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  1. What Will A Wounded Bear Do? Russia's Economy And Currency Continue To Weaken (19 replies)
  2. Congress yet again goes against the will of the residents of DC (12 replies)
  3. Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal (4 replies)
  4. Did You Know That The US Has The World's 2 Largest Air Forces? (1 replies)
  5. Why Southern Whites Hate The Democratic Party (85 replies)
  6. CIA Report:Exposing The Stain On America (43 replies)
  7. Locust Grove Vs. Douglas (13 replies)
  8. The real unemployment rate (25 replies)
  9. Obama 4000 rooms, 1.7 million...a president of the people...lol (28 replies)
  10. The Gruberization of the Democratic Party (2 replies)
  11. Obama Seeks Advice on Establishing Monarchy (4 replies)
  12. Ferguson video??? (16 replies)
  13. More GREAT news Mary Landrieu loses Senate seat (7 replies)
  14. On this day , Let us put aside our petty quarrels on Politics and Remember Pearl ! (11 replies)
  15. So, was Gov Nixon influenced? (0 replies)
  16. Billary at her best LOL, (0 replies)
  17. More GREAT news on the OBAMA ECONOMY 321 THOUSAND JOBS ADDED IN NOV (60 replies)
  19. Eric Garner (17 replies)
  20. Can't believe I'd say this: could Ray-gun have been . . correct . . about one thing? (0 replies)
  21. Debt up 70% under Obama (58 replies)
  22. Is There Any Real Downside To Fracking? (11 replies)
  23. Screw OPEC. Slap a Tarriff On Their Asses (97 replies)
  24. Obammy's Legacy (2 replies)
  25. A serious question here about Obama (11 replies)
  26. Obama amnesty qualifiers to receive SS and Medicare benefits (5 replies)
  27. Obola speaks about Ferguson (30 replies)
  28. Maryland Professor: Government Working Against The Interests Of Whites/Children (11 replies)
  29. Wilson decison announced later today...grand jury done. (115 replies)
  30. Hagel to resign (11 replies)
  31. This dog must belong to a Liberal Voter (20 replies)
  32. Obama Lied Again. Anybody Shocked? (3 replies)
  33. Here's another liberal complaint about Obama (should be "American complaint") (1 replies)
  34. Reagan Amnesty vs Obama Amnesty (5 replies)
  35. Republican-led report blows up Benghazi conspiracies (20 replies)
  36. Hose A and his twin brother Hose B (66 replies)
  37. Breakout by quintile of who payers vs takers (33 replies)
  38. Obama...the deal maker (5 replies)
  39. Say it ain't so AL (5 replies)
  40. poli spor tics (2 replies)
  41. So Illegal immigration is A Victimless Crime? WTFE! (7 replies)
  42. Radical Islam IS The Islamic Reformation (6 replies)
  43. I'll bitch about Repubs not letting This pass. (2 replies)
  44. I don't know if it got press in the U.S., but (1 replies)
  45. Don't Tell Me The Federal Courts Aren't Politically Partisan (0 replies)
  46. Obama is off the rails (28 replies)
  47. Ya wanta hunt Isis? Heres how. (2 replies)
  48. I read about this Broad and thot of one of our LIB posters (1 replies)
  49. The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, Is it really a threat to us? (0 replies)
  50. "You didn't build it" (154 replies)
  51. HEY Soonerjeepman, here is what your party, republicans, thinks of you (4 replies)
  52. Romneycare is a fraud and GWB is an idiot (19 replies)
  53. Ferguson backlash (4 replies)
  54. Well hell, If it aint Brack embarrasing us its Mooshel (16 replies)
  55. Do anyone but Me see a Vertical Butt stroke a coming in this Pic ? (0 replies)
  56. More Lib Bull sh!t! (21 replies)
  57. "Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer A Leftist" (Long Read) (29 replies)
  58. It's Hugely Entertaining To See The Libs Reaction When Judicial Review Gores Their Ox (1 replies)
  59. If You Like This Be Sure To Send A Big Thank You To Ted Kennedy's Family (0 replies)
  60. The "I Appreciate John Gruber" Thread (6 replies)
  61. What a Tool Obammy embarrassing us again (25 replies)
  62. Impressive Map of How the Electorate Voted in The Midterms (49 replies)
  63. Net Neutrality (37 replies)
  64. KC riddle me this then (2 replies)
  65. So what yall think about Obammy's AG nomine (20 replies)
  66. These Ferguson people are Pure trash (0 replies)
  67. KC heres your Question that I asked twice yesterday and (22 replies)
  68. Sooner8th, I Sincerely Would Like To Hear Your Opinions Re: The Recent Election (73 replies)
  69. Who cares about the White vote? (4 replies)
  70. The noise we are hearing from all the Far left wingers the last few days (1 replies)
  71. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Gay Marriage Bans (6 replies)
  72. obama...threatening the congress... (27 replies)
  73. Best Political Cartoon Thread (13 replies)
  74. So Reid and The Democrats Actually Were The Obstructionists: Washington Post Expose (1 replies)
  75. Hey KC check this out (4 replies)
  76. Corngrats Badger: Wiconsin retains gov. Walker... Again (5 replies)
  77. Total and Utter Repudiation of the Leftist... (56 replies)
  78. Aw the Dems are so Gracious in defeat (3 replies)
  79. Happy belated Birthday Mrs Bush (0 replies)
  80. No wonder Obama is holding off on his executive amnesty (24 replies)
  81. Looking ahead... (4 replies)
  82. Get your riot excuses ready. (27 replies)
  83. ****ing Crooks the Lot of em (1 replies)
  84. KC you are the Winner of all threads and the Internet where do you want your prize (0 replies)
  85. Those of you in Colorado Tell me what ya think about this. (0 replies)
  86. Thanks Obama yer the Best ever (15 replies)
  87. America, Eff Yeah! (10 replies)
  88. More great news on the economy! 3.5% Q3 growth in GDP (37 replies)
  89. My Midterm Ballot (90 replies)
  90. Thanks obama care...you piece of $**t (109 replies)
  91. What do Yall think about this Cop that used his Job to get sex? (7 replies)
  92. You will be proud (3 replies)
  93. I asked KC what he was wearing fer Halloween (7 replies)
  94. Holy Hell I found out where KC/8th gets his crap LOL (24 replies)
  95. Joan Quigley, Astrologer to a First Lady, Is Dead at 87 (3 replies)
  96. "Unintelligent Blacks 'Brainwashed' To Keep Successful Black Men Down" (6 replies)
  97. so you want to vote for this witch?....great for you... (65 replies)
  98. So There Weren't Any WMD in Iraq? You Progressives Might Want To Read This. (12 replies)
  99. I am afarid that if the Repubs Get the senate (22 replies)
  100. So Obama says Fu*k you Judge !Fast and Furious (5 replies)
  101. 8Th/KC Please tell us One time ok ? (59 replies)
  102. Pros and Cons of a Travel Ban from West Africa (138 replies)
  103. I heard Obola cancelled a fundraiser recently (23 replies)
  104. City of Houston....if ANYONE believes this is ok your a total >>>>> (12 replies)
  105. Man, that fiance' of the Oregon gov. is Effing Nuts!!! (2 replies)
  106. hmmm, not a big Bush (political) supporter but...seems to have some merit. WMD (6 replies)
  107. What in the name of Bruce Lee is going on.... (0 replies)
  108. Dallas Ebola casualty..."Nobody helped him" (12 replies)
  109. Fox news Bows to Pressure form the White house and Holder! (2 replies)
  110. Arkie chick says her Gunshop and range are Mooslum free! Right or wrong? (10 replies)
  111. MORE GREAT NEWS! New Jobless Claims Four-Week Moving Average Lowest Since Early 2006 (79 replies)
  112. Heart Wrenching E-Mail Concerning Lutheran Missionaries In Syria/Iraq (22 replies)
  113. MOST troops will not contact Ebola (1 replies)
  114. Ebola in KC (24 replies)
  115. This Shat aint' Right (17 replies)
  116. Dems cant even stand him now LOL (well cept fer KC) (3 replies)
  117. heres a never before seen pic of Obammy (1 replies)
  118. Supreme Court dodges gay marriage, allowing weddings in five states (86 replies)
  119. It's about dayum Time is all I can say (4 replies)
  120. Buwahahahaaaaa!! (3 replies)
  121. Guber debate last nite: Fallin vs Dorman (7 replies)
  122. IRS changes to Obamacare ruled "arbritary and capricious and abuse of discretion" (1 replies)
  123. GREAT NEWS!! Two weeks ago Obama said that an outbreak of Ebola was unlikely here: (27 replies)
  125. Only The Saudis Can Slay The Beast Of Radical Islam (14 replies)
  126. Yall wanta argue? Cogitate on this (7 replies)
  127. She dint last long! (1 replies)
  128. Seems even the Dems want Obammy to STFU LOL (7 replies)
  129. Are Voter ID Laws Racist? (107 replies)
  130. Email going around with ISIS beheading pics (20 replies)
  131. God, Beam me up! (8 replies)
  132. a worthwhile read to help those who think ISIS is Islam.. (29 replies)
  133. Religion Of Peace My Asz~ (19 replies)
  134. Holder Stepping Down... (5 replies)
  135. and you expected anything different...? obama..jeeze... (1 replies)
  136. Stategy now? (29 replies)
  137. Obammy brings such Pride and dignity to the Role of Commander in Chief (82 replies)
  138. Damn, Romney is going to Bomb Syria! (2 replies)
  139. Cataract Surgery (10 replies)
  140. those damn selfish KOCH brothers...how dare they.... (101 replies)
  141. It really was an honest mistake . (1 replies)
  142. Someone explaine this ok? They ****ing High school Cops (1 replies)
  143. Us vs. Them (15 replies)
  144. At last, At last, AT ****ING LAST (3 replies)
  145. The Leftist "big plan was for terrorists to pin notes on the chests of hostages" (0 replies)
  146. Hey jaun check it out (2 replies)
  147. 9/11 tribute video... (0 replies)
  148. Heh Listen to Botox faced Pelosi. LOL (6 replies)
  149. Uncle Sam: The Middle East's Useful Idiot (15 replies)
  150. Heh immigrants Legal and Otherwise (0 replies)
  151. Dayum You Bush, Look what ya done did now (5 replies)
  152. Obama encapsulated... (1 replies)
  153. Would You Encourage Your Son or Daughter To Join The Military? (26 replies)
  154. The Terrorists Won (34 replies)
  155. NYC St. Patrick's parade crap (0 replies)
  156. And he said it with a Straight Face LOL (64 replies)
  157. For those of you who are always complaining about my comparing Obama to dubya (1 replies)
  158. Obammy Has to suck the Big one IF Michael Moore says so LOL (6 replies)
  159. The Majority Of Americans Already Consider Obama's Presidency A 'Failure' (0 replies)
  160. heres an ALS challenge I can support (2 replies)
  161. just thought this place was getting too quiet.... (53 replies)
  162. So. It appears W was right after all (22 replies)
  163. Obammy's Cluster **** Health care 'Can't work worse than it did last year' (14 replies)
  164. Obammy is just like the Voyager 1 (3 replies)
  165. the two faces of Obammy (14 replies)
  166. Dont need to add words (12 replies)
  167. So, the Ft. Hood shooter was just a "work place violence" (0 replies)
  168. Police abuse (19 replies)
  169. Yup this Administration is Helping the "People" (78 replies)
  170. 2Q GDP revised UP to 4.2% (168 replies)
  171. Will The IRS' Strategy To Destroy Evidence Pay Off? (2 replies)
  172. obama, climate change, and the international agreement (3 replies)
  173. Can we legally fight ISIS? (19 replies)
  174. Who Does ISIS Remind You Of? (10 replies)
  175. Who Does Immigration Really Benefit? (27 replies)
  176. Iraq Vet beaten by as many as 20 assailants (25 replies)
  177. Black cop kills a white kid...Paging Rev Sharpton...Paging Rev Sharpton (1 replies)
  178. Whelp, Ima go and do My Voting chore today (12 replies)
  179. Ya reckon this is true statement I made? (1 replies)
  180. Heh so true (9 replies)
  181. Anothe one of Obammy's finest. (156 replies)
  182. Zimmerman just went full retard in Ferguson, What is that boy thinking ? (39 replies)
  183. Please pray for SBPD Officer Gabriel Garcia (4 replies)
  184. Obama Lemmings... (7 replies)
  185. Priorities (99 replies)
  186. So Obammy an Holder cant hide behind executive privilege Anymore (2 replies)
  187. Breaking News , Wheres the Outrage, Wheres the Press? (10 replies)
  188. Two Announcers to quit using "Redskins" name (13 replies)
  189. Did you read over the weekend... (2 replies)
  190. Heh, I like this (86 replies)
  191. Someone needs to chum the water... (8 replies)
  192. interesting take on all the "green technology" push... (7 replies)
  193. so, the liberal main stream media isn't biased....riigghhttt.... (51 replies)
  194. $2.46T in Tax Revenues for FY14 already (4 replies)
  195. Bring it on You little Mouthy co-ck sucker! (7 replies)
  196. I strongly disagree with this Law. They are Illegal we owe NOTHING. (4 replies)
  197. Breitbart editor's IQ decreases 23% since 2008 (5 replies)
  198. Ray has the Obama budget figured out (0 replies)
  199. Wages down 23% since 2008. Bank profits near record levels. (70 replies)
  200. USPS posts 2 billion quarterly loss (8 replies)
  201. Mr. "you will own me as long as I am President and take no vacations" President... (1 replies)
  202. Alan Grayson: Intervention in Iraq is wrong (7 replies)
  203. Coburn: Big Banks Rip Off Tax Credits Meant for Poor (0 replies)
  204. Hillary criticizing Obama? (35 replies)
  205. Oooh The Cops killed a Black boy Lets go loot sompun! (156 replies)
  206. Dumbocrats in the News again (81 replies)
  207. Look what obammy and his Lib buddies are doing now. (3 replies)
  208. Why is everyone so afraid of ISIS? (12 replies)
  209. Bomb-Bomb vs Torture (5 replies)
  210. Border Patrol Agent: "These People Are Coming Here To Do Horrible Things" (0 replies)
  211. Minn Cafe charges Minimum Wage Fee (7 replies)
  212. Coming To A Sanctuary City Near You: 95% of murder warrants in LA are for illegals (72 replies)
  213. Physicans Refusing To Accept Obamacare Patients (0 replies)
  214. Truce (113 replies)
  215. More Democratic Brilliance on display (0 replies)
  216. Unemployment Rises (64 replies)
  217. obama's visit to kc (9 replies)
  218. billionaires club behind climate change, etc.. (29 replies)
  219. hmmm.....state dept approves B Clinton $48 million in speeches.... (4 replies)
  220. oops....Lerner not a good rep of obama.... (5 replies)
  221. GAO recognizes Obama for management skills!!! (0 replies)
  222. second quarter GDP 4% (23 replies)
  223. Is Obama The Worst Crony Capitalist In DC? (102 replies)
  224. Environmental regulations leave 800 miles of Border Unpatrolled (0 replies)
  225. More Democratic ****ing Nonsense (7 replies)
  226. Heh, Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama (18 replies)
  227. Obama is a supply sider? (70 replies)
  228. Why you cannot trust ANYTHING the Heritage Foundation puts out (3 replies)
  229. Obama to legalize 5,000,000 illegal workers? (8 replies)
  230. You can't make this **** up... (3 replies)
  231. Is Obama Insane? A Psychologist Weighs In (10 replies)
  232. So it must be Breakfast time at 8Th's shack (20 replies)
  233. Look what Obammy is doing now!!!!! (11 replies)
  234. Obama out in my neck of the woods again (31 replies)
  235. SHOCKER: Slick Willy is still fookin around (6 replies)
  236. Bad News for Obamacare (4 replies)
  237. Obammy, The Truth is far from him. (3 replies)
  238. Hillary Calls Obama "Incompetent and Feckless" (32 replies)
  239. You Youngsters Listen up! (3 replies)
  240. Lets see Our Vets have did ABOUT Face to 2 Pres. am i right? (0 replies)
  241. Fracking (29 replies)
  242. Malaysian Airlines Downed by Missile (11 replies)
  243. "We've substantially improved global tranquility..." (9 replies)
  244. Case in point (4 replies)
  245. Biden concedes "Hope and Change never happened"!! (27 replies)
  246. Potential Dem candidate for WH refuses to take illegal minors (0 replies)
  247. One Reason I Am Proud To Be Irish (0 replies)
  248. Olevet to receive Freedom Medal . . . (2 replies)
  249. Here ya go matlock8th Defend this Ignorant Democrat! (4 replies)
  250. House Republicans vote for business tax cut with no offset add $287 BILLION to defici (57 replies)