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10/3/2012, 01:11 AM
It will be interesting to see if Romney's strategy of low expectations pays off. If his month of missteps and dropped balls were calculated for this pay off, then this may show his team's true brillance.

10/3/2012, 07:50 AM
I'll be watching it closely for sure. The whole thing is amounting to a huge inconvenience for those of us who live in south Denver. Work is closing hours early so that we can get out ahead of the shut down of the major north-south interstate through the city.

10/3/2012, 10:18 AM
Romney needs either a home run or three consecutive ground-rule doubles.

hawaii 5-0
10/3/2012, 10:23 AM
I hope the 'Zingers' he's been practicing on don't come off as rehearsed and look like he's auditioning for Jay Leno.

I'm sure the Conservative Base will love them regardless, but he needs to appreal to the Undecideds, not scare them off.

It's make it or break it time for Mitt.


10/3/2012, 10:23 AM
Anyone looking forward to these debates needs to a) cop a ****ing life, or, b) get a pre-frontal lobotomy, or c) seek serious professional help.

I'd rather watch cow turds dry than watch this crap. If this country is so ****ed up that there's a bunch of people who'll choose who to vote for based on a canned debate between two embiciles then we deserve to be in the shape we are. Sheezus people, wtf is wrong with y'all?

10/3/2012, 10:25 AM
Or worse yet, wait with bated breath to see which guy "wins." Mega-****ing-meh. Y'all are products of the Survivor generation I guess.

hawaii 5-0
10/3/2012, 10:30 AM
Dean, there's a lot at stake tonite.

Romney's behind and needs a good showing to pull even.

Fun political entertainment at it's best. Man to Man.


Bourbon St Sooner
10/3/2012, 10:38 AM
I feel confident that if I sat down for about 2 hours right now, I could write down the questions and both sides' answers and get 70% of it right. Politics is so scripted these days, I really don't feel the need to waste my time watching this crap.

10/3/2012, 10:40 AM
I feel confident that if I sat down for about 2 hours right now, I could write down the questions and both sides' answers and get 70% of it right. Politics is so scripted these days, I really don't feel the need to waste my time watching this crap.

I'll be DVRing it, watch the talking heads for a short bit after and might watch it. I'll be watching Survivor tonight.

Actually I bet Survivor gets preempted tonight. Netflix Instant here I come.

10/3/2012, 10:43 AM
I just hope that Obama explains how he is going to clean up the mess he inherited from his first term...

Bourbon St Sooner
10/3/2012, 10:48 AM
Please tell me it's not pre-empting Modern Family. I can't go a week without seeing Sofia Vergara's hoo-haws.

10/3/2012, 11:04 AM
Anyone looking forward to these debates needs to a) cop a ****ing life, or, b) get a pre-frontal lobotomy, or c) seek serious professional help.

I'd rather watch cow turds dry than watch this crap. If this country is so ****ed up that there's a bunch of people who'll choose who to vote for based on a canned debate between two embiciles then we deserve to be in the shape we are. Sheezus people, wtf is wrong with y'all?

Without debates, Reagan may not have defeated Carter. He was trailing in the polls before the debates.

10/3/2012, 11:10 AM
Dean, there's a lot at stake tonite.

Romney's behind and needs a good showing to pull even.

Fun political entertainment at it's best. Man to Man.


Fun? Behind? WTF are you babbling about? Behind where? Oh, in somebody's stupid poll? Like I said, if someone changes their vote based on a debate then that person is a dolt. A blithering, slobbering, retarded, helpless, worthless dolt.

10/3/2012, 11:12 AM
Without debates, Reagan may not have defeated Carter. He was trailing in the polls before the debates.

Reagan would have beaten Carter with both hands tied behind his back. Besides, you cannot compare debates from 30-40 years ago with the crap that's on now. It's so scripted it's sickening. I wanna see Richard Nixonesque sweat on the trembling lip.

rock on sooner
10/3/2012, 11:20 AM
Without debates, Reagan may not have defeated Carter. He was trailing in the polls before the debates.

Same could be said about Dubya and Al Gore...

10/3/2012, 11:39 AM
It will be interesting to see if Romney's strategy of low expectations pays off. If his month of missteps and dropped balls were calculated for this pay off, then this may show his team's true brillance.


10/3/2012, 12:07 PM
Reagan would have beaten Carter with both hands tied behind his back. Besides, you cannot compare debates from 30-40 years ago with the crap that's on now. It's so scripted it's sickening. I wanna see Richard Nixonesque sweat on the trembling lip.

They should go to Lincoln-Douglas debate format. I hated that unit in my AP English class. Oh look, a debate map. This side said this on this topic, the other side answered with that, then the other side dropped the issue... another issue was only addressed by this side, you cannot introduce new debate arguments in your closing arguments, you only have X amount of time to prep between speaking blah blah blah BLAHHHH

10/3/2012, 12:30 PM
I hope the 'Zingers' he's been practicing on don't come off as rehearsed and look like he's auditioning for Jay Leno.

I'm sure the Conservative Base will love them regardless, but he needs to appreal to the Undecideds, not scare them off.

It's make it or break it time for Mitt.


I've read where the dems have pretty much made up this 'Mitt practicing zingers' line.

Curly Bill
10/3/2012, 12:46 PM
Anybody that needs a debate to decide who to vote for, or is going to watch it for entertainment is a straight-running dumas!

10/3/2012, 12:50 PM
Anybody that needs a debate to decide who to vote for, or is going to watch it for entertainment is a straight-running dumas!

You and all pubs better hope it matters, or else you'll have four more years of Obama.

Curly Bill
10/3/2012, 12:54 PM
You and all pubs better hope it matters, or else you'll have four more years of Obama.

Be that as it may, anyone who needs a debate to decide between Mitt and Obammy is too stupid to be allowed to vote in the first place.

10/3/2012, 12:56 PM
I just hope that Obama explains how he is going to clean up the mess he inherited from his first term...

http://imageshack.us/a/img850/2465/obamax.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/obamax.jpg/)

10/3/2012, 01:36 PM
Anyone looking forward to these debates needs to a) cop a ****ing life, or, b) get a pre-frontal lobotomy, or c) seek serious professional help.

I'd rather watch cow turds dry than watch this crap. If this country is so ****ed up that there's a bunch of people who'll choose who to vote for based on a canned debate between two embiciles then we deserve to be in the shape we are. Sheezus people, wtf is wrong with y'all?

Dean, you are spending time in the Obamafest forum, posting in a thread titled, "Romney Debate Strategy." Why aren't you out watching turds dry instead?

10/3/2012, 02:19 PM
You and all pubs better hope it matters, or else you'll have four more years of Obama.

Juan-I thought you were a libertarian...then you say you are a dem. I could see where it would be a tough choice for you. Gary Johnson is more open borders than Obama which is really saying something...he just won't be giving them all the bennies that Obama will.

What are you going to do? Your family reunification could depend on it.

10/3/2012, 03:11 PM
Juan-I thought you were a libertarian...then you say you are a dem. I could see where it would be a tough choice for you. Gary Johnson is more open borders than Obama which is really saying something...he just won't be giving them all the bennies that Obama will.

What are you going to do? Your family reunification could depend on it.

Obama will win California regardless of my vote. I will likely vote for Gary Johnson, but it is conceivable I could change my mind. Free movement of labor and increased international tourism are but small (but important) pieces of the free market philosophy. I am looking to the candidate that is likely to walk the walk on free markets.

Obama took a step back recently with his clampdown on Mexican tomatoes, kissing the asses of the (swingstate) Florida tomato industry. That makes it less likely for me to vote for him.

rock on sooner
10/3/2012, 03:32 PM
Obama will win California regardless of my vote. I will likely vote for Gary Johnson, but it is conceivable I could change my mind. Free movement of labor and increased international tourism are but small (but important) pieces of the free market philosophy. I am looking to the candidate that is likely to walk the walk on free markets.

Obama took a step back recently with his clampdown on Mexican tomatoes, kissing the asses of the (swingstate) Florida tomato industry. That makes it less likely for me to vote for him.

Just curiosity here, SJS, why would it bother you so much that Obama
would try to protect Florida produce by limiting Mexican imports?

10/3/2012, 04:16 PM
Trickle up poverty is all he needs to say.

10/3/2012, 04:53 PM
He should have one talking point...the economy...damn near every other problem would be positively impacted by a quality plan to get the economy up and running...all of the peripheral chit would be easy to tie into an economic improvement plan...

10/3/2012, 08:21 PM
So far Romney got the POTUS on the ropes.

10/3/2012, 08:24 PM
Trickle up poverty is all he needs to say.

Trickle Down Government was pretty good.

10/3/2012, 08:37 PM
I don't know if its just my dislike of Obama or is he completely rambling and getting owned on economics here?

10/3/2012, 08:38 PM
Did Obama just bring up corporate jets??

He is getting his a$$ handed to him.

10/3/2012, 08:40 PM
I don't know if its just my dislike of Obama or is he completely rambling and getting owned on economics here?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Great Romney line to address your question.

10/3/2012, 08:41 PM
Hopium 0

10/3/2012, 09:07 PM
The "smartest man in the room" is clearly not the smartest man in the room....

10/3/2012, 09:15 PM
Trickle up poverty is all he needs to say.

Yeah, but the "gimme bag" electorate is hard to stop once it gets rolling.

10/3/2012, 09:20 PM
Did Obama seriously just critique Paul Ryan for not having a detailed enough budget?

10/3/2012, 09:32 PM
Anyone looking forward to these debates needs to a) cop a ****ing life, or, b) get a pre-frontal lobotomy, or c) seek serious professional help.

I'd rather watch cow turds dry than watch this crap. If this country is so ****ed up that there's a bunch of people who'll choose who to vote for based on a canned debate between two embiciles then we deserve to be in the shape we are. Sheezus people, wtf is wrong with y'all?

I can see why you feel that way but my Wife wants to watch it and I decided to fix a few things with the Computer tonight. While i'm waiting for a few downloads I am looking over her shoulder. I asked her to watch on CSPAN so I didn't have to listen to any media cutting in or any pre or post opinions. I think that stuff is full of folks who like you say....need to get a life. Thing is...until politics changes....this is all we have and IMO it's still the best damn way to pick a Leader even though it's been a long damn times since we have had one to vote for in this Country.

10/3/2012, 09:34 PM
Oh oh....My Daughter just brought in her Algebra Homework.

At least I found something worthwhile to do....

10/3/2012, 09:35 PM
MSNBC ... first words "I'm not sure who won"

Being interpreted, they KNOW Romney won.

I honstly think Romney won.

Update... MSNBC saying that they don't think Romney lost an exchange all night. WOW... they know Romney won!

10/3/2012, 09:37 PM
LOL... Schults is outraged. He knows Obama got smoked and pretty much says so!

They are all admitting Romney won.

10/3/2012, 09:38 PM
I can see why you feel that way but my Wife wants to watch it and I decided to fix a few things with the Computer tonight. While i'm waiting for a few downloads I am looking over her shoulder. I asked her to watch on CSPAN so I didn't have to listen to any media cutting in or any pre or post opinions. I think that stuff is full of folks who like you say....need to get a life. Thing is...until politics changes....this is all we have and IMO it's still the best damn way to pick a Leader even though it's been a long damn times since we have had one to vote for in this Country.

You sound like a guy who knows his guy just lost this debate badly..

Don't worry, he did.

When Bill Maher, who gave Obama a million dollars is tweeting, "Obama looks like he needs a teleprompter", you know it is bad. It was.

10/3/2012, 09:39 PM
You sound like a guy who knows his guy just lost this debate badly..

Don't worry, he did.

When Bill Maher, who gave Obama a million dollars is tweeting, "Obama looks like he needs a teleprompter", you know it is bad. It was.
While that may be true, we haven't seen the VP debate yet. I am sure Biden will make up ground.

10/3/2012, 09:39 PM
It was a strong performance by Romney and a lethargic performance by Obama.

10/3/2012, 09:42 PM
While that may be true, we haven't seen the VP debate yet. I am sure Biden will make up ground.

Your forgot the :excitement: icon right?? :excitement:

10/3/2012, 09:43 PM
While that may be true, we haven't seen the VP debate yet. I am sure Biden will make up ground.


I doubt Biden will even know where he is.. But that might be better for the Dems.

I heard they are trying to change the rules where ol' Joe can have a biker chick sitting on his lap the entire evening.


10/3/2012, 09:45 PM
Your forgot the :excitement: icon right?? :excitement:

Actually, I am excited to see the VP debate. Honestly though, it is in more of a debacle sort of way.

10/3/2012, 09:45 PM
LOL... Schults is outraged. He knows Obama got smoked and pretty much says so!

They are all admitting Romney won.

When Schultz says the president was disappointing, you know there was major a$$ kicking.

10/3/2012, 09:48 PM
David Axlerod is spinning like a top.

10/3/2012, 09:49 PM
Obama was about as prepared for that debate as he was to be president.

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 09:50 PM
Obama got his *** kicked tonight - that was not even close - one of the most lopsided debates i've ever watched

and Mitt didnt do it with big one liners - it was just a command of facts - he had substance spilling out of his suit

10/3/2012, 09:57 PM
Obama got his *** kicked tonight - that was not even close - one of the most lopsided debates i've ever watched

and Mitt didnt do it with big one liners - it was just a command of facts - he had substance spilling out of his suit

Are ya sayin Obammy had **** spillin out of his?:very_drunk:

10/3/2012, 10:13 PM
CBS News instapoll: 46% said Romney won. 22% said Obama won. 32% said tie. Decisive win for Romney.

10/3/2012, 10:18 PM
It was a strong performance by Romney and a lethargic performance by Obama.

I really love how he back peddles his way out of Romneycare by saying he only meant for it to be used by States. Thing is....if it was so good for one State then it should be good enough for all 50. If Mitt would actually quit avoiding these things where he ends up defending what he said and start acting like a leader...I think he'd do much better in November. If he continues to think he can win the Presidency by strong debate performances. He better start including some teeth in his plans instead of the accusations that he didn't say this or didn't say that. He needs to have 3 things he spells out in his plans in detail that will turn around our Domestic Economy. He continues to run on the last 4 years and that it's time for a new path....whatever that is.

President Obama spelled out many of the things that he did do that did work. Romney was never able to refute any of that.

10/3/2012, 10:22 PM
I really love how he back peddles his way out of Romneycare by saying he only meant for it to be used by States. Thing is....if it was so good for one State then it should be good enough for all 50. If Mitt would actually quit avoiding these things where he ends up defending what he said and acting like a leader...I think he'd do much better in November. If he continues to think he can win the Presidency by strong debate performances....he better start including some teeth with the accusations that he didn't say this or didn't say that. He needs to have 3 things he spells out his plans in detail that will turn around our Domestic Economy. He continues to run on the last 4 years and that it's time for a new path....whatever that is.

Wow, you really should have watched the debate. He had several specifics that differentiated Romneycare, although state specific is significant enough on its own. He also had a 5 point plan, regarding the economy, that he led with and referred back to several times. Is 3 really that much better than 5?

10/3/2012, 10:22 PM
I really love how he back peddles his way out of Romneycare by saying he only meant for it to be used by States. Thing is....if it was so good for one State then it should be good enough for all 50. If Mitt would actually quit avoiding these things where he ends up defending what he said and acting like a leader...I think he'd do much better in November. If he continues to think he can win the Presidency by strong debate performances....he better start including some teeth with the accusations that he didn't say this or didn't say that. He needs to have 3 things he spells out his plans in detail that will turn around our Domestic Economy. He continues to run on the last 4 years and that it's time for a new path....whatever that is.

You're wrong. There is a big difference between having a centralized, corrupt big government running healthcare, education etc... than leaving it to the states.
That's the entire argument the Repubicans have been making since the dems started trying to take over the entire industry in the name of giving care to US citizens.

10/3/2012, 10:23 PM
I really love how he back peddles his way out of Romneycare by saying he only meant for it to be used by States. Thing is....if it was so good for one State then it should be good enough for all 50. If Mitt would actually quit avoiding these things where he ends up defending what he said and start acting like a leader...I think he'd do much better in November. If he continues to think he can win the Presidency by strong debate performances. He better start including some teeth in his plans instead of the accusations that he didn't say this or didn't say that. He needs to have 3 things he spells out in his plans in detail that will turn around our Domestic Economy. He continues to run on the last 4 years and that it's time for a new path....whatever that is.

maybe Obama should have said this.

10/3/2012, 10:26 PM
CNN Registered voters 67% say Romney won, 25% say Obama.

Basically, 100% of independed voters say Romney won. You're going to get 25% of the vote even if you're hitler (both left and right) by your party's brain dead followers.

This is about as good as it can get.

10/3/2012, 10:28 PM
CNN Registered voters 67% say Romney won, 25% say Obama.

Basically, 100% of independed voters say Romney won. You're going to get 25% of the vote even if you're hitler (both left and right) by your party's brain dead followers.

This is about as good as it can get.

Obama has promised consensus for 4 years.. That is about as good as it can get and I give him credit for finally making it happen.

10/3/2012, 10:37 PM
Chris Matthews isn't feeling the tingle anymore...what he's feeling is **** running down his leg.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/10/03/chris_matthews_freaks_out_at_obama_after_debate_ro mney_was_winning.html

10/3/2012, 10:37 PM
1/2 of America was unimpressed.

Like Dean said...."Nothing to see here"

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 10:39 PM
i love that the next debate is Biden v. Ryan....after tonight the dems have to be nauseous heading into that one

10/3/2012, 10:39 PM
maybe Obama should have said this.

That said....I think a whole lot of Americans still feel that way even though Romney seemed to be able to use his "We given you 4 years" campaign.

10/3/2012, 10:40 PM
Reince Preibus is a walking talking hard on right now....lol

10/3/2012, 10:40 PM
I remember when I thought Chris Matthews was a journalist. Ah, the ignorance of youth.

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 10:41 PM
1/2 of america was unimpressed? where the hell are you pulling those numbers from if not your ***?

i've watched PLENTY of **** poor performances by GOP candidates in debates - too many

tonight was not one of them

10/3/2012, 10:43 PM
I remember when I thought Chris Matthews was a journalist. Ah, the ignorance of youth.

Now he's a cheerleader.

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 10:44 PM
Now he's a cheerleader.

a shill

10/3/2012, 10:45 PM
a shill

And if he's saying Obama didn't do a good job then you know the big O just got his *** handed to him.

10/3/2012, 10:45 PM
Obama cheerleader Andrew Sullivan didn't seem to agree with you StoopTroup.

Andrew Sullivan, the Daily Beast’s designated Obama sycophant (or one of many) declared the debate for Romney early. He described the debate as a “wipe-out for Romney.” He explained that it is a “rolling calamity for Obama. He’s boring, abstract, and less human-seeming than Romney! I can’t even follow him half the time. Either exhausted, over-briefed … or just flailing. He is throwing this debate away.”

I heard CBS's instant polling of 532 undecided voters gave it to Romney by a pretty big margin. For CBS to report that is the most shocking thing that has happened all night. I would have figured they would have just told those undecideds to go suck an egg and not said anything about it.

10/3/2012, 10:47 PM
1/2 of America was unimpressed.

Like Dean said...."Nothing to see here"

Trying to downplay that a$$ kicking is probably your best bet. Won't work, but it is your best bet.

10/3/2012, 10:47 PM
I'm a little interested in seeing how George Stephanopoulos is going to spin this.

10/3/2012, 10:48 PM
Win or lose....

As far as Romney....What's the payoff?

10/3/2012, 10:49 PM
Trying to downplay that a$$ kicking is probably your best bet. Won't work, but it is your best bet.

I'm not trying to down play it. I'm post debate listening to the talking heads on Fox. Switching to CNN now.

10/3/2012, 10:49 PM
After that performance, I bet we get to see some Osama kill shots tomorrow...

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 10:50 PM
Win or lose....

As far as Romney....What's the payoff?

supreme court nominees for starters

"not obama" for another....

10/3/2012, 10:51 PM
I'm not trying to down play it. I'm post debate listening to the talking heads on Fox. Switching to CNN now.

Well then you missed this:

CNN poll respondents liking Romney on all issues - health care, taxes, deficit. Wolf: "Looks like a clean sweep on all of those issues."

10/3/2012, 10:51 PM
I love how The Socialist phoned in the worse performance since Jimmah Cahter.

10/3/2012, 10:52 PM
Twitter quote: "Obama better hope a kicked *** is covered under Obamacare"

10/3/2012, 10:53 PM
Obama has promised consensus for 4 years.. That is about as good as it can get and I give him credit for finally making it happen.


Gov Romney has suddenly taken the ho-hum out of this election cycle. Gotta admit, didn't think he could pull it off. If I were a Lib/Dem, I would be very concerned about my prez and his re-election chances.

10/3/2012, 10:54 PM
Esp. Since new polls have Romney up now...

10/3/2012, 10:56 PM
Although I'm a conservative Republican in most instances, I have never understood why anyone gives a flip about Sarah Palin's opinion. Get her off the camera.

10/3/2012, 10:56 PM
Win or lose....

As far as Romney....What's the payoff?

Probably not for unlimited unemployment checks and scrips for all...so.....

10/3/2012, 10:57 PM
Although I'm a conservative Republican in most instances, I have never understood why anyone gives a flip about Sarah Palin's opinion. Get her off the camera.

^^^ This. .. and why of all people is Hanity on fox (last I looked) They have MUCH better people who should be on there.

... still better than MSNBC though. :)

10/3/2012, 11:00 PM
I think a former VP candidate is a good guest for a non-election year, mid-march type episode. Wait, she was on recently? Never mind.

jk the sooner fan
10/3/2012, 11:00 PM
Although I'm a conservative Republican in most instances, I have never understood why anyone gives a flip about Sarah Palin's opinion. Get her off the camera.

she's a tea party favorite.

10/3/2012, 11:02 PM
After that performance, I bet we get to see some Osama kill shots tomorrow...

Also...These Debates just don't change the way people vote. They can also backlash into a view of what the President has had to deal with for 4 years from the Republicans.

I think Romney did a great job of suddenly being a bit more candid about what his intentions are regarding the Economy. As this guy who is supposed to be "The Man" and the brains behind Bain....he showed exactly how slick he is and how he can really razor cut peoples throats when it comes to money.

There is also good strategy in playing to your strengths and there are two more debates. Domestic Policy is on the table for October 16th along with Foreign Policy and the 3rd (October 22nd) is about Foreign Policy only. When it comes to things you are good at and have an edge as far as facts and the many current conversations you have had around the Globe....I'd think that President Obama will really turn the heat up on Romney and if Romney is able to do as well as he did tonight on Domestic Policy....the Debates could very well affect the outcome of the elections.

10/3/2012, 11:02 PM
she's a tea party favorite.

which tea party? I'm not sure what THE tea party is.

10/3/2012, 11:03 PM
she's a tea party favorite.

She's sexy librarian hot for a politician and she makes enough sense. Lets call it like it is.

10/3/2012, 11:03 PM
Something just struck me. Kirsten Powers (the one good looking dem woman) has been on Obama's case lately.

She just said that Romney "killed it". She is giving him glowing praise. Why?

Because she is employed by Fox? No.

She is a Clinton-ite. I believe she has been told by the Clinton's to start undermining Obama for Hillary for 2016.

Just supposition, but it has seemed oddly honest to me for a few weeks about her.

10/3/2012, 11:06 PM
There is also good strategy in playing to your strengths and there are two more debates. Domestic Policy is on the table for October 16th along with Foreign Policy and the 3rd (October 22nd) is about Foreign Policy only. When it comes to things you are good at and have an edge as far as facts and the many current conversations you have had around the Globe....I'd think that President Obama will really turn the heat up on Romney and if Romney is able to do as well as he did tonight on Domestic Policy....the Debates could very well affect the outcome of the elections.

I am having a hard time following you tonight. Didn't you say that nobody should be swayed by the debates? In fact, I remember head up their ***, being a descriptor.

10/3/2012, 11:06 PM
Well then you missed this:

I didn't miss it but if you think Romney really spelled out in detail what he plans on doing to help our Country....I think jumping on the number train on CNN is a mistake. Give this debate some time to soak in. Taking the poll that a bunch of people who are supposedly neutral and undecided when Romney has been in trouble for a few months now can disappear as quickly as John McCain and President Bush did after the 2004 Election.

10/3/2012, 11:06 PM
Also...These Debates just don't change the way people vote. They can also backlash into a view of what the President has had to deal with for 4 years from the Republicans.

I think Romney did a great job of suddenly being a bit more candid about what his intentions are regarding the Economy. As this guy who is supposed to be "The Man" and the brains behind Bain....he showed exactly how slick he is and how he can really razor cut peoples throats when it comes to money.

There is also good strategy in playing to your strengths and there are two more debates. Domestic Policy is on the table for October 16th along with Foreign Policy and the 3rd (October 22nd) is about Foreign Policy only. When it comes to things you are good at and have an edge as far as facts and the many current conversations you have had around the Globe....I'd think that President Obama will really turn the heat up on Romney and if Romney is able to do as well as he did tonight on Domestic Policy....the Debates could very well affect the outcome of the elections.



10/3/2012, 11:09 PM
After watching the debate, in hindsight, maybe old Clint wasn't that crazy...

10/3/2012, 11:12 PM
I am having a hard time following you tonight. Didn't you say that nobody should be swayed by the debates? In fact, I remember head up their ***, being a descriptor.

I said they shouldn't IMO but that doesn't mean they don't. I think that in many Debates it's not always been about who won or what they said....sometimes it has gotten down to who people thought looked more presidential. Now given that one of them is already a President....that leaves the other really having to try hard to make a sitting POTUS look like it's time for him to just pass the Torch. I don't think that happened tonight. By bringing up the other two debates....I have a feeling President Obama played this one down and will use the other two to go for the kill. I could be wrong but his last strategy against McCain worked pretty well. I wouldn't be prancing around calling it over if I were you.

10/3/2012, 11:14 PM
I said they shouldn't IMO but that doesn't mean they don't. I think that in many Debates it's not always been about who won or what they said....sometimes it has gotten down to who people thought looked more presidential. Now given that one of them is already a President....that leaves the other really having to try hard to make a sitting POTUS look like it's time for him to just pass the Torch. I don't think that happened tonight. By bringing up the other two debates....I have a feeling President Obama played this one down and will use the other two to go for the kill. I could be wrong but his last strategy against McCain worked pretty well. I wouldn't be prancing around calling it over if I were you.

Hardly prancing, just trying to understand your points.

10/3/2012, 11:17 PM
I said they shouldn't IMO but that doesn't mean they don't. I think that in many Debates it's not always been about who won or what they said....sometimes it has gotten down to who people thought looked more presidential. Now given that one of them is already a President....that leaves the other really having to try hard to make a sitting POTUS look like it's time for him to just pass the Torch. I don't think that happened tonight. By bringing up the other two debates....I have a feeling President Obama played this one down and will use the other two to go for the kill. I could be wrong but his last strategy against McCain worked pretty well. I wouldn't be prancing around calling it over if I were you.

So Obama, who many on the left think has the election sown up decides instead of throwing a knockout punch, will let Romney win one??

I'm thinking you wouldn't be much of a campaign manager...

10/3/2012, 11:19 PM
As sports fans I think most of us can agree that playing from behind is never a good strategy.

10/3/2012, 11:20 PM


What I think may not happen. I really have become amazed at the impact technology has had these last ten years. I know you think I am debating you or something but we haven't had a Black POTUS until 2004 and we have never had one run for Re-election. So....I'm playing it this way. I think Dean is right that they just have never mattered to much but I also think it's very possible that we could see them suddenly have an impact. I really have a feeling that President Obama is playing with Romney and he just handed him a plate full of everything he was ready to chomp on. He finally got the guy to admit some of his plans.

I didn't watch the thing live. I DVRd them on CSPAN, NBC and ABC. I am looking forward to going back over them tomorrow as I really didn't expect such as laydown by the POTUS. It smells funny to me.

10/3/2012, 11:22 PM
Obama presidential?? Bwahaha. Romney made him look like the blubbering empty suit he is.

10/3/2012, 11:25 PM
So Obama, who many on the left think has the election sown up decides instead of throwing a knockout punch, will let Romney win one??

I'm thinking you wouldn't be much of a campaign manager...

I didn't say I thought it was a good strategy. I really thought he'd take it to Romney but after seeing the first part of it now....He was really staying to the Democratic Line and allowing Romney to stuff his mouth full of Domestic Policy. Since they bring up Domestic Policy again in the 2nd and then lead into Foreign Policy....it will be interesting to see if The President plays that way again. Since this one was so shocking...I think I will actually pay a bit more attention to the next one.

The Ryan/Biden Debate seems like a huge distraction now.

10/3/2012, 11:27 PM
conglomeration of National Review headlines on debates ...

Ponnuru: Romney Gives Hope for a Change . . . Geraghty: B.O., K.O.-ed . . . Goldberg: There Went the Boom . . . Williamson: Obama vs. Profit . . . Hanson: A Bad Night for Obama . . . Foster: Down Goes Frazier! . . . Pitney: What Happened to Obama? . . . Charen: A Slam Dunk . . . Arkes: A Clear Winner . . . Schiffren: Quantum Leap . . . Baker: American Reset . . . Gelernter: Obama's Deconstruction . . . Schiffren: Obama Was Unprepared . . . O'Sullivan: Romney's Clever Attack . . . Graham: Obama Was Awful . . . Kurtz: Romney Wins . . . Graham: Counter-Punching Mitt . . . Schiffren: Romney Nails the Details . . .

just couldn't stop laughing at "Down Goes Frazier!"

10/3/2012, 11:28 PM
As sports fans I think most of us can agree that playing from behind is never a good strategy.

It's working for the Packers....lol

10/3/2012, 11:30 PM
she's a tea party favorite.

No. She's not. She's a Hannity favorite. I can't stand to see here on a show.

10/3/2012, 11:30 PM
BTW....if you are giving me Spek....you should know that I have no idea who it's from.

10/3/2012, 11:31 PM
I didn't say I thought it was a good strategy. I really thought he'd take it to Romney but after seeing the first part of it now....He was really staying to the Democratic Line and allowing Romney to stuff his mouth full of Domestic Policy. Since they bring up Domestic Policy again in the 2nd and then lead into Foreign Policy....it will be interesting to see if The President plays that way again. Since this one was so shocking...I think I will actually pay a bit more attention to the next one.

The Ryan/Biden Debate seems like a huge distraction now.

Obama's foreign policy is the only thing worse than his domestic policy! Sure Letterman is a big deal, but perhaps meeting with a world leader (Netanyahu) who is considering a nuclear war, should supersede that.

He has been campaigning for months. Ask our consulates.

10/3/2012, 11:32 PM
BTW....if you are giving me Spek....you should know that I have no idea who it's from.

I gave you positive spek.

10/3/2012, 11:33 PM
Obama's foreign policy is the only thing worse than his domestic policy! Sure Letterman is a big deal, but perhaps meeting with a world leader (Netanyahu) who is considering a nuclear war, should supersede that.

He has been campaigning for months. Ask our consulates.

Yeah....he draws really cool bombs. You know....it's almost like the Israelis have never allowed him to see one.

10/3/2012, 11:33 PM
It's working for the Packers....lol

So you think Obama is employing Ali's rope a dope strategy?

10/3/2012, 11:33 PM
I gave you positive spek. For some reason....:D that particular function isn't one I'm allowed to have.

10/3/2012, 11:34 PM
Yeah....he draws really cool bombs. You know....it's almost like the Israelis have never allowed him to see one.

You do realize that Obama went on Letterman the day he said he couldn't meet with Netanyahu, right?

10/3/2012, 11:35 PM
So you think Obama is employing Ali's rope a dope strategy?

It's as plausible to say that as maybe he didn't buy his Wife anything for his anniversary or he's got crabs and knows he doesn't have time to kill them before he has to do the deed tonight....

10/3/2012, 11:36 PM
Also, current law requires that public networks provide equal time to candidates. When is Mitt's 30 minutes with Dave set to air?

10/3/2012, 11:38 PM
Also, current law requires that public networks provide equal time to candidates. When is Mitt's 30 minutes with Dave set to air?

Last I heard Mitt doesn't want to be on Letterman. He's more Leno.

10/3/2012, 11:40 PM
You do realize that Obama went on Letterman the day he said he couldn't meet with Netanyahu, right?

I know he was on the view too. Thing is....we all are folks who pay attention to a lot of this. There are a bunch who don't. There are a bunch that vote strictly Republican or Democrat no matter what happens. The thing that baffles me is the way things have changed because of technology. It's so much different and more and more folks even have the ability to look up what the Capitol of some State is but some spend their time looking for what Honey Boo Boo is doing more than what happened on the debates. You just can't tell what kind of impact these things are going to have anymore.

10/3/2012, 11:41 PM
Last I heard Mitt doesn't want to be on Letterman. He's more Leno.
Why the heck would he ever want to go on Dave the Perv's show? The guy has made no secret of his bias.

Leno is a lib, but he is more fair, by a country mile.

10/3/2012, 11:42 PM
Also, current law requires that public networks provide equal time to candidates. When is Mitt's 30 minutes with Dave set to air?

He also stated that he wants to quit funding all public networks so if he makes a big deal of that....he's a flippin hypocrite right?

10/3/2012, 11:45 PM
Why the heck would he ever want to go on Dave the Perv's show? The guy has made no secret of his bias.

Leno is a lib, but he is more fair, by a country mile.

My personal opinion is that a sitting president or presidential candidate going on a late night talk show (or mid morning talk show) is rather unbecoming.

10/3/2012, 11:47 PM
Something just struck me. Kirsten Powers (the one good looking dem woman) has been on Obama's case lately.

She just said that Romney "killed it". She is giving him glowing praise. Why?

Because she is employed by Fox? No.

She is a Clinton-ite. I believe she has been told by the Clinton's to start undermining Obama for Hillary for 2016.

Just supposition, but it has seemed oddly honest to me for a few weeks about her.
Yeah man, Democrats can't be honest. /tinfoilhat

10/3/2012, 11:57 PM
So you think Obama is employing Ali's rope a dope strategy?

I think he might have employed the smoke-a-dope strategy a little too much before tonight's debate.

10/4/2012, 12:06 AM
He also stated that he wants to quit funding all public networks so if he makes a big deal of that....he's a flippin hypocrite right?


Romney proposed cutting public funding from PBS which is the only public network. CBS, on which Letterman appears, is not a public network. ABC is not a public network. NBC is not a public network.

Go to bed.

10/4/2012, 12:06 AM
I know he was on the view too. Thing is....we all are folks who pay attention to a lot of this. There are a bunch who don't. There are a bunch that vote strictly Republican or Democrat no matter what happens. The thing that baffles me is the way things have changed because of technology. It's so much different and more and more folks even have the ability to look up what the Capitol of some State is but some spend their time looking for what Honey Boo Boo is doing more than what happened on the debates. You just can't tell what kind of impact these things are going to have anymore.
CBS is not a publicly funded network

10/4/2012, 12:07 AM
The Daily Show about Hannity and Drudge's reporting about the never reported Obama video that he reported on.....

Funny stuff.

10/4/2012, 12:07 AM
He also stated that he wants to quit funding all public networks so if he makes a big deal of that....he's a flippin hypocrite right?

Publicly funding networks that have a partisan view is probably not a good thing.

10/4/2012, 12:08 AM
NBC is not a publicly funded network

Well then they don't have to give him equal time?

10/4/2012, 12:08 AM
Publicly funding networks that have a partisan view is probably a good thing. Well yeah. I think so too. Mitt evidently....not so much.

10/4/2012, 12:10 AM
Well then they don't have to give him equal time?

Correct. Scout is wrong -- there is no fairness doctrine.

10/4/2012, 12:11 AM
Well yeah. I think so too. Mitt evidently....not so much.

You think it's a good idea for a tax payer funded network to have an overtly partisan view point?


You need to stop trying to...uh...think about stuff.

10/4/2012, 12:12 AM
I am wrong and was too quick in my response. If I could edit that comment. I would

10/4/2012, 12:13 AM
Sure it may confuse future readers, but I corrected my very stupid post.

10/4/2012, 12:14 AM
Part of Romney's better performance was body language. He often faced the President and looked directly at him while he talked. But the President stared down or away, rather than facing his opponent. It made him seem disengaged in the debate.

Jim Lehrer was great in his prime. His moderation of the debate was sad.

10/4/2012, 12:14 AM
You think it's a good idea for a tax payer funded network to have an overtly partisan view point?


You need to stop trying to...uh...think about stuff.

I didn't spend the last 7 years of my Life trying to memorize the fairness Doctrine or who should have won the Civil war.

10/4/2012, 12:16 AM
Part of Romney's better performance was body language. He often faced the President and looked directly at him while he talked. But the President stared down or away, rather than facing his opponent. He made him seem disengaged in the debate.

Jim Lehrer was great in his prime. His moderation of the debate was sad.

He was slurring his speech a little. I honestly thought he may have had a stroke. I haven't watched News Hour in some time, but this was not the Jim Lehrer I used to know.

Romney's biggest gaffe of the night, imo, was threatening to cut funding for Big Bird. I agree with him completely, but that statement was unnecessary and definitely will do nothing to help close the gender gap. It isn't going to play very well that Romney wants to kill off Big Bird.

10/4/2012, 12:16 AM
Sure it may confuse future readers, but I corrected my very stupid post.

I'm not jumping on you Bro. So don't confuse me for some paintballing moped rider.

10/4/2012, 12:17 AM
I didn't spend the last 7 years of my Life trying to memorize the fairness Doctrine or who should have won the Civil war.

Evidently you didn't spend the last 7 years of your life studying much of anything. Go to bed...the short bus will be there bright and early in the morning to pick you up.

10/4/2012, 12:17 AM
He was slurring his speech a little. I honestly thought he may have had a stroke. I haven't watched News Hour in some time, but this was not the Jim Lehrer I used to know.

Romney's biggest gaffe of the night, imo, was threatening to cut funding for Big Bird. I agree with him completely, but that statement was unnecessary and definitely will do nothing to help close the gender gap. It isn't going to play very well that Romney wants to kill off Big Bird.

It was his best zinger or the night.

10/4/2012, 12:19 AM
Evidently you didn't spend the last 7 years of your life studying much of anything. Go to bed...the short bus will be there bright and early in the morning to pick you up.

I was actually studying wire diagrams so fellows like you can debate whether Alec Baldwin should be allowed to play Words for Friends on an airplane.

10/4/2012, 12:21 AM
I was actually studying wire diagrams so fellows like you can debate whether Alec Baldwin should be allowed to play Words for Friends on an airplane.

Then maybe you should stick to that.

10/4/2012, 12:24 AM

10/4/2012, 12:24 AM
I tried three topic trees and they all lead back to the same place

10/4/2012, 12:25 AM
So, bah

10/4/2012, 12:29 AM
Then maybe you should stick to that.

Maybe you shouldn't give people that you don't know who have worked all their lives advice. The day you get your Bachelor's Degree....I would love to see what the actual cost of that was.

10/4/2012, 12:35 AM
Maybe you shouldn't give people that you don't know who have worked all their lives advice. The day you get your Bachelor's Degree....I would love to see what the actual cost of that was.
I'll let you know, but you clearly paid too much for yours.

10/4/2012, 12:44 AM
I'll let you know, but you clearly paid too much for yours.

Funny story....

I did pay for mine.

10/4/2012, 12:51 AM
Funny story....

I did pay for mine.
...and yet....

hawaii 5-0
10/4/2012, 12:54 AM
Romney came to fight tonight.

Obama was in prevent defense.


10/4/2012, 12:56 AM
How often does prevent defense result in the opposite result?

That is great analogy.

10/4/2012, 12:57 AM
Ran across this post on another site--

This is what happens when you have a news industry that tosses you nothing but softballs, and the left has nobody to blame but themselves.

Romney has had to survive in an environment where one wrong answer causes the media to label you an extremist while Obama has lived in an environment where "I'm eye candy" constitutes a serious response. They had Obama practicing with John Kerry for G-d's sake.

10/4/2012, 12:57 AM
Also...another funny story SicEm.

When i was working and going to School, My Company had this Program called "Ideas in Action". At that time the max payout was $100,000 and was equal to 10% of what the Idea you had to save the Company money was. They later reduced it to $38,000 or $40,000. I can't remember if they made one reduction or two. I think it was 40 and then 38. Anyway....from 1988 until they stopped the program...I had put in over 50 Ideas and had gotten approved for 15. Not all of them were maxed out ideas and not all of them were mine alone. A few were Team Ideas and a few were mine exclusively. Like I've stated in the past...I started in Corporate Accounting. I later was able to take my dream job and go work on airplanes. There were a lot of people who made a lot of money in that Program our Company had. I was one of those people. I put some away and some I spent on a Wedding Ring, Tools, A House, A Honeymoon in Aruba and a bit of it paid for the last of my education.

You just never know why some people are working in Accounting one day and another out on test flights over Kansas on a daily basis.

Life is funny.

Some take Engineering Jobs and their Parent's are so proud of them and the $45,000 a year they make and others get their hands dirty and sign off FAA Paperwork and bring in anywhere from 65,000 to $100,000 a year. Others take Supervisor's Jobs bring Home less than the people they Supervise and die of stress.

Like Vet said in one post this year not to long ago....Some people pay their bills.

Some people pay their way....

Others ride the backs of their parents like a cockroach until they finally have to go get a damn job and try and prove how smart they were by reaching the pinnacle of success that is just short of a Trust Fund baby.

10/4/2012, 01:00 AM
How often does prevent defense result in the opposite result?

That is great analogy.

Ask Brent V.

10/4/2012, 01:07 AM
Also...another funny story SicEm.

When i was working and going to School, My Company had this Program called "Ideas in Action". At that time the max payout was $100,000 and was equal to 10% of what the Idea you had to save the Company money was. They later reduced it to $38,000 or $40,000. I can't remember if they made one reduction or two. I think it was 40 and then 38. Anyway....from 1988 until they stopped the program...I had put in over 50 Ideas and had gotten approved for 15. Not all of them were maxed out ideas and not all of them were mine alone. A few were Team Ideas and a few were mine exclusively. Like I've stated in the past...I started in Corporate Accounting. I later was able to take my dream job and go work on airplanes. There were a lot of people who made a lot of money in that Program our Company had. I was one of those people. I put some away and some I spent on a Wedding Ring, Tools, A House, A Honeymoon in Aruba and a bit of it paid for the last of my education.

You just never know why some people are working in Accounting one day and another out on test flights over Kansas on a daily basis.

Life is funny.

Some take Engineering Jobs and their Parent's are so proud of them and the $45,000 a year they make and others get their hands dirty and sign off FAA Paperwork and bring in anywhere from 65,000 to $100,000 a year. Others take Supervisor's Jobs bring Home less than the people they Supervise and die of stress.

Like Vet said in one post this year not to long ago....Some people pay their bills.

Some people pay their way....

Others ride the backs of their parents like a cockroach until they finally have to go get a damn job and try and prove how smart they were by reaching the pinnacle of success that is just short of a Trust Fund baby.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrbkNZ1IscHsBRimM10nRsrzIcZwfOd rX5PVDFmn1Np0AM-7xO

10/4/2012, 01:09 AM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrbkNZ1IscHsBRimM10nRsrzIcZwfOd rX5PVDFmn1Np0AM-7xO

I know you have some pretty good ones too. Hope you are doing OK.

10/4/2012, 01:12 AM
I know you have some pretty good ones too. Hope you are doing OK.
I'm enjoying watching you put your finger in the dam, here. Your fellow Libs are noticeably absent. I gotta hand it to you...you got moxie, kid.

10/4/2012, 01:16 AM
I'm enjoying watching you put your finger in the dam, here. Your fellow Libs are noticeably absent. I gotta hand it to you...you got moxie, kid.

Im enjoying watchin him mention Dean in a lot of his posts, Like Him an Dean agree in all his crap.

10/4/2012, 01:21 AM
Im enjoying watchin him mention Dean in a lot of his posts, Like Him an Dean agree in all his crap.

I'm just trying to get a rise out of him like you are me.

I could care less if he agrees with anything I have to say. He's a nice guy....I think a lot of him for a bunch of reasons he probably will never know. Same as you. I'd probably still be taking your drunk calls if you hadn't tried to be something you aren't very good at. It doesn't matter though. Guys like you are easily replaced. Guys like me who answer....not so much.

10/4/2012, 01:22 AM
Im enjoying watchin him mention Dean in a lot of his posts, Like Him an Dean agree in all his crap.

Tell Dean to come back inside the house. The cow turds are done drying.

10/4/2012, 01:22 AM
I'm just trying to get a rise out of him like you are me.

I could care less if he agrees with anything I have to say. He's a nice guy....I think a lot of him for a bunch of reasons he probably will never know. Same as you. I'd probably still be taking your drunk calls if you hadn't tried to be something you aren't very good at. It doesn't matter though. Guys like you are easily replaced. Guys like me who answer....not so much.

What the **** ever, And just WHAT was I trying to be?
You got yer panties in a wad and left the Hideout asked me to not ever call again and I haven't , Matter of fact I deleted yer # so I wouldnt accidentally Pocket dial yer ignorant Pouty ***.

10/4/2012, 01:23 AM

10/4/2012, 01:28 AM
This thread has taken an interesting turn.

10/4/2012, 01:29 AM
This thread has taken an interesting turn.

I think the boy has OD'd on his happy meds.

10/4/2012, 03:26 AM
Also...another funny story SicEm.

When i was working and going to School, My Company had this Program called "Ideas in Action". At that time the max payout was $100,000 and was equal to 10% of what the Idea you had to save the Company money was. They later reduced it to $38,000 or $40,000. I can't remember if they made one reduction or two. I think it was 40 and then 38. Anyway....from 1988 until they stopped the program...I had put in over 50 Ideas and had gotten approved for 15. Not all of them were maxed out ideas and not all of them were mine alone. A few were Team Ideas and a few were mine exclusively. Like I've stated in the past...I started in Corporate Accounting. I later was able to take my dream job and go work on airplanes. There were a lot of people who made a lot of money in that Program our Company had. I was one of those people. I put some away and some I spent on a Wedding Ring, Tools, A House, A Honeymoon in Aruba and a bit of it paid for the last of my education.

You just never know why some people are working in Accounting one day and another out on test flights over Kansas on a daily basis.

Life is funny.

Some take Engineering Jobs and their Parent's are so proud of them and the $45,000 a year they make and others get their hands dirty and sign off FAA Paperwork and bring in anywhere from 65,000 to $100,000 a year. Others take Supervisor's Jobs bring Home less than the people they Supervise and die of stress.

Like Vet said in one post this year not to long ago....Some people pay their bills.

Some people pay their way....

Others ride the backs of their parents like a cockroach until they finally have to go get a damn job and try and prove how smart they were by reaching the pinnacle of success that is just short of a Trust Fund baby.

10/4/2012, 03:27 AM
This thread has taken an interesting turn.


jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 07:00 AM
after reading ST's posts in this thread - he reminded me of an old friend

Baghdad StoopTroop


10/4/2012, 07:24 AM
I am surprised everyone thought Romney would be a poor debater. Of all the Republican candidates I thought he was by far the best. He is very polished and has a tv anchors voice.

I did not get a chance to watch the debates. Had them on but fell asleep near the beginning......they weren't boring I had just finished a practice hike of 8 miles with my 40 pound backpack in 90% humidity so I was beat.

Anyway it looks like I missed a massacre:

Yes, it was as bad as it seemed.No, it wasn’t Jim Lehrer’s fault for letting Romney expound; Obamagot more time (four minutes more) than Romney. Besides, it’s not the moderator’s job to call a debater out on questionable assertions. It’s the opponent’s job.
Yes, it wasn’t the best atmospherics for Obama to look down, purse his lips, appear distracted, while Romney was attentive, engaged, relaxed. But this was much more than atmospherics. This was about one candidate who came with a frame for the evening, and who was prepared to engage on every question; and another who, perhaps because of his documented faith in his own abilities, felt he could wing it with snatches of familiar verbiage.
Most surprising, the whole evening felt as if Obama thought he was back in 2008, needing only to demonstrate a sense of cool, calm collectedness to persuade the voters that they could do what they desperately wanted to do: change course.
There was barely a moment when Obama offered any sense that he was prepared to challenge Romney on his weakest point: who does the Republican presidential nominee speak for? How much (or little) does he understand where the country is, how it got here?
Even on the most basic political points, Obama seemed clueless. When you argue as a Democrat that you and your Republican opponent share wide areas of agreement on Social Security—especially when recipients make up a chunk of Romney’s “47 percent” of indolent spongers—you have thrown in a fistful of high cards.
What remains is one key question that the next 48 to 72 hours will answer: Did this debate change the minds of significant numbers of voters? Assuming that the flash polls are right—that most viewers thought Romney won the debate—did they regard that as a loss for “their” team, or did it persuade some of them to change their minds about whom they are supporting,
One of the enduring myths of campaign analysis is that you can actually count the number of “undecided” voters by asking voters if they are undecided or not. Sometimes, significant numbers of voters actually change their minds. That’s how Reagan turned a small lead into a landslide in 1980. It’s how Gore won the popular vote in 2000, and how Kerry got back into the race in 2004.
If this debate—as one-sided as any I have ever seen—does not change the landscape, if Obama retains a small but measurable lead, it means that the election is more or less over (barring some overwhelmingly consequential event), that voters have decided they are going to stick with the President. That is thin gruel on which the Obama campaign must dine for the next few days; but after this debacle, it’s the only sustenance on the menu.

I think Obama walked into the evening like OU walked into the bowl game with USC. He thought by his greatness the other guy would fold. Instead much like OU he got punched squarely in the month and folded like a lawn chair and proceed to get smoked. I would say he has his work cut out for him.

One other thing I will say. Whomever the Republicans have to handle their pre-debate practices must be awfully good. GWB was thought by many to be a poor debater and he held his own in all his debates.

10/4/2012, 07:54 AM
I was truly shocked that the lead story on Yahoo (cited here earlier: It Was As Bad As It Seemed) had this phrase: "Obama seemed clueless".

Not shocked about the situation, just that they printed it. Still, this should prove the point that debates have little impact. I doubt Obama loses the election.

10/4/2012, 08:09 AM
I was truly shocked that the lead story on Yahoo (cited here earlier: It Was As Bad As It Seemed) had this phrase: "Obama seemed clueless".

Not shocked about the situation, just that they printed it. Still, this should prove the point that debates have little impact. I doubt Obama loses the election.

I only watched the first 20 minutes before my son wanted to finish up Lost Season 3. Obama wasn't hitting hard, and Romney was definitely on message. I DVRd it, so I'll skim it tonight. Main thing was checking Politifact.com that Romney was less truthful than Obama although they were both not completely truthful. Overall it doesn't change my opinion. It will be interesting to see what the polls say after this particularly in Ohio, Florida and Wisconsin.

10/4/2012, 08:12 AM
It isn't going to play very well that Romney wants to kill off Big Bird.

I thought that came off well though. "Look, I have the balls to say to your face, that I want to put you out of a job because government should not be in the TV business and spending money on things we cannot afford."

And he did say, "and I LIKE Big Bird."

10/4/2012, 08:12 AM
I was truly shocked that the lead story on Yahoo (cited here earlier: It Was As Bad As It Seemed) had this phrase: "Obama seemed clueless".

Not shocked about the situation, just that they printed it. Still, this should prove the point that debates have little impact. I doubt Obama loses the election.

If Romney did not bow to the bat chit crazy part of the Republican Party I think he could win it in a landslide. I do not think you will find a post where I have really slammed Romney because I really liked him as the Governor of Massachusetts. My biggest issue is that I do not think he has the guts to stand up to the far right wing of the Republican party on things like the privatization of SS and the vouchers for Medicare. I like Phil's ideas are a whole lot better than the Republican plans which involve the wholesale trashing of the system. Now if I were not within ten years of retirement I might feel different.

10/4/2012, 08:27 AM
I almost started a "Game Thread" during the debate because I wanted to comment on some things as it went along.

I was wondering if it was as obvious to the world as it was to me that Obama was unable to rebut Romney's points, so he would just start to ramble with "warm" stories about his grandmother and "hard working people" that he had met.

It is interesting that he uses that "hard working people" phrase a lot. If you would ask "hard working people" who they support I would imagine it would not be Obama. Instead I envision the 47%, not exactly what comes to mind when you say "hard working people", being more in the Obama camp.

Did anyone catch the disdain he showed for corporate profit when he was talking about the oil companies? He almost said something on the order of, "they don't deserve to make a profit."

I am also amazed that Obama did not bring up the 47%. I am also amazed that Romney didn't bring up, "You didn't build that."
Being a gambling man, I would give odds that both of these things will eventually be mentioned in upcoming debates.

I loved how Romney came across with passion about trying to save the country. Obama looked like he was embarrassed as to what he has been doing. Beautiful.

I am licking my lips anticipating the Vice Presidential debates. It will be a slaughter.

10/4/2012, 08:28 AM
I am surprised everyone thought Romney would be a poor debater. Of all the Republican candidates I thought he was by far the best. He is very polished and has a tv anchors voice.

I did not get a chance to watch the debates. Had them on but fell asleep near the beginning......they weren't boring I had just finished a practice hike of 8 miles with my 40 pound backpack in 90% humidity so I was beat.

Anyway it looks like I missed a massacre:

I think Obama walked into the evening like OU walked into the bowl game with USC. He thought by his greatness the other guy would fold. Instead much like OU he got punched squarely in the month and folded like a lawn chair and proceed to get smoked. I would say he has his work cut out for him.

One other thing I will say. Whomever the Republicans have to handle their pre-debate practices must be awfully good. GWB was thought by many to be a poor debater and he held his own in all his debates.

Yeah, I don't think the surprise was Romney's performance as much as how lethargic Obama was.

10/4/2012, 08:40 AM
Yeah, I don't think the surprise was Romney's performance as much as how lethargic Obama was.

I was waiting for Obama to look at his watch!

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 08:43 AM
i think Obama could have sewn up the election with a win/strong performance last night..it would have solidified what many seemed they thought they knew about Romney

i dont think Romney won - or could have won - the election last night - but he certainly leveled the playing field

10/4/2012, 08:59 AM
i dont think Romney won - or could have won - the election last night -
True, but a step in the right direction.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 08:59 AM
oh absolutely - a leap in fact

10/4/2012, 09:00 AM
If Romney did not bow to the bat chit crazy part of the Republican Party I think he could win it in a landslide. I do not think you will find a post where I have really slammed Romney because I really liked him as the Governor of Massachusetts. My biggest issue is that I do not think he has the guts to stand up to the far right wing of the Republican party on things like the privatization of SS and the vouchers for Medicare. I like Phil's ideas are a whole lot better than the Republican plans which involve the wholesale trashing of the system. Now if I were not within ten years of retirement I might feel different.

I'm no expert on Romney, but I think he'd be more likely to stand up to the far right than people might imagine. Some of the clips I've seen of the debate showed Romney standing there acting like the boss; a role he has actually had.

10/4/2012, 09:13 AM
Some of the clips I've seen of the debate showed Romney standing there acting like the boss; a role he has actually had.

True dat!

10/4/2012, 09:15 AM
Yeah, I don't think the surprise was Romney's performance as much as how lethargic Obama was.

A little unfair for Obama...Romney only had one dialect to remember.

10/4/2012, 09:15 AM
I'm no expert on Romney, but I think he'd be more likely to stand up to the far right than people might imagine. Some of the clips I've seen of the debate showed Romney standing there acting like the boss; a role he has actually had.

I hope so. If he governed more to the center I would be okay with that. My biggest concern is that he will attack Iran. That is a headache we don't need.

10/4/2012, 09:18 AM
I hope so. If he governed more to the center I would be okay with that. My biggest concern is that he will attack Iran. That is a headache we don't need.

Why would he attack Iran when Israel seems so willing to do it for us?

10/4/2012, 09:25 AM
Why would he attack Iran when Israel seems so willing to do it for us?

This problem is beyond Romney or Obama. If Israel attacks Iran, Iran will move to shut down the Strait of Hormuz which will bring us into it.

10/4/2012, 09:29 AM
Why would he attack Iran when Israel seems so willing to do it for us?


I believe the reason the Israeli PM was here is because they know they do not have the ability to take out those sites. I think Israel will leave no stone unturned to get us to attack those sites.

10/4/2012, 09:29 AM
I am surprised everyone thought Romney would be a poor debater. Of all the Republican candidates I thought he was by far the best. He is very polished and has a tv anchors voice.
Anyway it looks like I missed a massacre:.

I think You Libs were the only ones surprised last night bro.

As far as starting a War with Iran, Thats gonna happen IMHO regardless of whos in the Oval, Hate to say it but its gonna happen, Not because ANYONE wants a war, But in self preservation

Ima wondering why No body mentions Obammys war that he has escalated in North Africa ?

10/4/2012, 09:30 AM
I hope so. If he governed more to the center I would be okay with that.

I'm afraid he wouldn't move to the center due to the having to pander to his base to get reelected in 4 years. That is the biggest problem with Obama is that he doesn't lead. If Romney would move to solve the economic problems of the country and not get caught up in stuff like DOMA, I would be very happy.

10/4/2012, 09:36 AM

I believe the reason the Israeli PM was here is because they know they do not have the ability to take out those sites. I think Israel will leave no stone unturned to get us to attack those sites.

Obama was telling Israel to wait until after the election...did he sense Romney would be in power then?

10/4/2012, 09:42 AM
So alls I wanna know is who won the Sicem/ST debate? The presidential one doesn't interest me. At all.

10/4/2012, 09:43 AM
I think You Libs were the only ones surprised last night bro.

As far as starting a War with Iran, Thats gonna happen IMHO regardless of whos in the Oval, Hate to say it but its gonna happen, Not because ANYONE wants a war, But in self preservation

Ima wondering why No body mentions Obammys war that he has escalated in North Africa ?

1. Vet don't include me in "you libs". Not for one second did I think or say Romney was a poor debater. In fact, it has been the RW media that has said this.

2. There are no Obama wars in Africa. We helped the a Libyan group throw out an Arab dictator who killed lots of US citizens and we lost zero military personnel. The entire region is probably set to explode in a civil war. There is a lot of pent up anger and we should sit this one out. Our problem is that AQ has been expanding in that region for 15 years or more.

3. Iran is a minimal threat to the US. In case you missed the news the Iranian currency is in a free fall and the Iranian people are extremely upset. I think the government will fall if we let the sanctions work.

10/4/2012, 09:44 AM
I'm afraid he wouldn't move to the center due to the having to pander to his base to get reelected in 4 years. That is the biggest problem with Obama is that he doesn't lead. If Romney would move to solve the economic problems of the country and not get caught up in stuff like DOMA, I would be very happy.

Well said.

10/4/2012, 09:46 AM
1. Vet don't include me in "you libs". Not for one second did I think or say Romney was a poor debater. In fact, it has been the RW media that has said this.

2. There are no Obama wars in Africa. We helped the a Libyan group throw out an Arab dictator who killed lots of US citizens and we lost zero military personnel. The entire region is probably set to explode in a civil war. There is a lot of pent up anger and we should sit this one out. Our problem is that AQ has been expanding in that region for 15 years or more.

3. Iran is a minimal threat to the US. In case you missed the news the Iranian currency is in a free fall and the Iranian people are extremely upset. I think the government will fall if we let the sanctions work.

The problem with Obama's unnecessary and unapproved war with Libya was we still don't know who we helped...It could very well be Al Queda.

10/4/2012, 09:48 AM
So alls I wanna know is who won the Sicem/ST debate? The presidential one doesn't interest me. At all.

SicemPawned again
Oh and YOU agree with ST in everything.:welcoming:

Curly Bill
10/4/2012, 09:49 AM
So alls I wanna know is who won the Sicem/ST debate? The presidential one doesn't interest me. At all.

I'm sure in his own mind ST thinks he won. Of course in his own mind ST thinks lots of things that may not have occurrd to the rest of us.

10/4/2012, 09:52 AM
I hope so. If he governed more to the center I would be okay with that. My biggest concern is that he will attack Iran. That is a headache we don't need.

Yeah. That and Goldwater starting World War III....

10/4/2012, 09:53 AM
1. Vet don't include me in "you libs". Not for one second did I think or say Romney was a poor debater. In fact, it has been the RW media that has said this.You said EVERYONE , I said Libs, This one can be a Push

2. There are no Obama wars in Africa. We helped the a Libyan group throw out an Arab dictator who killed lots of US citizens and we lost zero military personnel. The entire region is probably set to explode in a civil war. There is a lot of pent up anger and we should sit this one out. Our problem is that AQ has been expanding in that region for 15 years or more.
Read this and get back to me.

3. Iran is a minimal threat to the US. In case you missed the news the Iranian currency is in a free fall and the Iranian people are extremely upset. I think the government will fall if we let the sanctions work.
I dont watch the news as close as Most of Yall, I do know that IF Iran gets a Bomb they will sockpile enough of em that they will then start **** with Israel and anyone else they THINK is their enemy. Unless something does happen to topple their Government soon We will be at war with them with in the next 4 years.

10/4/2012, 10:03 AM
Guess who made this brilliant analysis of why Romney came out ahead last night:

"Obama arrived in Denver at 2pm today. Just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5000 feet and you only have a few hours to adjust, I don't know..."

10/4/2012, 10:07 AM
Guess who made this brilliant analysis of why Romney came out ahead last night:

"Obama arrived in Denver at 2pm today. Just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5000 feet and you only have a few hours to adjust, I don't know..."

Maybe the hole in the ozone had a bad effect on him.

Or maybe the inconvenient truth is he just sucked.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 10:08 AM
I'll take Internet inventors for $500 alex...

10/4/2012, 10:11 AM
Guess who made this brilliant analysis of why Romney came out ahead last night:

"Obama arrived in Denver at 2pm today. Just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5000 feet and you only have a few hours to adjust, I don't know..."

Didn't he have to come down to 5000 feet to get there?
Or did he hike up?

10/4/2012, 10:16 AM
He's the president. Supposedly the "leader of the free world". The man should be sharp at all times. He doesn't get to have a bad day.

10/4/2012, 10:18 AM
Dayum, you guys are good. Figured at least one of you would pick either Biden or "Tingles" Matthews.

10/4/2012, 10:19 AM
Dayum, you guys are good. Figured at least one of you would pick either Biden or "Tingles" Matthews.

Matthews was jumping all over the big O last night. Said he needed to watch more MSNBC.

10/4/2012, 10:23 AM
You're wrong. There is a big difference between having a centralized, corrupt big government running healthcare, education etc... than leaving it to the states.
That's the entire argument the Repubicans have been making since the dems started trying to take over the entire industry in the name of giving care to US citizens.

exactly...not sure Troup you and I watched the same debate...I was really open to see what obama said...didn't hear much except trying to tie obamacare to romneycare, the big difference being state vs fed control.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 10:24 AM
Dayum, you guys are good. Figured at least one of you would pick either Biden or "Tingles" Matthews.

well, in all fairness, i saw a link to it on twitter

10/4/2012, 10:25 AM
I thought a significant exchange:

“Right now, you can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas,” Obama said during an exchange over their tax plans last night’s debate in Denver. “I think most Americans would say that doesn’t make sense.”

“You said you get a deduction for taking a plant overseas,” Romney responded. “Look, I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I maybe need to get a new accountant.”

Obama had no answer.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 10:25 AM
sanjoaquin - that was actually a deduction for a jet they were talking about - not a plant overseas

10/4/2012, 10:27 AM
This problem is beyond Romney or Obama. If Israel attacks Iran, Iran will move to shut down the Strait of Hormuz which will bring us into it.

Guess the Strait of Hormuz would then get some nice material for artificial reefs.

10/4/2012, 10:29 AM
sanjoaquin - that was actually a deduction for a jet they were talking about - not a plant overseas

I assume you're joking, since those are actual quotes.

10/4/2012, 10:29 AM
Guess the Strait of Hormuz would then get some nice material for artificial reefs.

It might actually get our politicians off their asses and repeal the Jones Act of 1920. Basically it prevents us from exporting oil and right now that means that our crude oil is going for much less than world prices. That will be the biggest impediment to becoming energy independent.

10/4/2012, 11:04 AM
On Iran, Ahmadinejad or however you spell it, brought up the 12th Imam again. He is doing everything he can to hasten the return of this 12th Imam. How does that happen? Through utter chaos, apocolypse, on the Earth.

-God Almighty has promised us a man of kindness, a man who loves people and loves absolute justice, a man who is a perfect human being and is named Imam Al-Mahdi, a man who will come in the company of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the righteous. By using the inherent potential of all the worthy men and women of all nations and I repeat, the inherent potential of "all the worthy men and women of all nations" he will lead humanity into achieving its glorious and eternal ideals. ~ Transcribed from his 2012 UN Speech

The Israelis understand this wacko is completely serious about doing this. This is the heart of the Sunni and Shiite disputes and who is ultimately right and wrong in Islam. The world cannot look at Iran as another North Korea. North Korea has no religious fervor attached to it's existence. They try and create it through their rulers, but no one is buying it. The Shiites are completely convinced of their righteousness in what they are doing. A very different and far more dangerous game.

Israel would be derelict to ignore Iran's arming themselves with nukes. Of course, they are going to do everything they can to get us involved. It's their existence at stake.

On a far different note, none of this or the winners and losers of the debate matter anymore. I don't care, and the Mayan Calender has proven to be true. The world is coming to an end.

Dave Grohl has announced the Foo Fighters are going on indefinite hiatus. I don't care who wins or loses the election any more. It's all meaningless.

I haven't felt this badly since Wham! announced they were splitting up.

10/4/2012, 11:29 AM
Wham! split up?

10/4/2012, 11:34 AM
So Romney is good at side stepping The President.

The debates over the debates are more important.


President Obama should take time to maybe talk to a few World Leaders while they are in America for the UN Assembly. My thoughts were that when you do this on an election year...your opponent is waiting to pick apart why you talked to the 5-10 you did and use it politically. So, why do something that you can do on a phone call and in private.

I continue to watch the talking heads spin this Debate and wonder whether Debates matter. The side that thinks they win...of course they matter. The side that think they didn't win or fair well continues to point out that winning a debate doesn't mean that the Winner wins the Election and they re-group or refry :D their Campaign and act like Romney just spent weeks preparing to avoid getting pinned into a corner by a very busy President that wasn't prepared when Romney actually delivered a Campaign Promise during the Debate.

In other words....that cracka *** cracka messed up the black dudes rhythm.

Did Romney get back the Women's vote last night? Probably not.

Did Mitt get the Latino vote back last night? Probably not.

Did Mitt win the Black Vote after last nights debate? I don't think if President Obama was to get so sick he couldn't perform his duties and Biden had to take over for him....Mitt wouldn't get the black vote.

Now that the Foo Fighters have fought and defeated the Foo....they will all go see their accountants and find a place to put all their money as we all watch to see who is in the Oval Office next year.

In other news....President Obama begins to use Mitt Romney's own words in the debate to prove his point....that Romney didn't win squat.

10/4/2012, 11:39 AM
http://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0511-1009-0819-2320_Bird_Squawking_from_a_Cuckoo_Clock_clipart_im age.jpg

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 11:40 AM

10/4/2012, 11:43 AM
Heh. Mr. Photo snipe.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 11:44 AM
Heh. Mr. Photo snipe.

are you really in the mood to trade insults? let me know ...

10/4/2012, 11:44 AM
Heh. Mr. Photo snipe.

Good Morning SpongeBob
Imitation is sincere Flattery Keep it up, It shows how weak you are

10/4/2012, 11:46 AM
are you really in the mood to trade insults? let me know ...

Sounds Like he's Challenging you to me. :surprise:

10/4/2012, 11:48 AM

And this is new for her in what way? ;)

10/4/2012, 11:50 AM
Good Morning SpongeBob
Imitation is sincere Flattery Keep it up, It shows how weak you are

Is that some sort of challenge? You know...physically?

10/4/2012, 11:51 AM
are you really in the mood to trade insults? let me know ...

Don't let your ego get spooled up by something that wasn't directed at you.

10/4/2012, 11:52 AM
Is that some sort of challenge? You know...physically?

And again Dipshat, Where did you get any kind of Challenge from that?

10/4/2012, 11:54 AM
This thread has taken an interesting turn.

It always does when Druuuuunk *** OVPH gets spooled up.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 11:55 AM
Don't let your ego get spooled up by something that wasn't directed at you.

who was it directed at? love to hear.....please limit your answer to less than 3 paragraphs...be sure and use proper sentence structure (periods, comma's, etc). We'd all like to be able to make sense of it...

10/4/2012, 11:57 AM
who was it directed at? love to hear.....please limit your answer to less than 3 paragraphs...be sure and use proper sentence structure (periods, comma's, etc). We'd all like to be able to make sense of it...

He;s too busy Poppin Pills and callin others Drunks to give any kind of Coherent response to you bro.

10/4/2012, 11:58 AM
who was it directed at? love to hear.....please limit your answer to less than 3 paragraphs...be sure and use proper sentence structure (periods, comma's, etc). We'd all like to be able to make sense of it...

So today...you and I are going Mano v Mano?

Is this because you love the Vet? Has he touched your heart so much that it's now your time to come to his aid?

Grammar Nazi? You funny JK.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 11:59 AM
grammar nazi? no

coherent expression of thought nazi? well, yes..i go thru more tylenol reading your "stuff" than anything on the internet

10/4/2012, 11:59 AM
He;s too busy Poppin Pills and callin others Drunks to give any kind of Coherent response to you bro.

There you go....

I knew you had it in you...

Let it out you old drunk....

I know it's all you have left....

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 12:00 PM

Heh. Mr. Photo snipe.

answer the question - WHO WAS THIS DIRECTED AT -if not me (as you claim)

10/4/2012, 12:01 PM
grammar nazi? no

coherent expression of thought nazi? well, yes..i go thru more tylenol reading your "stuff" than anything on the internet

Quit reading it. BTW...it took over ten years for McNeil Labs to find out that Tylenol was bad for you. I thought you were going to use your brain. I see now we are just headed to personal insult land.

10/4/2012, 12:01 PM
There you go....

I knew you had it in you...

Let it out you old drunk....

I know it's all you have left....

Yer funny

I'd venture a Guess that Ive drank less beer than you've Popped pills in the last 6 months :kiwi-fruit:

10/4/2012, 12:02 PM
answer the question - WHO WAS THIS DIRECTED AT -if not me (as you claim)

You can Play with the Short bus rider today Bro
Ive got to get some things done :torn:

10/4/2012, 12:03 PM
answer the question - WHO WAS THIS DIRECTED AT -if not me (as you claim)

Not you.

Slow down a bit...I can't answer every idiots question that fast. The matrix doesn't allow me to go that fast when the Sentinels begin to all pile on.

10/4/2012, 12:03 PM
You can Play with the Short bus rider today Bro
Ive got to get some things done :torn:

You finally sober enough to go to town?

10/4/2012, 12:06 PM
You finally sober enough to go to town?

Oh Zing Ya got me again, I just cant battle yer wit .:dispirited:

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 12:06 PM
then who?

10/4/2012, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=jk the sooner fan;3522425]then who?[/QUOTE
It was YOU, Hes just dancin around avoiding you now.

10/4/2012, 12:18 PM
3. Iran is a minimal threat to the US. In case you missed the news the Iranian currency is in a free fall and the Iranian people are extremely upset. I think the government will fall if we let the sanctions work.

I read this in the paper today. Another great snippet of good news to brighten my day. There's hope for a peaceful change there yet.

Of course a common ploy of the rulers of a country in crisis is to start some conflict with another country so that the population more or less has to back those in power as they battle the threat. So in other words if the Iranian rulers feel like they are losing control they might hasten to bring action against Israel to keep themselves in power.

10/4/2012, 12:53 PM
Yeah...Peace on Earth and good will towards men.

In other news a known terrorist based out of Massachusetts (Not Romney) ;) has a bounty....


10/4/2012, 12:56 PM
[QUOTE=jk the sooner fan;3522425]then who?[/QUOTE
It was YOU, Hes just dancin around avoiding you now.


Can't hide a open barn door from the ole Vet. He's gonna stick his face in every open barn door he can find. Make sure your all zipped up fellas!

10/4/2012, 01:46 PM
George Stephanopoulos, you know of Clinton fame, the unbiased fair journalist that works as an equalizer on ABC, the guy that has called 7 of the last 8 debates for the Democrat, said and I quote,

"does a tie go to the challenger?"

A tie? really George?

Ah, but the MSM isn't biased. I forget that part.

10/4/2012, 01:50 PM
I almost started a "Game Thread" during the debate because I wanted to comment on some things as it went along.

I was wondering if it was as obvious to the world as it was to me that Obama was unable to rebut Romney's points, so he would just start to ramble with "warm" stories about his grandmother and "hard working people" that he had met.

It is interesting that he uses that "hard working people" phrase a lot. If you would ask "hard working people" who they support I would imagine it would not be Obama. Instead I envision the 47%, not exactly what comes to mind when you say "hard working people", being more in the Obama camp.

Did anyone catch the disdain he showed for corporate profit when he was talking about the oil companies? He almost said something on the order of, "they don't deserve to make a profit."

I am also amazed that Obama did not bring up the 47%. I am also amazed that Romney didn't bring up, "You didn't build that."
Being a gambling man, I would give odds that both of these things will eventually be mentioned in upcoming debates.

I loved how Romney came across with passion about trying to save the country. Obama looked like he was embarrassed as to what he has been doing. Beautiful.

I am licking my lips anticipating the Vice Presidential debates. It will be a slaughter.

I was a bit amazed at obama talking about college funding...and mentioned he and Michelle didn't have parents that could pay for their schooling...didn't he go to private schools his whole life? who paid for that?

10/4/2012, 01:52 PM
I read this in the paper today. Another great snippet of good news to brighten my day. There's hope for a peaceful change there yet.

Of course a common ploy of the rulers of a country in crisis is to start some conflict with another country so that the population more or less has to back those in power as they battle the threat. So in other words if the Iranian rulers feel like they are losing control they might hasten to bring action against Israel to keep themselves in power.

unfortunately one of the last times that happened was in Germany...WWII came about...not good. One saving grace is the muslim mosques that are in Israel..that MIGHT prevent a total bombing.

10/4/2012, 02:05 PM
I dont watch the news as close as Most of Yall, I do know that IF Iran gets a Bomb they will sockpile enough of em that they will then start **** with Israel and anyone else they THINK is their enemy. Unless something does happen to topple their Government soon We will be at war with them with in the next 4 years.


Ahmadinejad is term limited to two terms in office. He is about done with his second term. This UN speech was his last and he will soon be gone. I think the next President of Iran will give us an indication of which way Iran is heading. That is unless the country currency continues to decline and then all bets are off on what will happen.

10/4/2012, 02:20 PM
I was a bit amazed at obama talking about college funding...and mentioned he and Michelle didn't have parents that could pay for their schooling...didn't he go to private schools his whole life? who paid for that?

Michelle attended public high school, but it also looks like she did a cross-town commute to a magnet school in Chicago. Barack was in Indonesian schools and was home schooled for a little bit in Indonesia. It says he attended a private school in Hawaii with the aid of a scholarship.

They both went ivy league for college and lots of school loans as I recall. Neither came from an upscale background.

10/4/2012, 02:33 PM
Michelle attended public high school, but it also looks like she did a cross-town commute to a magnet school in Chicago. Barack was in Indonesian schools and was home schooled for a little bit in Indonesia. It says he attended a private school in Hawaii with the aid of a scholarship.

They both went ivy league for college and lots of school loans as I recall. Neither came from an upscale background.

Indonesia? so he isn't American? ;-)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/4/2012, 02:40 PM
I didn't watch the debate, since I don't enjoy seeing or hearing our Obear. Everyone says He now has a clean clock, though. Doesn't matter. the big Q in my mind still, is how much voter fraud the Left has in place for the actual election.,

10/4/2012, 02:46 PM
Indonesia? so he isn't American? ;-)

Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist according to some.....

10/4/2012, 02:50 PM
Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist according to some.....

lol...ya know I'm part of the "some".. but I was just flippin ya $hit

10/4/2012, 03:04 PM
I see Obama is trying to spin the debate that Mitt's a liar and pumping up his crowd of near do wells.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 03:05 PM
did ST ever figure out who he was specifically addressing with his comment after my picture

it clearly wasn't me....he said awhile ago that he needed more time to come up with the answer

10/4/2012, 04:24 PM
lol...ya know I'm part of the "some".. but I was just flippin ya $hit

I know. Was replying in kind ;)

10/4/2012, 04:28 PM
did ST ever figure out who he was specifically addressing with his comment after my picture

it clearly wasn't me....he said awhile ago that he needed more time to come up with the answer

It was the Prophet Mohammed.