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  1. Trump In Bed With Putin? (19 replies)
  2. More Clinton Crime Syndicate items... (0 replies)
  3. Most corrupt family ever! Meet, the Clintons... (16 replies)
  4. Nothing short of extermination is needed! (7 replies)
  5. I wonder if... (2 replies)
  6. F**K Hawaii (28 replies)
  7. Brits vote to BOLT from the EEU (5 replies)
  8. Obammy gets Bitch slapped! (1 replies)
  9. Libertarians on the ballot this year (1 replies)
  10. Im sure its just an innocent mixup LOL (0 replies)
  11. Ok Lets face it we Gonna Have President Trump Or President Hiliary (9 replies)
  12. Ok Lets face it we Gonna Have President Trump Or President Hiliary (0 replies)
  13. Trump....classic! (27 replies)
  14. We are Screwed (6 replies)
  15. Trump's Tax Returns....What's He Hiding ? (53 replies)
  16. So it seems it comes down to this (3 replies)
  17. Cruz out. Because of this? (16 replies)
  18. Hey, at least he's deeply ashamed... (28 replies)
  19. Another THA was correct! They want your guns... (10 replies)
  20. HillaryFest 2016 (31 replies)
  21. A fresh look at the Hillary POTUS campaign (19 replies)
  22. Trump re: the refugees flooding everywhere (1 replies)
  23. Boren is 0 for 2... (4 replies)
  24. What a low-life cretin... (10 replies)
  25. Being a stickler for the rules . . . (1 replies)
  26. RIP Scalia (4 replies)
  27. Cruz wins Iowa caucus. Trump a close second. Then Rubio (2 replies)
  28. Ive said for years we Need a Winning General as Prez (13 replies)
  29. Whats Yall's thots on Trump skippin? (15 replies)
  30. Mark Levin wants to host a 90 minute debate with only Trump & Cruz (6 replies)
  31. RIP SicEm (48 replies)
  32. Subject: Black Lives Do Matter... (2 replies)
  33. Oh Boy another "Planet of the Apes " Movie (11 replies)
  34. Obama's Legacy: (15 replies)
  35. Place is dead ! (2 replies)
  36. 10 Sailors (14 replies)
  37. We should do a "pole"... Nutjob or death wish... You decide (2 replies)
  38. The Obammy's (1 replies)
  39. Reagan's Economy v. Obama's Economy: There is really no comparison (0 replies)
  40. I'm sure this will end well (58 replies)
  41. Soon: More HIV/AIDS From Blood Transfusions (9 replies)
  42. Good bye Lindsey (35 replies)
  43. GOP Apologist Bull**** Has Been Exposed (13 replies)
  44. Thank you obama...and dems..son's ins going up 28% (24 replies)
  45. PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Insurance Graph (12 replies)
  46. This Atlantic Piece From September Keeps Hitting The Nail On The Head (0 replies)
  47. Vox throws in the towel on Obamacare (10 replies)
  48. 3 Biggest Mistakes America ever made (21 replies)
  49. Yall weird assed Libs hang in there After Football season we back (4 replies)
  50. Troll post of the day (2 replies)
  51. Anyone going to comment on Obamacare eating 2.5 million jobs? (19 replies)
  52. Serial Season 2 to focus on Bowe Bergdhal (17 replies)
  53. SO now we find out that their were forces ready to go to Benghazi... (7 replies)
  54. Party of "The Rich" (2 replies)
  55. Troll post of the day (13 replies)
  56. President doesn't know if it was terrorism or workplace violence? (3 replies)
  57. Hillary Urges Caution on Judging Islam, Haste on Assailing Second Amendment (6 replies)
  58. White Guy In Canada Works His Butt Off To Pay Off Mortgage And... (15 replies)
  59. Leftists Having To Admit That ACA Sucks (15 replies)
  60. This ought to be fun.... (1 replies)
  61. Student protests: Only smypathic media allowed; Vox, predictably, agrees. (10 replies)
  62. Socialist Sweden Show Its True Colors (20 replies)
  63. Hey Cowboy MRW (0 replies)
  64. Refugees are the new ebola (4 replies)
  65. Oklahoma congressman Steve Russell on refugees (18 replies)
  66. gun laws, death penalty and refugees... (87 replies)
  67. Playing more politics with the Gun laws (7 replies)
  68. Muslim database? (33 replies)
  69. Snowden? (7 replies)
  70. Charlie Sheen: 4 for 4 (39 replies)
  71. Immigration and Refugee Acceptance is National Suicide (107 replies)
  72. Isis and Al-Q (5 replies)
  73. IS threatening the US and others (21 replies)
  74. Looks like terror in Paris (80 replies)
  75. With Obamacare or Single Payer, this could be our future... (0 replies)
  76. transferred from the important forum (2 replies)
  77. How Long Before Missouri Starving Kid Jumps The Shark? (13 replies)
  78. Two black cops kill a white kid. Where's the rage? (45 replies)
  79. Great news !!! (47 replies)
  80. Please Educate me! (97 replies)
  81. Zippy kills Keystone... (32 replies)
  82. I wonder if they will call the UC Merced attacks terrorism? (0 replies)
  83. Help me understand... (142 replies)
  84. The Sierra Club has no shame... (9 replies)
  85. The Mentally Ill In Houston Can't Switch Bathrooms (18 replies)
  86. Can't We All Just Get Along? (2 replies)
  87. War on religious freedom continues (4 replies)
  88. Reagan. Liked him some terrorists (3 replies)
  89. GOP throwing lollipop in dirt (38 replies)
  90. Third Qtr GDP (1 replies)
  91. Is Obama and His Adminstration Really This Stupid? (7 replies)
  92. I find it sad that the Austrians want to arm themselves (2 replies)
  93. Halloween (1 replies)
  94. Hillary's New Campaign Theme Song (0 replies)
  95. The GOP going the way of the Whigs? (18 replies)
  96. Would you support a penny sales tax to support education? (194 replies)
  97. Celebrating Fatherhood (23 replies)
  98. now ole Billary wants gun confiscation... (51 replies)
  99. TRUMP on SNL on Nov 7 (3 replies)
  100. Funny - #cocksnotglocks (4 replies)
  101. Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Witch Hunt.....Waz up Wid Dat? (115 replies)
  102. The Regressive Way Forward (6 replies)
  103. Is the recent Bergdahl decision/recommendation a nod to get Zippy out of the fire? (66 replies)
  104. NRA Membership (3 replies)
  105. The changing of the 2nd Amendment (36 replies)
  106. Dr Ben Carson coming to Tulsa (12 replies)
  107. Let me help explain Guns with this! (0 replies)
  108. Good guys with guns... (65 replies)
  109. Shooter intent on Killing "Christians". Obama focus on gun control. (86 replies)
  110. Bad Jobs report (8 replies)
  111. So let me unnerstan this ****! (0 replies)
  112. Is Russia going for dominance again? (26 replies)
  113. Believe the Bible or not This makes perfect sense LOL (28 replies)
  114. My new hero - Laura Attwood (1 replies)
  115. Oh Happy Day: Boehner Resigns from His Speakership And Congress (72 replies)
  116. Why do Libs Condem Christians, and Support Mooslums? (25 replies)
  117. driving into work and seeing another obama overreach (3 replies)
  118. Here's Some More Liberal Hand-Wringing for Y'all (1 replies)
  119. Can someone explane just why this is "HISTORIC"? (7 replies)
  120. Exxon - From pioneer in global warming to one of the lead obfuscator's (50 replies)
  121. Nobel Committee Chairman: It Was A Mistake Giving Award To Obama (9 replies)
  122. Here's a post for ya... (101 replies)
  123. Wow...4 days without a post (52 replies)
  124. 9/11 Anniversary (1 replies)
  125. Classic (10 replies)
  126. Boomer! (0 replies)
  127. How screwed up is America? (42 replies)
  128. Daughter (4 replies)
  129. It's My Birthday (12 replies)
  130. A question About Mental illness (8 replies)
  131. More Than 50% Of Immigrants In The US Receive Assistance From The Government (54 replies)
  132. Whats Yalls opinion of the Email crap with hilliary? (17 replies)
  133. Hi. (2 replies)
  134. Herschel Walker Supports Trump (0 replies)
  135. Lou "Peanut butter mouth" Holtz on income "Inequality" (10 replies)
  136. Parallels Between Obama and Lincoln – (They Are Uncanny!) (10 replies)
  137. We Can Do Better (77 replies)
  138. Politics explained simply, Now Yall know why i never take it seriously (1 replies)
  139. Katrina Anniversary (20 replies)
  140. Quote by Mike Godwin (1 replies)
  141. Ashley Madison deal (6 replies)
  142. Watch this, Give me some Crap after (0 replies)
  143. From The Washington Post? (3 replies)
  144. Cruz: I was for it before I was against it... (2 replies)
  145. Sic'em: Questions, comments, notes of discord? (46 replies)
  146. Sure there aint any Voter Fraud (0 replies)
  147. Deez Nuts. Huh? (1 replies)
  148. You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal? (63 replies)
  149. Oktaha, Murica (57 replies)
  150. Shell drilling (21 replies)
  151. Reagan v. Carter (81 replies)
  152. This would be funny RE: Cruz and citizenship (36 replies)
  153. Interesting George Will article. (1 replies)
  154. My Review of the Cruz Rally in Tulsa (17 replies)
  155. Keystone Pipeline review process 5X longer than average (19 replies)
  156. Salon/Newsweek Leftist: POW/MIA Flag Is Racist (3 replies)
  157. Are you a Cracker? I am (10 replies)
  158. Question about the "why" (13 replies)
  159. Rush (2 replies)
  160. Poll Says 1/3 of Republicans Ready to Bolt Party (109 replies)
  161. How many of the boards Libs Really want Hilliary as Pres.? (138 replies)
  162. Does Anybody Support Trump? (446 replies)
  163. My New Website (20 replies)
  164. Carly Fiorina takes on Chris Matthews. Poor Chris. (22 replies)
  165. Lincoln Warns South Of Returning to "The evil ways of independence" : 2015 Version (0 replies)
  166. Bye Bye Ed and Alex (3 replies)
  167. Chris Matthews asks DNC Chair difference between Democrat and Socialist (22 replies)
  168. Every Cop in this country should resign! (58 replies)
  169. The Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos Keep Getting Worse (95 replies)
  170. Billiarys Campaign head quarters (0 replies)
  171. Is Chaka Fattah another Dem " man of integrity" ? (0 replies)
  172. Prediction thread: Who's cutting a check to reimburse this guy? (9 replies)
  173. I'm a pretty good President, If I ran, I would win a third term (63 replies)
  174. China and Iran... (101 replies)
  175. Kenyan -American F*ck him (51 replies)
  176. Obammy talking to Ethiopean Prime Minister. Hailemariam Desalegn (0 replies)
  177. Looks like I can change my Voter registration now. (8 replies)
  178. Sen. Cruz Rips Mitch McConnell to Pieces (27 replies)
  179. Bland video edited? (9 replies)
  180. Louisiana Shooter...Should we do a head count? (4 replies)
  181. so who is this WH press dude... (1 replies)
  182. Big Dayum Whoop! (4 replies)
  183. Salute! Seal tells it like it is (10 replies)
  184. Makes sense to me (0 replies)
  185. Lets see, The FBI screws up the background check (18 replies)
  186. Makes ya wonder dont it? (46 replies)
  187. heh (22 replies)
  188. Hillary's hardscrabble upbringing... (0 replies)
  189. Go ahead Call me names (1 replies)
  190. Chattanooga shooting blame on poor eyesight??? (2 replies)
  191. Who the frack STEALS an American flag??? (1 replies)
  192. The Emporer Has Spoken (86 replies)
  193. Okay Sicem, expound on the Removal of Confederate Flag (26 replies)
  194. Is Obama A Racist? (31 replies)
  195. New billiary meal deal at KFC (2 replies)
  196. TRUMP's speech in PHOENIX Saturday July 11 (53 replies)
  197. libs love pointing out the koch bro and walmart (20 replies)
  198. Reason #988,999,999,031 To hate Obammy (3 replies)
  199. Obama admin releases "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule" (9 replies)
  200. True Cost of Wind Power (23 replies)
  201. At least Billarys followers are honest LOL (4 replies)
  202. What's with ole war hog roping the press? (1 replies)
  203. Afforable Healthcare, large 2016 Rate hikes requested (13 replies)
  204. Thank Goodness For Sanctuary Cities (18 replies)
  205. Happy 4th America, Heres How Johnny and I both feel. (3 replies)
  206. Bernie Sanders. Really? (72 replies)
  207. Jim Webb For President (15 replies)
  208. Obama gives huge payout to Charleston Victims (17 replies)
  209. At last sompun I agree with Obammy on (6 replies)
  210. Going Greek (106 replies)
  211. Some one find a bakery ran by Ghey Black folk. (0 replies)
  212. 5-4 Gay Marriage Upheld (19 replies)
  213. Hey Rush and Other GOP Boot Lickers (20 replies)
  214. Different supreme court decision....covered up by the aca crap (8 replies)
  215. OK GOP OUCH (16 replies)
  216. The Confederate Flag dont offend me , But this sure as hell does. (13 replies)
  217. ACA upheld by SCOTUS (7 replies)
  218. SCOTUS-CARE 6-3 (87 replies)
  219. Confederate money still worthless (80 replies)
  220. It Appears BBJ Was Killed By Illegal Immigrant (8 replies)
  221. Rubio Leaves No Doubt He Is An Establishment RINO (13 replies)
  222. Holy Hell NO Please !!! (2 replies)
  223. In the interest of trying to liven this place up (4 replies)
  224. Drank ya some Obammy coffee (0 replies)
  225. Heh (2 replies)
  226. YOLDO (2 replies)
  227. Did I kill this place or did 8th? (96 replies)
  228. Obammy on the Amnesty crap! (4 replies)
  229. My New bumber sticker (0 replies)
  230. Selfie leads to bomby (3 replies)
  231. minimum wage push (34 replies)
  232. Funny (11 replies)
  233. Lincoln Chafee (0 replies)
  234. European "fake jobs" (4 replies)
  235. Faux for a reason (3 replies)
  236. Gag (16 replies)
  237. Loretta Lynch Saves Futbal! (22 replies)
  238. Egyptians react to Obama speech (5 replies)
  239. Hillary Clinton and Bob Stoops (4 replies)
  240. McCarthy? (27 replies)
  241. Economy falls again... 0.7% (5 replies)
  242. So, What's the deal with Dennis Hastert, IL Rep (R) retired??? (21 replies)
  243. Did Ted Kennedy Destroy The Country? (10 replies)
  244. Hillary Clinton's Credentials (7 replies)
  245. US/China tensions in the South China Sea. (26 replies)
  246. Freedom of Speach? WTF? (13 replies)
  247. Ima look a little harder at Rand Paul after this (12 replies)
  248. Things that I trust more than Hillary Clinton: (13 replies)
  249. White House pushing to end Immigration enforcement by Police (3 replies)
  250. obama cutting military surplus to police (2 replies)