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9/14/2010, 06:38 PM
Heres my take on the issue. I yell sooners.... we go stomp people into the dirt. If i just so happen to stop and we lose Saturday, I wil feel it is all my fault and probably have to blow myself up on a park bench the next game.

Its part of the experience, and no matter what people think its not going away. As long as people are paying 80 dollars to put their *** in that seat, they are going to say and do whatever they hell they please. (Within Reason)
Just leave the issue alone, itll die out when its supposed to die out.

9/14/2010, 06:38 PM
Yay! ANOTHER thread on the same subject!! http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm299/lovelyleigh_bucket/anime/Dance.gif

9/14/2010, 06:39 PM
I'm beginning to see why you're so popular. :D

Drats! Merged thread and deleted En_Fuego posts...lost all effect in the shuffle. :cool:

9/14/2010, 06:42 PM
It depends on if it's an Armani Collezioni. As I'm sure your tailor told you, there are various grades of Armani, depending on the mill the wool comes from, whether the suit is fully lined, whether it is fully or partially machine made.

I prefer for the most part, either Oxxford or bespoke.

Now.. come on.. 23 years old?.. doosh-rooster hair?


This reminds me of you.

9/14/2010, 06:44 PM
Yay! ANOTHER thread on the same subject!! http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm299/lovelyleigh_bucket/anime/Dance.gif



9/14/2010, 06:47 PM

9/14/2010, 06:49 PM

Im the banana master on this board. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm299/lovelyleigh_bucket/anime/Dance.gif

9/14/2010, 06:52 PM
I just recovered from LMAO and choking on a piece of ice!

9/14/2010, 06:52 PM
Im the master baiter on this board. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm299/lovelyleigh_bucket/anime/Dance.gif

FIFY http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/wordsmystrys/banana.gif

9/14/2010, 06:55 PM
FIFY http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/wordsmystrys/banana.gif

wow, you took this to a whole nother level.



9/14/2010, 06:59 PM
No I would say to that one person, "Get over it. The other 99 people didn't seem to have any problem with it.":D

I hope youre kidding, if not id say that says alot about you

9/14/2010, 07:00 PM
Sorry, Badj, that would have me yelling Sooners even though I don't want to. That group pressure thing triggers something primal in me.

What if Sherri said something like, "Ladies and gentleman, please remember that while we are all Sooners, this is the land of the free, home of the brave...and here are my boobies!!!"

9/14/2010, 07:04 PM
I hope youre kidding, if not id say that says alot about you

Please, tell me what that says about me.

9/14/2010, 07:05 PM
If you had a war veteran ask you not to say it and you said a big ol' F you just cus some other Vets said it isnt a big deal, that shows a healthy lack of respect

9/14/2010, 07:12 PM
What if Sherri said something like, "Ladies and gentleman, please remember that while we are all Sooners, this is the land of the free, home of the brave...and here are my boobies!!!"

The last time that happened, some idiot woke me up.

9/14/2010, 07:15 PM
If you had a war veteran ask you not to say it and you said a big ol' F you just cus some other Vets said it isnt a big deal, that shows a healthy lack of respect

My uncle > any other vet. (except OleVet, I would stand at attention for that man)

Its comparing apples to oranges.

9/14/2010, 07:16 PM
What if Sherri said something like, "Ladies and gentleman, please remember that while we are all Sooners, this is the land of the free, home of the brave...and here are my boobies!!!"


9/14/2010, 07:17 PM
Ok Ima chime in one LAST time here

Personally i dont GAS what ya sing at the end , Brave , Sooners, Grasshoppers whatever.
Point being it seems to offend some vets and Coach has asked for Brave to be sung so Nuff ****in said
Sing Brave and quit being a dick about it:rolleyes:

9/14/2010, 07:19 PM
Ok Ima chime in one LAST time here

Personally i dont GAS what ya sing at the end , Brave , Sooners, Grasshoppers whatever.
Point being it seems to offend some vets and Coach has asked for Brave to be sung so Nuff ****in said
Sing Brave and quit being a dick about it:rolleyes:

Vet has spoken. You are all dismissed.

9/14/2010, 07:19 PM
My uncle > any other vet. (except OleVet, I would stand at attention for that man)

Its comparing apples to oranges.

Missing the point Dave, just cus your uncle is a vet and says it doesnt mean that your uncle is telling you to say it. My only point is that if it offends even one person who served this country then I dont want any part of it, I would think that everyone else would feel the same way.

9/14/2010, 07:26 PM
Missing the point Dave, just cus your uncle is a vet and says it doesnt mean that your uncle is telling you to say it. My only point is that if it offends even one person who served this country then I dont want any part of it, I would think that everyone else would feel the same way.

It's really, really hard to do anything in life that does not offend one person. Vets are people last I checked (except for olevet, who is a super being of sorts).

Crap, I just offended someone.

9/14/2010, 07:27 PM
I just don't like the "I'm a vet, so my opinion and feelings are worth more than the average citizen." I know they give up a lot for our country, but part of being brave is doing a dangerous thing cause it's right, not cause you get the recognition for it.

I don't know whether I'm going to say Sooners at the end of the National Anthem on Saturday, but I do know that I am done talking about it.

9/14/2010, 07:27 PM
wearing orange offends me.

9/14/2010, 07:28 PM
the only thing im offended by (as a veteran) is that freedom of speech is freedom of speech. we dont restrict what people say in america just because it might offend some other people in america.

if it doesnt affect you physically or financially, if you dont like it, you can just grow a thicker skin and stfu about it.

9/14/2010, 07:30 PM
It's really, really hard to do anything in life that does not offend one person. Vets are people last I checked (except for olevet, who is a super being of sorts).

Crap, I just offended someone.

Agreed. If it doesn't offend 99 but offends one, why should I go bend over backwards to make that one person happy? Although I do think the people wanting this to stop is way more than 99:1.

9/14/2010, 07:31 PM
It's really, really hard to do anything in life that does not offend one person. Vets are people last I checked (except for olevet, who is a super being of sorts).

Crap, I just offended someone.

the only thing im offended by (as a veteran) is that freedom of speech is freedom of speech. we dont restrict what people say in america just because it might offend some other people in america.

if it doesnt affect you physically or financially, if you dont like it, you can just grow a thicker skin and stfu about it.

See though, you guys keep taking it to that level. Its not about taking away someones right to free speech, thats NOT THE POINT. Its about respect and doing the right thing. People have listed many different situations where you have the right to do one thing but it may not necessarily be the right thing.

This is one of those cases. All anyone is asking is to show that extra level of respect of which the National Anthem is entitled.

9/14/2010, 07:32 PM
Jesus Christ on a PoGo stick people , NO ONE is TELLING you You cant do it .
They seem to be saying that if ya gave a shat about others Feelings you wouldnt be doing it .
****, some Yall make mountains outta mole hills .

9/14/2010, 07:34 PM
^ This

and to clarify, im not one of those people who likes PC crap or protecting the 1 outta 100 but this isnt about protecting, this is about doing the right thing

9/14/2010, 07:51 PM
It depends on if it's an Armani Collezioni. As I'm sure your tailor told you, there are various grades of Armani, depending on the mill the wool comes from, whether the suit is fully lined, whether it is fully or partially machine made.

I prefer for the most part, either Oxxford or bespoke.

Now.. come on.. 23 years old?.. doosh-rooster hair?

new money lol

9/14/2010, 07:51 PM
^ This

and to clarify, im not one of those people who likes PC crap or protecting the 1 outta 100 but this isnt about protecting, this is about doing the right thing

except that it isnt doing the right thing. just the opposite.

9/14/2010, 07:57 PM
It's disappointing to see Stoops or any university representative get involved in this perceived issue. It probably should have been expected, however, given how politicized university and collegiate athletic programs' images are becoming.

Congrats, those of you advocating for omitting "Sooners." You're omitting tradition for the sake of political correctness, something that I suspect most of you, in any other situation, would abhor.

For the record, at the K-State game about two weeks after the World Trade Center etc. attacks, "Sooners" was yelled as loudly as ever. No doubt people were feeling quite patriotic that day.

9/14/2010, 07:59 PM
yeah cus a 10 year old tradition should always come before respecting a song that represents our country and our veterans, nice try

9/14/2010, 08:00 PM

9/14/2010, 08:03 PM
except that it isnt doing the right thing. just the opposite.

how would it be the opposite exactly? Just so you know my stance in case you havent read it earlier in the thread, I dont like Sooners being said but I do think it is a bit disrespectful to the meaning of the song, all in all it doesnt bother me alot. Having said that, I feel like if nothing else, on 9/11 and Military appreciation day, our fans should be able to drop it and say Brave.

After all, that is the song and how it was intended. Again, im not advocating taking away anyones rights and I think when anyone brings in the 1st Amendment it is a tad silly, I am just saying that it is about respecting those who served this country who would prefer it didnt happen the way we do it, Some of you act as if the National Anthem was written and intended to say Sooners and we are asking you to go against its intentions, I really dont get it

9/14/2010, 08:30 PM
so where do you draw the line?

when is it acceptible to say something that might offend someone and when is it not?

9/14/2010, 08:32 PM
I get your argument but I dont see this as a PC issue, I see it is simply showing respect to those who served our country whether they could care less or it really bothers them

9/14/2010, 08:32 PM
Wow, of all the things going on in our society that truly are threatening our liberties and the foundation on which this great country was founded, it's nice to know it's something this harmless and insignificant that gets people riled up.

Bottom line is that I would bet that not one single person saying "sooners" is anything other than a very proud American. Yes, I suppose it needs to stop if it offends the masses but a sobering truth is that many other things offend people in this day and age, like praying in public or having old fashioned values.

Just be careful trying to make everyone happy or you might lose more in the end then you bargained for.

9/14/2010, 08:36 PM
But it's hardly a fact that it is disrespectful in the first place. Just because YOU think it is--and others--doesn't make it so. That's where the central disagreement is.

To me, it's a transition. I don't sing along with the National Anthem because I don't like to sing out loud. (I don't sing to any of the OU chants either). But I stand quietly with my hand over my heart. Then, at the very end of the anthem, I love to shout out "SOONERS!" because it signals a transition: the time for reflection is over, and the time for the OU Sooners to kick some butt has started, which is the entire reason we're there.

And the fact that David Boren thinks it should stop makes me want to do it even more. I want him to stop raising my tuition but he keeps doing it anyway. :P

I was in that student section long before ******nozzles like yourself showed up and started screaming SOONERS like a bunch of slapnuts and I can assure you we never screamed anything over the national anthem. It's stupid. It's disrespectful and it has nothing to do with being an Oklahoma Sooner. Grow up.

9/14/2010, 08:40 PM
It's disappointing to see Stoops or any university representative get involved in this perceived issue. It probably should have been expected, however, given how politicized university and collegiate athletic programs' images are becoming.

Congrats, those of you advocating for omitting "Sooners." You're omitting tradition for the sake of political correctness, something that I suspect most of you, in any other situation, would abhor.

For the record, at the K-State game about two weeks after the World Trade Center etc. attacks, "Sooners" was yelled as loudly as ever. No doubt people were feeling quite patriotic that day.

It isn't a tradition any more than horsepigs are a tradition. It makes us look like a bunch of yokels and I wish people would have enough respect for the song, our university and college football to not act like a bunch a schmucks.

A Sooner in Texas
9/14/2010, 08:40 PM
yeah cus a 10 year old tradition should always come before respecting a song that represents our country and our veterans, nice try

Can I have an AMEN! :D

My problem with interjecting SOONERS into our national anthem is that, for two whole minutes, singing the Star Spangled Banner means you're putting nation ahead of football and state. Is it really that hard to stand up for your country that long without making it about football?

9/14/2010, 08:52 PM
I posted this elsewhere and upon recommendation am posting it here as well.

I wouldn't consider myself an uber-patriot. I cover my heart and act respectable when the Banner is being played or sung, but I've never been gung-ho about most stuff like that. But I had four experiences in Washington DC this past June that changed that a lot.

The first was getting to the Washington Monument in the late afternoon, and being treated to a live concert by the U.S. Marine Band (The President's Own). These musicians are some of the best in the world, and most go on to prestigious orchestras after their stint in the USMC is up. I have never heard the Star-Spangled Banner played like that. It was absolutely PERFECT. As a musician, I know how hard it is to play something every day, multiple times a day, and not take one off. It is incredibly hard to play something that often and do it perfectly every time. It's dedication and discipline that do it for them.

The second event was when we visited the Museum of American History at the Smithsonian, and saw the Star-Spangled Banner exhibit. Folks, if you've never seen this, you need to, It's THE flag from Ft. McHenry, restored as much as possible. The way the exhibit is laid out, you round a corner in the dark, and there it is under black light (white light will deteriorate it further). It took my breath away. Literally. That thing is ENORMOUS. And it is awe-inspiring.

The third was visiting a departed friend at Arlington and seeing his burial site not far from the tomb of the unknowns. Seeing the thousands and thousands and thousands of perfectly aligned headstones drives it home that freedom isn't free and a lot of brave people, not just Sooners, paid the price for it.

The fourth was seeing the dedication of the tomb guards. You want to talk about dedication? Check this:


Read up on The Old Guard. Their dedication is unbelievable. The Guard changes every half hour from April 1 through Sept. 30. Over the winter months, it is every hour. So that dude in the picture walked that post in the snow like that for an hour. And he probably did it at least twice that day. The changing ceremony is exactly the same at 3 a.m. as it is for the crowds at 3 p.m.

Shortly before we saw the changing of the guard (which was incredible as well), I had an experience I will never forget. My wife and daughter had gone to use the facilities, and I was standing by myself behind the tomb structure. There is a small set of double-doors there that leads into a very small vestibule where there is a display case containing various items relating to the tomb guards. There is also a marble slab on the wall upon which the tomb guard's creed is carved:

My dedication to this sacred duty is total and whole-hearted. In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter. And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection. Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect, his bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day, alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance. To the right there is a key-card protected door that leads into the Tomb Guard's Quarters. As I stood there reading the Sentinel's Creed, I heard something that made the hair on my neck stand up...the Guard was about to change, and I heard the guards in the quarters reciting the creed. It wasn't screamed or yelled, but it was coming through the thick door loud and clear. I was the only one there to hear it, and I was just dumbstruck. It was as if nothing else existed except me, that marble slab, and the sound coming through the door. I'll remember that until I die.

Not yelling Sooners at the end of the Banner isn't a matter of sacrificing state pride. It's a matter of NOT sacrificing American honor. After seeing what I saw in DC, I can't look at it any other way.


9/14/2010, 08:53 PM
You d-bags that yell "Sooners" at the end of the anthem make me want to be a Longhorn fan.

9/14/2010, 08:54 PM
stadium must be 80% full of d-bags then ...

9/14/2010, 09:00 PM
stadium must be 80% full of d-bags then ...

I can assure you it's mostly coming from the student section.

9/14/2010, 09:04 PM
so where do you draw the line?

when is it acceptible to say something that might offend someone and when is it not?

Acceptible? Grow up man. Either you don't mind offending our veterans or you would rather not risk it. Nobody can make you say anything. It's up to each of us to choose our level of respect. I remember yelling Sooners more than a decade ago, but if veterans are being offended by it, I ain't gonna do it anymore. **** what Boren or any admin says. It ain't their opinion I give a **** about.

9/14/2010, 09:06 PM

9/14/2010, 09:08 PM
I can assure you it's mostly coming from the student section.

When I was a student, the chant was "God bless Billy Sims" after the anthem (but not instead of). There is nothing wrong with being young and frivolous and too many of us old farts forget that. They are our future, or what I have left of it for me.

9/14/2010, 09:18 PM
It's really, really hard to do anything in life that does not offend one person. Vets are people last I checked (except for olevet, who is a super being of sorts).

Crap, I just offended someone.

In this instance, I believe we have found something that would not offend anyone. As we have witnessed, while it does not offend all, it does offend some when you end the Star Spangled Banner with "the SOONERS" - but I'd bet the house that you would not offend one single vet if you chose to end it with "the brave".

For all of you that have been told by a vet that they don't care how you end the song, just ask them if they would be offended if you ended it as it was written.

9/14/2010, 09:27 PM
If Bob, Joe C., and David Boren don't want us to yell Sooners then why don't we stop? Bob tells us to make as much noise as we did against Tech, I show up and do it. Boren tells us to pay more tuition, I pay more tuition. So if they collectively tell us to stop saying Sooners, then I will stop saying Sooners.

Love my University.

9/14/2010, 09:30 PM
This thread has been around for years and it is as stupid now as ever. The issue is simple: Does our nation stand for free speech or does it not? If it does, then those who choose to yell "SOONERS" at the end of our national anthem are the very ones our soldiers sacrifice to protect, as ridiculous as it may seem to some. If it does not then we should criminalize any bastardization of our national anthem and prosecute those who willfully participate in singing it in a manner not approved by our government.

If we all agree that free speech is one of our most charished rights, then we will, whether we prefer "SOONERS" or "BRAVE", respect the right of our fellow citizens to sing whatever they GD well please . . . as long as its not affiliated with the recruiting hotbed to the south of our blessed river boarder.

9/14/2010, 09:31 PM
It is offensive to me that a fan of the Sooners would choose to not yell "Sooners" in our stadium.

9/14/2010, 09:33 PM
In this instance, I believe we have found something that would not offend anyone. As we have witnessed, while it does not offend all, it does offend some when you end the Star Spangled Banner with "the SOONERS" - but I'd bet the house that you would not offend one single vet if you chose to end it with "the brave".

For all of you that have been told by a vet that they don't care how you end the song, just ask them if they would be offended if you ended it as it was written.

It could be. But I don't sing the song at all and that seems to perturb some. And if someone tells me I have to sing or put my hand to my heart or face a certain directly, then I'll start to get a little ticked off.

9/14/2010, 09:47 PM
This thread has been around for years and it is as stupid now as ever. The issue is simple: Does our nation stand for free speech or does it not? If it does, then those who choose to yell "SOONERS" at the end of our national anthem are the very ones our soldiers sacrifice to protect, as ridiculous as it may seem to some. If it does not then we should criminalize any bastardization of our national anthem and prosecute those who willfully participate in singing it in a manner not approved by our government.

If we all agree that free speech is one of our most charished rights, then we will, whether we prefer "SOONERS" or "BRAVE", respect the right of our fellow citizens to sing whatever they GD well please . . . as long as its not affiliated with the recruiting hotbed to the south of our blessed river boarder.

If a vet says it's offensive, it's offensive. The vet paid a much higher price to ask that he not be offended than did the people that are potentially offending him.

9/14/2010, 09:48 PM
I yell Sooner every time... sorry...

don't mean to disrespect anybody intentionally. I do it because it makes me happy and pumped.

I do it at all sporting events... even the Astros :D

I also cheer and yell "rockets," when I'm at Houston Rockets games. "And the 'rockets' red glare"

9/14/2010, 10:01 PM
I yell Sooner every time... sorry...

don't mean to disrespect anybody intentionally. I do it because it makes me happy and pumped.

I do it at all sporting events... even the Astros :D

I also cheer and yell "rockets," when I'm at Houston Rockets games.

And you can go right on doing it if it makes you happy.
Every dummy that has used the words "legal, right, or prosecute" in their rationalization missed the point completely.
I am going to stop. That doesn't mean anyone else has to.

proud gonzo
9/14/2010, 10:02 PM
I say if you have chairback seats you can sit. Otherwise you ought to be on your feet. Unless you're really old.

There should be a rule: You can yell "Sooners" at the end as long as you have been singing the entire national anthem.
sounds good to me.

9/14/2010, 10:22 PM
It could be. But I don't sing the song at all and that seems to perturb some. And if someone tells me I have to sing or put my hand to my heart or face a certain directly, then I'll start to get a little ticked off.

I usually don't sing either, as that in itself would be a crime against humanity. ;)

If I could sing, I would. Since I can't, I make sure I have my hat removed and stand attentively and respectfully watching our flag throughout the song...and I've yet to offend anyone in doing so (that I'm aware of). :)

9/14/2010, 10:38 PM
It seems like OU football games are being viewed as Memorial Day dedications at Arlington Cemetery. I just can't bring my self to care about something this small that much. I think I'll just start holding my hat over my heart like I always do, stop singing the British drinking song, and stop saying Sooners. And just do what I came there to do and watch a football game at a stadium that had its name **** on by Boren and everyone else that renamed it "Gaylord Family" Oklahoma Memorial Stadium because they gave a bunch of money.

9/14/2010, 10:42 PM
what if we took the words "under God" out of the pledge?

9/14/2010, 10:42 PM
It is offensive to me that a fan of the Sooners would choose to not yell "Sooners" in our stadium.

so basically you are just rebelling just for the sake of it, real mature

9/14/2010, 10:44 PM
It seems like OU football games are being viewed as Memorial Day dedications at Arlington Cemetery.

Cmon Dusty, I know youre smarter than that. Its not about making it all drab and depressing, its not about violating peoples rights, its not about not offending people, it is plain and simple about respecting the flag, our country, and the reasons behind the song being written in the first place, none of which involve the Sooners in the least

9/14/2010, 10:52 PM
Now that I know that ANY of our heros are offended, I think it should stop.

Just for argument's sake, what if any of our heroes/soldiers were (i) in fact NOT offended by the it and (ii) were offended that people were suggesting a way was found to prevent the fans from singing it? What is the number that makes a critical mass that would change your opinion? I'm not being a smart-***, I'm just curious - because I would make the argument that everyone actually has the right to make their own decision on it. It's not the military's national anthem, it's the national anthem of each American citizen.

9/14/2010, 10:52 PM
Cmon Dusty, I know youre smarter than that. Its not about making it all drab and depressing, its not about violating peoples rights, its not about not offending people, it is plain and simple about respecting the flag, our country, and the reasons behind the song being written in the first place, none of which involve the Sooners in the least

I'm not getting offended, just tired of the whole thing. I care less than 99% of the people on here about either side. So I am punting on this argument now. And you aren't the one that is irritating in this thread, but there are plenty of em. On to more important subjects to me....like making me a nice drink. :D

9/14/2010, 10:54 PM
what if we took the words "under God" out of the pledge?

It started that way. We put those words in a while after the fact. I figure you know that and said that out of sarcasm, but you would be surprised by the amount of people who didn't know that. ;)

9/14/2010, 10:54 PM
Sherri is a coach, not an abuser. If she wants to punish you, you're gonna get CPwn3d.


So... how many of you wanna say "brave" now? :D

As an aside, I feel sorry for that poor basketball. Ouch.

Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 10:56 PM
You have the right to yell "Sooners". Bob Stoops has the right to ask you to stop. I have the right to think anyone yelling "Sooners" is a goddamn idiot. You have the right to think I'm an ******* for thinking that.

Asking someone to stop doing something doesn't abrogate their rights. Inducing someone to modify their behavior non-coercively doesn't abrogate their rights. Unless you're being threatened with state-sponsored sanctions for yelling Sooners, shut the **** up about the First Amendment before you look any more like an idiot than the aforementioned behavior already shows you to be.

9/14/2010, 10:56 PM
so basically you are just rebelling just for the sake of it, real mature

Yeah, rebellion is wrong


Wait what?

Cmon Dusty, I know youre smarter than that. Its not about making it all drab and depressing, its not about violating peoples rights, its not about not offending people, it is plain and simple about respecting the flag, our country, and the reasons behind the song being written in the first place, none of which involve the Sooners in the least

Yeah! Respect your country like these men before us did!


9/14/2010, 10:57 PM
On to more important subjects to me....like making me a nice drink. :D

What are you fixing??! I agree with you - I'm surprised at the umbrage on either side...seems to me if the national anthem means something to you, sing it the way it was written; if it's not high on your list, have some fun with it.

9/14/2010, 10:57 PM
I'm not getting offended, just tired of the whole thing. I care less than 99% of the people on here about either side. So I am punting on this argument now. And you aren't the one that is irritating in this thread, but there are plenty of em. On to more important subjects to me....like making me a nice drink. :D

I feel ya, it is very irritating at times, I just dont get how people dont understand the respect side of it, even if they dont agree. Makes no sense to me, oh well

9/14/2010, 10:58 PM
OUDAVID1 had to go all widescreen with is graphics...oooooooh! :)

Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 10:58 PM
Goddamn right. The Founders were rebelling just for the hell of it all right.

9/14/2010, 10:59 PM
You have the right to yell "Sooners". Bob Stoops has the right to ask you to stop. I have the right to think anyone yelling "Sooners" is a goddamn idiot. You have the right to think I'm an ******* for thinking that.

Asking someone to stop doing something doesn't abrogate their rights. Inducing someone to modify their behavior non-coercively doesn't abrogate their rights. Unless you're being threatened with state-sponsored sanctions for yelling Sooners, shut the **** up about the First Amendment before you look any more like an idiot than the aforementioned behavior already shows you to be.


9/14/2010, 11:00 PM
OUDAVID1 had to go all widescreen with is graphics...oooooooh! :)


Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 11:00 PM
What are you fixing??! I agree with you - I'm surprised at the umbrage on either side...seems to me if the national anthem means something to you, sing it the way it was written; if it's not high on your list, have some fun with it.

Honestly, it actually irritates me more when yahoos who think they can sing try to sing along. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought the proper way to salute the flag (unless you're actually performing the national anthem) was to stand respectfully and silently.

9/14/2010, 11:00 PM
Goddamn right. The Founders were rebelling just for the hell of it all right.

well it was the free speech thing i was really going for.

9/14/2010, 11:00 PM

Seriously, it crashed my computer. I keep having to get back into the thread from the home page. Lol.

9/14/2010, 11:01 PM
Honestly, it actually irritates me more when yahoos who think they can sing try to sing along. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought the proper way to salute the flag (unless you're actually performing the national anthem) was to stand respectfully and silently.

i do, and i like to stare at the flag, i honestly try not to shed a tear. So many thoughts through my head.

Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 11:02 PM
well it was the free speech thing i was really going for.

You have the right to yell "Sooners". Bob Stoops has the right to ask you to stop. I have the right to think anyone yelling "Sooners" is a goddamn idiot. You have the right to think I'm an ******* for thinking that.

Asking someone to stop doing something doesn't abrogate their rights. Inducing someone to modify their behavior non-coercively doesn't abrogate their rights. Unless you're being threatened with state-sponsored sanctions for yelling Sooners, shut the **** up about the First Amendment before you look any more like an idiot than the aforementioned behavior already shows you to be.

Then that. Again, until a state actor threatens you with sanctions to make you stop, your first amendment rights aren't implicated. Beyond that, a football stadium is not a traditional public forum, nor is it a limited forum, nor is it a forum for expression at all. It is a limited-use public facility, and the Supreme Court has held definitively that the State may disallow certain forms of expression at such. For example, just try to bring a bullhorn in to the stadium and start screaming profanity.

9/14/2010, 11:02 PM
and to top it off, his pics didnt really make that much sense...nice try young lad :D

9/14/2010, 11:03 PM
Honestly, it actually irritates me more when yahoos who think they can sing try to sing along. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought the proper way to salute the flag (unless you're actually performing the national anthem) was to stand respectfully and silently.

You mean people who sing off key? That is annoying. Whenever I get my act together and show up to church, I always end up sitting next to this one woman who sings flat, off key, and way too loud. It's probably why I don't go that often - it just throws my whole Sunday off. I'm not kidding either.

9/14/2010, 11:03 PM
Then that.

THIS 10000%

9/14/2010, 11:03 PM
well it was the free speech thing i was really going for.

Free speech has been recognized in this conversation from the get-go. Common courtesy and respect for those that do take offense to it has not.

9/14/2010, 11:04 PM
Then that.

yeah, i see your point.

and to top it off, his pics didnt really make that much sense...nice try young lad :D

i have much to learn from ye.

9/14/2010, 11:04 PM
Not even necessarily those that take offense to it IMO, moreso a common courtesy and respect to what it stands for and the values it represents

9/14/2010, 11:05 PM
Not even necessarily those that take offense to it IMO, moreso a common courtesy and respect to what it stands for and the values it represents

That too. :D

9/14/2010, 11:05 PM
Free speech has been recognized in this conversation from the get-go. Common courtesy and respect for those that take do offense to it has not.

You're an idiot!!! Be quiet!! Go choke on some Rivella!! ;)

You mean like that?

9/14/2010, 11:05 PM
yeah, i see your point.

i have much to learn from ye.

smarter than I thought ;)

9/14/2010, 11:06 PM
Free speech has been recognized in this conversation from the get-go. Common courtesy and respect for those that take do offense to it has not.

noted, my bad

9/14/2010, 11:06 PM
You're an idiot!!! Be quiet!! Go choke on some Rivella!! ;)

You mean like that?

Zactly like that. ;)

9/14/2010, 11:06 PM
PS Crimson Jim - I hope you appreciate the Rivella reference since you're in Switzerland.

9/14/2010, 11:07 PM
smarter than I thought ;)

im getting there.

but you inspired my location, so i have to follow your lead here.

Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 11:07 PM
You're an idiot!!! Be quiet!! Go choke on some Rivella!! ;)

You mean like that?

Dude, seriously? Rivella? You been in Switzerland recently or something? That **** is nasty.

Frozen Sooner
9/14/2010, 11:08 PM
And I see you posted it because of a Switzerland location. Mmm. Milk-plasm soda.

9/14/2010, 11:08 PM
I feel ya, it is very irritating at times, I just dont get how people dont understand the respect side of it, even if they dont agree. Makes no sense to me, oh well

It's called projecting. You think a thing like a flag or a song evokes some sort of behavior and you just assume everyone feels the same way. They mean nothing to me, but if I projected that feeling onto you, I wouldn't understand your behavior either.

9/14/2010, 11:09 PM
ok lets just step back a second... just because a veteran says something, doesn't mean we all have to do what he says.

i dont know about the rest of the vets on this board, but in addition to the many great people i knew, and fought beside in the corps., i also had to serve with some of the most worthless mother****ers its ever been my misfortune to know.

not all vets are great people.

9/14/2010, 11:09 PM
PS Crimson Jim - I hope you appreciate the Rivella reference since you're in Switzerland.

Never heard of Rivella. They must not carry that in the hillbilly part of Switzerland. ;)

9/14/2010, 11:10 PM
You people make my Goddamn head hurt STFU already:rolleyes:

9/14/2010, 11:10 PM
It isnt projecting anything that shouldnt already be understood. IF you dont know what the flag represents and the song represents then that is on the collective you, not I

9/14/2010, 11:11 PM
ok lets just step back a second... just because a veteran says something, doesn't mean we all have to do what he says.

i dont know about the rest of the vets on this board, but in addition to the many great people i knew, and fought beside in the corps., i also had the extreme unfortune to serve with some of the most worthless mother****ers its ever been my misfortune to know.

not all vets are great people.

You people make my Goddamn head hurt STFU already:rolleyes:

whenever someone says vet, he appears.

9/14/2010, 11:12 PM
he smells alcohol

9/14/2010, 11:12 PM
It isnt projecting anything that shouldnt already be understood. IF you dont know what the flag represents and the song represents then that is on the collective you, not I

:45 seconds


9/14/2010, 11:13 PM
That movie should be a national treasure as well

9/14/2010, 11:15 PM
That movie should be a national treasure as well

well its not just a notch on the old belt.

9/14/2010, 11:20 PM
It isnt projecting anything that shouldnt already be understood. IF you dont know what the flag represents and the song represents then that is on the collective you, not I

This proves my point - you just cannot grok that someone doesn't perceive things the same way as you do, so they are wrong. I was born and raised in this country, in Oklahoma to be exact, and got the same input as you did I suspect. I just didn't take away the same conclusion as you.

9/14/2010, 11:21 PM
I realize what youre getting at but IMO, there are some things that you should just know. I get the feeling that most that are arguing the opposite side on here know what we are saying, they just refuse to accept it as opposed to just being ignorant of it

9/14/2010, 11:35 PM
I realize what youre getting at but IMO, there are some things that you should just know. I get the feeling that most that are arguing the opposite side on here know what we are saying, they just refuse to accept it as opposed to just being ignorant of it

I know exactly what people expect me to believe because, like I said, I was taught the same thing. I don't take such teachings at face value unless it fits. Songs are words and notes while flags are dyed cloth - freedom and liberty are the real values. That's just the way I feel, but I can still understand where others are coming from.

Jason White's Third Knee
9/14/2010, 11:51 PM
No arm chair coaching from the stands.

I will throat punch the next little ***** guy that "coaches" Landry from the stands. You know that idiot hasn't played since middle school and gets all of his info from sports radio anyway.

Just shut the f up and root for your team.

Crucifax Autumn
9/14/2010, 11:56 PM
Play the song twice...Once say "brave" and the second time say "Sooners".

Problem solved.

9/15/2010, 12:13 AM
youre always needing a do over

9/15/2010, 12:30 AM
Dude, seriously? Rivella? You been in Switzerland recently or something? That **** is nasty.

Yes - I've spent a lot of time there. And that has to be the foulest tasting concoction ever introduced to mankind. I'd rather lick the funk off of Mack Brown's teeth.

9/15/2010, 12:31 AM
Never heard of Rivella. They must not carry that in the hillbilly part of Switzerland. ;)

You should search it out. You can say you survived it.

9/15/2010, 12:33 AM
Yes - I've spent a lot of time there. And that has to be the foulest tasting concoction ever introduced to mankind. I'd rather lick the funk off of Mack Brown's teeth.

Oh, please pour acid into my skull to purge that image.

Lott's Bandana
9/15/2010, 12:41 AM
I hear there is a groundswell of support to yell, "Home of the Gooners", at the next game at the East/West Colosseum.

9/15/2010, 07:07 AM
according to DMN; Stoops has asked that the fans not yell "Sooners"
@ end of National Anthem. especially for the Air Force game.

i agree, show a LITTLE class.

9/15/2010, 07:21 AM
I hear there is a groundswell of support to yell, "Home of the Gooners", at the next game at the East/West Colosseum.
if they could actually pull that off, that would be a giggle

9/15/2010, 07:49 AM
I was in that student section long before ******nozzles like yourself showed up and started screaming SOONERS like a bunch of slapnuts and I can assure you we never screamed anything over the national anthem. It's stupid. It's disrespectful and it has nothing to do with being an Oklahoma Sooner. Grow up.

I don't sit in the student section chief. I sit in the parents' section.

9/15/2010, 08:01 AM
according to DMN; Stoops has asked that the fans not yell "Sooners"
@ end of National Anthem. especially for the Air Force game.

i agree, show a LITTLE class.
^^ This ^^

9/15/2010, 08:55 AM
Showing Respect (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OU/article.aspx?subjectid=92&articleid=20100915_92_B6_bShowo244121)

Most Oklahoma fans fondly remember what happened during the Sooners' 44-3 victory at Air Force in 2001. What stands out to Bob Stoops, however, is something that happened right afterward.

"We're celebrating after the game and we're on the field jumping around," Stoops said, "and their whole team goes over to the student section and starts singing their fight song. I really appreciated (that) all our players got quiet, stopped celebrating and just stood at attention and watched them, out of respect, watched them as they sang to the student body their fight song."

Stoops wasn't the only coach to notice.

"Fisher (DeBerry, then Air Force head coach) commented to me a little while after that he really appreciated the class that we represented Oklahoma with, the class our players played with, the respect we showed their team afterwards," Stoops said. "And I'm a guy that really looked up to, and still does, Fisher DeBerry and the way he coached."

Stoops' point - the Sooners showed Air Force some respect the last time the two programs played. Hopefully Sooner fans will do the same when the Falcons come to Norman Saturday. Stoops is urging fans to respect the national anthem, especially with a service academy in town for the first time since 1965.

"Hopefully with our people being here and Air Force being here, we'll surely be loud in singing 'home of the brave' and nothing else," Stoops said.

All right, pro-"home of the SOONERS" people. Go tell Bob to shut up and that you'll yell whatever you want to yell.

9/15/2010, 09:00 AM
It could be. But I don't sing the song at all and that seems to perturb some. And if someone tells me I have to sing or put my hand to my heart or face a certain directly, then I'll start to get a little ticked off.

So what you're saying is that you're the knucklehead that doesn't remove his lid and munches nachos while it's being played huh? Boulder. Nuff said.

9/15/2010, 09:02 AM
All right, pro-"home of the SOONERS" people. Go tell Bob to shut up and that you'll yell whatever you want to yell.
Stuff like that article will only make the goobers yell it louder. You watch, now they have a REASON to be dumbasses.

9/15/2010, 09:03 AM
Stuff like that article will only make the goobers yell it louder. You watch, now they have a REASON to be dumbasses.

Yep. And that reason is because the head coach asked them not to.


Frozen Sooner
9/15/2010, 09:07 AM
Why does Bob Stoops hate the Founding Fathers?

9/15/2010, 09:11 AM
I think Stoops is right about his comments. We are playing Air Force, and everyone in this country owes so much to these men and women who give up (more or less) their freedom to protect ours. I think it would be such a huge disgrace to not sing the Anthem correctly on Saturday. In fact, I think we should really show them how great of fans we are by giving them the "spect" they deserve (at least until the game starts).

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 09:11 AM
I think its plain to see that bri, froze, dean, and 04 all hate america

9/15/2010, 09:19 AM
So what you're saying is that you're the knucklehead that doesn't remove his lid and munches nachos while it's being played huh? Boulder. Nuff said.

Not much on nachos and lids, I just let the song/flag people do their thing. But you said you are only 53; I've 54 so I have a little more life experience.

9/15/2010, 09:19 AM
I think Bob is just a pawn for Boren at this point. This **** has gotten out of control. We pay 80+ a ****in game. Let people yell whatever they want. If its that wrong the fans will sort it out

9/15/2010, 09:25 AM
Not much on nachos and lids, I just let the song/flag people do their thing. But you said you are only 53; I've 54 so I have a little more life experience.

Any of it military?

Frozen Sooner
9/15/2010, 09:26 AM
Any of it military?

That has SFA to do with it. Never served a day in my life and I know it's idiotic to yell "Sooners" during the national anthem.

9/15/2010, 09:26 AM
I'm ready to switch over to the ...../stand or sit, this mule has been kicked, burnt, ate, puked back up, street swept and just now turned to dust. I say ashes to ashes and PLEASE JUST DON'T SPIT POPCORN ON ME WHEN YOU SING WHATEVER IT IS YOUR GOING TO SING!


stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 09:27 AM
I served 3 tours with the Salvation Army...I can tell you some stories about being in the trenches in front of jc penney

9/15/2010, 09:28 AM
**** it. Anymore, I will just stand there with my hand over my heart quietly.

Whiny titty babies. :mad:

9/15/2010, 09:31 AM
I'm afraid this is all going to backfire. When they finally get everyone to sing "..of the brave", the cowards will be offended.

Frozen Sooner
9/15/2010, 09:32 AM
**** it. Anymore, I will just stand there with my hand over my heart quietly.


9/15/2010, 09:35 AM
I just hope Bob doesn't leave the starters in too long with a big lead in the 2nd half for fear of offending the Cadets!!!! :pop:

On 2nd thought, a half a hundred would be nice! Boomer!

9/15/2010, 09:37 AM

Whiny titty baby. ;)

9/15/2010, 09:47 AM
I think its plain to see that bri, froze, dean, and 04 all hate america
What a country! It's founding principles allow me to brand people who yell "home of the Sooners" as dumbasses with no fear of reprisal.

9/15/2010, 10:07 AM
So what you're saying is that you're the knucklehead that doesn't remove his lid and munches nachos while it's being played huh? Boulder. Nuff said.

Not much on nachos and lids, I just let the song/flag people do their thing. But you said you are only 53; I've 54 so I have a little more life experience.

Any of it military?

Ive been here before Boulder, you dont want to **** off dean.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 10:15 AM
And I see you posted it because of a Switzerland location. Mmm. Milk-plasm soda.

My milk-plasm brings all the boys to the yard

9/15/2010, 10:17 AM
Ive been here before Boulder, you dont want to **** of dean.

I think Dean is a big boy; don't have to walk on egg shells around him.

9/15/2010, 10:19 AM
I'm trying to figure out what "**** of" means.

You don't want to melt of Dean?
You don't want to feel of Dean?
You don't want to sing of Dean?
You don't want to suck of Dean?

I'm at a complete loss here.

9/15/2010, 10:21 AM
I think Dean is a big boy; don't have to walk on egg shells around him.

he'll find you

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 10:21 AM
I'm trying to figure out what "**** of" means.

You don't want to melt of Dean?
You don't want to feel of Dean?
You don't want to sing of Dean?
You don't want to suck of Dean?

I'm at a complete loss here.

Nobody knows really..

9/15/2010, 10:22 AM
I'm trying to figure out what "**** of" means.

You don't want to melt of Dean?
You don't want to feel of Dean?
You don't want to sing of Dean?
You don't want to suck of Dean?

I'm at a complete loss here.


9/15/2010, 10:26 AM
he'll find you

? I have no idea what you mean. Am I hiding?

9/15/2010, 10:32 AM
? I have no idea what you mean. Am I hiding?
There's a room where the light won't find you.
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.
When they do Dean'll be right behind you.

Dean's a nice guy. A big ol' kitten. Don't know why so many people are scared of him. Maybe they're *********s at heart and Dean sees right through them and it makes them dribble a little bit down their legs.

9/15/2010, 10:38 AM
There's a room where the light won't find you.
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.
When they do Dean'll be right behind you.

Dean's a nice guy. A big ol' kitten. Don't know why so many people are scared of him. Maybe they're *********s at heart and Dean sees right through them and it makes them dribble a little bit down their legs.


stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 10:48 AM

9/15/2010, 11:20 AM
When I first heard Sooners at the end of the anthem, I just thought it was the crowd cheering at the end of the song. I heard a tape of the band's pregame and realized what was being said. To me, it wasn't a big deal but reminded me of lots of high school student sections that do the same thing.

I stand, put my hand on my heart, and sing it right. I am proud that at our stadium, it seems a lot of the fans are singing it. I can hear the crowd singing. People say it is their right due to freedom of speech to sing as they please. I agree that it is your right.

You get that right of freedom of speech due to the fighting men and women, past and present, many who died for the cause. They are "the brave".

Just this one week, listen to Coach Stoops and sing it as written by Mr. Key out of respect to the Air Force Academy.

9/15/2010, 11:36 AM
OR, if you insist on throwing on a "Sooners", do what a lot of our athletes do: Sing it properly, wait until after the "brave", then say "Sooners". Surely this would be acceptable to all parties?

9/15/2010, 11:54 AM
I have an in-law who is an AFA graduate and lived a comfortable life behind a desk as an officer. He is soaking up full retirement now and double dipping as a highly paid defense contractor. He fully enjoys all the tax dollars you all paid and wants to thank-you. I had 2 uncles (passed away now) who were boots on the ground soldiers in Korea and a great uncle the same from WWII. They were great, regular guys who saw the horrors of war, but wouldn't come across as any more patriotic than the next guy if you met them on the street. They were also big Sooner fans and I wouldn't put it past them to yell Sooners if they were around today (couldn't say for sure). But the in-law living the high life on your tax dollars is an extreme flag waver. No knock against AFA and I'm sure we need our executive layers in the military, but I would love for OU to knock the snot out of those fly boys.

9/15/2010, 11:58 AM
OR, if you insist on throwing on a "Sooners", do what a lot of our athletes do: Sing it properly, wait until after the "brave", then say "Sooners". Surely this would be acceptable to all parties?

Someone would still whine. A Tramel type.

9/15/2010, 12:19 PM

Thats Hot

9/15/2010, 12:21 PM
Lots will still do it this week. There are tens of thousands that will be in the stands that neither read Tramel nor message boards. The only way to get it to everybody will be to have Bob on all news channels and on the screen before the anthem.

9/15/2010, 12:29 PM
I think its funny that lots of people keep saying the last words are "the brave!" or "the brave." Its actually "the brave?"

I'm not saying that as an indictment of our soldiers, more of the song if anything... But I just wanted to point that out.

9/15/2010, 12:36 PM
Lots will still do it this week. There are tens of thousands that will be in the stands that neither read Tramel nor message boards. The only way to get it to everybody will be to have Bob on all news channels and on the screen before the anthem.

Oh, it's not just a local/message board issue any more (http://www.big12sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&ATCLID=204994737&DB_OEM_ID=10410)

There's a mini controversy brewing in Norman and it has nothing to do with Oklahoma's football team.

When the OU band plays the national anthem before games, Sooner fans have taken to yelling "Sooners" instead of "brave," the last word of the song. Before home games, the public address system reminds fans that the song ends with "the home of the brave."

The issue gained attention during last Saturday's game when the national anthem came after a moment of silence to honor the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. And with Air Force playing at Oklahoma Saturday, more ears will be tuned in to hear how many in the 85,000-plus sing it their way.

"I'm totally in agreement with our administration and most everybody," OU coach Bob Stoops said this week. "Hopefully the people that are singing 'Home of the Brave' can be louder and stronger than most anybody that's signing 'Home of the Sooners.' I have great respect for these young men and all the academies, their service and their sacrifice. You have to respect it and appreciate 'em."

Stoops is prepared to help out even though it's doubtful much can be done short of playing a different song such as "God Bless America."

"Well, whatever our administration thinks is necessary," Stoops said. "I'll do whatever they want me to, and of course whatever opportunity I get this week, I'll make sure I express my opinion."

9/15/2010, 12:43 PM

Someone do that "Diamond thing" that all the players are doing with thier hands after a TD! ;)

NO! NO! NO! I hear that RUBY is offended by the "Diamond thing":eek: and so we are just going to stick with "WHORNSDOWN!":D

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 12:50 PM
Thats Hot

thanks.. I try

9/15/2010, 12:50 PM

Someone do that "Diamond thing" that all the players are doing with thier hands after a TD! ;)

NO! NO! NO! I hear that RUBY is offended by the "Diamond thing":eek: and so we are just going to stick with "WHORNSDOWN!":D

WE ONLY DO WHORNSDOWN AT OU/tx!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

9/15/2010, 12:55 PM
I think its funny that lots of people keep saying the last words are "the brave!" or "the brave." Its actually "the brave?"

I'm not saying that as an indictment of our soldiers, more of the song if anything... But I just wanted to point that out.

Right, the offcial anthym ends in "brave!". But the condensed portion you here sung ends with "brave?".

I'm Ron Burgundy?

9/15/2010, 12:58 PM
Right, the offcial anthym ends in "brave!". But the portion you here sung ends with "brave?".

I'm Ron Burgundy?

My point exactly. The verse that we sing ends in "brave?".

9/15/2010, 01:01 PM
WE ONLY DO WHORNSDOWN AT OU/tx!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I do it every day driving home from work, as I pass by some :texan: giving me the finger!

get glad!

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 01:03 PM
Maybe we should start singing James Brown's "Livin in America" before the games instead

9/15/2010, 01:09 PM
Maybe we should start singing James Brown's "Livin in America" before the games instead

I find this an acceptable alternative, but ONLY if Bob does the Apollo Creed entrance.


9/15/2010, 01:12 PM
Finally we have a fitting compromise.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 01:13 PM
your welcome...I just needed a reason to get on the good foot

9/15/2010, 01:15 PM
To do the bad thing? :confused:

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 01:15 PM
HEEEYYYY!!! Watch me...

9/15/2010, 01:20 PM
The next person I see with a hat on during the anthem gets teh Taser!


9/15/2010, 01:24 PM
How 'bout this??? Come early, stay late, be lOUd, stand up, don't sit, don't pass go ,don't go to jail, don't collect $200, sing the anthem, end it with home of the brave, then yell SOONERS as lOUd as you can 100 times..............................

9/15/2010, 01:32 PM
Add something about "shut the f*ck up when the offense has the ball" and that'll work for me.

Mississippi Sooner
9/15/2010, 01:33 PM
I wonder if this thread is going to make it all the way through the end of the season?

Maybe it should. Maybe this thread is sending out mucho mojo. Long live this thread!

9/15/2010, 01:51 PM
Add something about "shut the f*ck up when the offense has the ball" and that'll work for me.

asked and answered (well sort of)

9/15/2010, 01:54 PM
I could not believe the stupidity of that.

9/15/2010, 02:57 PM
Listening on the radio and WTF is going on up there? Fat Jim Ego trip Traber is making a big deal out of nothing.

People shout "home of the ____" EVERYWHERE. Would someone please run that washed up Kenny Powers out of that market please?

9/15/2010, 02:57 PM

9/15/2010, 02:58 PM
Whoops, I apologize for not having seen this post.

9/15/2010, 03:29 PM
Listening on the radio and WTF is going on up there? Fat Jim Ego trip Traber is making a big deal out of nothing.

People shout "home of the ____" EVERYWHERE. Would someone please run that washed up Kenny Powers out of that market please?

Wow. I think that is the first time we have agreed on just about anything.

9/15/2010, 03:52 PM

Anthem issue should be no issue at all

Anonymous The Norman Transcript The Norman Transcript Wed Sep 15, 2010, 01:49 AM CDT

NORMAN — I write a little thing called “Seen & Heard” as part of our game day coverage of Sooner football and part of what I included last time around was the fact a majority of Sooner fans (or a very vocal minority), even on the anniversary of 9-11, struck the last word of the Star Spangled Banner — “brave” — and added the word “Sooners” instead.

It only happens every single home game around here. But this time it was interesting given the circumstance.

It was not, however, offensive.


You may think differently.

Here’s my personal history with the anthem.

A very long time ago I used to sing it, because at 7 or 8 years old, I was pleased with myself for knowing the words.

But I quit.

Now, I stand, I take my cap off if I’m wearing one. And, usually, fold my arms across my chest. Sometimes my arms are at my sides. That’s pretty much been the case ever since I was a teenager.

After 9-11, I fought tears when the anthem played. After 9-11 became politicized, when one side began to demonize the other using 9-11 as a backdrop, my tears dried up.

In the days and weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the tears returned when the anthem played, but that wasn’t pride, about my country, or my country’s government, letting me down. Eventually, the emotion passed and I went back to simply standing.

Then, pretty much the last 26 days of November, 2008, and maybe December, too, and then maybe after health care passed, the emotion returned when the anthem played. Now that has passed, too.

The anthem aside, I’m a sucker for any footage of soldiers coming home. I felt something when the last combat brigades left Iraq, crossing the border into Kuwait, even as the broadcast media, NBC aside, pretty much ignored the story.

I remain in awe of our soldiers’ sacrifice. I’m simply blown away. Really, I’m blown away by anybody’s willingness to risk the wrath of others and life itself to keep our nation safe, or in an attempt to make it a more perfect union.

Show me a documentary about social change in the 1960s and I can’t turn away. Show me wives with children in their arms running to their soldier husbands and I can’t turn away, except perhaps to catch my breath.

And still, these days, I stand for the anthem passively, thinking about the game more than my country.

Sue me.

Saturday, I’ll be in the pressbox when the anthem plays. Yes, it’s Air Force sharing the field and the folks at OU will have deemed the experience something called Military Appreciation Day, complete with some kind of halftime ceremony.

Still, I can’t imagine anything sillier than telling people what may or may not, or even should or should not, come out of their lips during the final line of the Star Spangled Banner.

It’s a song. It’s a symbol. The flag’s a symbol, too, but at least it’s tangible.

It may be Military Appreciation Day, but, really, it will be college football Saturday in Norman. If you can’t add one word to the anthem on an Owen Field Saturday, when can you?

I know, for many the answer is never. But one of the beauties of this nation is, just as long as everybody stays within the law, the many, or the few, do not get to decide how the few, or the many, must act.

Indeed, even trying to seems the antithesis of American.

You say screaming “Sooners” dishonors the brave?

Housing them at that rat-infested dump of a wing at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a disgrace it took the Washington Post to bring to light, dishonors them.

Screaming “Sooners,” not so much.

I’ll just listen.

Nothing I’ll hear will be wrong or right, just as long as I don’t have to hear somebody telling everybody else how they’re supposed to experience the anthem.

Clay Horning 366-3526 [email protected]

9/15/2010, 04:18 PM

Pretty much how I feel.

Oh, and I stand. The only reason I would sit is if elderly or infirm people were around and couldn't see over me.

9/15/2010, 04:25 PM
You say screaming “Sooners” dishonors the brave?

Housing them at that rat-infested dump of a wing at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a disgrace it took the Washington Post to bring to light, dishonors them.

Screaming “Sooners,” not so much.
With him.

9/15/2010, 04:27 PM
With him.

Valid point.

Frozen Sooner
9/15/2010, 04:46 PM
With him.

False dichotomy. I'm actually much more upset about Walter Reed. However, to the best of my knowledge, nobody at GFMS is actively culturing mold at Walter Reed.

9/15/2010, 05:25 PM
Whether or not saying "Home of the Sooners" is disrespecting the nation or not is beside the point. I just find it tremendously ironic that this controversy falls on a state that regards itself as uber-patriotic.

Kind of amusing, actually.

9/15/2010, 05:52 PM
Some of you bash the student section for being a bunch of dumbasses, who happen to be unpatriotic and extremely disrespectful. You also say how disrespectful it is to not sing the national anthem. But no matter where I sit in the student section, I'd have to estimate that about 80-90% of the students sing the whole thing. Yes, there are those who will talk and mumble through the song, but we all know that happens all over the stadium. And yes, they yell "Sooners" at the end of the song, but that doesn't make them disrespectful idiots. It's not like they're saying "screw America" or "screw our troops" or something by doing it. I'm pretty sure that most, if not all of our students are extremely patriotic. Multiple times last Saturday, the student section started chants of "USA! USA!". I know at least some of you heard those chants.

I'm just trying to defend my reputation, as well as my fellow students'. I feel like we're being bashed more than we should be on here.

Oh, and I'm one of the people who yells "Sooners" as well :D

9/15/2010, 06:18 PM
I didn't even know this was an issue until my 5th year as a student. Most of the kids that come to Norman for the first time have no idea that it is anything other than something cool that happens at the game. It was never big news on campus until the last couple of years.

9/15/2010, 06:18 PM

I'm take a zoomie alum to the game this weekend. Hope he gets it.

9/15/2010, 06:20 PM

I'm take a zoomie alum to the game this weekend. Hope he gets it.

search feature is your friend

9/15/2010, 06:27 PM

I'm take a zoomie alum to the game this weekend. Hope he gets it.

I hope he gets to watch his team get trounced (with respect).

9/15/2010, 06:55 PM
I'm remembering when I was a kid in College and how much I enjoyed following every rule the School threw at us. Every guy and girl I know always felt that every rule was fantastic and we held little meetings to write letters to the School thanking them for all their advice and what a pleasure it was to have the guidelines. School was much better knowing that you never had to worry about thinking about being an individual or part of a small clique of folks who were just there to raise hell and bother the opposing teams at a football or sporting event. I mean....it's all about the Alma Mater and the folks who pay for tickets anyway. What we thought was so minuscule in the grand scheme of things anyway. When the School laid down the law about something...we just snapped to....:D

I've got 100 bucks that every kid in school is gonna yell Sooners now. It happened when they were asked not to do before and it's never stopped since. They do it at other sporting events across America too. It's not like we have the Patent on changing "Brave" at the end.

Today as I was pondering this situation....I wondered....What do they sing in Atlanta at the MLB Games?

Yes it might not be appropriate but it isn't a slam at anyone it is a breech of etiquette. There is no law against it.

United States Code, 36 U.S.C. § 301, states that during a rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart; Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present and not in uniform may render the military salute; men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed. The national anthem is also played on U.S. military installations at the beginning of the duty day (0600) and at the end of duty day (1700). Military law requires all vehicles on the installation to stop when the song is played and all individuals outside to stand at attention and face the direction of the music and either salute, in uniform, or place the right hand over the heart, if out of uniform. Recently enacted law in 2008 allows military veterans to salute out of uniform, as well.

However, this statutory suggestion does not have any penalty associated with violations. 36 U.S.C. § 301 Moreover, generations of students who were introduced to flag etiquette prior to its enactment in 1998 were taught that the hand over the heart gesture was exclusively for the Pledge of Allegiance which has had the statutory requirement for much longer.(4 U.S.C. § 4)[citation needed] This behavioral requirement for the national anthem is subject to the same First Amendment controversies that surround the Pledge. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not required to stand for or sing the national anthem.

As Head Football Coach and an example to many young athletes...Bob Stoops had no choice in expressing any other answer than what he did when asked. I'm glad he chose the answer and asked that folks think about it....especially if those that chose to change the lyrics were doing to **** people off. That's wrong IMO. Sooners are Brave and they live in the Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave. It's good to think about the anthem and hopefully more people will sing the entire song than just scream the last verse...whether or not they sing Brave or Sooners. The story about how Francis Scott Key's poem turned into a song and later became the official Anthem is a great piece of history IMO

9/15/2010, 07:23 PM
I don't understand what the hell is so damn hard about all these stubborn people just biting their tounge, swallowing their pride and showing respect. I'm not in the military, but I love the land of the free, home of the brave. These people are pulling out all the stops to defend themselves for being disrespectful. They'd be mad as hell if someone p!ssed on their mother's grave, but scream a school mascot name at the top of their lungs during the National Anthem. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. The fact theat people want to argue this KNOWING that a service academy is coming to Norman, and the fact that we're gonna be on National TV (you know they'll mention it)... sheesh.

If you wanna yell "SOONER" so badly, wait a few minutes... the whole damn crowd will be yelling "BOOMER" to give you that opportunity like 20 times a game.

I don't agree with Jim Traber much, but I agree whole-heartedly on this. "At the VERY LEAST, OU fans should hush up with that 'home of the SOONERS' thing for a service academy and should have last week for 9/11 as well.' The only excuse for yelling that this week is if you live under a rock and haven't heard the whole country talking about it this week." You're either ignorant or defiant.

9/15/2010, 07:37 PM
I'm tellin ya....the more they make a big deal out of it....the longer its gonna go on....

9/15/2010, 07:47 PM
I tend to agree with you StoopTroup, but the fact remains that it shows disrepect to the nation, the flag, and those who have worn the uniforms of this nation's military who fought to defend it. Why can't we, as Sooners, just take a second to HONOR AMERICA! I don't really understand how this whole thing started (yelling SOONERS at the end of the NATIONAL ANTHEM), but I wish to he!! it would STOP! It is an embarassment to the University.

Do SOONER fans have the RIGHT to do it? Sure! But having the Constitutional right and BEING right are not the same thing!

9/15/2010, 07:49 PM
I tend to agree with you StoopTroup, but the fact remains that it shows disrepect to the nation, the flag, and those who have worn the uniforms of this nation's military who fought to defend it. Why can't we, as Sooners, just take a second to HONOR AMERICA! I don't really understand how this whole thing started (yelling SOONERS at the end of the NATIONAL ANTHEM), but I wish to he!! it would STOP! It is an embarassment to the University.

Do SOONER fans have the RIGHT to do it? Sure! But having the Constitutional right and BEING right are not the same thing!

I don't see the "in my opinion" disclaimer, but I guess it is implied.

9/15/2010, 07:53 PM
I don't see the "in my opinion" disclaimer, but I guess it is implied.

As I tell my students when they answer an essay question in my classrrom - I don't need to have you write "in my opinion," I believe," etc. You are the one writing the essay. I know it is your opinion!

But if it helps, YES! That is my opinion!

9/15/2010, 07:59 PM
As I tell my students when they answer an essay question in my classrrom - I don't need to have you write "in my opinion," I believe," etc. You are the one writing the essay. I know it is your opinion!

But if it helps, YES! That is my opinion!

You're the problem though....quit telling them to sing Brave!

Tell them to sing Sooners and they'll get confused and do the right thing!

9/15/2010, 08:03 PM
As I tell my students when they answer an essay question in my classrrom - I don't need to have you write "in my opinion," I believe," etc. You are the one writing the essay. I know it is your opinion!

But if it helps, YES! That is my opinion!

NP, it's a message board, so I should take all posts that way. You put out a few statements as postulates that I would challenge. I generally add "I think" for something touchy like national symbolism, but it shouldn't be necessary.

9/15/2010, 08:08 PM
I like OVJ. It makes me brave.

9/15/2010, 08:11 PM
I like OVJ. It makes me brave.


9/15/2010, 08:12 PM
I like OVJ. It makes me brave.

:D :cool:

9/15/2010, 08:13 PM
Offended people offend me.

9/15/2010, 08:16 PM
Give them your brave finger.

9/15/2010, 08:21 PM
Offended people offend me.

I am offended by this statement.

9/15/2010, 08:24 PM

Trammel, Traber, and others idjits in the media have blown this far out of proportion and caused most of the animosity. This has been a topic on every Sooner message board for YEARS. That's why this thread was originally started - we all knew the anthem and sit/stand arguments were going to happen. Pre-game has had an explanation about being 'home of the brave' for the last several years, so you all have known Boren was against it. Why has it suddenly gotten so acrimonious? Because Trammel & Traber need to stir the pot and prove someone actually reads/listens to them.

From what I can tell, Boren & Company simply asked that for this week, out of respect, we end the anthem correctly and don't boo the opposing team when they enter the field. Somehow, that got twisted by idiotic media (are there any other kind?) into a demand to stop or else because you are being unpatriotic. Unfortunately, some people just can't help themselves and jump in so the idiotic media just cranks up that fire and make the chickens dance even faster.

As far as wadded panties, I've seen much more from the 'home of Sooners' group than the 'disrespectful' group. No one is infringing on anyone's freedom of speech simply because they ask that you stop or offer the opinion you are being disrespectful. Unless you are dragged from your seats and refused any further entrance to OU events, your 1st amendment rights are still in place. That freedom of speech goes both ways and telling others to quit criticizing you is the exact same thing as them telling you to say brave. So say what you want to say and STFU!

As for the 'disrespectful' crowd, you've expressed your opinion. Some have seen your point and will at least be singing brave for AFA, some from now on. Take what you can get and STFU!

9/15/2010, 08:26 PM
I tend to agree with you StoopTroup, but the fact remains that it shows disrepect to the nation, the flag, and those who have worn the uniforms of this nation's military who fought to defend it. Why can't we, as Sooners, just take a second to HONOR AMERICA! I don't really understand how this whole thing started (yelling SOONERS at the end of the NATIONAL ANTHEM), but I wish to he!! it would STOP! It is an embarassment to the University.

Do SOONER fans have the RIGHT to do it? Sure! But having the Constitutional right and BEING right are not the same thing!

So let me get this straight; when people say "sooners", you and others who are offended honestly think that those people are making the statement that the United States of America is not the home of the brave?
And furthermore, you also truly believe those people have no respect for their country or their countries flag?

You know what would offend me if I were a veteran? people like you assuming that I am so super sensitive and simple minded that I would get offended by such a harmless thing.

SoFla Sooner
9/15/2010, 08:44 PM
we have a lot of angry frustrated people in these United
States these days, apparently. Stop trying to dictate what other people need to say at the end of the National Anthem. Every single word of the Star Spangle Banner is NOT sacred for heaven's sake. And if you substitute a word, out of fun, sport, loyalty to your team, it is nothing less, nothing more. So, here's a thought. STFU!!!!!!!!!!!

9/15/2010, 08:49 PM
So let me get this straight; when people say "sooners", you and others who are offended honestly think that those people are making the statement that the United States of America is not the home of the brave?
And furthermore, you also truly believe those people have no respect for their country or their countries flag?

You know what would offend me if I were a veteran? people like you assuming that I am so super sensitive and simple minded that I would get offended by such a harmless thing.

As I said, I know that you have a RIGHT to sing whatever the hell you want. My point is that just because you have the Constituional RIGHT to do it does not make it the RIGHT thing to do!

The National Anthem was written to honor this NATION, not the Oklahoma Sooner football team. Perhaps if a family member of yours had given his/her life or limb in defense of that flag, you would have a little different take.

You want to know what offends me far more than people yelling SOONERS at the end of the National Anthem? People like you who seem to feel that they have no obligation to anyone or anything other than themself.

So go ahead. Yell whatever you want at the end of the National Anthem. I don't care. I just feel that it is wrong. I expressed my opinions on the issue originally without insulting anyone else - at least not intentionally. You, obviously were offended by my opinion. You saw the need to come on here and take me to task for having the audacity to express an opinion contrary to yours. Talk about someone being simple minded enough to get upset over something harmless! :rolleyes:

9/15/2010, 08:51 PM
<Transcript article>

Preach it!

Shout whichever you want, or neither, or both.

Just don't make your decision based on what David or Christy tells you to do.

9/15/2010, 09:00 PM
I remember going to my 1st game after being away from Oklahoma for ten years and hearing that for the 1st time. It made me cringe then and it makes me cringe now. Of course, I'm from a proud line of military men so I admit I'm a little sensitive.

If people had any sense or sense of honor for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, they would let the "home of the sooners" ride off into the sunset.

9/15/2010, 09:22 PM
I think things might have been a bit different if we'd seen GWB use the draft.

Maybe a few more folks would see things a bit differently. I salute everyone who volunteered and it was easy to support them through it all. We are indeed fortunate to have such folks who not only did this with honor....but many of them who were National Guard went way beyond the call of duty IMO. We still have quite a few where I work who are still deployed.

Thanks to all who served.

Boomer Mooner
9/15/2010, 09:26 PM
It's a shame all Sooner fans are being judged by the actions of a group of indulgent and disrespectful fans. It sucks to have to agree with other fanbases who point a finger and say "keep it classy Sooners".

You have the right to eat your boogers on tv too and that probably wouldn't hurt our image as much as this childish bull**** does.

9/15/2010, 09:43 PM
My preference is to say "brave" not Sooners. Yes, we are at a football game, a Sooners football game, but that song is not OU's, it's America's. And for the few minutes that song is sung, we can stop being just Sooners and all sing and pay respect as a nation.

It's just a respect thing.

That's my opinion. The great thing about our country is that we all have the opportunity to express our opinions. I respect our right to freedom of speech and although I don't agree with people saying "Sooners". I have no right to tell them not to. If they ask my opinion, I will politely state that I would prefer "the brave"

God Bless

9/15/2010, 10:10 PM
I didn't hear the call from Sgt. Wilson but I did hear Mike Steely go on a 20 minute tirade about how disrespectful OU fans are. He punctuated his statement by saying that osu fans are far classier than OU fans because they don't do anything like that.

Personally, I think people are being way too sensitive. Anyone who hears OU fans yell "SOONERS" and take it in such a way as to imply we are somehow unpatriotic are...IDIOTS!

It wouldn't matter what the Pokes yell. They can't sell enough seats for it to make a difference.

I'm already bored with lOSUr's righteous indignation this season. Every year it's something to "prove" how they are so classy. Wish they would realize that if you are you don't have to work so hard to convince others.

They spend more time picking out uniform and helmet styles than our sorority girls spend on hair and makeup. Yawn!

9/15/2010, 10:17 PM
I cannot read all of these posts but this Saturday will not matter, the fly-over will drown out all voices at the end of the national anthem...Boren will make sure the timing is just right...

9/15/2010, 10:51 PM
So let me get this straight; when people say "sooners", you and others who are offended honestly think that those people are making the statement that the United States of America is not the home of the brave?
And furthermore, you also truly believe those people have no respect for their country or their countries flag?

You know what would offend me if I were a veteran? people like you assuming that I am so super sensitive and simple minded that I would get offended by such a harmless thing.

Think of it like wearing a hat during the National Anthem, or farting while someone is giving a eulogy. It's not that you're specifically trying to disrespect the situation, but you're not making a point of showing respect.

9/15/2010, 11:01 PM
My preference is to say "brave" not Sooners. Yes, we are at a football game, a Sooners football game, but that song is not OU's, it's America's. And for the few minutes that song is sung, we can stop being just Sooners and all sing and pay respect as a nation.

It's just a respect thing.

That's my opinion. The great thing about our country is that we all have the opportunity to express our opinions. I respect our right to freedom of speech and although I don't agree with people saying "Sooners". I have no right to tell them not to. If they ask my opinion, I will politely state that I would prefer "the brave"

God Bless
What they said!:)

9/15/2010, 11:13 PM
This is easily the most over-blown issue of the decade at OU...usually when I see normal people stressing over small issues like this I try to figure out what the true deep-seated issue is...concerns me a little about OU...

9/15/2010, 11:27 PM
Why even play the National Anthem at all prior to a football game?

9/15/2010, 11:31 PM
Why even play the National Anthem at all prior to a football game?

It's situations like these that will cause us to no longer sing the anthem.

9/15/2010, 11:34 PM
Why even play the National Anthem at all prior to a football game?

Why not just sing it correctly and there wouldnt be any silly debate? How about this, lets get the student section to change the word OKLAHOMA to PAKISTAN, since it really doesnt matter.

PAKISTAN, where the winds come sweeping down the plains

9/15/2010, 11:41 PM
This is easily the most over-blown issue of the decade at OU...usually when I see normal people stressing over small issues like this I try to figure out what the true deep-seated issue is...concerns me a little about OU...


9/15/2010, 11:49 PM
If it bothers Stoops, it bothers me. Sing the ****ing song the right way.

9/15/2010, 11:51 PM
You know everyone hates us anyway...so at this point I dont think that the reflection of the University matters too much.

proud gonzo
9/16/2010, 01:48 AM
Why not just sing it correctly and there wouldnt be any silly debate? How about this, lets get the student section to change the word OKLAHOMA to PAKISTAN, since it really doesnt matter.

PAKISTAN, where the winds come sweeping down the plains

Now that's just ridiculous. It isn't even the right number of syllables. :rolleyes:

9/16/2010, 02:18 AM
A Sooner...an American...a Patriot........and I've had enough of that other thread. I quit reading it, let the son of a bitch die, there will never be a right or wrong. Sign in here.

9/16/2010, 02:50 AM
Couldn't agree more

9/16/2010, 05:29 AM

9/16/2010, 07:05 AM
count me in !!!!!

the morons will never understand.

9/16/2010, 07:13 AM
So you started another thread to proclaim your are quitting the other thread?

What kind of a moran does that? :pop:

9/16/2010, 07:15 AM
This is easily the most over-blown issue of the decade at OU...usually when I see normal people stressing over small issues like this I try to figure out what the true deep-seated issue is...concerns me a little about OU...

<thanks a lot Bin Ladin>

9/16/2010, 07:45 AM
i would hope for 1 game we can really show the af players some respect before/during the game. these are kids representing their school and country and we need to let them know after we kick their aces on the field they can carry on preparing their lives to one day potentially save us.

No "Home of the Sooners" bs... sing the damn song. if it's eating you up inside that you can only have 1000 "Sooners" bellows throughout the game instead of the 1001 you wanted to edit into the anthem, you can make it up to the jack arse whorn fan that will inevitably show up in hopes of terrorizing all things dominant. THE SOONERS


9/16/2010, 07:53 AM
home of the?http://digital.library.okstate.edu/encyclopedia/entries/F/images/FO050.gif

or this?

9/16/2010, 08:02 AM
home of the nihilist!!

9/16/2010, 08:23 AM
Twenty-five pages over nothing.

I never intended to disrespect a soul when shouting 'Sooners!' I would guess most others didn't either.

I will never stop doing something just because Tramel, Jim Traber, or David Boren tells me to. But like C11 said, since there are obviously so many servicemen/women and their family members who take such great offense to this, I'll just stand silently throughout the whole song from now on. Because, like I said, I never meant any disrespect.

I don't think we should stop singing the national anthem before sporting events. The sacrifices our soldiers have made to keep us free allow us to stand and enjoy while not worrying about a dang thing. I am proud that we sing the song and have a moment to recognize them while there are so many of us together.

To have people call what I'm doing 'stupid,' 'disrespectful,' etc. seems so out of place to me because my actions seem so innocent in my own mind. I will never agree that singing 'Sooners!' disrespects anyone. But because people feel that way, I'll remain silent.

In this instance, I don't mind staying quiet. But there are many other times, totally unrelated to this subject, where I feel people's subjective feelings have provided a basis for silencing others, either through legal action or total societal disapproval. I don't like when this happens in general, and that's what led me to react negatively to requests that people stop shouting 'Sooners!' here.

I still think people have drastically overreacted to this. Reasonable minds can differ, I suppose. But what irks me the most is having guys who I strongly dislike take to their high horse and tell me what respect is all about. I think that's what bothers others here, too.

9/16/2010, 08:33 AM
Think of it like wearing a hat during the National Anthem, or farting while someone is giving a eulogy. It's not that you're specifically trying to disrespect the situation, but you're not making a point of showing respect.

I understand and agree wholeheartedly. The reason this whole thing has rubbed me wrong isn't because I can't see where someone might be offended by people yelling "sooners," It's because I know that not one single person saying it is doing so because they are trying to disrespect this great country of ours. To me, INTENTIONS DO MATTER and simple put, nobody was trying to be disrespectful. The backlash isn't because people don't care, it's because people who are just as patriotic as the next guy were immediately labeled as if we are flag burning, anti American thugs just because we insert the word Sooners at the end of the anthem while at an OU Sooners game. To imply that by doing so we are trying to honor OU over our country is absurd. Good lord people, it's not like we diced up the song and added "OU" or "Sooners" throughout in order to completely change the meaning!

I have no intentions of saying anything but "Brave" from now on. Just know that it's not because I just became patriotic or decided to stop being disrespectful. I've never disrespected my country and NOBODY is, was, or ever will be more patriotic than I am.

The dang finger pointing and labeling needs to stop.


9/16/2010, 09:17 AM
Think of it like wearing a hat during the National Anthem, or farting while someone is giving a eulogy. It's not that you're specifically trying to disrespect the situation, but you're not making a point of showing respect.

yeah... don't be a jackarse!

9/16/2010, 10:08 AM
The reason this whole thing has rubbed me wrong isn't because I can't see where someone might be offended by people yelling "sooners," It's because I know that not one single person saying it is doing so because they are trying to disrespect this great country of ours. To me, INTENTIONS DO MATTER and simple put, nobody was trying to be disrespectful. The backlash isn't because people don't care, it's because people who are just as patriotic as the next guy were immediately labeled as if we are flag burning, anti American thugs just because we insert the word Sooners at the end of the anthem while at an OU Sooners game. To imply that by doing so we are trying to honor OU over our country is absurd. Good lord people, it's not like we diced up the song and added "OU" or "Sooners" throughout in order to completely change the meaning!

I've never disrespected my country and NOBODY is, was, or ever will be more patriotic than I am.

The dang finger pointing and labeling needs to stop.



stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2010, 10:15 AM
my bologna has a first name

9/16/2010, 10:20 AM
This is a wonderful idea. I personally do not yell Sooner but rather sing along and say brave, but I dont really see anything wrong with saying Sooner at the end. I am really tired of pokes and whorns whining about how anti-American we are when we do say it though...

i think the pokes do it too. and the huskers have been starting it.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2010, 10:23 AM
its o-s-c-a-r

9/16/2010, 10:28 AM
My bologna has a second name

9/16/2010, 10:34 AM
Coach and players chime in on being respectful and singing the national anthem correctly in todays OU football talking points on TulsaWorld.com today.


"I think we can be more respectful as fans," said running back Mossis Madu, "not say 'home of the Sooners,' instead of 'home of the brave.' "

This week, Oklahoma fans, particularly those who also happen to be veterans, asked that Air Force be treated kindly. Then Bob Stoops asked that OU fans sing the national anthem more respectfully. Then Sooner coaches and players spent much time talking about the need to respect Air Force's football.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2010, 10:43 AM
Its M-A-Y-E-R

9/16/2010, 10:46 AM
Its S-T-E-P
:D :D

stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2010, 11:09 AM
I don't know how I feel about naming somebody's bologna after me

9/16/2010, 11:51 AM
Actually I am sick of this whole topic but have been thinking about it anyway and just wanted to put some points out there:

If you think about it, football and sports in general is essentially ritualized warfare, and the fans are participants by proxy, supporting their community's players, or "tribal warriors", at whatever level against another community's. Does this also permit them to substitute themselves into the musical ritual that precedes the ritual warfare?

Also, does "brave" absolutely refer to veterans/military only? What about firefighters, police, nurses, and others who do extraordinary things for the rest of us and keep the country functioning?

Another point, if the term "Sooners" represents Oklahomans, and obviously there have been lots of brave Sooners in the military, for instance Bob Kelso and also what happenened to the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor, why can't yelling "Sooners" represent our state and university as a microcosm of ALL of the brave American military and others who fought or sacrificed in some way.


9/16/2010, 11:52 AM
Mike Balogun has a first name...

Mississippi Sooner
9/16/2010, 11:58 AM
I'm highly offended by the word brave. It's obviously a reference to Native Americans, and there is no place for that in sports. After all, we had to get rid of Little Red.

9/16/2010, 12:49 PM
Oh I love to eat it every day, and if you'll ask me why I'll say...

9/16/2010, 01:00 PM
Oh I love to eat it every day, and if you'll ask me why I'll say...

"cuz liverwurst sucs":eek:

9/16/2010, 01:38 PM
"cuz liverwurst sucs":eek:

liverwurst and gubernment cheese was the bomb back in the day.