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And SCOTUS gives Obammy ANOTHER big **** you!

Discussion in 'TrumpFest 2016' started by olevetonahill, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. olevetonahill

    olevetonahill Well-Known Member

    Breaking News:
    Supreme Court finds for Hobby Lobby in birth-control case
  2. olevetonahill

    olevetonahill Well-Known Member

  3. Boomer.....

    Boomer..... .....Sooner!

  4. Skysooner

    Skysooner Well-Known Member

    You know I don't really care so much about the birth control thing, but I think this is another slippery slope by saying that non-religious corporations have religious freedom. This is about as bad as the stupid ruling (can't remember the name now) that allowed corporations to basically usurp the political process with virtually unlimited funding to political candidates. Just takes the little guy out of the governing of this country even more.
  5. okie52

    okie52 SoonerFans.com Elite Member

    Citizens United...

    I don't care if they choose to not mandate BC as a medical coverage under Obamacare....but I'd also be happy if the government was handing out free BC on every corner.
  6. Skysooner

    Skysooner Well-Known Member

    Thanks and you and I totally agree on the free BC on every corner.
  7. badger

    badger Vacuums eat while yelling

    I found the initial Obamacare SCOTUS ruling calling it a tax questionable, so perhaps this is in realization that the original Obamacare ruling was maybe not such a good idea and dialing back the mess that has happened since.

    On a sidenote, I find the liberal trifecta of women on SCOTUS very cookie cutter bland. They always have the same opinions, they always vote the same way... maybe Obama should have appointed a different "wise latina." Lockstep liberalism among Democrat president appointees is predictable on SCOTUS though, I guess, whether it's chicks on the bench or guys
  8. Soonerjeepman

    Soonerjeepman SoonerFans.com Elite Member


    having sex is a choice...so it should be up to the person to choose bc or not. Not up to the gov to force a company to provide it.
  9. badger

    badger Vacuums eat while yelling

    Not always. If a girl is raped, she will want emergency contraception if she wasn't already on regular birth control. The cost is about $50 for a single pill. However, it is readily available without a prescription and you don't have to be an adult to purchase it.

    It is up for debate whether the "Plan B" pill is abortion-inducing, so Hobby Lobby doesn't want to provide it.
  10. olevetonahill

    olevetonahill Well-Known Member

    Badj, Being RAPED aint having sex!
  11. badger

    badger Vacuums eat while yelling

    Just to be sure I just dictionary'd it --- it's defined as forced sex by Merriam-Webster and others.

    If there's any cause for alarm with this ruling it's that it involves healthcare coverage, which is often more expensive for women than men. Ah well, I guess it comes out even when you boys need to spend $10 a pill.
  12. virginiasooner

    virginiasooner New Member

    I am sure that everyone here is aware that Hobby Lobby's inventory is manufactured in The People's Republic of China -- where forced abortions are common and birth control is mandatory. Not to mention that Hobby Lobby pensions are invested in pharmaceutical companies that manufacture birth control. Hobby Lobby's hypocrisy is mind-numbing.
  13. jkjsooner

    jkjsooner New Member

    I didn't find that questionable. It was the exact argument I made over and over and was an argument most legal scholars dismissed.

    A mandate with a fee for not having insurance is no different than a tax increase and a credit for having insurance. Clearly it's been well established that the government can influence behavior via tax policy.

    Maybe some disagree because the wording wasn't exactly this way but at least from a net result perspective it was the same.
  14. REDREX

    REDREX New Member

    ---How do you know where Hobby Lobby makes investments?----The only thing "mind numbing" is your comment
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
  15. badger

    badger Vacuums eat while yelling

    Mother Jones.

    There's a bit more gray area to the pharmaceutical thing though... mutual funds aren't direct investments like stocks, but investing in a diversified group of companies simultaneously to reduce risk, if I'm not mistaken.

    There's less gray area with the product suppliers, especially if you're a company as large as Hobby Lobby. Chinese goods are becoming more expensive though, so perhaps they'll move manufacturing to an even more oppressive country :(
  16. virginiasooner

    virginiasooner New Member

    Nothing to say on forced abortions or MANDATORY birth control?
  17. virginiasooner

    virginiasooner New Member

    As you say, Hobby Lobby is a big company -- big enough to pick and choose which mutual funds to invest in that don't contradict their belief system. And there are mutual funds out there who cater to those beliefs.
  18. REDREX

    REDREX New Member

    First of all it does not all come from China------As far as forced abortions or birth control that is a gov't policy------Maybe we should not deal with any country that has Sharia law----or Mexico that is controlled by the drug lords------ Just because a business is in a country does not mean that it agrees with everything the Gov't does-----Or has any chance to change it----------Maybe you should read something besides Mother Jones or the daily Kos
  19. badger

    badger Vacuums eat while yelling

    Ideologically, there is one reason or another to not deal with any country except the United States... hey! Not a bad idea! Bring manufacturing home again :)
  20. olevetonahill

    olevetonahill Well-Known Member

    Ill say it WGAS? Thats Chink land Not here.This is about forcing a company to do something HERE against their will/ Not Over Yonder!

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