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1/26/2010, 05:24 AM

With a week left til the season begins I am excited to see the conclusion but sad to see it go. Im sure many will be disappointed in the finale as half of most shows fans are when it is over.

Here is a quote from one of the writers

"We also spent a lot of time talking about how we don’t want the last season of the show to be didactic. It’s very dangerous to basically create a checklist of answers and then start trying to tick them off, because we want to make sure we’re telling engaging stories. For us really, while the mythology is important, for us it’s a story about these characters. And so most of our focus has been on, how are we going to resolve the character stories?"

"And for us, there are questions that we’re clearly presenting. It’s not like Lucas ever presented in the first three “Star Wars” films, "What is The Force?"

1/26/2010, 05:27 AM
This pretty much speaks to how the show wont end

"But what’s happened is, I think people have expectations that have grown from other shows, where that last moment is such a sting. Whether it’s all of a sudden you see a snow globe [as in "St. Elsewhere"] or you cut to black or somebody wakes up and it’s all been a dream. Whatever it is, it’s like that final twist negates or completely overshines everything that’s come before it."

1/26/2010, 05:33 AM


1/26/2010, 05:35 AM
"The masterminds of the series, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, have said that the final season will be similar in tone to season one: a return to emotional, heartfelt stories, with a focus on character. Ultimately, faith and reason will face off, in the form of Locke and Jack."

1/26/2010, 05:43 AM
Q:Was this season the hardest one to write, or was it somewhat easier, since you knew where you were going and what all the major landmarks would be?

Cuse: I think Season 5 was the hardest for us because we had to organize all the time travel.

Lindelof: Everything [in Season 5] -- you know, you couldn’t just say, "This is a cool idea, let’s do this." You had to say what the cool idea was and then it was like, "Let’s see if we can do it."

Cuse: There were all these ramifications. It took us much longer to break stories in Season 5.

1/26/2010, 05:45 AM
Q: In all seriousness, I said this about “Battlestar's” final season too -- I just feel like a show that’s given me this much pleasure deserves to go out the way it wants to go out. It deserves having some people in the audience who have no idea what's coming. And I want to be one of those people.

Cuse: You know, that’s the thing. I’m think some people are maybe feeling a little frustrated that we aren’t showing anything [clips or footage, etc.] from Season 6 [before the season begins]. But you know, we feel like, hey, the whole mystery of what happened when the screen went to white -- what did that mean? Like if we start putting out big trailers, then the mystery will be ruined.

Crucifax Autumn
1/26/2010, 05:55 AM
Time travel my arse...If you want complicated time travel, watch the movie Primer. There are timelines on the net for that one short movie that take up 5 full pages just to diagram it.

1/26/2010, 05:59 AM
Do you watch LOST Cru? It seems like a show you would watch, I personally think it is the best written show on TV but I am biased

1/26/2010, 08:59 AM
They are not in purgatory? :pop:

1/26/2010, 09:02 AM
I'm going to be very sad to see LOST go. It has been sort of a bonding activity for our family for the last 4 years (we got started a season late and accidentally got hooked when our oldest borrowed the dvds from a friend).

One of our favorite lines was when Locke and Said discovered the video tape about Dharma. After watching it Locke says, "We're gonna have to watch that again." lol

Crucifax Autumn
1/26/2010, 09:08 AM
Do you watch LOST Cru? It seems like a show you would watch, I personally think it is the best written show on TV but I am biased

I tried, but it never really did much for me, despite being the sort of thing I'd normally like.

1/26/2010, 10:08 AM
Definitely looking forward to the last season!!

I got to go on set and watch filming for a day a few years ago in Oahu... (have a "LOST Crew" t-shirt to prove it ;) )

1/26/2010, 01:46 PM
I think they're showing last season's finale tonight, which might be worth watching as a refresher to help remember what all is going on.

Bourbon St Sooner
1/26/2010, 01:54 PM
When's the catch up show? 9 months between seasons is too frickin' long.

1/26/2010, 02:04 PM
I think they might be having the catch up show next Tuesday before the New Episode, ill see if I can find out for sure

1/26/2010, 02:38 PM
i totally miss this show. i need to rewatch it from the beginning again

it looks so awesome on Bluray. i was watching in degraded TiVo standard def when it started

1/26/2010, 02:48 PM
Problem is, you would have to watch about 120 hours of tv to watch it from the beginning. I read an article lastnight where the writers suggested rewatching from the beginning after the show is over

1/26/2010, 02:51 PM
I'm sure I'll be in that boat. Not right away, but maybe near the end of this year the wife and I will start over.

I'm excited to do it, too, in light of what I'm sure will be interesting developments in the story of the island.

1/26/2010, 02:54 PM
It has been grueling at times to keep up with the storyline but now that we are in the final season I am glad that I did

1/26/2010, 03:42 PM
Problem is, you would have to watch about 120 hours of tv to watch it from the beginning. I read an article lastnight where the writers suggested rewatching from the beginning after the show is over

that's less than a week

i'm game ;)

1/27/2010, 04:24 AM
So ive been reading alot of opinions about how the show will end and this is the one I see being the most logical, of course I hope that the writers just trick us all but this is what I think is most likely...

The final scene will be back in the airport but this time the plane wont crash, I assume that some or all of those on the plane will notice each other and wonder how they know the people even though theyve never met them. I think Locke is the exception as he is probably part of the island.

Obviously this doesnt cover everything and this isnt necessarily what I want to happen but this is what I think is most likely at this point

1/27/2010, 05:18 AM
Damn, that lame *** show is still on TV?

Crucifax Autumn
1/27/2010, 05:26 AM
I'll most likely do what I've done with a ton of other tv shows and download the entire series once it's done, and give it another shot.

1/29/2010, 02:37 AM
Here is another interview with the writers about the final season


I just rewatched the finale from last season and it was great as I remember and restoked the ideas about what will happen.

A reminder, there is a preview show on Tuesday at 7 before the season premier at 8

King Crimson
1/29/2010, 02:44 AM
i don't even remember or care what happened at the end of the last season. kate, jack, sawyer, whatever....ben you can't trust him. it's finite about what happens and time travel is about the cheesiest plot device ever.

but i guess i'll watch it.

1/29/2010, 02:47 AM
Time travel was just a small portion of it to help explain certain things in the story, its done now

King Crimson
1/29/2010, 02:53 AM
Time travel was just a small portion of it to help explain certain things in the story, its done now

i was being a little cynical....but, really, it's the plot device that never fails in today's entertainment.

1/29/2010, 02:55 AM
True but I think the shows conclusion/meaning will be more toward a good vs evil if I had to choose, although that is pretty obvious

Crucifax Autumn
1/29/2010, 03:04 AM
i don't even remember or care what happened at the end of the last season. kate, jack, sawyer, whatever....ben you can't trust him. it's finite about what happens and time travel is about the cheesiest plot device ever.

but i guess i'll watch it.

Best time travel ever: Primer

1/29/2010, 09:24 AM
Charlie's question in the Pilot "Guys, where are we?" is better asked, "Guys, when are we?" Jacob and dark guy are the key. This is a history that has repeated many times, this time with finality.

I think many questions will go unanswered, but it won't matter. I love this show.

1/29/2010, 09:32 AM
yea theyve already said that developing the character stories is more important than answering all of the mysteries of the island

1/29/2010, 12:09 PM
I'm OK with not answering EVERYTHING, but you need to resolve the big stuff. I still hate how BSG ended, and I don't want LOST to do the same. The fact that they're mimicking some of BSGs final season marketing (last supper pic, etc.) doesn't inspire confidence in me.

1/29/2010, 01:03 PM
Thank Tebow that show is going to be over! I watched half of the first episode, got tired of all the bush shaking and never tuned in again.

Crucifax Autumn
1/29/2010, 01:06 PM
I happen to love me some shaking bush.

2/1/2010, 11:59 PM
Here is another preview, you can skip the 1st half as it is just the scene at the end of season 5, pretty interesting


2/2/2010, 12:02 AM
Interesting article, with clip


2/2/2010, 12:11 AM
so is it too late to start watching the show now?

2/2/2010, 12:25 AM
you can start watching but you might want to start with season 1

2/2/2010, 12:27 AM
i refuse.. to many family members into that show.. I'm more the "The League" type

2/2/2010, 01:32 AM
yea, you and 75 probably arent much for shows where you have to think :D

Crucifax Autumn
2/2/2010, 05:21 AM
We should see what happens if we tie them up, lock their eyes open with toothpicks, and make them watch Primer and the full run of the original 17 episodes of The Prisoner.

2/2/2010, 05:25 AM
Never seen either but if they are half as confusing as LOST, it would be bad news for those fellers

Crucifax Autumn
2/2/2010, 06:02 AM
The Prisoner is cited as THE smartest show ever by many and was the "spiritual" inspiration for almost all shows like this from Twin peaks to Lost to Battlestar Galactica. Even movies like The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine, Jacob's Ladder and many more owe directly to the show.

A secret agent resigns, is abducted and then awakens in a strange town known simply as The Village. He's been assigned a new name -- No. 6. The man-in-charge of the place seems to be someone called No. 2. Why No. 6 has been brought to The Village is never made clear -- except for No. 2's vague demand for "information." Which side No. 2 represents is also unclear, especially since the person holding the position is constantly changing. And who and where exactly is the omnipotent No. 1?

Created by star Patrick McGoohan and head writer George Markstein, The Prisoner ran for 17 episodes from 1967 to 1968. Whereas most TV series advance a linear storyline over the course of a season, The Prisoner took a different strategy by employing a uniquely elliptical narrative. In each episode, one of two plotlines occur: No. 6 tries to escape (but fails) or he's subjected to some kind of torture/interrogation. Either way, the status quo remains the same by the closing credits: No. 6 is still imprisoned in The Village; No. 2 is still in control. The fact that the episode order is often in dispute -- since episodes were sometimes broadcast out of sequence -- only underscores the unimportance of a conventional through line.

This constant repetition also serves to heighten the show's pervading sense of paranoia. Everywhere, he goes, No. 6 is observed by cameras; everyone he meets is a possible double agent. Co-conspirators in No. 6's escape plans are bound to betray him or suffer dire consequences. In the pilot, "The Arrival," a former colleague jumps out a window to his death. Or so it seems. By episode's end, we see that the former co-worker has faked his suicide and is about to leave for a new assignment. In "Dance of the Dead," No. 6 is put on trial for possession of an illicit radio so he calls another former colleague as his witness. But when that man is brought forth, he's been lobotomized. "Checkmate" finds a frightened scientist selling out No. 6 because he believes No. 6 works for No. 2; in "The General," No. 2's assistant, No. 12, aids No. 6 only to be killed by a massive computer (which short-circuits when No. 6 feeds it the one question it cannot answer: "WHY?") No one can be trusted.

Sometimes the enemy is not without. It's within. There's nothing that will mess with your head more than looking in the mirror and seeing someone else, and there were not one -- but two -- episodes where this happened. In "The Schizoid Man," No. 6 awakens to discover that he has a mustache, black hair and everyone is calling him "No. 12." Meanwhile, in "Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling," No. 6 finds his mind transplanted into another person's body, and vice versa.

An overwhelming sense of futility becomes most pronounced in the episodes where No. 6 mistakenly believes that he's gotten to the outside world. In "The Chimes of Big Ben," No. 6 goes so far as to escape, get to his old office in London, and talk with his former superior... only to discover that they're not in London at all, but rather an elaborate facsimile created within The Village! Similarly, in "Many Happy Returns," No. 6's escape is reversed when his attempts to prove The Village's existence only land him back in the same plight. A surreal variation is provided by "Living in Harmony," where No. 6 finds himself transported to the Old West. After a gunfight, he awakens to discover the entire event was staged. Even the Old West is part of The Village.

True to the times, hallucinogenics also come into play. In "A, B, and C," an experimental drug is used on No. 6 to see into his dreams and discover why he resigned. Somehow, even while unconscious, No. 6 manages to outsmart his captors. In "A Change of Mind," No. 2 has No. 6 declared "unmutual," then dopes him with personality-altering drugs.

Primer on the other had, is a very low budget indy film about time travel that has one of the most convaluted plots ever put to the screen. At least 2 guys have written books just to unravel all the timelines and overlapping plot.

Here is a rough timeline (don't read the details if you want to truly enjoy a great film I very highly recommend):


I was gonna post a basic overview of the plot, but honestly, that's impossible.

2/2/2010, 06:11 AM
The prisoners sounds pretty cool, I might try and find that one online

Time travel was hard enough to follow once with LOST, I dont know if im up for it again with Primer

Crucifax Autumn
2/2/2010, 07:32 AM
Here ya go:


Give it a few episodes to start getting into the feel of it. You have to keep in mind the time it was made to really enjoy it because of the visuals and styly and all that, but the message is timeless.

On a side note Iron Maiden has 2 songs about the show, "The Prisoner" and "Back in the Village".

Crucifax Autumn
2/2/2010, 08:16 AM
I didn't read this since I do intend to evenually watch the entire series and don't want to spoil anything, but Slate has a conversation about the show and the final season:


2/2/2010, 12:49 PM
Interestingly, leaks of the first episode of the season have drawn very few viewers. The producers feel the reason for this is because of the faithful viewers' desire not to spoil tonight's viewing experience.

2/2/2010, 01:34 PM
I did read where the first hour of the first episode was previewed to some people and they all left blown away, I dont remember if that was included in the links I posted above

2/2/2010, 02:10 PM
The Prisoner is awesome. My favorite theory is that it's a place they send retired agents to keep them safe/protect their secrets. It has to be a place full of manufactured or real paranoia, otherwise the highly-skilled agents would be driven mad via boredom. The interrogations and intrigue are meaningless, and designed to keep No. 6 sharp and engaged.

2/2/2010, 02:11 PM
On topic, I've had people try to show me spoilers and previews and even the first hour of the premiere. I'm not biting, and I'm as big a Lost fan as you're likely to find. Trust me, the low numbers for preview stuff is 100% a good sign.

2/2/2010, 03:11 PM
So ive been reading alot of opinions about how the show will end and this is the one I see being the most logical, of course I hope that the writers just trick us all but this is what I think is most likely...

The final scene will be back in the airport but this time the plane wont crash, I assume that some or all of those on the plane will notice each other and wonder how they know the people even though theyve never met them. I think Locke is the exception as he is probably part of the island.

Obviously this doesnt cover everything and this isnt necessarily what I want to happen but this is what I think is most likely at this point

I don't think so man, I think Locke truly is dead. Remember the Locke from the last show was the man in black.

2/2/2010, 03:16 PM
Yea after I rewatched last seasons finale I rethought that

2/2/2010, 03:52 PM
9 months between seasons is too frickin' long.

Well when you go 2 months between episodes...

2/2/2010, 03:55 PM
They had a choice, they could either run Feb-may and sept-Dec or whatever it used to be and constantly show reruns like they used to, or they could have the show only Feb-May and have 16 straight, uninterrupted episodes. With the complexity of the storyline, this is the best way

2/2/2010, 11:03 PM
WOW! Ive got to let that episode sink in so until then, that is all...

2/2/2010, 11:16 PM
So many questions.......

2/2/2010, 11:16 PM
i'm hoping that next week's show has more commercials. ABC gets an F- for number of ads. 4 commercial breaks in the first 35 minutes. unacceptable.

still, great episode.

2/2/2010, 11:28 PM
how many groups of Others are there on this island?

i'm dubbing these the "Other" Others

2/2/2010, 11:29 PM
The writers have said over and over and over that the island isnt purgatory but it sure seemed like it didnt it?

2/2/2010, 11:46 PM
i'm hoping that next week's show has more commercials. ABC gets an F- for number of ads. 4 commercial breaks in the first 35 minutes. unacceptable.

still, great episode.

Anymore it seems like the shows are only filler for the commercials; it's ridiculous :mad:

2/3/2010, 12:37 AM
Wow, so now we get flash-sideways.

I think it's too easy to say Sayid is now Jacob. Man in Black is a badass.

Oh and WHO THE **** ARE THESE OTHER OTHERS???? No one ever accidentally stumbled on this huge temple over the past 5 seasons?

2/3/2010, 12:40 AM
i don't know, but that's where they healed Ben as a kid, right?

and the stewardess chick was with the original others at one point, because Jack asked her what she was doing there

2/3/2010, 12:41 AM
It was referenced one time but they never delved into it

2/3/2010, 01:20 AM
c11...really...you watch this crap?

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 01:22 AM

2/3/2010, 01:27 AM
love the show, best show on tv IMO

2/3/2010, 01:28 AM
yer killin me, dude

2/3/2010, 01:35 AM
you sit around watching Laverne and Shirley re-runs all day, why cant I watch LOST? :D

2/3/2010, 01:45 AM
dammit, man....stop spillin the inside info

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 01:46 AM
Laverne and Shirley was the shiznit!

King Crimson
2/3/2010, 01:48 AM
Laverne and Shirley was the shiznit!

who doesn't love an upstairs bowling alley?

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 01:58 AM

2/3/2010, 01:59 AM
they were doing each other.....freakin censors were denyin us

King Crimson
2/3/2010, 02:01 AM
they were doing each other.....freakin censors were denyin us

i'm afraid to ask, Lenny and Squiggy or La and Shirley?

how does the Big Ragu fit in? which is clearly a reference to his "meat" sauce...

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 02:03 AM
The big ragu was nailing Mr. DaFozio...Carmine is WAY into bears.

2/3/2010, 02:09 AM
La n Shirley.....I'm not into that JLEW stuff

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 02:25 AM
I'm not allowed to post gay porn here for you.

2/3/2010, 02:31 AM
Crux..ya got some JLEW home vids, do ya?

Crucifax Autumn
2/3/2010, 02:35 AM
I taped 'em to make sure you didn't miss out!

2/3/2010, 02:39 AM
can you dew some editing?

2/3/2010, 03:08 AM
Get out of my thread doo doo chasers

2/3/2010, 08:45 AM
gahh worst thread-jack ever!! Let's get back to LOST!!

questions: 1. underwater island? what was that all about at the beginning?

2. I kept thinking that the "no plane crash" part of the story was going to end as a dream or something, but when it kept going, I figured I was wrong (no surprise there).

I feel sorry for Sawyer. Looks like he's going to go all Grizzly Adams on them.

Hot Rod
2/3/2010, 10:31 AM
The "no plane crash" thing surprised me too. Especially, when Jack's cargo didn't make it to LA. Juliet said "it worked." Do they have enough time to cram new stories and resolve theories for this final season?

2/3/2010, 11:08 AM
Poor Sawyer, Juliet has a new show :(

i don't know about the flash sideways bit. i guess we did already see an alternative Jack, didn't we?

honestly, i wasn't that impressed last night, and i've never really said that. they better not **** up this show :mad:

2/3/2010, 11:35 AM
I think it's just an issue of expectations. The other season premieres have been earth-shattering and mind-blowingly good. Desmond in the hatch, the Others' village. This one just didn't have that feel to it, unfortunately.

2/3/2010, 11:40 AM
the weird CG stuff going through the water was odd and it was like we were about to see Fonzie putting on skis in a second

it was a totally different feel. like i was watching SyFy or something

2/3/2010, 11:46 AM
It really was. We don't usually see CG shots that long in Lost, so it feels very different and out of place.

2/3/2010, 11:57 AM
The "no plane crash" thing surprised me too. Especially, when Jack's cargo didn't make it to LA. Juliet said "it worked." Do they have enough time to cram new stories and resolve theories for this final season?

Unfortunately I don't think you're going to see a whole lot of things resolved. A few, sure...but on the whole I think they are going to leave it open to interpretation.

2/3/2010, 11:58 AM
they gotta leave it open for spinoffs and movies :D

2/3/2010, 12:01 PM
and of course the sharks in the CG shot had the Dharma logo

2/3/2010, 01:41 PM
yea the ol underwater island deal is going to be an issue, wth

2/3/2010, 02:26 PM
You think maybe the detonation of the bomb splintered time, and set them all on another time line.

wonder how many times that's happened....

2/3/2010, 02:27 PM
I just wonder if the alternate universes are affecting each other simultaneously?

2/3/2010, 03:33 PM
I've never seen a single episode of LOST, but now that the series is over I've decided to give it a try.

2/3/2010, 03:34 PM
its not over idjit, this is the last year ;)

2/3/2010, 03:37 PM
its not over idjit, this is the last year ;)

Oops, sorry you're right. I thought you were all talking about the finale. Carry on. By the time the seasons ends I may be caught up.

2/3/2010, 03:40 PM
There is no way, you have over 120 hours of show to watch, and its a lot to keep up with. Watching LOST is a life decision bro, lol

2/4/2010, 01:11 AM
I think the purpose of the alt. timeline will show that life off the island for the Losties wouldn't have been what they thought it would have and/or they will somehow get back to the island/end up fulfilling their "destiny" whatever that may be, anyway.

2/4/2010, 09:09 AM

Why was what I assume to be the fountain of youth water not clear?

Why did it take so long for Sayid to come back? It's obviously what healed him.

Why, if it DID heal Sayid, did it not heal Bruce Lee when he cut his hand?

Where is 'Home' for the man in black/Fake Locke?

Is there just two timelines working or is there more? There the current one on the island, the one with the flight 815 passengers that landed, and the one that showed the 'island Dharma' village underwater.....


2/4/2010, 09:26 AM
Why was Sawyer not out there digging up his honey so he could dip her in the fountain of youth, Pet Cemetary-style?

2/4/2010, 10:08 AM
Why was Sawyer not out there digging up his honey so he could dip her in the fountain of youth, Pet Cemetary-style?

you obviously missed where C11 asked you doo doo chasers to stay out....

2/4/2010, 10:10 AM
Why was Sawyer not out there digging up his honey so he could dip her in the fountain of youth, Pet Cemetary-style?

well, she was already dead. I don't know that it bring people back to life....I think it's just a healing and youth thing.

who knows how old those people are...I mean you heard fake Locke say how nice it was to see Richard out of chains...which I took to mean that Richard was one of the prisoners on the Black Rock.

2/4/2010, 10:16 AM
who knows how old those people are...I mean you heard fake Locke say how nice it was to see Richard out of chains...which I took to mean that Richard was one of the prisoners on the Black Rock.

But Richard has been on the island "forever", why is this the first time "man in black/smoke monster" has seen him since then?

2/4/2010, 01:03 PM
But Richard has been on the island "forever", why is this the first time "man in black/smoke monster" has seen him since then?

shut up doo doo chaser.

2/4/2010, 01:06 PM
But Richard has been on the island "forever", why is this the first time "man in black/smoke monster" has seen him since then?

don't worry about that :gary:

2/4/2010, 02:49 PM

Why was what I assume to be the fountain of youth water not clear?

My theory, which is probably wrong is that man had been tainted by then, Jacob was murdered, also I think it is the spring of eternal life (is that the same as the fountain of youth? I just remember them saying to take him to the spring

Why did it take so long for Sayid to come back? It's obviously what healed him.

Maybe he is Jacob now, who knows?

Why, if it DID heal Sayid, did it not heal Bruce Lee when he cut his hand?

because it wasnt the spring of eternal life that brought him back

Where is 'Home' for the man in black/Fake Locke?

Is there just two timelines working or is there more? There the current one on the island, the one with the flight 815 passengers that landed, and the one that showed the 'island Dharma' village underwater.....


who the hell knows about that

2/4/2010, 02:58 PM
"the one with the flight 815 passengers that landed, and the one that showed the 'island Dharma' village underwater"
are the same timeline, aren't they?
Didn't the camera go out the window of the plane, and under water to the sunken island?

2/4/2010, 03:06 PM
"the one with the flight 815 passengers that landed, and the one that showed the 'island Dharma' village underwater"
are the same timeline, aren't they?
Didn't the camera go out the window of the plane, and under water to the sunken island?

same timeline, just 30 years previous?

I can see that.

2/4/2010, 03:08 PM
I'm just saying, in the timeline that the plane landed safely, the island is under water.

2/15/2010, 06:01 PM
Bad Sayid?
Bad Claire?

2/15/2010, 07:42 PM
Sayid and Claire are quite intriguing, there hasnt been a thing about this season thus far that I havent liked

2/15/2010, 07:47 PM
it's like Claire is the new Rousseau? or is that what Rousseau's peeps had been infected with that made her kill them?

2/16/2010, 02:06 PM
I couldn't help but think that Claire was inhabited by a bad presence when we saw her last year in Jacob's cabin with Christian.

How they're gonna integrate the 2007 losties with the 2004 alternative ones is hurting my head. Am I right on the dates? Somehow the island was underwater in the alternative version. How did that happen? When did that happen? Aaaaaaargh.......

2/16/2010, 03:27 PM
when it all ends, we are going to find out it is an episode of The Bachelor and we are going to all shoot ourelves

2/16/2010, 08:44 PM
Dr Goodspeed is creepy

sooner ngintunr
2/16/2010, 09:02 PM
OK, I'm not reading this thread. Dr Godspeed?? Whaaaa!!??? LOL.

Since I found out that this is the last season I figured I might as well check this show out. I'm on episode 7 of the first season. We like it, it looks like a pretty cool show! I can hardly wait to see the final season, or the 2nd season for that matter. LOL.

2/16/2010, 11:21 PM
good luck, youve got a lot of stuff to watch and alot of stuff to figure out, just wait for the season 3 finale, unreal

2/17/2010, 12:00 AM
So, I had to go back and somewhat recap but here are the questions I have

1) who the hell is the boy, Aaron, Jacob? He had blood on his hands in the 1st scene right?

2) Jack is #23, psalms 23, The Lord is my Shepard...ive heard this many a time but now he is attached to that number

3) who is the MIB

any other questions, any ideas?

2/17/2010, 02:15 AM
So, I had to go back and somewhat recap but here are the questions I have

1) who the hell is the boy, Aaron, Jacob? He had blood on his hands in the 1st scene right?

2) Jack is #23, psalms 23, The Lord is my Shepard...ive heard this many a time but now he is attached to that number

3) who is the MIB

any other questions, any ideas?

1) The boy is Jacob, but he shape shifted into Aaron. Claire would have had Aaron on the island. Dead is dead in physical form, but if MIB can shape shift, Jacob should be able to also.

2) That's not a question, man.

3) No idea.

The best thing about this episode is that it left me questioning whether MIB could in fact be "right". Lost constantly plays with moral ambiguities - Ben Linus is a great example of this. Maybe Jacob really has been emotionally manipulating people for his own selfish reasons and MIB wants to empower people to take advantage of their free will and rational capacity.

This was a great episode - 1000 times better than last week.

2/17/2010, 02:24 AM
I like what im seeing so far for certain. I did read something several weeks ago that fans of the show will have a hard time knowing who is good and who is bad, I guess we are seeing that now

2/17/2010, 07:34 AM
it's been that way for a while though.

so now the island needs protection, or it doesn't. the button needs to be pushed or it doesn't...

2/17/2010, 11:12 AM
it's been that way for a while though.

so now the island needs protection, or it doesn't. the button needs to be pushed or it doesn't...

that's right.

2/17/2010, 12:19 PM
or not right.

King Crimson
2/17/2010, 04:57 PM
the scene with Sawyer in the house listening to the Stooges. Search and Destroy (audio playing) is the first cut on Raw Power....the tone arm of the turntable is about midway through the LP. sloppy.

2/17/2010, 04:59 PM
I will never watch it again.

2/17/2010, 05:15 PM
im sorry you werent able to follow, it is very confusing to most

2/17/2010, 05:16 PM
i'll watch double for Pat

2/17/2010, 07:22 PM
i wonder is there is anything to Lock crossing out Sawyers name in the cave?

2/17/2010, 07:37 PM
he didnt, he crossed out Lockes

2/17/2010, 09:39 PM
he didnt, he crossed out Lockes

I guess i missed it and thought it was Ford

2/17/2010, 09:43 PM
unless I missed it but I dont think I did :D

2/17/2010, 09:57 PM
um the wife thinks it was Sawyers name. We will probly see the rerun next week lol

2/17/2010, 10:19 PM
Just went back and watched. he did cross out locke

2/17/2010, 10:19 PM
Just went back and watched. he did cross out locke

2/17/2010, 10:20 PM
Just went back and watched. he did cross out locke

2/17/2010, 10:23 PM
damn,do you hear an echo

2/17/2010, 11:01 PM
is Ecko coming back now?

2/17/2010, 11:10 PM
that's the rumor

oh, and i just rewatched it. it was Locke :D

2/17/2010, 11:14 PM
I watched Michael Emerson on Jimmy Kimmel lastnite and he said there are some amazing scenes coming up with Ben and Locke, cant wait

2/18/2010, 06:29 AM
Much speculation as to why Kate's name isn't in there.

2/18/2010, 11:03 AM
Much speculation as to why Kate's name isn't in there.

or some of the others from the crash as well. Charlie, Claire...

2/18/2010, 11:17 AM
Did he imply that every single one of the people who crashed were candidates?
I assumed some weren't, although most obviously were.

2/18/2010, 11:33 AM
Peg Bundy is going to end up ruling the World.

2/18/2010, 12:09 PM
there are only 6 numbers

2/18/2010, 12:10 PM
who all was on the "good" list from back in the day? that list seems like it would have been too long though

King Crimson
2/18/2010, 12:16 PM
Peg Bundy is going to end up ruling the World.

on Sons of Anarchy. which is Falcon Crest on Harleys.


2/18/2010, 12:43 PM
or some of the others from the crash as well. Charlie, Claire...

They were on there. This is a list, made someone who has much more time than anyone else to analyze screen shots and pick out the names of everyone written up there.


2/18/2010, 12:48 PM
I've never write names on a cave wall again.

2/19/2010, 04:11 PM
What about Walt?

At one point he was pretty pivotal. Talk about a total disappearing act....

2/19/2010, 04:12 PM
I think/hope that he will be back

2/19/2010, 04:23 PM
What about Walt?

At one point he was pretty pivotal. Talk about a total disappearing act....

there was a rumor floating around a while back, that after S2, they shot some 'final episode' scenes with Walt.

2/19/2010, 04:25 PM
that way he would still appear as a kid I guess

2/19/2010, 04:35 PM
yeah, puberty is a bitch

2/24/2010, 12:09 PM
So wow.

Jack has a kid? Who is the mom?

What's the deal with the lighthouse? Is Jacob talking about Desmond finding the island?

So Claire is a bad guy now with the MIB. Nice.

2/24/2010, 12:41 PM
i know, i was hoping to see the mom when he went to the house :mad:

did we see when Jacob met Jack? did he tell him he had what it takes? was it at a vending machine or something? am i crazy?

2/24/2010, 02:33 PM
Wouldnt the mom be Sarah, Jacks ex...or is it some strange person, and is the fact that they went to the Island directly affecting their alternate life since it didnt appear that Jack had a kid while on the Island?

2/24/2010, 03:12 PM
they blew up the island in the 1970's

so i think they are undoing any of the meetings they would have had with Jacob

Bourbon St Sooner
2/24/2010, 04:18 PM
i know, i was hoping to see the mom when he went to the house :mad:

did we see when Jacob met Jack? did he tell him he had what it takes? was it at a vending machine or something? am i crazy?

That's why I like watching the bubble episode the next week. They let you know how it relates back to earlier episodes.

2/24/2010, 04:21 PM
Grade the season so far... I give it a solid A-

Not an A+ simply because it seems like we keep getting more questions than answers and it is hard to imagine it all tying together at the end. I love the detailed character stories we are getting again

2/25/2010, 01:35 AM
did we see when Jacob met Jack? did he tell him he had what it takes? was it at a vending machine or something? am i crazy?

Jack said, when talking to his son, that his dad used to tell him he didn't have what it takes and that he struggled with that all his life.

2/25/2010, 01:36 AM
Yea Jacob gave Jack his candy bar that was stuck in the vending machine after Jacks dad embarrassed him in the surgery room

2/25/2010, 10:04 PM
What if Jacob is the bad guy in all this?

2/25/2010, 11:16 PM
thats what ive been thinking

2/26/2010, 12:11 AM
That's my theory too.

2/26/2010, 01:16 AM
Here is an interesting theory I read tonight, it doesnt really give anything away but it does reflect back to something that happened previously and how it all might end

"In the scene in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" when Locke visits Walt outside his school, Walt tells Locke (pre-Flocke) "I've been having dreams about you. You were on the Island, wearing a suit, and there are people all around you. They wanted to hurt you, John."

Since we know that the MiB now looks like Locke, I think Walt's dream is of how the MiB will be defeated. God only knows what events will transpire to get to this point, but I think that we will see that scene in the finale - Flocke in the water, in a suit, surrounded by people who want to take him down. My guess is that its the "Shadow of the Statute" group since Walt didn't seem to recognize them in his dream.

Bottom line, I think that scene had a meaning and was a very smooth example of foreshadowing. Maybe the final season will involve the Losties trying to take away MiB's seeming immortality in order to defeat him."

3/7/2010, 05:46 PM
Last week was a really good epi IMO. Crazy Sayid is nuts. Still lots of questions but it feels like the pace of the season is starting to pick up

3/7/2010, 10:47 PM
Is this thing not over yet?

3/7/2010, 10:50 PM
Last week was a really good epi IMO. Crazy Sayid is nuts. Still lots of questions but it feels like the pace of the season is starting to pick up
still in!

gunna ride this wave out

3/7/2010, 11:03 PM
the payoff will be worth it

3/8/2010, 11:15 AM
Here is an interesting theory I read tonight, it doesnt really give anything away but it does reflect back to something that happened previously and how it all might end

"In the scene in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" when Locke visits Walt outside his school, Walt tells Locke (pre-Flocke) "I've been having dreams about you. You were on the Island, wearing a suit, and there are people all around you. They wanted to hurt you, John."

Since we know that the MiB now looks like Locke, I think Walt's dream is of how the MiB will be defeated. God only knows what events will transpire to get to this point, but I think that we will see that scene in the finale - Flocke in the water, in a suit, surrounded by people who want to take him down. My guess is that its the "Shadow of the Statute" group since Walt didn't seem to recognize them in his dream.

Bottom line, I think that scene had a meaning and was a very smooth example of foreshadowing. Maybe the final season will involve the Losties trying to take away MiB's seeming immortality in order to defeat him."

OR, it could have just been foreshadowing the beach scene where dead Locke was out of the box on the beach laying in the suit, and FLocke was standing there amongst all those people after decking Richard.

3/8/2010, 01:01 PM
yeah, sounds like he's in the suit from the coffin to me too

3/10/2010, 01:01 AM
Tonight was interesting, most of the episode was pretty boring and uneventful I thought but the scene with Ben and Iliana was really good, then the stuff with Jack and Richard was very intriguing...thoughts?

3/10/2010, 01:23 AM
an interesting theory I read tonight

Two foundational principles first:

1. What if you could go back in time and change one single pivotal event in time?
2. What would the six degrees of separation be for that one event (i.e., six degree theory states we can touch any person in the world with six degrees)?

Theory: Only through losing all can you find all your heart desires. As such, every one of the Losties on the island must die in the 2007 island world in order to be released to fulfill the other 2004, which contains the true redemption the writers have described as the premise of this show since Season 1. (Recall in the Season 5 finale, Jacob’s tapestry was translated to say “May you receive everything your heart desires.”)

3/10/2010, 09:44 AM
touched by Jacob = can't kill yourself....whoa!

I was "touched" by Ben's choice FOR Alex in the sideways flash....

3/10/2010, 11:24 AM
What if Jacob is the bad guy in all this?

Since Jack seems to believe now that Jacob does have a plan then Jacob being the bad guy is inevitable.

Jack hasn't been right about a damn thing since that plane crashed.

3/10/2010, 11:34 AM
what about Widmore?

3/10/2010, 09:00 PM
"Widmore" is in the sub....I lean toward Flocke being the baddy. But this show throws more curveballs....

3/10/2010, 09:13 PM
"Widmore" is in the sub....I lean toward Flocke being the baddy. But this show throws more curveballs....

but this might mean that Widmore and Ben would be back on the 'same team' again (fighting Flocke). Not sure if I can see that happening.

Czar Soonerov
3/11/2010, 05:25 PM
If Lost were Baywatch. LOL

3/12/2010, 12:00 PM
I farking LOVE this show.

I REALLY, REALLY hope FLocke is the real bad guy. I like the light vs dark stuff.

I still want Walt to be involved again, and Desmond. and to get to the bottom of Alvar Hanso

3/13/2010, 08:42 PM
Now that Widmore has returned with the sub and that FLocke is headed over to the Hydra station, I wonder if the canoe shooting scene from Season Five is going to pop up again in Recon (next episode)....

3/13/2010, 10:09 PM
Please remind me...who was getting pursued by the shooters in that scene?

3/14/2010, 02:52 AM
Please remind me...who was getting pursued by the shooters in that scene?

Desmond and Charlie, right?

3/15/2010, 07:08 AM
I think the producers have already stated that we will see Charlie again...I just wonder in what capacity.

3/17/2010, 12:58 AM
Well, that was Charlies brother in the jail trying to bail him out...

Pretty good epi tonight, opened up some interesting ideas and I think we are about to start getting away development episodes and into the good sh*t

3/17/2010, 07:39 AM
Pretty good epi tonight, opened up some interesting ideas and I think we are about to start getting away development episodes and into the good sh*t
side bar:
I think Widmore's sub group is not on either Flock or Jacob's side and is making a play to take over the island on their own. so now there maybe 3 groups in the hunt.

sidebar 2:
There was a question of who is Jack's wife in the flash sideways. I think it could be Penny just because when Jack first went into the swan hatch and found that picture of Desmond and Penny. When he looked at the picture, he gave a look of astonishment and recognition. While he had met Desmond briefly once before, I don't think it was him Jack was focusing on.


3/17/2010, 08:06 AM
Sawyer's a piece of work....like he's just gonna pilot a sub out of there.

Flocke's mother was a crazy woman? Anyone get a revelation from that clue?

3/17/2010, 01:27 PM
Flocke's mother was a crazy woman? Anyone get a revelation from that clue?

He could be lying.

3/17/2010, 01:33 PM
I wonder how Widmore got back to the Island, wasnt his issue that he couldnt get back?

3/17/2010, 01:36 PM
BTW, has anyone else noticed that those who are with Team Flocke seem to stay bad at the core in the flash sideways while those who go against Flocke seem to be better people in the flash sideways

3/17/2010, 01:40 PM
I wonder how Widmore got back to the Island, wasnt his issue that he couldnt get back?

he sent the freighter before. not sure how he can find it though.

i think the issue before was that we wanted control of the island/others

3/17/2010, 01:44 PM
but wasnt he kicked off the island and not allowed back? I dont remember exactly but I think he had to have some kind of loophole

3/17/2010, 01:48 PM
but wasnt he kicked off the island and not allowed back? I dont remember exactly but I think he had to have some kind of loophole
he was given the boot by Ben for having 'extra relations' off the island.

just a guess though, he has been trying to find a way back to the island for some time (remember he bought the Black Rock's log book). Just as the O6 found a way back through Mrs Hawkins, he may have been able to recreate that as well

also note that Widmore stayed in the sub for some reason (maybe he can't set foot on the island or is waiting for the sonic fence to be completed)

3/17/2010, 01:51 PM
but wasnt he kicked off the island and not allowed back? I dont remember exactly but I think he had to have some kind of loophole

i still don't know the thing with him and Ben. i think he was kicked out of the others, but i don't know that that kept him off of the island

3/23/2010, 11:13 PM
Tonight was really really good IMO! The guy who plays Richard acted his azz off tonight, might get him an emmy nomination. I know some may not like the idea of the Island being Hell but I like it, im very intrigued to see where this is going. The best I can come up with based off of tonight is that Jacob or whoever takes his place represents the will of GOD while whoever is MIB represents the will of the Devil. The Devil cant kill GOD directly but he needs others to help him and he wants to get off of the Island (Hell) so he can unleash Hell on Earth...what do you all think?

3/24/2010, 01:31 AM
The island isn't literally hell, it's a cork. MIB was just using hell as an analogy to manipulate Richard into doing what he wanted.

3/24/2010, 01:55 AM
If it isnt literally hell then why would the MIB want to leave so badly?

3/24/2010, 07:34 AM
If it isnt literally hell then why would the MIB want to leave so badly?

purgatory :pop:

3/24/2010, 07:43 AM
The island isn't literally hell, it's a cork. MIB was just using hell as an analogy to manipulate Richard into doing what he wanted.

yep. he knew all about Richard and his faith, most likely before he even got there and pushed his buttons

the writers a long time ago said that the island wasn't Hell, and i think that they weren't dead

3/24/2010, 07:51 AM
This was the first episode in a long time where we as an audience finally got to say, "Ok. I see where they are going with this thing....maybe."

My favorite part was the discussion between Jacob and Richard about bringing Isabella back or absolution or whatever. Richard says something about never wanting to die and Jacob says, "now that I can do." Good line.

3/24/2010, 08:10 AM
I'm guessing that the death of Jacob is what has enabled Widmore to find the island again.

And yeah, "hell" was just MIB pushing poor Ricardo's buttons...added to the doomed slavemate's cry that the devil was guarding the island. Wiped the statue out...

Didn't like one of the scenes in next week's preview, but since I'm too dumb to find the spoiler alert button I'll leave it at that.

3/24/2010, 08:33 AM
[spo il] [/spo il]

without the spaces :D

3/24/2010, 12:12 PM
purgatory :pop:

probably a version of this

yep. he knew all about Richard and his faith, most likely before he even got there and pushed his buttons

the writers a long time ago said that the island wasn't Hell, and i think that they weren't dead

YOu really think the writers are gonna tell us in season 2 what the big reveal is?

Jacob is a sort of Angel of God is what im thinking now, Angels have certain powers granted by God which is why he could grant never ending life but couldnt absolve him of his sins.

Still makes me wonder how Isabella was there, could she have been MIB? Didnt Jacob tell him that wasnt his wife?

3/24/2010, 12:17 PM
There are two ways of thinking on that. Either Smokey took the shape of his wife, or it was Richard hallucinating. I like the idea of Smokey being constrained by appearing only as unburied bodies that are actually ON the island, which would discount him appearing as Richard's wife, but also as Ben's mom in season 3 i think it was.

3/24/2010, 12:59 PM
I'm pretty sure that MIB was impersonating Isabella, since he likes to impersonate dead people to make the living do what he wants.

3/24/2010, 03:34 PM
There are two ways of thinking on that. Either Smokey took the shape of his wife, or it was Richard hallucinating. I like the idea of Smokey being constrained by appearing only as unburied bodies that are actually ON the island, which would discount him appearing as Richard's wife, but also as Ben's mom in season 3 i think it was.

it seems like he's been Walt and Kate's horse

3/24/2010, 03:45 PM
[spo il] [/spo il]

without the spaces :D

Muchass grassiass!

Sun was laying on the ground either unconcious, or.....

4/2/2010, 08:57 AM
looks like some big deaths are coming. Desmonds back...yay.

4/2/2010, 01:36 PM
yep, still some confusing stuff as well

4/2/2010, 04:18 PM
MIB's job is cut out for him if the only way he can leave the island is to take all the candidates whose names aren't crossed out. That means persuading Hurley, Jack, and Sun yet.....

4/2/2010, 04:42 PM
Can't wait until episodes 14 and 15, although next week (11) is a Desmond-centric so it should be good.

4/2/2010, 04:45 PM
I want Charlie and Walt back, and I have to think that somehow Aaron will be incorporated again

4/2/2010, 09:35 PM
Yay, I am caught up to the most recent episode now, so I can actually read this thread. I just watched the first 5 seasons on DVD then all the season 6 episodes online. I'm ready to talk some Lost.

4/5/2010, 03:24 PM

4/5/2010, 03:25 PM
well whatya want to talk about 59?

4/5/2010, 03:43 PM
Who do you think is going to end up being the final candidate (or the person that takes Jacob's place)? Or do you think they will find a way to kill smokey off for good?

4/5/2010, 03:44 PM
well obviously I think Jack will have a huge role, not sure what yet. I also think that Aaron will play a role and I hope Walt does although im not sure if he is in the picture

4/5/2010, 05:17 PM
Yeah the thing with Aaron is odd. It is supposed to be very dangerous if he ends up in the wrong hands. Jack is the main character so I expect him to be in the middle of it. I still want an explanation of the numbers (4-8-15-16-23-42) and exactly why they are evil. I suspect they have something to do with Dharma. I guess Dharma in general needs more explanation, like what exactly they wanted the energy of the island harnessed for and how they knew it was there. I want to know more about the giant Egyptian statue on the beach (only the foot remains now). I also found it strange that everytime someone left the island, they ended up in Tunisia. Although it isn't far from Egypt. Lots of stuff to work out in the last 6 or so episodes.

4/5/2010, 05:46 PM
Tunisia was probably chosen because it's roughly the antipode of the Island.

4/5/2010, 07:22 PM
and what does whidmore have to do with everything

4/5/2010, 09:30 PM
I'm not sure yet. He was there when he was young, and now he is back. I'll bet Richard knows, he was around back then. So was that Daniel guy's mom.

4/5/2010, 11:48 PM
Widmore was arguably the last "true" leader of the others. He may have some connection with Jacob/the candidates. If you remeber, Ben "stole" the control of the island from Widmore and Eloise Hawking and kinda f#$%@ed it all up from there.

4/6/2010, 12:13 AM
Quick question about Richard if anybody has an answer. We know that DHARMA had ways to get off the island and get back (submarine). We also know that Richard presumably went back to the U.S. to help recruit Juliet with Ethan since they were their to meet her. Richard and Ethan were "Others" at this time. What gets me is how Richard showed up at Locke's house when Locke was a child and showed him some items and asked him if they were "his", not if he owned items like them, but those specifically.

1. Richard may have known about a time-traveling Locke from the 1950s, this is the only explanation I can think of. But how did Richard get off the island way back then.....and then get back (before DHARMA)?

2. The only way other than crashing or submarine off the island is the well that existed with the thing that Locke and Ben used to go to Tunisia. Who built that? Jacob? He seemed to be able to leave and return.

3. Widmore and the "others" (including Richard) were all there when Widmore was young. How did that group get there?

4/6/2010, 01:34 AM
Jacob was leaving the Island, so Richard probably has the secret he did

Richard did meet Locke in the 50's and told him when he was going to be born.

the others were probably people brought by Jacob, i'm guessing, but i'm not sure how Hanzo, et al. got there

4/6/2010, 03:48 AM
I'm deep into research over the identity of the statue, as well as those of Jacob and MiB. Making progress, but reading mythology is a b****. The statue seems to hint at the Egyptian gods Sobek, Tawaret, Opet, Anubis or some combination. Opet is thought to be the mother of Osiris and was protective and nurturing. Tawaret was a protector of childbirth. Anubis sort of looked over those who died before they passed into whatever afterlife they had waiting.

Sobek is interesting:

Sobek's ambiguous nature led some Egyptians to believe that he was a repairer of evil that had been done, rather than a force for good in itself, for example, going to Duat to restore damage done to the dead as a result of their form of death. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddesses required for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. (very Jacob-y)

The Jacob-MiB scenario seems like Horus-Set. Horus was the son of Osiris. Set was a god of chaos and evil and could morph into other things (like animals). They represented a sort of checks-and-balances. Set had been referred to as Osiris's brother, who he killed (like Cain and Able in the Bible). Horus had been hidden at birth from Set by his mother, Isis in order to protect him. One story had Isis hiding Horus on an island "as an infant" to keep Set from finding him.

Eventually Horus kills Set. This whole story seems like it could fit. Is MiB Set? Is Aaron Horus? Is Jacob Osiris? What is the deal with the statue? A compilation? These Egyptian stories (later adapted by Greeks) intertwine. The "incident" destroys the statue (possibly protecting childbirth/fertility) and prevents childbirths?

I'm exhausted. Lost is eating my life. I feel like I will be at this again tomorrow night....

4/6/2010, 12:12 PM
Ive given up 6 years to this show and am still confused at times but it has all been worth it. I know that the build up is often better than the ending but I just hope the finale is atleast pretty good

4/6/2010, 12:21 PM
Ive given up 6 years to this show and am still confused at times but it has all been worth it. I know that the build up is often better than the ending but I just hope the finale is atleast pretty good

6 episodes till the finale and I still have a whole buttload of questions. Someone got a lot of esplainin to do!

4/6/2010, 12:22 PM
6 episodes till the finale and I still have a whole buttload of questions. Someone got a lot of esplainin to do!

Don't be shocked if it sets the stage for.....

Lost: The Movie.

4/6/2010, 12:22 PM
We need Faraday back to make sense of it all!!!!!

4/6/2010, 12:54 PM
Don't be shocked if it sets the stage for.....

Lost: The Movie.

I know people in the entertainment biz lie but they have already said no movie

4/6/2010, 01:13 PM
Jacob and the MiB had "rules" to play by. Seems true for Ben and Widmore as well. Ben tells Widmore that by killing Alex, he broke the rules. That was when Ben was thinking of killing Penny. I have to think Ben is still important or MiB would not have spared him in the ruins.

It seems to be a good vs. evil game......foretold from season one when Locke explains to Walt the ancient game of backgammon. A game of two sides, two players.....one light, one dark. Can humans overcome greed and anger and not end in destruction and war? MiB says no. Jacob says yes. It is a neverending circle according to MiB. It is only progress before the ending according to Jacob. A progress that has gone on repetitively for a verrrrry long time. Will evil win and MiB released upon the world or will good win and MiB is defeated? Or will the final "candidate" take Jacob's place and start it all over again?

A lot of metaphors envelop the premise of this series.

4/6/2010, 01:18 PM
Thats the brilliant part of the show, it has been atleast somewhat obvious for a while that there is an overriding good vs evil theme and while the show has incorporated different type of religions and theories based on religion, they havent made it a purely religious show.

4/6/2010, 09:06 PM

"I need to show them something."

4/6/2010, 10:00 PM
This episode was the best of the season hands down, wow! Things are starting to come together even though I have only a little idea of how still, lol

4/6/2010, 10:08 PM
what the hell is Eloise talking about??

4/6/2010, 10:09 PM
what the hell is Eloise talking about??

Same thing she was talking about in the third season episode "Flashes Before Your Eyes", of which tonight's episode reminded me. She knows a lot, and she seemingly knows about the original timeline, while Charlie and Daniel just seem to have ideas about it.

4/6/2010, 10:15 PM
Somehow that timeline is going to cease to exist. Not sure exactly how they are going to do it, but probably Smoky will be destroyed by an electromagnetic discharge. Maybe Desmond to lure him in. I'm sure that is very simplistic, but it is the only thing I can think of at the moment.

4/6/2010, 10:16 PM
Same thing she was talking about in the third season episode "Flashes Before Your Eyes", of which tonight's episode reminded me. She knows a lot, and she seemingly knows about the original timeline, while Charlie and Daniel just seem to have ideas about it.

well, i know THAT, but how?

does she remember meeting Desmond with the ring?

i wonder where Jacob and the MIB are in the parallel universe?

4/6/2010, 10:19 PM
So Desmond is able to survive the catastrophic electromagnetism. I'm trying to figure out what Widmore wants with him. He said without Desmond, they were all doomed. Desmond must be the key to keeping MiB from leaving the island. We know that the electromagnetic pylons were used to keep MiB out of the DHARMA camp. Widmore also said he sacrificed his son (Daniel) and never sees his daughter or grandchild. So I am beginning to think Widmore is actually a good guy here.

Now I don't have a clue why Desmond was so happy to go with Sayid after he was happy to do whatever for Widmore. I guess because, in truth, he may trust Sayid more. Who knows. One thing is for sure, though. The flash sideways still gonna be around......probably until the end. But I wasn't sure what was up with Elouise telling Desmond that "he wasn't ready".

What was weird was that Charlie seemingly figured it out on his own.

4/6/2010, 10:19 PM
Im just glad to see that Michael and hopefully Walt will be back...and yes, I wonder where Jacob and MIB exist in the flash sideways thingies

4/6/2010, 10:20 PM
the deal with Sayid was weird, why would Desmond so willingly go with him?

4/6/2010, 10:22 PM
My theory is the nuke they set off in 1977 destroyed the island, Jacob, and MIB, so they don't exist in the new timeline, and that's why everything is different. But since everyone already experienced going to the island before the "reset", they have memories of it locked away that are uncovered by significant moments.

Although that doesn't explain how they're on the island in 2007 (original timeline).

4/6/2010, 10:24 PM
Same thing she was talking about in the third season episode "Flashes Before Your Eyes", of which tonight's episode reminded me. She knows a lot, and she seemingly knows about the original timeline, while Charlie and Daniel just seem to have ideas about it.

I think Elouise and Widmore know about the original timeline. I think they have all along somehow.

4/6/2010, 10:36 PM
My theory is the nuke they set off in 1977 destroyed the island, Jacob, and MIB, so they don't exist in the new timeline, and that's why everything is different. But since everyone already experienced going to the island before the "reset", they have memories of it locked away that are uncovered by significant moments.

Although that doesn't explain how they're on the island in 2007 (original timeline).

Maybe like someone said, time splintered when the bomb went off. The original timeline still exists as if the bomb was a dud and something else intervened, but in the alternate reality, the island is destroyed in 1977.

Whats getting me is that in the alternate timeline, they are only experiencing past memories when they see people from the other timeline. What do they do if they all figure it out?

4/6/2010, 10:45 PM
Maybe like someone said, time splintered when the bomb went off. The original timeline still exists as if the bomb was a dud and something else intervened, but in the alternate reality, the island is destroyed in 1977.

Whats getting me is that in the alternate timeline, they are only experiencing past memories when they see people from the other timeline. What do they do if they all figure it out?

I don't think we'll find out until the series finale.

4/6/2010, 10:52 PM

4/7/2010, 12:25 AM
anyone else think that in the Sideways reality, the Island is completely submerged under water and presumably incapacitated — which means that Smokey should be roaming free?

If that is the case, how does that affect what the characters are experiencing in the sideways world?

4/7/2010, 02:10 AM
Hmmm.... I don't know. I forgot about the submerged island scene. See that is weird to me. At know point does it show the bomb going off and destroying the island and possibly splintering into two realities. We do know, however, that there IS a sideways reality. And we do know that the island disappeared at one point.....presumably into the ocean. But the idea was to "move" or "hide" the island in that episode, right? Not to destroy it. But if it was underwater and incapacitated, is smokey roaming or is he also incapacitated? Hard to know. I doubt we understand exactly why there are two realities until closer to the end.

4/7/2010, 10:13 AM
i guess the key is what happened to everyone on the island when it went off? it looks like Eloise and Whidmore know about the split, perhaps because they survived it and stayed in their time. she didn't push Daniel into physics to get back to the island, etc... because there wasn't a reason to. before she had sent him even though she knew she'd kill him

my guess is that the crazy strong magnetic field warps space-time to connect the timelines. but i'm not sure how that applies to the original flight 815 though

when did they show the alternate Jack working for Penny? was that when they let the hatch destroy itself? did that fork reality then too?

4/7/2010, 02:51 PM
All interesting points, but how awesome was it to see Penny again!?!:)