View Full Version : Romney Debate Strategy

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rock on sooner
10/4/2012, 04:37 PM
George Stephanopoulos, you know of Clinton fame, the unbiased fair journalist that works as an equalizer on ABC, the guy that has called 7 of the last 8 debates for the Democrat, said and I quote,

A tie? really George?

Ah, but the MSM isn't biased. I forget that part.

I have watched ABC,CBS and CNN (I'm assuming you define these networks
as MSM) and no one, not one talking head, said anything other than Romney
won, no ties, Romney won. Flash polling indicates Romney won. You can't
stand to even win without some sort of smart*** remark.

10/4/2012, 05:41 PM
I have watched ABC,CBS and CNN (I'm assuming you define these networks
as MSM) and no one, not one talking head, said anything other than Romney
won, no ties, Romney won. Flash polling indicates Romney won. You can't
stand to even win without some sort of smart*** remark.

There has been talk about what exactly he won though. In other words....because of last night, President Obama didn't land the Death Blow that everyone expecting the 2007-8 Obama gave McCain.

Bernie Sanders (I) is on right now saying that clearly Romney won the debate from a performance point of view, from a policy point of view and a Honesty Point of View...Romney was a complete failure as well.

Obama's problem last night?

Sanders: The policies for the Middle Class that Romney spoke about will not work and last night Romney changed from the Conservative to his Real Self (A moderate Republican) and that it was just another Etch-a-sketch moment for Romney.

10/4/2012, 05:44 PM
One looked like a president, the other looked like an empty suit community organizing beaten dog with his tail between his legs.

Not much more to say, imo.

10/4/2012, 05:45 PM
There has been talk about what exactly he won though. In other words....because of last night, President Obama didn't land the Death Blow that everyone expecting the 2007-8 Obama gave McCain.

Bernie Sanders (I) is on right now saying that clearly Romney won the debate from a performance point of view, from a policy point of view and a Honesty Point of View...Romney was a complete failure as well.

Obama's problem last night?

Sanders: The policies for the Middle Class that Romney spoke about will not work and last night Romney changed from the Conservative to his Real Self (A moderate Republican) and that it was just another Etch-a-sketch moment for Romney.

Please tell me more about how Bernie Sanders, the only self-confessed socialist in the US Senate, objectively analyzes last night's debate. :eyeroll:

10/4/2012, 05:48 PM
One looked like a president, the other looked like an empty suit community organizing beaten dog with his tail between his legs.

Not much more to say, imo.

We all see exactly what we want to see. I see a Ex-Governor of Massachusetts who will say and do anything to get that job away from the Current POTUS. He looked pretty damn desperate and today extremely relieved.

10/4/2012, 05:50 PM
Please tell me more about how Bernie Sanders, the only self-confessed socialist in the US Senate, objectively analyzes last night's debate. :eyeroll:

You got me there SicEm. I guess he's a Socialist if he's not a Republican. : Double eyeroll:

10/4/2012, 05:52 PM
The current president is a jive talkin fraud from S. Chicago. An arrogant pseudo intellectual with no business sense and real world experience. A narcissist with a paper thin facade of faux confidence covering up his complete lack of competency.

Thats what I see, but I see your point. Some of us are more perceptive than others. Heh.

10/4/2012, 05:53 PM
You got me there SicEm. I guess he's a Socialist if he's not a Republican. : Double eyeroll:
Uh, no, Bernie Sanders considers himself a Socialist. Clearly you once again don't know a damned thing about what you're talking about. Do a little research and come back with some facts next time.

I don't call Bernie Sanders a socialist -- Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist.

10/4/2012, 05:53 PM
You got me there SicEm. I guess he's a Socialist if he's not a Republican. : Double eyeroll:

No see, Bernie sanders admitted he was a socialist. In his own words. Out of his mouth.

10/4/2012, 05:57 PM
Honest to God, I don't know how ST manages to put his shoes on the right foot every morning.

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 05:57 PM
i have to assume that ST was, or still is, a union hack, and therefore will go to the grave with Obama, like Pickett's men on a charge.....oblivious to the reality of the situation and unable to see what everybody else clearly see's

i like loyalty though - so kudo's to you for that

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 05:58 PM
Honest to God, I don't know how ST manages to put his shoes on the right foot every morning.

you're a dumas, only one shoe goes on the right foot - not both of them

10/4/2012, 06:00 PM
Blue, SicEm..great minds think alike!

Good job! lol

10/4/2012, 06:01 PM


Can't hide a open barn door from the ole Vet. He's gonna stick his face in every open barn door he can find. Make sure your all zipped up fellas!

Now this is funny as hell. ST You and every one else knows you have Long stroked My weenie, I on the other hand have NEVER even seen yours:surprise:

jk the sooner fan
10/4/2012, 06:02 PM

10/4/2012, 06:03 PM
Honest to God, I don't know how ST manages to put his shoes on the right foot every morning.

He has an Instructional Video

10/4/2012, 06:05 PM
i have to assume that ST was, or still is, a union hack, and therefore will go to the grave with Obama, like Pickett's men on a charge.....oblivious to the reality of the situation and unable to see what everybody else clearly see's

i like loyalty though - so kudo's to you for that

If it wernt fer the Unions, ST would have been runned Oft years ago. So he thinks they a good thing .

10/4/2012, 06:06 PM

He aint very little But he is strange as hell

10/4/2012, 06:25 PM
If it wernt fer the Unions, ST would have been runned Oft years ago. So he thinks they a good thing .

I never worked a Union Job until 1996. So which years are you talking about?

10/4/2012, 06:28 PM
Honest to God, I don't know how ST manages to put his shoes on the right foot every morning.

Do you need shoes to wake up at noon and go to the medicine cabinet, then spend the rest of day on the internet until you zonk out?

10/4/2012, 06:34 PM
i have to assume that ST was, or still is, a union hack, and therefore will go to the grave with Obama, like Pickett's men on a charge.....oblivious to the reality of the situation and unable to see what everybody else clearly see's

i like loyalty though - so kudo's to you for that

You assume way to much. I was at a meeting once and this Union guy brings up that we need to vote a straight democratic ticket. I actually had to take a deep breath as I watched quite a few folks who were Republican NRA Members that had had to give up their guns when their Wife had gotten a restraining order on them. What ensued was at some moments sad and others quite humorous.

I've endured three massive layoffs when I was in management and three or four since deciding that I wanted to work on planes and go on test flights. You can make up whatever reality you think I lived in. I've seen guys who would sell out everyone they work with so they wouldn't have to get their hands dirty to guys who would sell their souls to a gang and turn their backs on God. Until you have worked in an environment like I have....you don't know squat.

10/4/2012, 06:37 PM
BTW SicEm....they are steel toed boots. If you ever get a job outside the secretarial pool you'll maybe see a few pairs. Even Management will wear them as working in such an environment is really dangerous sometimes. Funny thing though...they aren't required....but smart people use them.

A close friend of mine left our Company and went to Boeing. He was there when this happened....



10/4/2012, 06:43 PM
I've seen guys who would sell out everyone they work with so they wouldn't have to get their hands dirty to guys who would sell their souls to a gang and turn their backs on God. Until you have worked in an environment like I have....you don't know squat.

What in the F does this mean?

10/4/2012, 06:54 PM
What in the F does this mean?

It means that I once had a guy in my work group who had his head so far up our Boss's *** that he and his Boss lost their positions. I've seen guys that were wearing their employee badges at a White Supremacist Meeting and the video ended up on 60 Minutes and they got fired. The number of folks who thought they had to right to do and say anything they wanted have disappeared many times. Some thought they were one day going to sit at the right hand of Jesus because they worked with a bunch of Union Scum and others hid behind Unions for some very messed up reasons but found that even the Unions aren't going to put up with their sh*t.

10/4/2012, 07:01 PM
sorry I asked

10/4/2012, 07:05 PM
It means that I once had a guy

how was he? was it recently?

10/4/2012, 07:12 PM
how was he? was it recently?

It was you. I was in my garage pressing weights....when....


10/4/2012, 07:14 PM
ST has taken his show on the road:


10/4/2012, 07:16 PM
Is that where you lost your moped?

10/4/2012, 07:20 PM
Is that where you lost your moped?
On YouTube? Nope. Never lost a moped on YouTube. I've never owned a moped either.

10/4/2012, 07:26 PM
It was you. I was in my garage pressing weights....when....


you couldn't press a pain pill in your garage. My guess is Sicem would push you over and dominate you.

this like most of your posts has become an exercise in stupidity

10/4/2012, 07:32 PM
you couldn't press a pain pill in your garage. My guess is Sicem would push you over and dominate you.

this like most of your posts has become an exercise in stupidity

So you need SicEm to do your dirty work. If figures.

10/4/2012, 07:39 PM
Anyone looking forward to these debates needs to a) cop a ****ing life, or, b) get a pre-frontal lobotomy, or c) seek serious professional help.

I'd rather watch cow turds dry than watch this crap. If this country is so ****ed up that there's a bunch of people who'll choose who to vote for based on a canned debate between two embiciles then we deserve to be in the shape we are. Sheezus people, wtf is wrong with y'all?

Having your monthly menstral cramps big buy? Kinda cranky ain't ya.

10/4/2012, 07:44 PM
BTW SicEm....they are steel toed boots. If you ever get a job outside the secretarial pool you'll maybe see a few pairs. Even Management will wear them as working in such an environment is really dangerous sometimes. Funny thing though...they aren't required....but smart people use them.

A close friend of mine left our Company and went to Boeing. He was there when this happened....



I hope the guy was wearing his steel toe boots

10/4/2012, 07:45 PM
Having your monthly menstral cramps big buy? Kinda cranky ain't ya.

He's retired and evidently found out the cost of a lifetime Fishing License vs the cost per year to the number of years he plans on tightlining crappie.

10/4/2012, 07:45 PM
So you need SicEm to do your dirty work. If figures.

I wouldn't call it "dirty work." It's really more a labor of love.

10/4/2012, 07:45 PM
I hope the guy was wearing his steel toe boots

Heh. At some point they do more harm than good. You have a point there.

10/4/2012, 07:46 PM
I wouldn't call it "dirty work." It's really more a labor of love.

You and your "Cigars".....you are quite the puffer.

10/4/2012, 07:55 PM
I never worked a Union Job until 1996. So which years are you talking about?

Well then I'd be guessin from 96 till till ya started the Pills

10/4/2012, 07:57 PM
Heh. At some point they do more harm than good. You have a point there.

I worked for over 20 years using mandatory steel toe boots, hearing protection, and safety glasses...

The steel toes and safety glasses saved me from injury several times...the hearing protection not so much since I listened to my music and ear bleeding levels...

10/4/2012, 07:58 PM
Well then I'd be guessin from 96 till till ya started the Pills

Keep trying dickwheel.

The truth always prevails. I know you just can't stand not knowing if I'm taking some or not. It's funny how you continue to toss the same old flames. I feel so sorry for you....

I'll keep prayin' for ya Bro.

10/4/2012, 07:59 PM
Greg makes me think of CK. The Boy just cant help but lash out at every one .

10/4/2012, 08:00 PM
Keep trying dickwheel.

Thats " Flying ****ing Dickwheel" to you Baby shakes

10/4/2012, 08:02 PM
Thats " Flying ****ing Dickwheel" to you Baby shakes

No....it's whatever the **** I want it to be....

10/4/2012, 08:02 PM
I worked for over 20 years using mandatory steel toe boots, hearing protection, and safety glasses...

The steel toes and safety glasses saved me from injury several times...the hearing protection not so much since I listened to my music and ear bleeding levels...

Greg worked for almost 16 years using a Steel Tongue.

10/4/2012, 08:03 PM
No....it's whatever the **** I want it to be....

Well BY Gawd You tell us Spacebob?
Ya gonna Tel Dean to **** off again?

10/4/2012, 08:04 PM
No....it's whatever the **** I want it to be....

Oh and ONLY in yer mind

10/4/2012, 08:05 PM
Sponge Bob PillPants . You go Gurl, You will Never Play with MY weenie again

10/4/2012, 08:07 PM
Sponge Bob PillPants . You go Gurl, You will Never Play with MY weenie again

Is it still alive? I figured you had extended it's belly with Bestiality by now.

10/4/2012, 08:10 PM
Is it still alive? I figured you had extended it's belly with Bestiality by now.

Sure it is,I did keep her from you that night tho , It still hunts the Peanut butter Jar ya hid from it Ya ****in Pervert

10/4/2012, 08:12 PM
Sure it is,I did keep her from you that night tho , It still hunts the Peanut butter Jar ya hid from it Ya ****in Pervert


10/4/2012, 08:13 PM

Sorry, Hes one sick Pill Poppin MoFo. Sad to say I had to Hide my weenie from the sick freak

rock on sooner
10/4/2012, 08:15 PM
We all see exactly what we want to see. I see a Ex-Governor of Massachusetts who will say and do anything to get that job away from the Current POTUS. He looked pretty damn desperate and today extremely relieved.

I watched the debate, listened to all the spin, both for Romney and the one or two
that tried to protect Obama, followed up with three tv networks and NPR. All said Romney
won, which he did, but only one pointed out just how much to the center that the
"evolving" Romney sprinted to the center. Etch-a-sketch? Nah, more like outright
flip flopping to the nth degree. He denied his own platform, actually lied about his
own tax plan (heard three different analysis stating such). I understand what drives a
multi-tongued pervericator who has never met an issue that he couldn't find both sides
to support.

The biggest mystery to me is why Obama didn't take him to task. It is my fervent hope
that there is some magical plan that he has to spring on Romney next time around. If he
would have done that last night, with 47%, tax returns, Bain Capital, women's issues this
thing would be OVER, period, but, inexpicably, he didn't.

10/4/2012, 08:37 PM
I watched the debate, listened to all the spin, both for Romney and the one or two
that tried to protect Obama, followed up with three tv networks and NPR. All said Romney
won, which he did, but only one pointed out just how much to the center that the
"evolving" Romney sprinted to the center. Etch-a-sketch? Nah, more like outright
flip flopping to the nth degree. He denied his own platform, actually lied about his
own tax plan (heard three different analysis stating such). I understand what drives a
multi-tongued pervericator who has never met an issue that he couldn't find both sides
to support.

The biggest mystery to me is why Obama didn't take him to task. It is my fervent hope
that there is some magical plan that he has to spring on Romney next time around. If he
would have done that last night, with 47%, tax returns, Bain Capital, women's issues this
thing would be OVER, period, but, inexpicably, he didn't.

I keep hearing people say this. I suspect that Romney was as prepared to answer any of these issues with the same success he answered everything else Obama threw at him. I really do. I wish Obama would have used them too. And when Romney, unlike either of the Bush boys, McCain and Dole (all of whom communicated like a brain damaged monkey) responded with a well thought out articulate answer, Obama would have looked back down at his stand and continued doodling on a piece of paper. He has been revealed as the little boy who needs constant coddling by the press in order to look anything near competent. He's not the smartest man in the room. He was however, the only clown on the stage.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/4/2012, 10:15 PM
On YouTube? Nope. Never lost a moped on YouTube. I've never owned a moped either.I never saw you talking about Vicksburg much, other than you were going to move there, and attend the Ole Miss SECers in Oxford. Que paso with that?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/4/2012, 10:20 PM
I keep hearing people say this. I suspect that Romney was as prepared to answer any of these issues with the same success he answered everything else Obama threw at him. I really do. I wish Obama would have used them too. And when Romney, unlike either of the Bush boys, McCain and Dole (all of whom communicated like a brain damaged monkey) responded with a well thought out articulate answer, Obama would have looked back down at his stand and continued doodling on a piece of paper. He has been revealed as the little boy who needs constant coddling by the press in order to look anything near competent. He's not the smartest man in the room. He was however, the only clown on the stage.Bain Capital, women's war and the 47% are all twisted spin jobs by the Left. Obear was afraid Romney would set people straight about the con jobs they have been witnessing, on all three of those stories. Like you, I anticipate hearing those subjects come up.

10/4/2012, 10:50 PM
Oh Dang!
16 pages of posts and I missed all the fun!
Wonder if Dean got his turds dried???

10/4/2012, 11:28 PM
Bain Capital, women's war and the 47% are all twisted spin jobs by the Left. Obear was afraid Romney would set people straight about the con jobs they have been witnessing, on all three of those stories. Like you, I anticipate hearing those subjects come up.

Or maybe Obama was afraid that would cause Romney to bring up "I didn't build that" (which I still think is going to be remembered as his Obama's Dukakis on a tank moment)

Or going on Letterman instead of addressing an issue that might cause WWIII, Or Libya, or Fast and Furious, or any of the multitude of things that have been fiasco-like during his presidency.

Romney did get Solyndra in there though.

The debates are great because there is NOT any media to protect Obama. Just pure facts which will of course almost always bury a Democrat.
It just takes a messenger that won't drool on himself to deliver the facts.

10/4/2012, 11:45 PM
Hey BigT...did see the Pat Cleary remark? KMC 1982 was the HS...went there myself.

10/5/2012, 08:16 AM
Obama is like a carp in barrel right now. The group of liberal posters that are usually loud and clear around here has nearly disappeared since the debate.

10/5/2012, 08:33 AM
i for one missed the debate, but Obama seems to have slammed him pretty hard afterward, and there are more to come and he has lots of ammo left.

10/5/2012, 08:34 AM
I watched the debate, listened to all the spin, both for Romney and the one or two
that tried to protect Obama, followed up with three tv networks and NPR. All said Romney
won, which he did, but only one pointed out just how much to the center that the
"evolving" Romney sprinted to the center. Etch-a-sketch? Nah, more like outright
flip flopping to the nth degree. He denied his own platform, actually lied about his
own tax plan (heard three different analysis stating such). I understand what drives a
multi-tongued pervericator who has never met an issue that he couldn't find both sides
to support.

The biggest mystery to me is why Obama didn't take him to task. It is my fervent hope
that there is some magical plan that he has to spring on Romney next time around. If he
would have done that last night, with 47%, tax returns, Bain Capital, women's issues this
thing would be OVER, period, but, inexpicably, he didn't.

He got his *** kicked. Plain and simple.

Bain capital is one of the reasons Obama looked like novice fool, and Romney looked like a seasoned vet concerning the economy.

One guy looked like a financial expert, the other looked a touchy-feely simpleton. I kinda felt bad for him.

10/5/2012, 08:38 AM
i for one missed the debate, but Obama seems to have slammed him pretty hard afterward, and there are more to come and he has lots of ammo left.

Obama couldn't slam him to his face... Had to wait until Romney was gone?

Sounds like a coward at work.

10/5/2012, 08:56 AM
Hey BigT...did see the Pat Cleary remark? KMC 1982 was the HS...went there myself.

"My" Pat Cleary graduated college in '78, so I guess it's a different one. He was an engineer though, so I thought maybe it was the same guy.

10/5/2012, 09:10 AM
i for one missed the debate, but Obama seems to have slammed him pretty hard afterward, and there are more to come and he has lots of ammo left.

During the debate would have been the better strategy. Any slamming I've heard has just been pot shots when asked about looking so bad during the debate.

10/5/2012, 09:13 AM
there are more debates, right?

jk the sooner fan
10/5/2012, 09:14 AM
there are more debates, right?

calm down, you can still vote for Obama - dont be butt hurt because Obama's butt hurt

10/5/2012, 09:36 AM
i'm surprised you guys are still so gung ho about the new watered down Romney, i guess that's why he can change all of his positions

jk the sooner fan
10/5/2012, 09:39 AM
your perception is duly noted and appreciated

10/5/2012, 09:49 AM
i'm surprised you guys are still so gung ho about the new watered down Romney, i guess that's why he can change all of his positions

We're just glad to see a man that believes we should stand on our own two feet have his moment of dominance. You can relax, your guy will still win. America's demographics have now tipped and will choose the path of least resistance.

As for watered down, Obama was, uhhh, practically gurgling and too weak to reach for a lifeline.

10/5/2012, 09:53 AM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

Curly Bill
10/5/2012, 10:05 AM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

You're trying really hard here aren't ya? You're normally sort of a chill poster, but seems you're worked up over this? Your dude sucked it up in the debate - any attempt to spin it into something else just makes the spinner look, well...sad.

Curly Bill
10/5/2012, 10:06 AM
You're trying really hard here aren't ya? You're normally sort of a chill poster, but seems you're worked up over this? Your dude sucked it up in the debate - any attempt to spin it into something else just makes the spinner look, well...sad.

Makes the spinner look like ST, and that sure as hell is sad!

10/5/2012, 10:12 AM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

He's just trying to get elected...apparently you have to lie.

jk the sooner fan
10/5/2012, 10:22 AM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

i know full well that you are smart enough to understand the context of those 47% comments. i know full well that you are smart enough to not feel the need to panic that they have some nefarious meaning. I know full well that you realize those comments were made during what appears to be a strategy conversation.

the reality is that during the election - you focus on the votes that you know you have a chance at getting - spending anytime on the 47% (or whatever %) hardcore supporters is a complete waste of resources

you know this.....but you can turn those comments into whatever evil you wish to support your agenda - hopefully you're also smart enough to know that Obama has likely made similar comments during private strategy discussions

they are as meaningful as anything posted on this message board

jk the sooner fan
10/5/2012, 10:27 AM
it's hilarious to me that you're up in arms over the 47% comment - given some of the comments Obama has made in the past, as well as people very close to him (i.e. Rev Wright, et al)

kinda cute actually

10/5/2012, 10:31 AM
i'm not up in arms about it, but one minute it's something you are defending the next it's out of context, then it's "not what i meant at all"

so which is it?

Curly Bill
10/5/2012, 10:32 AM
it's hilarious to me that you're up in arms over the 47% comment - given some of the comments Obama has made in the past, as well as people very close to him (i.e. Rev Wright, et al)

kinda cute actually

It shows such angst! I like to see our lib folks trying so hard to make everything seem like its gonna be ok. And yeah, it is cute! LOL

hawaii 5-0
10/5/2012, 10:37 AM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

Yet another Etch-A-Sketch moment.

Romney's past is full of them, from gun control to healthcare, to women's rights, to backing the Wall Street bankers to the 47%.

"I don't remember what I said but I stand by it whatever it was"

He'll do whatever it takes to get elected.


10/5/2012, 10:38 AM
You're trying really hard here aren't ya? You're normally sort of a chill poster, but seems you're worked up over this? Your dude sucked it up in the debate - any attempt to spin it into something else just makes the spinner look, well...sad.

i'm not spinning, and i'm not starting a bunch of threads or anything, but Romney has a history of changing policies to suit him. it's not like Obama is my guy, if anything i think i've said more good things about Ron Paul than i have about Obama

Curly Bill
10/5/2012, 10:53 AM
Yet another Etch-A-Sketch moment.

Romney's past is full of them, from gun control to healthcare, to women's rights, to backing the Wall Street bankers to the 47%.

"I don't remember what I said but I stand by it whatever it was"

He'll do whatever it takes to get elected.


Holy crap! What a brilliant political revelation! Think of it all by yourself?

jk the sooner fan
10/5/2012, 10:54 AM
this thread has reached a new level of stupid

and after yesterday, i didnt think that was possible

enjoy fellas

10/5/2012, 10:57 AM
it's hilarious to me that you're up in arms over the 47% comment - given some of the comments Obama has made in the past, as well as people very close to him (i.e. Rev Wright, et al)

kinda cute actually

I thought Dennis Miller had a good suggestion. Romney should play the quote of him and the 47% and then the Obama quote saying "I actually believe in the redistribution of wealth" and end it with Romney saying I approve this message.

10/5/2012, 11:18 AM
I thought Dennis Miller had a good suggestion. Romney should play the quote of him and the 47% and then the Obama quote saying "I actually believe in the redistribution of wealth" and end it with Romney saying I approve this message.

My favorite Dennis Miller quote is something along the lines of...

"Liberals foster cradle to grave entitlement...it's just getting to the cradle that's the tricky part."

10/5/2012, 11:41 AM
saw this on another board. Just too funny to not post it on here.


10/5/2012, 12:16 PM
saw this on another board. Just too funny to not post it on here.



10/5/2012, 01:09 PM
too funny.

10/5/2012, 01:31 PM
saw this on another board. Just too funny to not post it on here.

That was funny. Those folks are very good at what they do.

10/5/2012, 01:33 PM
That was funny. Those folks are very good at what they do.

poor Jim Lehrer.

10/5/2012, 01:53 PM

Mississippi Sooner
10/5/2012, 02:13 PM
That might be the funniest political video since the original Jib Jab stuff.

10/5/2012, 02:26 PM
He'll do whatever it takes to get elected.

like obama and the acorn cover-up...black panthers outside a polling station...yeah whatever...

10/5/2012, 02:27 PM
Romney backs off his 47% comment, says he'll keep parts of Obamacare, isn't claiming 5 trillion in cuts anymore

he's mostly just "not Obama" at this point, from what i can tell. he already won over you guys, he doesn't have to convince you anymore

Obama spokesman Stephanie Cutter admitted the number of 5 trillion was made up and the actual number is less today on CNN. It is the Obama campaign that is spinning.

10/6/2012, 01:20 PM
"[A news producer] called just before the debate and said, 'So, I guess Obama's going to win easily tonight. Do you want to come on and talk about it?' I replied that I'd love to but that Romney was actually the stronger debater and I'd be tipping him to win. 'Really?' Yes. 'Well, that is a surprise. I'm not sure people will buy it, but if you want to say that--it's up to you.' The day after the debate he rang again. I was expecting him to say, 'Hey, you were right! Can you come on to talk about how Romney won?' Instead, he said, 'Can you come to talk about how debates don't really matter?' I sighed deeply."

--Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph (London), Oct. 5

jk the sooner fan
10/6/2012, 01:59 PM

good read- VERY good read

10/6/2012, 02:05 PM
[I]"[A news producer] called just before the debate and said, 'So, I guess Obama's going to win easily tonight. Do you want to come on and talk about it?' I replied that I'd love to but that Romney was actually the stronger debater and I'd be tipping him to win. 'Really?' Yes. 'Well, that is a surprise. I'm not sure people will buy it, but if you want to say that--it's up to you.' The day after the debate he rang again. I was expecting him to say, 'Hey, you were right! Can you come on to talk about how Romney won?' Instead, he said, 'Can you come to talk about how debates don't really matter?' I sighed deeply."[/I

--Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph (London), Oct. 5

Followers, shallow thinkers.