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  1. The Libs like pointing out Romneys Gaffs (46 replies)
  2. Romney Debate Strategy (345 replies)
  3. Hope vs. Fear (9 replies)
  4. JFK: pretty good for a Democrat (6 replies)
  5. NY Times - Obamacare is health care rationing (44 replies)
  6. Dennis Prager and THE LEFT (3 replies)
  7. Voter registration deadline and other important Oklahoma voting dates (1 replies)
  8. ok..different type of thread for here...career type (68 replies)
  9. Quote of the Year from Ben Stein (33 replies)
  10. Obama admin - so corrupt it is unreal (18 replies)
  11. Obama - is everything he accuses his enemies of being (1 replies)
  12. Predictions for the First Debate (4 replies)
  13. Gary Johnson (26 replies)
  14. 'BIRTHER' alert - but this is interesting. Someone here at SF needs to try this (9 replies)
  15. dearborn michigan - American Muslims attack Christians (48 replies)
  16. 10 Years of Guantanamo (10 replies)
  17. And there it is, (19 replies)
  18. GUN BAN OBAMA (57 replies)
  19. 2 New Obamacare Taxes Coming in 2013 (20 replies)
  20. How the GOP broke the American Dream (82 replies)
  21. 1 million Ohioans using free phone program (12 replies)
  22. Got my sample ballot today (1 replies)
  23. The 47 percent: what's for dinner tonight? (21 replies)
  24. Wake the F*ck Up! (21 replies)
  25. Obama versus Obama (1 replies)
  26. Barack Obama and the Redistribution of Power (58 replies)
  27. Barack Obama: Slacker-in-Chief (22 replies)
  28. Former Dem pollster Caddell bashes the lame- uh, mainsteam media (4 replies)
  29. Anybody been push-polled yet? (13 replies)
  30. Eugene Genovese (2 replies)
  31. Republican Blues (47 replies)
  32. President Flexible Video! (13 replies)
  33. Hey, Rush, (21 replies)
  34. The Massachusetts senate race - tomahawk chops, war whoops, Cherokee chief involved (4 replies)
  35. Politically mixed marriages - tougher these days? (12 replies)
  36. On the good news front (0 replies)
  37. Scary thought (2 replies)
  38. Romney vs Obama....why vote? (0 replies)
  39. Election Polls (3 replies)
  40. Recognition of the DEMOCRAT RELIGION (24 replies)
  41. Madonna - OBAMA BLACK MUSLIM in the White House (28 replies)
  42. Obama to introduce Medicare Part X (2 replies)
  43. The Federal Reserve Is Playing A Dangerous Game....A Game They Will Lose (24 replies)
  44. Alexandra Pelosi Interviews Typical Republicans (25 replies)
  45. Howard Stern interviews rank-and-file Obama voters (1 replies)
  46. Border security (28 replies)
  47. Fauxcahontas Warren practicing Law in Mass last 10 years without license... (23 replies)
  48. You don't need insurance, just go to the emergency room. -Rmoney (151 replies)
  49. Deer vandalizes Obama signs in Austin (5 replies)
  50. It Is That Special Time of Year... (14 replies)
  51. Good video on the analysis of a liberal media bias (3 replies)
  52. what are the answers to the problems? (22 replies)
  53. "Thank you for your vote Mr. _________" - signed Obama (4 replies)
  54. At least Obama has some comic relief... (2 replies)
  55. Executive Order Internet Control (75 replies)
  56. Honest Question for the Conservative Republicans on the board (72 replies)
  57. National Inquirer says.... (19 replies)
  58. Native Americans (139 replies)
  59. American leadership is ‘holding together, getting stronger’ (2 replies)
  60. Here in Iowa, F-16s (22 replies)
  61. So Libs How will Obammy spin this? (21 replies)
  62. Who Actually Shoots First and Aims Second? (17 replies)
  63. campaign signs...wth? (26 replies)
  64. I Wonder Why Obama Isn't Running Ads Promoting Obamacare? (3 replies)
  65. NO Easy Day (9 replies)
  66. 60 Year Anniversary Of The Beginning Of The Rise of Radical Islam (9 replies)
  67. Sabotage (3 replies)
  68. U.S. Libyan Ambassador Raped Before Being Murdered? (33 replies)
  69. The Middle East erupts and White House homebrew (5 replies)
  70. Obamerica (41 replies)
  71. The bombing of the USS Liberty (52 replies)
  72. Undocumented Immigrants: City To Consider New ID For Those Without Driver's Licenses (2 replies)
  73. U.S. Credit Downgrade?? (5 replies)
  74. Well this is sure to make their heads explode (7 replies)
  75. Ok The way I see it (11 replies)
  76. Romney is blowing it big time. (73 replies)
  77. Who does and does not pay income taxes....graphic illistrations (17 replies)
  78. Eastwood Speaks The Truth (67 replies)
  79. Heh , Im dreaming (2 replies)
  80. Obama's Ham-Fisted Response To The Attacks On The U.S. - Mark Steyn (0 replies)
  81. Poor voters won't vote for Romney....according to him (282 replies)
  82. A most excellent YouTube video... (4 replies)
  83. Interesting Read on CO2 emissions and fracking (12 replies)
  84. Anyone familiar with the HBO show, The Newsroom? (39 replies)
  85. Good job Obama, nothing like a free country... (50 replies)
  86. So, the Chicago teachers don't think they got enough... (2 replies)
  87. Israeli PM makes appeal to US voters (104 replies)
  88. when is enough enough? (4 replies)
  89. We are starting to get an explanation on why Innocence of Muslims was made (20 replies)
  90. Changing of the Season in Arabia (0 replies)
  91. illustrating the cause of muslim violence (34 replies)
  92. Interesting rig count numbers (10 replies)
  93. The Results of Obama's Middle East Policy (16 replies)
  94. Barack Hussein Carter (5 replies)
  95. This guy is great! Zonation! (10 replies)
  96. Another Great Economic Decision Emanating From A Blue State (4 replies)
  97. Romney on Snookie (2 replies)
  98. Sitting here watching the US Ambassador come home.... (20 replies)
  99. Egyptian Intelligence Warns of Attacks On US Embassies Before They Happened (14 replies)
  100. a couple of good reads on the whole Libya/Egypt deal (4 replies)
  101. Hillary and LIberal Media Shown to be Hypocrits! (0 replies)
  102. These two guys even sound alike.... (5 replies)
  103. Enlighten me? (10 replies)
  104. Brhahahaha (1 replies)
  105. A simple question for Liberals, progs, and other socialists (65 replies)
  106. You Better Fill Up The Gas Tanks Boys And Girls Because Gas Prices Are Headed UP (40 replies)
  107. Really? No Shat? US Strikes on Iran Would Risk Major War (91 replies)
  108. The Life and Good Times of Mohammed (19 replies)
  109. US Income falls to 1989 levels (5 replies)
  110. Not Sure I Agree With This... (27 replies)
  111. Dick Morris (31 replies)
  112. The Photos Of The Dead Ambassador Were Gruesome (38 replies)
  113. Makes you wonder if he's still happy about the investment (12 replies)
  114. To the shores of Tripoli.... (138 replies)
  115. The Dems LOVE The Military (88 replies)
  116. WHITE HOUSE DENIES JESUS (36 replies)
  117. Govenment Motors goonions join the Lamestream Media in War on Children and FauxNews (2 replies)
  118. Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals (52 replies)
  119. No More Bugler for Vet Funerals in NY (1 replies)
  120. George Will: the problem with college football is... (4 replies)
  121. Question for those on the right.. (106 replies)
  122. Honey, YOU DIDN'T BUILD IT! (6 replies)
  123. How High Would Taxes Have To Be Raised For You To Consider Leaving The Country? (85 replies)
  124. The Unions War On Children (103 replies)
  125. Rut Roh,,,,the gubmet aint gonna like this one bit (8 replies)
  126. Why Obama Will Win The Election Sans A Bigger Economic Downturn (6 replies)
  127. PHUNNY PHOTOS (11 replies)
  128. Raising Taxes: Who Poisoned The Well? (22 replies)
  129. Shell opens new oil frontier in Arctic with Chukchi Sea drilling (13 replies)
  130. Mark Cuban nails it (22 replies)
  131. A good political joke (2 replies)
  132. Well, The LGBT Community Won't Like This (1 replies)
  133. Ruh Roh Shaggy! Vouchers For Me But Not For Thee. (0 replies)
  134. Prayer Works (16 replies)
  135. Some good videos of the outcome of Obamacare (5 replies)
  136. DNC Denies Jesus Three Times! Will they really Repent? (55 replies)
  137. Pentagon Escalates Case Against Navy SEAL Author (72 replies)
  138. Democrats Want to Eliminate Corporate Profits!!! (10 replies)
  139. Parties by the Numbers (15 replies)
  140. Oklahoma Democrats treat blacks "like disposable diapers" (7 replies)
  141. Shave or be shaved you Mooslum mother****er (62 replies)
  142. Right Down to the REAL NITTY GRITTY (63 replies)
  143. Warren Buffet... (11 replies)
  144. Ok Mid heres ya one. Will this be overturned on appeal? (14 replies)
  145. DNC: Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To (0 replies)
  146. One candidate's summation of O-care (4 replies)
  147. Awright, who did it? (3 replies)
  148. Wonder were there any significance to Fluke wearing a "SCARLET dress? (33 replies)
  149. Obeary seeketh RELIGIOUS TRANQUILITY (0 replies)
  150. Heres the way I see it (68 replies)
  151. Which Demographic Group Supports Obama The Most? (31 replies)
  152. A sincere question for those supporting Obama (155 replies)
  153. HEAD SHOT EMAIL (27 replies)
  154. 689 Reasons to Defeat Barack Obama (10 replies)
  155. Pharmacy robber already out (19 replies)
  156. Obama 2016, The Movie (23 replies)
  157. Well, I have (4 replies)
  158. Holy crap (11 replies)
  159. DNC chit chat thread (158 replies)
  160. So, do you think that it's likely the Republicans (6 replies)
  161. DOJ drops all efforts to get Sheriff Joe (2 replies)
  162. Are Entitlements Corrupting Us? (72 replies)
  163. Will The Federal Debt Help Save The Lives Of Military Personnel (19 replies)
  164. Old TIme Music - Mister Sandman? (1 replies)
  165. GOP Battle over Immigration Policy (0 replies)
  166. Okay, just watched the Pub video (18 replies)
  167. Go ahead, make my night (109 replies)
  168. RNC or Soviet Politburo? (95 replies)
  169. OMG Obammy what have you done now? Changing the Military funeral Protocols (14 replies)
  170. Soonerfans.com Presidential Poll (11 replies)
  171. Tea Party or Taliban? (130 replies)
  172. GOP’s anti-pr0n plank (28 replies)
  173. Hey Mid Heres ya another Altruistic lawyer (43 replies)
  174. Are The 2 Major Political Parties Irrelevant? (17 replies)
  175. DNC...wow.. (76 replies)
  176. Another Occupy Thread (57 replies)
  177. Who's a narcissist? (22 replies)
  178. Gasoline prices are about to skyrocket, aren't they? (31 replies)
  179. Republican National Convention chit chat thread (46 replies)
  180. Charlie Crist Endorses Obama (15 replies)
  181. Some Of You Posters Need To Get A Life. (93 replies)
  182. Tech Group Agrees to Pay $90M for Solyndra Building That Cost $300M (7 replies)
  183. Obama Is God, I Guess (23 replies)
  184. Obama Demands Race-Based School Discipline (5 replies)
  185. “Clean energy” is Obama-speak for crony government. (13 replies)
  186. Anderson Cooper shreds DNC chair, Wasserman-Schultz, over false claims (24 replies)
  187. Obammy's Gas Follies (1 replies)
  188. What is the worst case scenario if Obama, or conversely, if Romney is elected? (40 replies)
  189. Romney is a birther (54 replies)
  190. Eating America’s Seed Corn (7 replies)
  191. Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'? (37 replies)
  192. The O-Conomy: How President Obama's Economy is Crushing the Middle Class (4 replies)
  193. Obama's Oil and Gas Folly (121 replies)
  194. Obama, Holder Sledgehammer the First Amendment (0 replies)
  195. That's one lazy SOB in the white house ( so says Ed Lasky) (2 replies)
  196. Serious question. What do Democrats say to this? (7 replies)
  197. Im sorry the Kid is brain damaged But how is this anyones fault? (112 replies)
  198. Everyone but CU Predicts Romney Victory (3 replies)
  199. Okie Atty General: Charter School Students May Undergo Religious Indoctrination (7 replies)
  200. CU Predicts Romney Victory and They Haven't been Wrong In Over 30 Years (0 replies)
  201. 20th Anniversary of the Government Murdering in Cold Blood (53 replies)
  202. Will young voters actually show up in November this time? (85 replies)
  203. Romney's Energy Policy (11 replies)
  204. Democrat lawmaker quits after sex with 17 year old boy (28 replies)
  205. Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate (22 replies)
  206. An October Surprise? (Iran vs Israel) (12 replies)
  207. Ruby Ridge 20 years later (61 replies)
  208. Dumb politicians (11 replies)
  209. solar panel show on public TV (43 replies)
  210. When is Bacon a hate Crime ? (17 replies)
  211. Looking for the Gobment to pay Your Mortage? Move to California! (67 replies)
  212. Lead on O' energy president (4 replies)
  213. Even Newsweek against Obama now (33 replies)
  214. GOP Senate nominee - victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. (352 replies)
  215. Beard or no Beard (8 replies)
  216. Good old property taxes (25 replies)
  217. someone explain the Filipino veterans to me (9 replies)
  218. Joe Biden Mad Lib time! (2 replies)
  219. Kentucky Weighing in on Evolution *sigh* (39 replies)
  220. Obama and Holder Get Tough on Wall Street, Unless You Are an Obama Bundler (5 replies)
  221. VA Bakery Owner Just Says No To Biden (57 replies)
  222. When Is a Hate Crime, Not a Hate Crime? (78 replies)
  223. Should President Obama choose a new running mate? (18 replies)
  224. So Ecuador grants Assange asylum (24 replies)
  225. A Streetcar Named Obama (8 replies)
  226. Bloomberg: The immigration debate (130 replies)
  227. The Anti Occupy Group (15 replies)
  228. What's Iowa got that we haven't? Corn, aid and swing votes? (44 replies)
  229. The Most Butt Ugly POTUS Ever (24 replies)
  230. Hey Badger! What did you make of Ryan's Homecoming speech? (15 replies)
  231. The Energy President (13 replies)
  232. Breaking News from the White House (1 replies)
  233. Typically unbalanced lamestream media (18 replies)
  234. Janet Napolitano and DHS Being Sued for Discrimination (2 replies)
  235. Should White House Ramadan dinner be cancelled? (32 replies)
  236. Romney Vice Presidential Running Mate (410 replies)
  237. Racial preference in Austin - by John S. Rosenberg (3 replies)
  238. GSA scandal just got a lot more ineteresting (0 replies)
  239. Which presidential candidates you side with? (32 replies)
  240. just out of curiosity... (16 replies)
  241. Obama Campaign Video Touts Dubious Green Energy 'Success' Story (10 replies)
  242. Another example of Obama's Chicago Values (15 replies)
  243. Government Motors to spend $600 Million on British Soccer Team (4 replies)
  244. Transparency Makes the Solyndra Scandal Look Worst (0 replies)
  245. Another Loathsome Lying Obama Attack Ad (67 replies)
  246. Obama and Columbia University (218 replies)
  247. NBC =Waaaaacist ! (9 replies)
  248. MIT (41 replies)
  249. Eastwood Supports Romney (16 replies)
  250. Immigration Solution (13 replies)