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  1. CFO of ISIS dead (0 replies)
  2. 9 Dead in Waco Biker Shootout (22 replies)
  3. Meet The Press... (70 replies)
  4. Interesting on Fear/Polarization (46 replies)
  5. If ya got the Balls Watch this Then thank a Freaking DEM. (7 replies)
  6. Billary, You go girl LOLOLOLOL (0 replies)
  7. Another chance for y'all to rag on Obama. I'll join you this time. (22 replies)
  8. Why I still talk about W (45 replies)
  9. obama. holder and DOJ on police being killed (9 replies)
  10. And then there were None.All wimmens have washed out of Ranger skool (9 replies)
  11. Lindsey Graham demands Citizenship for Illegals (39 replies)
  12. HMMMMMMM! (23 replies)
  13. jeb in 7th place in Iowa poll (46 replies)
  14. Since we live in Oklahoma (106 replies)
  15. Did y'all have another hoedown? (4 replies)
  16. Billary to Testify... (13 replies)
  17. So Carson is running. This gonna make things interesting (78 replies)
  18. Global warmin? Im doing my part! (11 replies)
  19. Cliven Bundy: why is he a folk hero? (45 replies)
  20. Soros...so this is how they do it... (92 replies)
  21. Rosa Parks , Bless her heart! (10 replies)
  22. Bob Knew what he was talking about. (2 replies)
  23. Economic Growth flat in First Qtr (1 replies)
  24. Something that seems to be lost in the news coverage of Baltimore (1 replies)
  25. What Yall think? (6 replies)
  26. Thank God for Mr Olson (1 replies)
  27. Baltimore Looters (42 replies)
  28. Just so Yall can Keep up with what our Govt. is doing to us. (25 replies)
  29. Rubio leading GOP field (2 replies)
  30. Senate confirms Loretta Lynch with help of 10 republicans. (38 replies)
  31. The Irish Start The Collapse of The British Empire: 1916 (0 replies)
  32. Say, Vet . . . (7 replies)
  33. Hillary's latest scandal... (1 replies)
  34. Trans Pacific Partnership (3 replies)
  35. So 16 Broads Passed 1st Day of Ranger skool Whoopie ****infg doo (24 replies)
  36. Any of you clowns ever seen a Fagot up close? (10 replies)
  37. Putting 92 yr old nazi on trial... (13 replies)
  38. Speaking of predictions... (9 replies)
  39. Lincoln Chaffee to challenge Hillary for dem nomination (10 replies)
  40. WILL BHO leave office in January 2017? (139 replies)
  41. And it begins... (4 replies)
  42. Surpised no one is talking about the ATL Public School cheating scandal... (7 replies)
  43. Say what ? Bitch! (19 replies)
  44. Conservative Media on Clinton (151 replies)
  45. Anniversary (7 replies)
  46. How is this not a bigger deal in the media? (9 replies)
  47. Election Question - Electoral College (10 replies)
  48. Meet Huma Weiner, Hilary's confident and advisor... (19 replies)
  49. The Alinsky way to govern... (25 replies)
  50. Some good speculation on Harry Reid's exercise accident... (11 replies)
  51. Hillary to Announce Her Presidential Campaign 4/12? (2 replies)
  52. Jim Webb (4 replies)
  53. Elizabeth Warren doesn't think Boston Bomber should get death penalty (71 replies)
  54. Rush: Preposterous! Remember? (29 replies)
  55. Freedom of speech and all... (0 replies)
  56. Holy Hell, The Blacks Commenting on this are weird as hell (7 replies)
  57. Stand With Rand! (83 replies)
  58. Turd (52 replies)
  59. Health Insurance question (3 replies)
  60. Noob question (3 replies)
  61. Rand Paul on Eductation....maybe we don't need to abolish the department (4 replies)
  62. Iran deal (67 replies)
  63. Sooner Fans is Dead! (12 replies)
  64. Rasmussen Poll: Majority Continues to Reject Obama Amnesty Plan (22 replies)
  65. JC Watts Endorses Rand (62 replies)
  66. Why The Keynesians Are Morons: Government Spending Is Killing Our Kid's Future (0 replies)
  67. March Jobs Report (46 replies)
  68. Hillry back to work (0 replies)
  69. Hillry at work (0 replies)
  70. Menendez indicted... (9 replies)
  71. Did Anybody Watch "Killing Jesus" Last Night On National Geographic? (62 replies)
  72. Pouring one out for 8th (4 replies)
  73. Cruz question (64 replies)
  74. Paul Out Maneuvers and Exposes the Hypocrisy of So-Called "Deficit Hawks." (5 replies)
  75. Indiana "religious freedom".. (202 replies)
  76. Solid proof that theres Dingbats on both sides (8 replies)
  77. Question for Yall Voter "Rights" folks (11 replies)
  78. Sad news on the Germanwings flight flying into the ground (0 replies)
  79. Kansas is getting it right!! (10 replies)
  80. Bout Dayumed TIME (26 replies)
  81. so what are the odds... (12 replies)
  82. All good things must come to an end. (51 replies)
  83. Red States More Dependent on Gubmit... (5 replies)
  84. SCOTUS upholds Wisconsin Voter ID Law (93 replies)
  85. looking for a real answer, why is The Leftist negotiating with Aryan, err, Iran? (40 replies)
  86. We should ABANDON Isreal and do it NOW (16 replies)
  87. Must be a Liberal Democrate . Crazy bastage ! (0 replies)
  88. Obama Planning Drastic Shake-Up in Policy Toward Israel (33 replies)
  89. Makes ya wanta say HMMMMM! (3 replies)
  90. Barry suggests Mandatory voting (112 replies)
  91. Stephen A. Smith says blacks should vote GOP (0 replies)
  92. Heh, Bibi has a side chat with Obammy (0 replies)
  93. Ok Im coming out, I want Obammy to have a 3rd term! (0 replies)
  94. Dems using the race card (1 replies)
  95. NETANYAHU soars to win the election (10 replies)
  96. Most Transparent Government in History (36 replies)
  97. Curly Sue is a proven LIAR (20 replies)
  98. Gonna post this here now LOL (1 replies)
  99. Another crooked teabagger to resign (36 replies)
  100. Hey Mortard 8th: Ya read this yet? (3 replies)
  101. dr phil talking to kyles killer's parents (1 replies)
  102. Michael Browns Momma speaks her Mind (8 replies)
  103. U.S. Economic Data World's most Disappointing (0 replies)
  104. The Right rev, Jessie sets us straight (15 replies)
  105. Ferguson Cop Shooting (1 replies)
  106. Hillary news conf (24 replies)
  107. Oblamer sure is a clueless SOB (55 replies)
  108. Obama blasts Walker on signing "right to work" (0 replies)
  109. WaPo Poll: Fox News the most trusted national news source by wide margin (20 replies)
  110. For those who think a Degree is the Answer All (31 replies)
  111. University of California Student Group bans American Flag from Lobby (54 replies)
  112. Bibi and Obammy Back in their younger days (16 replies)
  113. Who the F*** ties Obammys shoes in the Mornings? (59 replies)
  114. Aw another Fine upstanding Dem of Integrity (11 replies)
  115. Saw this made me think of trying to Talk to Lying 8th (0 replies)
  116. February Jobs Report - GO OBAMA ECONOMY GO 295 THOUSAND JOBS ADDED!!! (33 replies)
  117. Netanyahu speech to Congress disrepectul and racist!!! (54 replies)
  118. We could Only hope. (3 replies)
  119. Clinton ran own computer system for her official emails (29 replies)
  120. Some more Ammo Obammy wants to Bain, when will he be stopped? (0 replies)
  121. Boehnoer Blinked! (36 replies)
  122. Heh Funny stuff (1 replies)
  123. Scott Walker.. NYT and Dailybeast retract lies (1 replies)
  124. PolitiFact's lie of the year 2014.. down in flames (0 replies)
  125. Washington Post Article blasts Hillary (15 replies)
  126. More benefits for illegals from Obama's amnesty (19 replies)
  127. Obama awarded "4 pinocchios" on Keystone Pipeline. (56 replies)
  128. Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli planes (34 replies)
  129. Aint seen anyone talkin about this But can Obammy (11 replies)
  130. Your Next President -- God Willing (80 replies)
  131. Say WTF?Taking Action to Unlock the Economic Contributions of Americans-in-Waiting (2 replies)
  132. Net- neutrality decision Discuss (19 replies)
  133. Jeb dodges CPAC (57 replies)
  134. Going Down: Net Neutrality and Banning Ammo in same day (33 replies)
  135. Obammy stripping our Military faster than Klinton did (1 replies)
  136. Roll call on who is using the "Ignore" option. (14 replies)
  137. Another Dumas Dem. (11 replies)
  138. This is Hilarious , watch till the very end LOL (41 replies)
  139. Putin backing down? (31 replies)
  140. Yet another bil o'liar lie (14 replies)
  141. 2an 1/2 years later and Obammy an dick holder say No charges (4 replies)
  142. 8th is a Proven Liar (54 replies)
  143. Another day another liar... (18 replies)
  144. So Looks like Obammy says Let them beaners come or shut it all down? (4 replies)
  145. So what Yall think about this? whos right? Whos wrong? or is there a Middle ? (14 replies)
  146. Yup, Them Dems are the Party of InTEEGRITY LOL (18 replies)
  147. John McCain is ashamed of Obammy!!! (19 replies)
  148. rut roh - Bill "ernie pyle" O'Reilly REPEATEDLY LIED claiming to be in a "war zone" (71 replies)
  149. Giuliani questions Obama's love of the US (28 replies)
  150. Secession Is Happening? (60 replies)
  151. Now here's a real patriot (44 replies)
  152. You want to defeat radical Muslims...give them jobs (78 replies)
  153. Surprised this hasn't surfaced yet.. (11 replies)
  154. Obama's Amnesty "bonuses" (1 replies)
  155. Obama bitch slapped in court...again (27 replies)
  156. Bye Bye Gov (35 replies)
  157. Nuclear option on budget? (0 replies)
  158. Southern Law Poverty Center removes Ben Carson from "extremist list" and apologizes (9 replies)
  159. Illegal immigrant advocates seize senate offices (3 replies)
  160. Fellow Anti-Islamists... (0 replies)
  161. So I must ask (31 replies)
  162. Answer my question, you little ****** (8th) (47 replies)
  163. Joni Ernst: Yes, I am a ‘combat veteran’ LIE OR NOT? (33 replies)
  164. Obammy unveils the end game LBJ started... (13 replies)
  165. Rock. Dont go. Just put the Moran on Iggy (58 replies)
  166. OH NO Obama's second term on pace to be the best ever for private sector job growth (22 replies)
  167. Say hows that Employment thing looking again? (55 replies)
  168. Jindal's response to Obama (44 replies)
  169. Oh no obama haters - January added 275,000 jobs GO OBAMA GO OBAMA GO OBAMA GO (22 replies)
  170. Hey rightwingnuts Politifact review finds Faux "news" pundits spewing mostly lies (32 replies)
  171. hey 8, How about that Faux NBC News? (80 replies)
  172. How to hurt ISIS (28 replies)
  173. The Big Government Lie(s) About The Unemployment Figures (0 replies)
  174. We now have an impeachable offense by The Leftist (8 replies)
  175. I-90 closing in South Dakota (0 replies)
  176. Hey 8th Troll Jes fer YOU (23 replies)
  177. Taliban Are Not Terrorists, or So Says the White House (9 replies)
  178. Suprised no one posted the 4th QTR GDP number (47 replies)
  179. Code Pink tries to arrest Henry Kissenger (6 replies)
  180. Firing of Military Commanders by obama (20 replies)
  181. Obammy care sure is a bargain aint it? (5 replies)
  182. What say you, re: Bergdahl being charged with desertion? (0 replies)
  183. Another fine moment for Obama (35 replies)
  184. Hey 8th! (19 replies)
  185. Rumor is no CR violation in brown case....what ye say? (1 replies)
  186. Is Hillary edible? (16 replies)
  187. Dayum Dems have No INTEGRITY Read this crap! (25 replies)
  188. Is Hillary inevitable? (23 replies)
  189. Ya gonna watch the Obammy show tonight? (11 replies)
  190. Obama: Pants on Fire (3 replies)
  191. Obama's Energy Policies... (30 replies)
  192. Dems Recovery Strategy (43 replies)
  193. Dems gettin' richer... (7 replies)
  194. Dems Put a Fox in the Hen house! Dumbasses! (11 replies)
  195. so obama is now the king of businesses? (16 replies)
  196. ironic..climate scientist gets a dose of liberal policies (12 replies)
  197. Which is it? (5 replies)
  198. republicans try to institutionalize lemmings (16 replies)
  199. New Mike Brown Video beating up old man (3 replies)
  200. 8, you should be proud! Dem kiddie perv re-elected to his seat he resigned. (16 replies)
  201. Mastermind of the France Attacks (29 replies)
  202. Good Jorb Obammy, You go ,38 straight months! (8 replies)
  203. This is the best, perhaps only, chance America has from 2016 onward. (31 replies)
  204. Obammy, He's such a Class act. (57 replies)
  205. Results of 8ths last CT scan released (2 replies)
  207. Obama proposes free community college.. (11 replies)
  208. LEMMINGS! (18 replies)
  209. Boxer to retire (4 replies)
  210. If the economy is in such bad shape, why did Mitch McConnell take credit for it? (2 replies)
  212. MORE GREAT NEWS ON THE ECONOMY! ADP: Businesses added 241,000 jobs in December (102 replies)
  213. conservative educators (24 replies)
  214. liberal educators (1 replies)
  215. Paris attacks (33 replies)
  216. Any Tom Cole Supporters Out There? (4 replies)
  217. File This Under: "Karma Can Be A Beyotch". ACA Bites Harvard Eltitists In The @$$ (7 replies)
  218. Brilliant Opinion Piece In The Washington Post (0 replies)
  219. Bubba, Conduct Unbecoming (8 replies)
  220. Heh. (3 replies)
  221. The News , Reids Rubber breaks, he ends up in hospital (2 replies)
  222. See? Ill admit even Repubs can be Stupid LOL (6 replies)
  223. Oh look, Its the Fairy in Chief (8 replies)
  224. "A Year of Liberal Double Standards" (43 replies)
  225. from Frogs and Rebs thread . . . (15 replies)
  226. Who Said The Following? (13 replies)
  227. Feds give $450K to afghan defunct women's cricket league (1 replies)
  228. Proof of LEMMINGS (30 replies)
  229. Barack ,Nancy, and Harry were lying about Obamacare----All you Dems proud? (26 replies)
  230. Im not a big fan But this reminded me of what its like out on the street! (2 replies)
  231. Please put your energies to good use, Say a Prayer Send good thots (0 replies)
  232. Speaking of Reverand Al and Vajayjay they may be missing fer awhile LOL (2 replies)
  233. Hey Sooner8th I mean this sincerly (1 replies)
  234. Another one Bites the dirt! (7 replies)
  235. Hey 8th heres Santas thoughts on Obammy (0 replies)
  236. Bergdahl Investigation Review Concluded, Decision Pending (0 replies)
  237. More GREAT NEW ON THE OBAMA ECONOMY!! 3Q revised up to 5% strongest growth (29 replies)
  238. Merry Christmas to all.... (4 replies)
  239. N.Y. GOP lawmaker to plead guilty to federal tax fraud - you should be proud (185 replies)
  240. Civil Unrest and Nov 16 election (29 replies)
  241. Stole this from Beer About North Korea (1 replies)
  242. Single payer takes a BIG hit... (6 replies)
  243. Castro says Thanks Obammy (12 replies)
  244. Say WHAT??????? After over 3 hours we ****ed (5 replies)
  245. Conflict in the News (1 replies)
  246. Jeb Bush 2016? (30 replies)
  247. 2nd Worst Supreme Court Decision of The Past 50 Years (1 replies)
  248. This is why the media and press are epic fail and people don't believe them... (13 replies)
  249. Taliban school attack in Pakistan (9 replies)
  250. The Democrat And RINO Led War On Lower and Middle Class Workers (5 replies)