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5/25/2007, 06:00 PM
And why would Michael need a new identity? Kate and Sawyer i can understand
Micheal commited two cold blooded murders on the island.

and betrayed the other losties

dont know how valid this is

"The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue. Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft. Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room. According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son. Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."

5/25/2007, 06:05 PM
umm, Ok, i might buy that. So I wonder why Walt would not have gone to the funeral?

5/25/2007, 06:08 PM
umm, Ok, i might buy that. So I wonder why Walt would not have gone to the funeral?
million dollar question

jk the sooner fan
5/25/2007, 07:04 PM
assuming that when michael and walt were given the boat, that they actually did get off the island, its safe to assume that he would have taken a different name

i wonder if there's any significance to that name

jk the sooner fan
5/25/2007, 07:06 PM
hmmm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Latham_(artist))

wasnt michael an aspiring artist?

jk the sooner fan
5/25/2007, 09:50 PM
i rewatched it tonite - a couple of things i found interesting

when the new chief of surgery first found jack in the womans room, he said "hey you're the hero, TWICE OVER".....so we know jack has another heroic moment

why did jack say to him in the other scene "if you want to bring my father down here right now and if he's drunker than me.........." isnt he dead? or has jack just totally lost it - wasnt jacks dad the chief of surgery before he died?

and when patchy came down to the looking glass, he said to the two chicks "i thought you were on assignment in canada" - no idea what that means but i thought it was interesting

the last scene, jack says "we made a mistake".....so i'm thinking that a helicopter comes and can only rescue a handful at a time, he and kate and maybe a few others get off the island leaving others behind

5/26/2007, 10:51 AM
I think he said hero twice over because Jack saved the mother and the son.

5/26/2007, 11:20 AM
or that he got people off the island

the idea that there are still people on the island is interesting

i don't really see Jack leaving first though, unless someone forced him

5/26/2007, 11:21 AM
or he could've nailed Kate and Juliet twice over

5/26/2007, 01:58 PM
and when patchy came down to the looking glass, he said to the two chicks "i thought you were on assignment in canada" - no idea what that means but i thought it was interesting

I think it proved Ben lied to everyone. it showed the girls That Ben lied about them and to them. At least until he blew them away. Plus it was beneficial for them to believe Ben lied so they would tell Charlie the code

jk the sooner fan
5/26/2007, 02:10 PM
I think it proved Ben lied to everyone. it showed the girls That Ben lied about them and to them. At least until he blew them away. Plus it was beneficial for them to believe Ben lied so they would tell Charlie the code

right, i get that, but the lie had to be believable....at least what patchy said had to make sense and be credible.......they all have to either 1) believe there is an assignment in canada because ben told him or 2) actually know of one

i just thought it was odd that it came out like that.......might very well be a fabrication by ben, or there could be an assignment there

5/26/2007, 03:22 PM
maybe where the two guys working for Penny picked up the signal on the 2nd season finale?

jk the sooner fan
5/26/2007, 03:41 PM
exactly, you have to think that the dharma initiative died when ben and the hostiles killed the dharma folks, and the dharma peeps on the outside (which would include the whidmore industries - penelope's dad) would be looking for a way to make contact

10/2/2007, 10:01 AM
We were watching Chuck last night on NBC, and during the scene where they were going through the stuff that's in his head from the CIA and NSA archives, they did a quick flash where he's talking about all kinds of historical classified stuff. There was a quick flash of a plane and he said "Oceanic flight 815 was shot down with a surface to a.." and then you couldn't catch anymore as they were overlapping several things.

heh. well played. Sneaky bastards.

so, if you can believe any of it, the NSA and CIA believe that Oceanic flight 815 was shot down with a surface to air missle. the CIA knows, and no one has come to rescue or anything, so now the gubments involved with the DHARMA initiative...

10/2/2007, 02:42 PM
you people are bastards for not caring.

10/2/2007, 03:19 PM
I thought it was cool, but didn't think I need to post "cool" to validate your post.

My lack of posts in your golf tournament thread is me not caring, Mr. 80. ;)

10/2/2007, 03:37 PM
you people are bastards for not caring.
i care, but its just that ABC doesn't allow me to care until Feb '08

10/2/2007, 10:39 PM
Why would a show on NBC provide spoiler info on an ABC show?

10/2/2007, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I caught the reference in Chuck but I expect that there's not much real info sharing going on between the networks. Still, it was clever.

10/3/2007, 01:53 AM

10/3/2007, 02:05 AM

10/3/2007, 07:00 AM
Why would a show on NBC provide spoiler info on an ABC show?

see, this is exactly what made it interesting...