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4/7/2010, 02:55 PM
they certainly have recycled some actors :D

4/7/2010, 03:05 PM
when did they show the alternate Jack working for Penny?I don't remember this either. But way back in season 2 when Jack first went into the swan hatch, he saw a picture of 'Desmond and Penny', and gave a 'recognizing' look. Now I know he had previously met Desmond before, but I think when Jack saw this picture, he had already seen Desmond in the hatch. So the look of recognizing may have been from the alternate universe coming through because he knew Penny in the Alternate. (as we saw with Desmond and Charlie last night)

just thinkin

4/7/2010, 03:56 PM
when did they show the alternate Jack working for Penny?

I think you're refering to that season-ending scene where two guys are in some arctic-like clime watching for the island to reappear through an electro-magnetic burst I guess....one LOOKED like Jack, but was a different actory.

4/7/2010, 03:59 PM
We need Faraday back to make sense of it all!!!!!


4/7/2010, 04:08 PM
Faraday isn't even Faraday anymore!

4/7/2010, 04:10 PM
Same parents, though, just different name because his parents made different choices. I wonder who Penny's mother, is, though, since her name seems to be "Milton" in the alternate timeline.

4/7/2010, 04:15 PM
It's interesting that her new last name is Milton, he of Paradise Lost fame. I wonder how long they were waiting to use that reference. Very nice.

4/7/2010, 04:30 PM
I thought it was nichols?

4/7/2010, 05:36 PM
I thought it was nichols?

I think that was the name of the person after Penny on the list.

4/7/2010, 05:46 PM
Lostpedia has it as "Milton" too

also, that wasn't Jack that was working for Penny :D


i don't remember clearing that up before, apparently other people have thought that was Jack as well...

4/7/2010, 06:35 PM
Apparently the finale is going to be epic. I read that the actor that plays Jin had to just sit down for 10 minutes after reading the script to let it all soak in.

4/7/2010, 10:42 PM
I sure hope so, I am afraid to get my expectations up for fear of a Sopranos type ending but the writers of LOST have always done well at the finales

4/12/2010, 08:01 AM
Ok I watched this show half way through last season and then got way behind on episodes. I got so far behind abc took ones I had not seen off the website.

Well now they have all of season 5 on the web so I can get caught up.

Problem is they do not have all of this season on there. They are missing the first 5 episodes. Anyone know where I can watch those at?

4/12/2010, 10:03 AM
sidereel.com (I like the Megavideo links best)

You may have to try multiple links to find good ones, but that should get you up to episode 6, where you can switch over to Hulu where its a lot easier.

4/12/2010, 03:24 PM
The problem with megavideo is that you can only watch 72 minutes of stuff a day unless you pay.

4/12/2010, 04:54 PM
I ran into that problem as well, then I just tried some of the other megavideo links and it let me watch them. Weird deal. But either way, that is enough to watch at least one episode per day. If anybody has any other good sites for finding full episodes of tv shows, let me know. I used to have a site that was a lot better but it got shut down.

4/12/2010, 05:05 PM
tvshack.net is a good site, but most of their vid links are megavideo.

4/13/2010, 11:55 AM
Why, oh why did I have to catch the pilot show in September, 2004. No matter how this ends, I'm going to experience some kind of withdrawal pains.

4/13/2010, 11:55 AM

4/13/2010, 01:49 PM
Why, oh why did I have to catch the pilot show in September, 2004. No matter how this ends, I'm going to experience some kind of withdrawal pains.

i blame college football

4/13/2010, 09:52 PM
So apparently Desmond knows something because he ran Locke's *** over on that wheelchair.

4/13/2010, 09:55 PM
I was thinking that killing Locke in the sideways world might bring him back to life in the Island world?

4/13/2010, 10:01 PM
crap, video recorder was set for ABC while I went out with wife tonight.
came home and it had amazingly switched to CBS at 8pm.
So.............. I missed tonights episode.
Anyone have a link that will show tonights?

4/13/2010, 10:04 PM
abc.com will tom, if you want to watch tonight im not sure

4/13/2010, 10:08 PM
Interesting idea. And apparently Richard was told by Jacob "what the island is". And according to the conversation between Hurley and Michael, the voices are "souls" who are trapped on the island and "can't move on". Sounds like a sort of purgatory now for sure.

4/13/2010, 10:10 PM
Here ya go OUinFLA. Enjoy!


4/13/2010, 10:17 PM
Thanks for the suggestions

4/13/2010, 10:25 PM
OUinFLA, also if you go to sidereel.com there are a bunch of links. I went there to find that link that I posted. I tried it and it worked and I watched the first few minutes, so the links are working right now. But I tried it going from this link on SF and it didn't. Try going through that site (sidereel.com) and the megavideo links work.

4/13/2010, 10:26 PM
Interesting idea. And apparently Richard was told by Jacob "what the island is". And according to the conversation between Hurley and Michael, the voices are "souls" who are trapped on the island and "can't move on". Sounds like a sort of purgatory now for sure.

it's the cork that keeps the smoke monster in the bottle, isn't it?

4/13/2010, 10:42 PM
Sounds like it.

4/13/2010, 10:43 PM
The writers have said the Island isn't purgatory/Hell. Of course, they could mean literally and that the Island is a metaphor.

4/13/2010, 10:44 PM
The writers have said the Island isn't purgatory/Hell. Of course, they could mean literally and that the Island is a metaphor.

Could be true. I wouldn't be shocked.

4/13/2010, 10:49 PM
Well, we're getting a new episode next week, "The Last Recruit", and then "Ab Aeterno" will show again on the 27th, and then they'll finish out the series. The Finale will be a 5-hour event on Sunday, May 23, which includes a 2-hour clip show recap (up from the usual hour), the 2-hour finale, and then Jimmy Kimmel Live will have an aftershow special since he apparently loves Lost.

So that means we have 6 episodes left to find out for sure.

4/13/2010, 10:54 PM
it's the cork that keeps the smoke monster in the bottle, isn't it?

more or less, the island is the cork that keeps the smoke monster on the island

4/13/2010, 10:56 PM
Well, we're getting a new episode next week, "The Last Recruit", and then "Ab Aeterno" will show again on the 27th, and then they'll finish out the series. The Finale will be a 5-hour event on Sunday, May 23, which includes a 2-hour clip show recap (up from the usual hour), the 2-hour finale, and then Jimmy Kimmel Live will have an aftershow special since he apparently loves Lost.

So that means we have 6 episodes left to find out for sure.

there are 4 NEW episodes til the finale from the way I understand it. That would get us to May 18th and then the finale on the 23rd

4/13/2010, 10:58 PM
there are 4 NEW episodes til the finale from the way I understand it. That would get us to May 18th and then the finale on the 23rd

I know. I'm counting the 2-hour finale as 2 episodes to go along with the 4 that aren't the finale.

4/13/2010, 10:59 PM

4/13/2010, 11:09 PM
more or less, the island is the cork that keeps the smoke monster on the island

i'm just saying we knew the answer that Ricardus was looking for

4/13/2010, 11:20 PM
So what do you all think will happen next week....judging from the sneak peak at the end of tonight's episode. It showed Desmond (im guessing) in the bottom of the well I think. Then it showed what looked like someone looking up at Sayid while he was aiming a gun, then firing a shot.

On a side note......Anybody see the actress that plays Kate in the Loreal commercial? She's hot.

4/13/2010, 11:24 PM
they put way too much make up on her.

Freckles with no freckles is just wrong

4/13/2010, 11:42 PM
Very true. I like her a LOT more with less makeup and more freckles. I call my g/f freckles every once in a while, lol. As far as freckles go, she is similar to her in the face.....not too many or to pronounced, but when you get close enough, it adds to the beauty.

4/14/2010, 09:35 AM
On a side note......Anybody see the actress that plays Kate in the Loreal commercial? She's hot.

Kate's hotness is a physical constant, much like gravity and light.
EX: Kate on a plane in cuffs - hot. Kate on an island for two months - hot. Kate locked in a zoo - hot.

:hot: = Kate

4/14/2010, 11:35 AM
Kate's hotness is a physical constant, much like gravity and light.
EX: Kate on a plane in cuffs - hot. Kate on an island for two months - hot. Kate locked in a zoo - hot.

:hot: = Kate

kate crawling in the air vent in season 2 when they first went in the Swan hatch :pop:

4/14/2010, 11:45 AM
Kate's hotness is a physical constant, much like gravity and light.
EX: Kate on a plane in cuffs - hot. Kate on an island for two months - hot. Kate locked in a zoo - hot.

:hot: = Kate

Faraday had it all wrong :D

4/14/2010, 11:50 AM
She packs more heat than that thermonuclear bomb.

4/14/2010, 03:31 PM
Kate when she's got her hair up and she's all sweaty and dirty (and/or wet) = super :hot:

4/14/2010, 03:45 PM
kate crawling in the air vent in season 2 when they first went in the Swan hatch :pop:
Air-vent Kate was awesome.

4/14/2010, 03:53 PM

4/14/2010, 04:18 PM
that is appreciated.

4/14/2010, 04:29 PM

4/16/2010, 12:14 AM
For those of you who saw the preview for next week, what do you make of the Willy Wonka theme to the preview?

4/16/2010, 07:44 AM
Man that brought back childhood memories. I asked my wife if she recognized the music and she did not.

I don't remember exactly what was going on in WWATCF when they played that song, but as a child I remember thinking/feeling "if this Wonka creep hurts any of these kids I'm going to be mad."

As to what it means for our Losties: no ideer.

King Crimson
4/16/2010, 07:53 AM
Kate must have procured an endless supply of Dharma Institute jog bras. reach for the sky, mister!

4/16/2010, 03:08 PM
I guess I missed the preview for next week. I need to go find it.

4/16/2010, 03:27 PM

4/16/2010, 03:30 PM
Yeah, anyone have a link of that preview? I watched it online and it didn't have it.

4/16/2010, 03:32 PM
look above

4/16/2010, 03:48 PM
I don't remember exactly what was going on in WWATCF when they played that song, but as a child I remember thinking/feeling "if this Wonka creep hurts any of these kids I'm going to be mad."

I believe that song was being played during the magic tunnel ride through hell.

4/16/2010, 03:53 PM
I believe that song was being played during the magic tunnel ride through hell.



perhaps it was used in Lost was because it ties into Lost. Willy Wonka tested everyone who had the golden ticket. Jacob and Man in Black is testing everyone who is on the Island, the words to the song also seem to relate to LOST quite a bit

4/16/2010, 05:29 PM
I remember that song. Interesting.

4/16/2010, 05:33 PM
Oh, I talked up Lost so much to my g/f that I got her excited about it. I have seasons 1-5 on DVD, so we watched the first episode last night. She is ready to watch a couple more tonight. I got her hooked, she just don't know it. :D

Only problem is regardless of how book smart she is (3.99 undergrad GPA & and around there in grad school as well), when it comes to TV shows and movies where you have to think....she usually doesn't "get it". So I have to explain. But she is getting better.

On a side not, something blew my mind completely last night. I read online that the actress that plays Kate and the actor that plays Charlie have been dating since they met on set in 2004. That freaked me out for a minute. I didn't see that coming.

4/16/2010, 05:38 PM
Yea theyve been together for a while...dont feel bad about explaining the show to her, there are a lot of smart ppl who dont understand LOST at times, lol

4/16/2010, 05:44 PM
Yea theyve been together for a while...dont feel bad about explaining the show to her, there are a lot of smart ppl who dont understand LOST at times, lol

I'll admit right now I don't have a clue as of what is going on in at least half of the plot, haha.

4/16/2010, 05:49 PM
im just amazed they can keep the integrity of the plot together without any apparent holes up to this point

4/16/2010, 05:54 PM
I guess we will see for sure in the next month and a week. I'm hoping its a good ending that is also thought-provoking and makes me sit down and just say....."Damn, that was good."

4/16/2010, 06:04 PM
LOST is the first primetime drama that combines various religions and religious allegories, endless literature/music/film references, science fiction/fantasy, mythology, and romance among a large ensemble cast. It's understandable if you don't know exactly what's going on all of the time. I don't think the writers would want you to, anyway.

4/16/2010, 06:56 PM
someone made a good point that it is the first show in a long time that makes you want to read (due to the books that are placed in the show) and look into different religions and beliefs (due to the placement of those as well)

4/16/2010, 09:12 PM
I can see that. I think it does. I brushed up on some of that stuff trying to better understand the themes of the show.

4/20/2010, 10:25 PM
So I'm going to go out on a limb and say Sayid did not kill Desmond. However, I think Jack may be starting to figure something out. He said he isn't sure about fake Locke, but he figures if Locke wants to leave, and if everybody has to leave with him, then maybe they are the key to keeping him on the island. I'm guessing Widmore doesn't trust Sawyer and his gang maybe thinking Locke had gotten to them? Not sure why else he would want them dead. It does look like it is all coming together in the flash sideways, though. Everybody is converging to one place. I found it interesting that Sun saw Locke and freaked out saying "Its HIM". So Desmond isn't the only one who knows quite a bit about Locke. I'm still eager to find out who Jack's baby momma is.

4/20/2010, 10:28 PM
Jacks baby mama, Juliet? Jack may end up having to sacrifice himself to stop FLOCKE?

4/20/2010, 10:31 PM
i think Locke needs them all to leave because he doesn't know which one is supposed to take Jacob's place

how could it not be Jack? :)

if i had to guess it would probably be Hurley

4/21/2010, 01:09 AM
Jacks baby mama, Juliet? Jack may end up having to sacrifice himself to stop FLOCKE?

I have a feeling you are right about Juliet, as well as Jack ultimately stopping Flocke.

4/21/2010, 01:13 AM
i think Locke needs them all to leave because he doesn't know which one is supposed to take Jacob's place

how could it not be Jack? :)

if i had to guess it would probably be Hurley

I agree. Locke probably doesn't know, which is why he needs everyone to leave. It looks like Jack, but for some reason I feel that Hurley is the choice that would be the "good guy" the replace Jacob.

4/21/2010, 08:08 AM
So how about that look that Claire gave Kate as she gets on the sailboat, "If Locke finds out we're gone, he's gonna be mad." DAGGERS!!

4/27/2010, 09:05 PM
So after watching tonights enhanced replay of Ab Eterno it seems to me that the Island is where these people go for redemption and that once they have served their time and proven that they are good people their suffering will end.

Also, The MIB has to kill all the candidates to leave the Island but he cant do it directly...whatya think?

4/27/2010, 09:20 PM
Also, The MIB has to kill all the candidates to leave the Island but he cant do it directly...whatya think?

My thought as well. The **** is going to hit the fan in the next episode.

4/27/2010, 10:17 PM

4/28/2010, 09:58 PM
Stinks they took a week off, but the final run should be terrific.

4/28/2010, 11:01 PM
Anybody know if they are showing the Lost thing in the theaters around here 3 days before the Finale? Supposed to be like a recap and behind the scenes of how the show started, followed by a Q&A with a live audience in New York and people from all over the country can text in questions during the show. Sounds interesting. I wish they would show the Finale in the theater. That would be awesome.

4/29/2010, 10:23 AM
that would be interesting wouldn't it? Have the 2 hour season finale be a major theatrical release.

That would be outside the box for sure.

4/29/2010, 10:27 AM
the only problem is that you'd have to dilute it so much for people that had never seen the show

4/29/2010, 11:52 AM
Not really. Just show it as it would show on tv. They are already doing this behind the scenes and how it got started thing with Q&A. Just replace that with the Finale. Wouldn't cost any more than what they are spending on this. Plus it would net more money.

4/29/2010, 12:00 PM
ABC is getting like $800k for a 30 second commercial during the finale, yowsers

4/29/2010, 05:02 PM
That ^ is why it ain't in theaters.

4/30/2010, 11:19 PM
That ^ is why it ain't in theaters.

Um, FWIW, Im sure a theater release would net more than those commercials.

4/30/2010, 11:26 PM
Um, FWIW, Im sure a theater release would net more than those commercials.

Maybe. There would be a lot of pissed off middle aged people that wouldn't wanna go fight the movie theate crowd to watch the finale of a show they spent 5+ years watchig on their couch.

4/30/2010, 11:30 PM
Stuff White People Like: LOST

5/1/2010, 03:03 PM
There are black people in lost dayumit! They may be acting for no pay against their will, but they are in it! They even got Iraqis and Koreans. This is an equal opportunity show.

Paid for by White People For Lost Television. :D

5/3/2010, 09:10 AM
Stuff White People Like: LOST

Stuff Black People Like: BET

5/3/2010, 11:08 AM
Maybe. There would be a lot of pissed off middle aged people that wouldn't wanna go fight the movie theate crowd to watch the finale of a show they spent 5+ years watchig on their couch.

^ This.

5/4/2010, 09:07 PM
Seriously good episode tonight. In related news, the finale is getting extended to 2.5 hours!

5/4/2010, 09:13 PM
So, Sayid comes back from the dark side and dies, Lapidus gets one last good line in before he bites it, and then Sun and Jin die together.

And Kate survived. I would love to get naked with Evangeline Lilly, but Kate has to be the worst character on the show. Damn you, writers. Damn you.

Jacob and Man in Black episode next week.

5/4/2010, 09:33 PM
Really, really, really good episode tonight; hope no one clicks on this thread before they get to watch it

5/4/2010, 10:12 PM
Sawyer, you IDIOT!!

5/4/2010, 10:56 PM
Trust Jack! Great Epi tonight, lots still to be confused about

5/4/2010, 11:04 PM
an interesting theory I read tonight, dont know how it would relate to the end of the show but it seems plausible

"So the alt reality is a mirror image- various examples incl. the fact that locke was cured by plane crash and in alt reality is crippled by a plane crash. So when people see a mirror in alt reality- they are actually seeing the true reality/image."

5/4/2010, 11:26 PM
So that might explain the mirror Christian had given to Claire. Didn't Jack look into the mirror? Great episode. Sad that so many died. But I guess I expected this to start happening toward the end. I guess Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley are going to go looking for Widmore now. At least they better because it looks like Locke is pissed and is going for blood, however it sounds like Kate is the only one he could actually kill. From the first season, you could tell that those four people were going to be central characters, but the addition of Desmond into the main story was awesome. I can't wait to hear some more backstory from Jacob and MiB next week.

5/4/2010, 11:38 PM
next week is ultra spurtabile

5/5/2010, 12:47 AM
Cpl of other things ive come up with or read around the net...whatya think?

1) The finale is on the 23rd, isnt that Jacks #?

2) I havent thought this one out completely but Jack sent the MIB away by pushing him in the water on the island and is working on Locke to fix him back at the hospital...

Notice how Locke in the wheel chair hesitated when Jack said the final "i can fix you "

This is the clue...Jack is fixing Locke/MIB/FLock/Smokie?

3) "In what was a mirror image of the season 5 finale Jack gets another apollo bar from the vending machine and offers it to Claire and she does not take it/touch it as we saw with Jack/Jacob in season 5,,,,

I think there is a signifance to this scene it just seemed as if we were meant to pick up on that"

4) Also, didnt Sayid tell Jack he is the ONE before he ran off with the bomb?

5/5/2010, 01:00 AM
1. Yes

2. Interesting....haven't thought of that.

3. I noticed that. I was wondering what the connection was.

4. Yes he did.

5/5/2010, 07:43 AM
Trust Jack! Great Epi tonight, lots still to be confused about

Now thats the Jack we all no and love!!!! He be da man! (i have said this since season 2 when he went into the hatch) :pop:

5/5/2010, 11:36 AM
1) The finale is on the 23rd, isnt that Jacks #?

Can't believe I didn't think about that! Especially since the episode is on a Sunday night instead of Tuesday.

5/5/2010, 02:54 PM
Dang...can't believe the Kwon's died. I'm feeling pre-depression because I'm sure Hurley is going to bite it sometime in the next two weeks. :(

5/5/2010, 04:50 PM
Hurley's death would be sad.

I wonder if it gets set right somehow by the alternate reality and everybody comes back.....

5/5/2010, 08:39 PM
Jin and Sun are dead. So does anyone think that their child might be the actual "candidate" since we only know the last name?

Anybody have an ideas on what Ben and Richard are up to at this point?

5/5/2010, 11:35 PM
It was moving when Jin and Sun died, but when Hurley started crying, it nearly pushed me over the edge. It reminded me of when Aaron started crying out of nowhere when Charlie drowned.

5/6/2010, 12:20 AM
Cpl of other things ive come up with or read around the net...whatya think?

1) The finale is on the 23rd, isnt that Jacks #?

2) I havent thought this one out completely but Jack sent the MIB away by pushing him in the water on the island and is working on Locke to fix him back at the hospital...

Notice how Locke in the wheel chair hesitated when Jack said the final "i can fix you "

This is the clue...Jack is fixing Locke/MIB/FLock/Smokie?

3) "In what was a mirror image of the season 5 finale Jack gets another apollo bar from the vending machine and offers it to Claire and she does not take it/touch it as we saw with Jack/Jacob in season 5,,,,

I think there is a signifance to this scene it just seemed as if we were meant to pick up on that"

4) Also, didnt Sayid tell Jack he is the ONE before he ran off with the bomb?

#2... Locke paused when he heard "I wish you believed me"... Not "I can fix you". Locke said those same words in his dreams when in the hospital when Jack went to visit. Also, that was Locke's last note to jack after his death..

5/6/2010, 08:08 AM
It was moving when Jin and Sun died, but when Hurley started crying, it nearly pushed me over the edge. It reminded me of when Aaron started crying out of nowhere when Charlie drowned.

Oh man. That was a very powerful scene. Plus when Sun and Jin realize that the submarine would be their final resting place.

5/6/2010, 09:38 AM
I was sure Sun was going to play the "you've never met your daughter" card to get Jin to leave.

5/7/2010, 09:03 AM
Ok, so it's obvious Flocke is trying to kill them all. But it seems equally obvious that Widmore is trying to as well. If not then why rig the plane with C4 and not immediately blow it up, what was he waiting for? Obviously he can't blow up Flocke, so it had to be meant for the losties.

Yet more questions.

Great Ep.

5/11/2010, 09:46 PM
What a wierd episode, I didnt really like it

5/11/2010, 09:53 PM
What a wierd episode, I didnt really like it

the jury is still out too

5/11/2010, 09:54 PM
A necessary episode. Got a lot better once the adult actors took over.

5/11/2010, 10:08 PM
I loved it. Up until now Jacob and MIB were too mysterious for my taste, but now they have a REAL human backstory. One that gains a bit of sympathy for MIB/Smokey...

5/11/2010, 10:12 PM
yea, I think it will come more into focus as the show ends but I thought it was put together oddly. SS615, I dont think MIB and smokey are the same, I think MIB is dead and when he was thrown into the cave it allowed smokey to be released by using his body, or something like that

5/11/2010, 10:14 PM
I still don't know carp about the island itself. And when we first saw jacob and mib wasn't mib echoing the mother's attitudes toward mankind in general?
We know who the two corpse's are now....smokey must have re-animated himself at some point. How they aren't able to harm each other is beyond my guess..."the more questions you ask the more questions you'll have" pretty well sums up this show.

5/11/2010, 10:17 PM
yea I caught that line sward, wonder if it was a shot at the whiney fans who want every damn question answered, lol

5/11/2010, 10:23 PM
yea, I think it will come more into focus as the show ends but I thought it was put together oddly. SS615, I dont think MIB and smokey are the same, I think MIB is dead and when he was thrown into the cave it allowed smokey to be released by using his body, or something like that

Yeah, that was my first reaction too. But, I think a large part of smokey IS MIB. Because, he echoes his principles. Like he mentioned above, his mother's view on humanity and desire to leave the island. I think that those parts of MIB live on in Smokey. However, when Jacob previously said that Smokey was "pure evil" I think most definitely refers to what happened in the tunnel/pool of light.

5/11/2010, 10:39 PM
Interesting episode and i'm not sure yet what i thought about it lol

5/11/2010, 11:37 PM
I'll have to watch it again (and not just because KOCO made me miss about 5 minutes to warn a bunch of trees about a possible tornado), but my initial reaction is "meh". I thought the writing and acting were mediocre. Seemed like the writers had some things they needed to tell and just kind of haphazardly threw it together.

5/12/2010, 12:13 AM
thats kind of my feeling about the writing in this episode, it was just not organized

5/12/2010, 12:33 AM
Anybody realize that both MiB and Hurley can see dead people?

5/12/2010, 12:39 AM
and Miles can talk to them, hmmm

My Opinion Matters
5/12/2010, 08:50 AM
That episode was a barrel of sh*t.

5/12/2010, 09:53 AM
So the guardian prior to Jacob was a little lacking in the morals department. She killed the mother, and wiped out an entire village to keep MIB from leaving.

MIB was also her original choice for guardian. He was special. He knew how to lie. Jacob was the good one.

My theory is that the current MIB is the evil part of the island. The counterpart to the light, which she referred to as life. So MIB is death. And if he escapes the island then death will be unleashed on the world.

5/13/2010, 07:21 AM
Notice how the "mother" never aged during the boys lifetime.

5/13/2010, 07:24 AM
I've read where the smokey "noise" is the same as Locke's calculator back at the box company. I swear, if this turns out to be his dream....

Hot Rod
5/13/2010, 07:40 AM
I've read where the smokey "noise" is the same as Locke's calculator back at the box company. I swear, if this turns out to be his dream....

That's interesting. Just a week and a half left of this show, and we'll still be asking questions about it.

5/13/2010, 07:46 AM
I've read where the smokey "noise" is the same as Locke's calculator back at the box company. I swear, if this turns out to be his dream....
I actually that is was a 'closer' sound when Locke went in for his MRI when Desmond ran him over with the car. This also might explain why Rose also made the comment in season 1 that smokey's sound was 'familiar'. (as she prob had MRIs during her cancer treatment)

5/13/2010, 07:49 AM
I've read where the smokey "noise" is the same as Locke's calculator back at the box company. I swear, if this turns out to be his dream....

It is the sound that a receipt printing calculator makes. Rose said the sound was familiar to her (from taxis in the Bronx). It's not a dream.

5/13/2010, 08:32 AM
As soon as that episode started and my wife saw the chick wash up on the beach she says, "I bet that girl is Jacob and the other guy's mom."

Dang wimmenz intuition.

5/13/2010, 03:44 PM
I actually that is was a 'closer' sound when Locke went in for his MRI when Desmond ran him over with the car. This also might explain why Rose also made the comment in season 1 that smokey's sound was 'familiar'. (as she prob had MRIs during her cancer treatment)

I like this theory!

My Opinion Matters
5/14/2010, 09:07 AM
That's not at all what MRI machines sound like, but meh, I suppose in the context of this show it's plausible. I'm beginning to realize this show jumped the shark at the beginning of season 2. Too bad I'm realizing this 4 years too late.

5/14/2010, 10:03 AM
Did Jacob and MIB's foster mom have the smoke monster power before MIB?

What she did to the village looked smoke monster-esque, and she never could have taken them all out like that otherwise. She was killed by the same knife that Sayid was supposed to use to kill the fake Locke.

After MIB went into the golden pool, the smoke monster came out of the cave. Had their foster mom done the same thing years before?

5/14/2010, 12:50 PM
Im ready for this show to end.

If there is a "Lost II" I will not watch it.

5/14/2010, 12:55 PM
Draining isnt it...

5/14/2010, 03:53 PM
Smoke Monster sounds came from a receipt printer, not an MRI machine.

And there won't be a "Lost II".

5/14/2010, 04:48 PM
Lost: The Motion Picture.

5/15/2010, 12:40 AM
This will keep ya busy when it ends. :D



5/15/2010, 12:56 AM
so how is the game, any fun?

5/15/2010, 07:17 AM
I'll just keep track of Evangeline Lilly's pic....er, career.

5/15/2010, 08:56 AM
Q&A from the show's creators about the last episode:


Some interesting stuff there.

5/15/2010, 09:30 PM
Q&A from the show's creators about the last episode:


Some interesting stuff there.

It's a little hard for me to swallow that they had the whole thing figured out from the start.....but I'm still enjoying the heck out of it. I'm consigned to the fact that many questions will not be answered.

5/16/2010, 12:00 AM
I highly doubt they had it all figured out from the start, they may have had a rough outline but the overall story I doubt it. For one, wasnt Kate supposed to be the main character and Jack a secondary one?

Also, when they say they put this episode in where they did because they thought the audience needed a break from the character chaos after all the deaths, thats what draws us in is the characters. I thought this episode couldve been better placed

5/16/2010, 12:35 PM
so how is the game, any fun?

Hasn't came yet. I am out of state and will be for another week. Hopefully the UPS guy takes it to the office at my apartment complex and drops it off instead of just setting it outside my door......it would probably get stolen. However, if I get back and it is outside my door, I will have restored faith in mankind.

Crucifax Autumn
5/18/2010, 08:32 PM
I ran across this video of every death from the show. i can't tell you if it's any good since I didn't watch it...I don't watch the show so it wouldn't make any sense to me.


5/18/2010, 08:37 PM
Im about to start watching tonights episode, the next to the last episode EVAR! That sucks...

5/18/2010, 08:43 PM
looks like we are gonna get to find out who Jacks wife is, Juliet??? Hmmm...

5/18/2010, 09:26 PM
Excellent episode. Sunday is going to be legendary.

5/18/2010, 09:27 PM
Really good stuff, im interested as hell to know what happens at Jacks sons concert, when Jack works on Locke, and how it all ends...Good stuff!

5/18/2010, 09:37 PM
Also, I wonder if Ben is setting up FLOCKE or if he is being honest for once?

5/18/2010, 10:02 PM
Not a big surprise jack is the 'one' but still. what a great episode.. can't wait for Sunday.. But at the same time, I dread it. I don't want it to end!

5/18/2010, 10:05 PM
Even though that episode was a little predictable with Jack being the ONE and all that, I predict a bunch of twists in the Finale

5/18/2010, 10:06 PM
At least Jack is a likable character this season.

5/18/2010, 10:22 PM
Yep. Desmond will have everyone at the concert that is still alive on the island. Can't wait.

5/18/2010, 10:26 PM
my money is still on Hurley :D

and Ben is on Team Ben. i thought he couldn't kill Widmore though?

5/18/2010, 11:08 PM
yeah what's with the likable Ben in the flash sideways? And definitely Desmond has a HUGE part to play. I'm still clueless as to how the flash sideways will play out in the overall plot.. You'd think it would be pointless in some sense, but its shaping up to be anything but..

5/18/2010, 11:09 PM
my money is still on Hurley :D

and Ben is on Team Ben. i thought he couldn't kill Widmore though?

Looks like he decided to disregard the Rules. Maybe they don't apply as strongly to normal people as Jacob's and MIB's rules apply to them.

5/19/2010, 01:44 AM
For some reason, I think that Ben is playing Flocke and Flocke doesn't realize it. Ben has always been the devious one with "everything" planned out. Notice that he gave Miles the walkie talkie. Miles went with Widmore and the woman down to the closet. And when they got down there, Miles was gone.

Sayid told Jack where Desmond was. They went and saved him from the well while Hurley was off talking to Jacob. So Jack is "the one". Hurley, Kate, and Sawyer are with him. Ben is likely playing Flocke, while Flocke thinks Ben is being ruthless in order to have the island to himself. Miles is working with Ben. And Jack now knows where the light is (heart of the island).

Now Flocke wants to destroy the island, along with all the candidates and the failsafe (Desmond). It seems that there is no need for Ben to pretend to help him if the island is to be destroyed. Not sure what is going to happen there.

In the flash sideways, something big is going to happen at the concert. All the players are going to be there. However, it seems that it all hinges on Jack and Locke. They are facing off on the island and Jack is going to try to fix Locke in the flash sideways. I did find it odd that Hurley recognized Anna Lucia immediately, while she didn't know who he was. I can't wait until Sunday, yet I don't want it to come. It is going to be hard not to reveal stuff to my g/f who just finished season 1. She is getting a decent grasp on it so far, but I have to nearly laugh at how confused she is going to get soon.

5/19/2010, 01:53 AM
My thoughts are...

1) I think Ben will turn on Flocke once Miles tells him what his daughter said, something like that

2) Hurley will still have a big role

3) I still wonder what role Jack fixing Lockes spine will play

4) Is Kate a mother due to Aaron or because she is pregnant from Jack?

5) Is Walt coming back, he was supposed to be important?

5/19/2010, 07:44 AM
Even though that episode was a little predictable with Jack being the ONE and all that, I predict a bunch of twists in the Finale

jack is too 'obvious'.......its a trap!

5/19/2010, 07:59 AM
Question: If this is a flash sideways why is Claire still pregnant in one and not in the other? That's a flash three years into the future with a different reality. Same goes for the fact that the flight landed a few weeks prior in the alternate reality, but it's been 3 years in the other.

That's just the beginning of my confusion with this show.

5/19/2010, 08:08 AM
Question: If this is a flash sideways why is Claire still pregnant in one and not in the other? That's a flash three years into the future with a different reality. Same goes for the fact that the flight landed a few weeks prior in the alternate reality, but it's been 3 years in the other.

That's just the beginning of my confusion with this show.

the FS is still in 2004 when just a few days after 815 'landed' at LAX. Claire didn't have the baby for a few weeks after the crash of 815 in the 'reality' timeline. Thus why she is still pregnant in the FS.

5/19/2010, 08:45 AM
the FS is still in 2004 when just a few days after 815 'landed' at LAX. Claire didn't have the baby for a few weeks after the crash of 815 in the 'reality' timeline. Thus why she is still pregnant in the FS.

So it's a flash sideways mixed with a three years in the past dimension?

5/19/2010, 08:57 AM
So it's a flash sideways mixed with a three years in the past dimension?

sounds about right.

but there has to be a direct tie in as to why Desmond is 'getting the band back together' in the FS to the 'reality timeline'.

5/19/2010, 09:44 AM
'ms okie' stopped watching the show around season 3, but may catch a snippet of an episode now and then.

soooo, midway thru last night's episode, she poses this question: 'I thought Locke was dead?'

or this


5/19/2010, 11:25 AM
'ms okie' stopped watching the show around season 3, but may catch a snippet of an episode now and then.

soooo, midway thru last night's episode, she poses this question: 'I thought Locke was dead?'

or this



5/19/2010, 11:59 AM
So it's a flash sideways mixed with a three years in the past dimension?

the way i see it, there was a fork in time when Juliet set the bomb off

FS is what happened without the Island/Jacob interfering with the passengers of 815 since 1974

so, i think it's like 33 years :D

of course, i have no idea what the bomb did to Jacob, the "light" and Smokey in 1974

5/19/2010, 12:02 PM
the way i see it, there was a fork in time when Juliet set the bomb off

FS is what happened without the Island/Jacob interfering with the passengers of 815 since 1974

so, i think it's like 33 years :D

of course, i have no idea what the bomb did to Jacob, the "light" and Smokey in 1974ummm, not to nitpick on 'time'

but wasn't it 1977 when the 'incident' occurred? :pop:

5/19/2010, 12:22 PM
right, i was thinking i was missing something as i typed it

5/19/2010, 09:08 PM
Looks like he decided to disregard the Rules. Maybe they don't apply as strongly to normal people as Jacob's and MIB's rules apply to them.

Jacob's dead...the rules are over


Ben's pulling a con, and shot Widmore to spare him the awfulness of a Smokey beatdown...and knows he can't kill Widmore, so Widmore's still alive.

5/20/2010, 12:19 AM
Interesting. ^

5/20/2010, 12:23 AM
hmm... i don't think death stops the rules

5/20/2010, 01:21 AM
I am still interested in these "rules" that Ben told Widmore he broke when he killed Alex. I wonder why there are rules between those two. I found it crazy that Richard had such a sudden demise. But I guess he served his purpose.

5/20/2010, 07:49 AM
I bet we'll see Richard again.

5/20/2010, 12:54 PM
Richard cant die from what I remember, im sure we will as well

5/20/2010, 01:03 PM
Richard cant die from what I remember, im sure we will as well
he could die, but he just could not kill himself. (thats why he wanted Jack to light the Dynamite when they were in the Black rock) :pop:

5/20/2010, 01:11 PM
Hmmm, yea I remember that now, makes me wonder how he existed with smokey for so long then

5/20/2010, 02:10 PM
Hmmm, yea I remember that now, makes me wonder how he existed with smokey for so long then

id say that answer would be because old smokey was not ready for him to die yet.

5/20/2010, 02:24 PM
Thats why ive pretty much given up on trying to understand this show, everytime I think I have it figured out the writers just make me feel stupid

5/20/2010, 03:59 PM
Just enjoy the ride. I don't understand everything they were trying to do, and not everything made sense, but it's a hell of a story, with some truly epic episodes and some great acting by most of the cast, namely Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson.

5/20/2010, 04:01 PM
The guy who plays Richard, Nester something or other, that guy will win an emmy for his performance a few episodes back

5/20/2010, 04:04 PM
Yeah, he was great in "Ab Aeterno" and it was probably a top 5 episode for me.

5/20/2010, 04:12 PM
That one was probaby top 3 for me, going along with the season 3 finale at the airport with Jack and Kate and the episode with Sawyer and the the guy who ripped off his family.

5/20/2010, 05:03 PM
My top 4:

The Constant (Season 4, Episode 5)
Walkabout (Season 1, Episode 4)
Through the Looking Glass (Season 3 finale)
Ab Aeterno (Season 6, Episode 9)

Was going to be 5, but a lot of episodes could go in that #5 spot.

5/20/2010, 07:11 PM
you guys remember seasons and episodes?

<Lost Nerds>

I can barely remember last weeks episode.

5/20/2010, 07:17 PM
you guys remember seasons and episodes?

<Lost Nerds>

I can barely remember last weeks episode.

Thank you!

5/20/2010, 08:24 PM
If you don't like Lost......then you kin geeeeeyiiiiit oooouut!

5/20/2010, 10:02 PM
If you don't like Lost......then you kin get lost!

note: edit for punability

ps, I like Lost, Im just ready for it to be OVER!

5/20/2010, 10:18 PM
you guys remember seasons and episodes?

<Lost Nerds>

I can barely remember last weeks episode.

I can barely remember week to week as well but those I listed are episodes that really stood out to me as being Great!

5/20/2010, 10:53 PM
Yeah, I don't remember what happened in which episode or what season it was in unless it was recent. I have to go back through episode guides. When I was watching season 1 with my g/f I kept waiting for Desmond to show up. He isn't even in season 1. I just like the show and try my best to keep up with everything and understand what is going on....but its useless. The writers are good. Very entertaining.

5/21/2010, 06:58 PM
Especially for any Woody Guthrie fans on the premises . . .

The Ballad of Lost (http://www.studio360.org/episodes/2010/05/21)

See the second clip down.

5/21/2010, 07:01 PM

5/21/2010, 11:56 PM
Carlton Cuse and David Lindleoff were just on Jimmy Kimmel. They showed a clip where Sawyer is spying on Locke by the well where Desmond was supposed to be. Ben then had him at gun point and told him to join them since he was already watching. Locke asked him what he was doing. Sawyer looks into the well and sees a dead body and say, "I was coming to save Desmond before you could get to him. Oh well."

On a side note, they said the finale may not answer questions about Walt directly, but they may give indirect clues. They said it speaks for itself.

And on of the funniest things ever was Jimmy's "Unnecessary Censorship", Lost edition. I laughed so hard I was in tears. It HAS to be on youtube or something before long. I have to watch it again.

5/22/2010, 12:39 AM
He had a funny one lastnight about him being in Highschool and Jacob touching him, lol

5/22/2010, 03:44 PM
And on of the funniest things ever was Jimmy's "Unnecessary Censorship", Lost edition. I laughed so hard I was in tears. It HAS to be on youtube or something before long. I have to watch it again.


5/22/2010, 06:47 PM
Just saw that the pilot episode is on tonight 7-9 pm.

5/22/2010, 06:49 PM
Yep the unnecessary censorship was awesome, I really didnt get their explanation about Walt though.

5/22/2010, 07:53 PM
This enhanced version of the Pilot is unreal, reminds me why I got hooked. The LOST pilot has to be one of the greatest ever...

5/22/2010, 08:13 PM
You all everybody!

5/23/2010, 01:06 AM
Yeah I don't think we are gonna get much on Walt.

5/23/2010, 02:40 PM
So, I've never watched this show. Can someone briefly bring me up to speed for tonight's finale? TIA.

5/23/2010, 02:42 PM
that was last night :D

5/23/2010, 06:02 PM
Oh man, here we go...ill be posting happily or angrily in about 5 hours. Actually, hopefully ill be shocked! :D

5/23/2010, 06:14 PM
Yeah, I am hoping for shocked. I'll be here as well.

5/23/2010, 06:17 PM
i hope a nuke falls on them.

5/23/2010, 06:33 PM
i hope a nuke falls on them.

No, they buried the hydrogen bomb already. ;)

5/23/2010, 06:40 PM
The nuke did go off.

5/23/2010, 07:22 PM
Oh yeah......The Incident.

5/23/2010, 07:51 PM
Im just watching it for the commercials

kinda like the superbowl

5/23/2010, 10:33 PM
Epic, I loved it. Perfect ending IMO

5/23/2010, 10:37 PM
People who didn't understand it will hate it.

5/23/2010, 10:41 PM
Ok, Im still lost.
Surprise, surprise.

What happened to Hugo, Desmond, the dog and Ben back on the Island?
What happened to the people on the escape plane.

I can hardly wait for ...........


coming soon to ABC for those junkies with unanswered questions.

5/23/2010, 10:42 PM
Ok, Im still lost.
Surprise, surprise.

What happened to Hugo, Desmond, the dog and Ben back on the Island?
What happened to the people on the escape plane.

I can hardly wait for ...........


coming soon to ABC for those junkies with unanswered questions.

They all lived out their lives and died, just like everyone else. The sideways world was the afterlife.

5/23/2010, 10:42 PM
I thought it was a copout ending. Lame!!!!!

5/23/2010, 10:42 PM
Truly epic. It took me by surprise, and it got me emotional, which isn't easy. Amazing finale. It really makes you think....not only about the show....but about life in general. This show was more than just a series. It was an evaluation of the human condition....and much more.

5/23/2010, 10:43 PM
Ok, Im still lost.
Surprise, surprise.

What happened to Hugo, Desmond, the dog and Ben back on the Island?
What happened to the people on the escape plane.

I can hardly wait for ...........


coming soon to ABC for those junkies with unanswered questions.

Remember what Christian said, "some died before you, some after", or something to that affect. IMO what it meant was that they were basically all lost souls as living people therefore they were brought to the island to bring meaning to their lives and surround themselves with people who loved them, a sort of redemption of the soul.

I think the scene in the church was a sort of a fast forward to when they had all finally passed and they were ready to go forward together.

5/23/2010, 10:43 PM
Good ending and open to many interpretations

5/23/2010, 10:44 PM
Hurley makes the rules now. I have a vision of him in a white suit greeting guests, while Ben yells "de plane, de plane!"

5/23/2010, 10:44 PM
I thought it was a copout ending. Lame!!!!!

How would you end it?

5/23/2010, 10:44 PM
I thought it was a copout ending. Lame!!!!!


5/23/2010, 10:45 PM
I thought it was a copout ending. Lame!!!!!

How would you end it?


I dont get the cop out opinion, it stayed true to the story. Not like it was the easy way out or anything...

5/23/2010, 10:47 PM
Remember what Christian said, "some died before you, some after", or something to that affect. IMO what it meant was that they were basically all lost souls as living people therefore they were brought to the island to bring meaning to their lives and surround themselves with people who loved them, a sort of redemption of the soul.

I think the scene in the church was a sort of a fast forward to when they had all finally passed and they were ready to go forward together.

Reminded me of Titanic a little bit

5/23/2010, 10:49 PM
Reminded me of Titanic a little bit

Except not as gay.

5/23/2010, 10:50 PM
I hated the last 10 minutes. Everything else I loved.

5/23/2010, 10:50 PM
For anyone who didnt figure it out, this will help. Great review IMO


5/23/2010, 10:53 PM
I thought it was great.

5/23/2010, 10:53 PM
It was a perfect ending.

5/23/2010, 11:00 PM
For anyone who didnt figure it out, this will help. Great review IMO


Good stuff.

5/23/2010, 11:03 PM
Remember what Christian said, "some died before you, some after", or something to that affect. IMO what it meant was that they were basically all lost souls as living people therefore they were brought to the island to bring meaning to their lives and surround themselves with people who loved them, a sort of redemption of the soul.

I think the scene in the church was a sort of a fast forward to when they had all finally passed and they were ready to go forward together.

Thank you, I had not realized that line was going to be so important.
I believe you have set my mind at rest.

I am no longer Lost.

I will not watch............... LOST II

5/23/2010, 11:10 PM
The whole thing is still running through my mind. I have a feeling I will be thinking it over for a while.

5/23/2010, 11:11 PM

5/23/2010, 11:15 PM
Hell I've been drinking since 8:00. :D

5/23/2010, 11:18 PM
I was going to and still might but I am exhausted from the weekend and have a lot to do tomorrow, so right now im leaning towards no??

5/23/2010, 11:20 PM
I totally get the sideways universe(purgatory thing) where they meet for Jack's "funeral" that was a great concept.
What I still don't get is are they already dead on the island? If not then wtf was the island and the time travel bs and all the other island bs?
If they were already dead before the island then what was the island about, two different purgatories? Didn't the writers say it wasn't purgatory?

5/23/2010, 11:22 PM
They werent dead on the Island my friend, they were brought to the Island in order to fulfill their lifes purpose more or less

5/23/2010, 11:23 PM
Yeah, they weren't dead on the island (unless they really died). That really happened.

5/23/2010, 11:26 PM
I was going to and still might but I am exhausted from the weekend and have a lot to do tomorrow, so right now im leaning towards no??

If you have to put question marks, it means you are 3 drinks behind. You already know you are going to drink, you are just waiting until later. So if you have stuff to do tomorrow, then I suggest you go ahead and start now so you can end it earlier. Trust me. I have experience with this. ;)

5/23/2010, 11:35 PM
I couldn't care less about WAAAAAAAAAAALT but where was Mr. Eko? :(

5/23/2010, 11:40 PM
If you have to put question marks, it means you are 3 drinks behind. You already know you are going to drink, you are just waiting until later. So if you have stuff to do tomorrow, then I suggest you go ahead and start now so you can end it earlier. Trust me. I have experience with this. ;)

I have more experience than you, im just psyching myself out :D

I couldn't care less about WAAAAAAAAAAALT but where was Mr. Eko? :(

It woulda been nice to see them in the Church atleast, especially Walt

5/23/2010, 11:40 PM
I watched the show until the writer's strike messed it up, right around the start of the flash forwards, and then tonight I listened to the creators, so even tho I don't get every nuance, I get the jist. I loved all the couple reunions, especially Shannon/Sayeed, James/Juliet and of course Jake/Kate.

Belief in afterlife where you are reunited with friends and family is the main reason we still have churches 2k years since the Resurrection of Christ. It's a strong desire in every heart, and it keeps people believing in the possibility.

Did you notice the stained glass behind Christian? Each panel was a symbol of all the faiths, islam, judeaism,budhhism, christianity, etc. Interesting.

5/23/2010, 11:42 PM
It was very cool...

On another note, did you all watch Kimmel? Just starting it

5/23/2010, 11:45 PM
Kimmel just said a great thing and Matthew Fox (Jack) agreed, the story is/was Jacks story, everyone was a part of his story. It wasnt each individuals story, I had never thought of it that way

5/23/2010, 11:46 PM
I watched the show until the writer's strike messed it up, right around the start of the flash forwards, and then tonight I listened to the creators, so even tho I don't get every nuance, I get the jist. I loved all the couple reunions, especially Shannon/Sayeed, James/Juliet and of course Jake/Kate.

Belief in afterlife where you are reunited with friends and family is the main reason we still have churches 2k years since the Resurrection of Christ. It's a strong desire in every heart, and it keeps people believing in the possibility.

Did you notice the stained glass behind Christian? Each panel was a symbol of all the faiths, islam, judeaism,budhhism, christianity, etc. Interesting.

Yes. I focused on that stained glass panel. I thought it was a great addition.

5/23/2010, 11:50 PM
Kimmel just said a great thing and Matthew Fox (Jack) agreed, the story is/was Jacks story, everyone was a part of his story. It wasnt each individuals story, I had never thought of it that way

Yeah I am watching it. And yeah, its Jack's story. I kinda got that when Christian kept showing up. And I thought is was fitting that his name was Christian "Shepard". This show had a few Christian (the religion) ties. I thought it was great.

5/23/2010, 11:52 PM
Just another sign of questions being answered, even after the fact. It makes alot more sense now...

5/24/2010, 12:10 AM
LOL, tender moments with Kimmel. Kimmel is awesome!

BTW, did you notice when Matthew Fox came out he had tears in his eyes after watching the finale, its neat to see that the actors cared so much about their characters

5/24/2010, 12:16 AM
OMG, the alternate endings were hilarious!

5/24/2010, 12:21 AM
Absolutely. You can also tell by the way the actors great each other. They all loved their time on the show and hate to see it end. From what "Ben" said, how awesome would it be for him, Jack, and Locke to get a show together?

Another thing I noticed from the recap from 6pm to 8pm was Sayid.....I didn't realize he was British. His real accent is British and very clear. Good acting on his part. And surprisingly, the guy that play Ben.......his voice is identical to the part. That is him normally.....same for Claire.

Oh, and anybody else sense the resemblance between Richard and Jeff Probst?

5/24/2010, 12:22 AM
OMG, the alternate endings were hilarious!

Yep. I loved how they made fun of the speculated endings that would mirror other shows' endings.