If your name was submitted to a recruiting service as a high school football prospect, what thumbnail information would Rivals.com put out about you?

5-10 1/2, 175 lbs. ("recruiting sized" lies).
40: 5.7 seconds.
Bench: 205.
Sled: Could not finish (too heavy).
Schools of Interest: Oklahoma; Washington U., St.Louis; Cornell; U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Asbury College; Sylvia Plath School of Writing.
Offers: None.
Not Rated (No Stars).

Summary: Lex never played organized football but is very opinionated about the sport and all other topics. He needs to improve his flexibility and lower body strength and ability to take physical punishment. He is not used to contact sports and seems to favor USTA tennis, running distance races, and golf. He has great physical stamina but will likely be headed for a redshirt year to build his strength and gain weight and speed. Coaches are concerned about his independent streak and dislike of authority, biting sarcasm, tendency to mock fat/out of shape people, and somewhat sedentary nature. Annoyingly bourgeois in nature - favors fine red wines, Cuban cigars, and BMWs. He has, however, already qualified and is an excellent student and has the financial resources to pay his own way through college and walk-on.