldn't be what either aspire to, especially since they've already done that. Since that's already been done, how are going to go forward?TRANSFORMATION, baby! Paytension, it's still happening, and is far from over.

12/13/2012, 03:33 PM
Their definition of compromise is "the Republicans cave, again, and we get everything we want, again."

Sorry, but a refusal to continue the Bush tax holiday for the top 2% and putting everything else on the table is not requiring the Republicans to cave unless to them "cave" entails a tax hike for 2% of Americans on their earnings above $250K.

12/13/2012, 03:33 PM
I do not want a deal without MAJOR cuts in spending... The Socialists plan is a non-starter and he knows it. He wants to fabricate a crisis and then ramrod something no one wants down our throat again. He gets his increase in taxes if nothing happens and the deal he wanted goes into effect. He can then work from a basis of increased taxes and make congress look bad at the same time. Chicago thug crude at its best...

DO not cave, do not agree to The Socialists plan under any circumstance!

12/13/2012, 03:35 PM
Have you noticed that the democrats are not going to compromise on anything, ever? They will not lower govt. social spending, ever. It's how they entice low information voters to vote for them.(along with effectively destroying republicans by all means possible-MSM, public schools, entertainment industry)

I hate to be more left-leaning than you Rush, but Republicans don't have a lot of room to complain on the no-compromise front, especially after Michigan Republicans pushed right-to-work through during a lame duck session.

And it's not like all MSM, public education and entertainment industry outputs are liberal, Rush. Fox News is not liberal. The Texas textbook deciders are not liberal. Movies that talk about Obama's America or Waiting for Superman are not liberal.

So anyways, before you think that they will NEVER lower spending, keep in mind that part of this fiscal cliff is not just tax hikes, but also spending cuts. By refusing to compromise on this, Democrats will effectively be cutting spending while raising taxes, just like Republicans.

12/13/2012, 03:39 PM
Actually, I've watched the tea party develop with a great deal of interest. Thought it might morph into something I'd be interested in 'joining' myself. Across the street neighbors are active (travelled to DC for the rally, etc etc.).
So, while I can't claim to be an authority, I am more than passingly familiar.

There is no 'philosophy' of the tea party and, in fact, a central philosophy would be a bit of an anachronism for a group that includes such a broad range of ideals. If I have to be pushed, I'd list, in no particular order:

1. A belief in small government
2. A concern with deficit spending
3. Vaguely isolationist and yet paranoid and aggressive foreign policies
4. Utterly isolationist trade policies....without a smidgeon of understanding just how important foreign trade is to the US and how good we are at it.
5. A strong anti-intellectual bent, almost to the point of the salt-o-the-earth cult of the humble ignorant worker propounded by progressives (there's more than a whiff of progressivism in this 'grass roots' movement)
6. Xenophobia and a strong desire to 'return' to some social place that we never were; where all the men were strong and handsome, all the women were pretty and obedient and where the darkies knew their place.
7. A charming faith that The Constitution is utterly clear on all points and only due to the machinations of evil 'liberals' are there any Constitutional questions.
8. A belief that the 'Lame Stream Media' is nothing but a fabric of lies, while Fox News (who is not 'Main Stream'? Huh?) is nothing but God's Truth. Well, them and Rush Limbaugh.

In essence it's a mishmash of ideas, some sound, some borderline insane (by either DSM 4 OR DSM 5 definition, get your copy today!) some that simply and without prayer of reconciliation, contradict each other. And that's not surprising as it is in no way a 'party' in any real sense, but a collection of people who are pissed off and want to lash out.

It's about run its course as a headliner. As a faction, it'll continue inside the Rebublican Party, as it always has (you could draw a line of descent, in modern times, from Joe McCarthy (and Dick Nixon) to George Wallace to those who supported Ross Perot, etc., right on down to the present day Tea Partiers. Mostly inside the GOP, sometimes a half step out of the tent. Never a force for long. And, never quite dead.

12/13/2012, 03:45 PM
Sorry, but a refusal to continue the Bush tax holiday for the top 2% and putting everything else on the table is not requiring the Republicans to cave unless to them "cave" entails a tax hike for 2% of Americans on their earnings above $250K.

Show me the significant cuts the Dems are proposing, and please don't patronize me by saying "defense spending".

I've heard the belly aching about the "rich", I get it. And you (I think) and I both know those tax increases will not fix the problem.

So where are the cuts? "putting everything on the table" is complete hogwash. When the republicans start naming things to cut the Dems will run to the media and say, "the Republicans hate (insert favored constituency here)!".

What specific cuts is Obama going to make? I'll answer that one for Chrissy, none.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/13/2012, 04:12 PM
I hate to be more left-leaning than you Rush, but Republicans don't have a lot of room to complain on the no-compromise front, especially after Michigan Republicans pushed right-to-work through during a lame duck session.

And it's not like all MSM, public education and entertainment industry outputs are liberal, Rush. Fox News is not liberal. The Texas textbook deciders are not liberal. Movies that talk about Obama's America or Waiting for Superman are not liberal.

So anyways, before you think that they will NEVER lower spending, keep in mind that part of this fiscal cliff is not just tax hikes, but also spending cuts. By refusing to compromise on this, Democrats will effectively be cutting spending while raising taxes, just like Republicans.Do you see the democrats as shining one solitary ray of economic enlightenment ?(they are SOLIDLY against the private sector and for gvt. increases in power)

You SHOULD know that I didn't say all information systems are liberal. However, they have effectively misinformed enough people to give us shocking and terrible election results. As smart as I know you are, you should realize these things. The democrats will NOT reduce social spending. It buys them votes, and lets them grow the govt. even more, all the time. The longer they are in power, the more dire is the outlook for the US and the world.

12/13/2012, 04:19 PM
Their definition of compromise is "the Republicans cave, again, and we get everything we want, again."

I said it a few days after the election.

The Republicans should get up on the floor of the House and Senate, state the case for conservative fiscal policies, what would happen if we followed them. Then state the case about what is about to happen under the Obama/Dem's and then vote "present", and let them own it.

When it collapses and fails, and it will spectacularly, then they cannot be blamed by the WH or the sycophant media. Short of that, Obama will run this country in to the ground (too late I know), and then scream the Republicans are to blame, and that same sycophantic media will write story after story about the obstructionist Republicans.

Then and only then, maybe we might have a sea change of direction for the country.

I've been saying this since the election.

This is the only way the R's can show the American people how spectacularly ignorant Obama, Reid, Pelosi etc really are...AND not be blamed for the flame out.

ANY compromise will be 1/20th of what needs to be done and the R's will be blamed when the dollar goes to hell...no matter how or when it happens.

Give the idiots the wheel. 100% chance of failure with current proposal. 100%.

12/13/2012, 05:10 PM
Kanto, I think some of the fringe groups have attached themselves to the Tea Party but if you contact an official Tea Party representative, which I have done, and inquire about joining and volunteering they will first request that you take some training courses on how to represent yourself and the organization in a professional matter. They are very clear on what their purpose is about and I can guarantee you they are uninterested in social or non-fiscal causes. The true Tea Party is well-organized, focused and professional.

They are first and foremost fiscal conservatives. If you want to call that small government then so be it. It would apply since the current role of government seems to make larger and larger intrusions into our personal and professional lives by using taxes and fiscal policy to shape the outcome in these areas in the direction they think they should go.

Liberals really aren't pro-keyensian advocates....they use that philosophy because it fits with their goal of having everything under the control of the government and is more acceptable than other more authoritarian economic philosophies.

12/13/2012, 05:25 PM
okay, I was unconvinced that there was any central hierarchy who could speak for 'The Tea Party'. I'll keep an open mind and try to ignore or set aside the more assinine comments attributed to them.
How do I look at Ryan, though? Or Santorum? both have been identified as Tea Party candidates and both are quite heavily involved in social politicking. Michelle Bachman? How do I fit them into the same 'movement' that incorporated, for a time, Scott Brown?

I have no trouble at all agreeing that the central focus of the Democratic Party today is to rachet the role of government ever higher in our society until it crowds out all other sources of authority and marginalizes the power of any individual or organization outside of the police organs of the state.

That said, please don't try and defend Keynes to me by separating himi from 'Liberals'. Keynes is very much of a piece with those who want 'democratic centralism'. He is, as you describe, basically Marx in a friendly herringbone tweed jacket, smoking a pipe. Go with Hayek, every time.

12/13/2012, 06:00 PM
Why cant we take a balanced approach to solving the deficit. The 5-5-5 program. Cut spending by 5 percent each year(instead of having automatic increases), increase Revenue by 5 percent each year. This leaves room to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent. It also ends the deficit in 5 years. The major problem with this is that spending has to be reduced. Reduction of spending does not seem to be on the table. When I do my monthly budget if the money aint there, I have to borrow it. If i borrow it, I have to pay it back. Unfortunately if I print money to pay my debts, it is counterfeiting, when the fed does it call it Quantitative easing.

12/13/2012, 06:12 PM
Show me the significant cuts the Dems are proposing, and please don't patronize me by saying "defense spending".

I'd love to see defense cut north of 80%. We just don't need to be the world's police, but that's me. As for the Dems, I have no idea what's being proposed behind closed doors right now, but I'm sure it's more than nothing.

12/13/2012, 07:10 PM
I'd love to see defense cut north of 80%. We just don't need to be the world's police, but that's me. As for the Dems, I have no idea what's being proposed behind closed doors right now, but I'm sure it's more than nothing.

I doubt it, but if that's the case, how do you know the Republicans aren't offering tax increases behind closed doors?

And 80% sheesh.

12/13/2012, 09:55 PM
And 80% sheesh.

How does a military the size we have actually do anything for us other than stimulate the economy through deficit spending?

12/13/2012, 10:03 PM
I wonder if her cosmetic surgeon uses the extra skin he excises off her face after her face lifts to make a set of luggage.

That's why they call her "Stretch" Peeloski!
She's a universal donor!

12/13/2012, 10:05 PM
How does a military the size we have actually do anything for us other than stimulate the economy through deficit spending?

What a CLUELESS statement from someone who is supposed to be educated.
Try reading the constitution! It's Job #1!

12/13/2012, 10:14 PM
What a CLUELESS statement from someone who is supposed to be educated.
Try reading the constitution! It's Job #1!

That makes it public enemy #1 for a lib. We need that money for Obamaphone! Obamaphone! Ya Know!

12/14/2012, 10:21 AM
I'd love to see defense cut north of 80%. We just don't need to be the world's police, but that's me. As for the Dems, I have no idea what's being proposed behind closed doors right now, but I'm sure it's more than nothing.

Nope. Ther are sitting on their *** waiting it out and expecting to make the Republicans the bad ole meany.

80% defense cuts would make us a target, you are a fool.

12/14/2012, 10:44 AM
80% defense cuts would make us a target, you are a fool.
Aren't we already? Or does anyone here believe that North Korea only launched that satellite to monitor crops and weather conditions? :rolleyes:

12/14/2012, 10:48 AM
I'd love to see defense cut north of 80%. We just don't need to be the world's police, but that's me. As for the Dems, I have no idea what's being proposed behind closed doors right now, but I'm sure it's more than nothing.

What time frame? You do realize that a cut of that size would decimate several high paying industries...

12/14/2012, 11:19 AM
What time frame? You do realize that a cut of that size would decimate several high paying industries...

Not just that, but 80 percent? Wouldn't that cut into enlisted forces, meaning young soldiers and their families?

12/14/2012, 11:33 AM
Not just that, but 80 percent? Wouldn't that cut into enlisted forces, meaning young soldiers and their families?

Enid and Altus would dry up and blow away...Sill would probably survive but as a much smaller level and Lawton would get severely hurt...

We need to make significant cuts...they are already facing 500 billion over 10 years prior to any cuts from the cliff fiasco...add in another 500 billion from cliff cuts, if it comes to that, and that would be too much too soon...

Take the current 50 billion and then freeze spending at that level and we would see inflation drop costs slowly over a long period of time and in 10 years we would be where we need to be without undue stress to the economy...

12/14/2012, 11:51 AM
It would jump unemployment big time, but hey, it's the defense industry so who cares.

Not all industries are created equal. Oil, Defense, Wall Street, those folks deserve whatever they get.

Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Government jobs (especially IRS), now those are folks worthy of protection.

12/14/2012, 11:58 AM
Who knows why we are all talking about figures over ten years? On some of these numbers when you divide by ten and compare to the annual budget you're looking at something like forcing people to reuse paperclips. Truly meaningless cuts.

12/14/2012, 12:01 PM
I agree on the 10 year ****...

They talk billions over 10 years and than backload the savings...then 5 years down the road the 10 year plan is tossed out the window due to new circumstances...

It is a nutless way to do business...

12/14/2012, 12:02 PM
I agree on the 10 year ****...

They talk billions over 10 years and than backload the savings...then 5 years down the road the 10 year plan is tossed out the window due to new circumstances...

It is a nutless way to do business...


12/14/2012, 12:12 PM
I agree on the 10 year ****...

They talk billions over 10 years and than backload the savings...then 5 years down the road the 10 year plan is tossed out the window due to new circumstances...

It is a nutless way to do business...

no doubt...ANY other TRUE business would be belly up...so would my household.

12/14/2012, 01:19 PM
Aren't we already? Or does anyone here believe that North Korea only launched that satellite to monitor crops and weather conditions? :rolleyes:

At this point in time, should NK do something to us, they would be single cell organisms after we get thru with them...80% cut later, not so sure about that.

12/14/2012, 02:00 PM
At this point in time, should NK do something to us, they would be single cell organisms after we get thru with them...

Right now I wonder if that would actually happen.

12/14/2012, 08:07 PM
The Left would love to have a Constitutional Congress to rewrite the Constitution to make everyone's life equal.
"From each according to their ability; to each according to what government says they need"!