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  1. #1 Elite Member slickdawg's Avatar
    667 Neighbor of the Beast

    Messican on Friday Night

    The Slick's went to the local Messican joint Friday Night for dinner.

    We got there, no problems. Our waitress was cute. The watiress for
    the table next to us was, ahem, well built, which is scaleded's favorite.

    Everything is going normal, when this TOTALLY SMASHED guy comes in,
    staggering around toward the bathrooms. He spews out some lip to
    some nice looking lady that was "in his way". He emerges from the
    boys room and points to the table next to us, and annouces rather
    loudly "THIS IS MY TABLE, I AM SITTING HERE", then walks off.

    Slickwife has a concerend look on her face and asks if he has a gun.

    Low and behold, within 5 minutes, the tall skinny guy returns with a
    XXXXXXXL margarita in one hand, and a short little woman with him.
    He's acting an ***, and she's just sccreeching "EWE SHUT UP!"

    He comes to our table, and asks "y'all mind some company for dinner?"
    (our table is full). Slickwife says "go right ahead, knock yourself out".
    He sits down in the one behind us.

    Slickwife then proceeds to do her best stewardess imitation "guys, the
    emergency exits are right behind me and right behind you. Pikc up the
    baby and run"" She even had the finger pointing thing down like a waitress.

    He's very animated, talking loudly and with his hands. He asks the
    waitress "WHAT IT THAT LANGUATE IT IS YOU SPEAK?". She says
    "Spanish". "Oh, well, whatever".

    His ordering process is painful as he wants granular details on each
    bit of his order. He wants EXTRA BEANS, TONS OF BEANS.

    He keeps clammering on loudly, the little lady with him keeps telling him to
    shut up.

    At this point I take Scalded's phone and walk off to get a picture of the guy:
    (that's slickdaughter in the bottom right corner, slickwife in the top right)

    We all decide that it's a good time to leave as the dude is trying to beat
    ketchup out of a bottle for his bean burritos.

    As we are leaving, we meet Jaba the Hut:

    I told scalded that is gonna miss these great south Mississippi
    stories once we move.

    Scalded comments, "is it just me, or are there some people getting really
    ****in' obese? Not just fat, but ****in' huge!?"

    Bro, it's not just you.

  2. #2
    Sooner All-World StoopTroup's Avatar
    Waxing On...Waxing Off

    Re: Messican on Friday Night

    I think it's the folks who make TVs fault.

  3. #3 Elite Member Tailwind's Avatar
    locus delicti

    Re: Messican on Friday Night

    How rude!
    " A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"
    Thomas Jefferson

    Olevet Posse Member

  4. #4
    Baylor Ambassador SicEmBaylor's Avatar

    Re: Messican on Friday Night

    These look like stills from one of those hidden camera 20/20 expose's.

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