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  4. #44 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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    "윗물이 맑아야 아랫물이 맑습니다"

    어렸을 때부터 수없이 들었던 말입니다. 너무나 당연한 말이라서 마음에 새기기보다는 듣고 흘려보내기 쉬운 말입니다. 요즘같이 어수선한 시절에 더 마음에 와 닫는 말인 것 같습니다. 한국이나 미국이나 할 것 없이 문제가 일어났다 하면 지도자들의 문제이지 백성들의 문제가 아닌 것을 봅니다. 한국을 방문할 때마다 듣는 소리인데, 한국은 정치하는 사람들만 잘하면 아무 문제가 없을 것이라고 하는 말을 많이 듣곤 했습니다. 미국에서도 정치인들과 금융계가 막대한 국민들의 세금을 낭비하면서 대기업과 거대 은행들만 편의를 봐주고 있다면서 시민들이 길거리로 나와 월스트릿을 점령하라고 외치고 있습니다.

    교회는 과연 예외일 수 있을 까 생각해 보았는데, 자신이 없습니다. 교회도 역시 "목사님만 잘하면 우리 교회는 문제없어!"라고 말하는 소리가 귓가에 들리는 것만 같습니다. 교회에는 그래서 성도들을 대표해서 장로와 집사들을 선출하고, 목사님을 도와서 교회의 크고 작은 일들과 연약한 교우들을 돌보는 섬김의 직분을 제도화 한 것입니다. 따라서 직분자들은 교회의 지도자로써 모든 사역과 삶에 있어서 모범을 보이며 양떼들의 귀감이 되라고 하셨습니다.(벧전 5:3)

    올해부터 저희 교회는 작은 일부터 시작해서 맑은 윗물 운동을 하려고 합니다. 그 첫째는 위임입니다. 그동안 담임목사로써 말씀과 기도에만 전념하지 못하고 수많은 교회 행정 사역을 계획하고, 준비하고 실제로 집행하느라 애썼던 것이 사실입니다. 교회 장로나 집사님들도 생업에 분주한 관계로 자연스럽게 목회자에게만 의존했던 것이 또한 현실이었습니다. 우선 교회 사역 조직과 예산안 책정부터 장로님들이 자원해 주셔서 저는 검토만 하기로 했습니다. 그래서 다소 지연되고 있지만, 공동의회 전까지 장로님들의 의견과 지혜가 수렴된 안이 만들어지리라 믿습니다. 처음부터 완벽할 수는 없을지라도 이런 시도를 통해서 바람직한 평신도 사역이 잘 정착되었으면 하는 마음입니다.

    둘째는, 솔선수범입니다. 역시 작은 일부터 먼저 실천하는 모습을 지도자들이 보여 주자는 취지에서 장로님들이 교회 성전 내부 청소를 매주 토요일 직접 감당하기로 하였습니다. 성도님들이 어려운 상황에서도 믿음으로 드린 귀중한 헌금을 한 푼이라도 절약하여 하나님 나라의 사역에 사용코자 하는 뜻에서 결정을 하였습니다. 일 년에 7,000여 불 되는 금액이지만, 10 년이면 70,000불입니다. 이 돈이면 선교지에 교회를 하나 세울 수 있습니다. 교회와 목장과 가정에서도 남에게만 무엇을 기대하지 말고 내가 먼저 솔선수범함으로써 섬기는 삶의 모범을 보여 주신 주님의 길을 따라 가고자 하는 것이 맑은 윗물 운동입니다.

    그래서 가정이 변하고 교회가 변할 때, 세상이 교회를 보고 세상 사람들이 그리스도인들을 따라 오며 변화될 줄 믿습니다. 그 변화의 중심에 다른 사람들을 세우지 말고, 내가 먼저 자리 잡고 맑은 윗물 운동을 실천해 나가는 한 해가 되었으면 합니다. 주님이 먼저 보여 주셨고, 우리 안에 계신 성령님께서 이 소원이 이루어지도록 능력도 주시며 도와주실 것입니다. 성령의 생수가 깨끗하게 해 주실 것입니다.
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  5. #45 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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  9. #49
    Sooner All-World olevetonahill's Avatar
    the Hills of S/E Ok

    Re: tezt

    [video=youtube;71FLO_6JJVo]  9398

    If God wanted Men to look women in the eyes, He wouldnt have gave em Boobs !

  10. #50 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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  11. #51 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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  15. #55 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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    Re: tezt

    Grades 9–10 Text Exemplars......................................... ................................................ 101
    Stories........................................... .................................................. ................................. 101
    Homer. The Odyssey........................................... .................................................. .............. 101
    Ovid. Metamorphoses..................................... .................................................. ................. 101
    Gogol, Nikolai. “The Nose.”............................................ .................................................. 102
    De Voltaire, F. A. M. Candide, Or The Optimist.......................................... ............. 103
    Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons.............................................. ................................... 104
    Henry, O. “The Gift of the Magi.”............................................ ....................................... 104
    Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis..................................... ........................................... 105
    Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath............................................. .......................... 105
    Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451............................................... ........................................ 106
    Olsen, Tillie. “I Stand Here Ironing.”......................................... .................................... 106
    Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart............................................. ...................................107
    Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird....................................... .........................................107
    Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels............................................ ................................... 108
    Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club.............................................. ........................................... 108

    Álvarez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies....................................... ..................... 108
    Zusak, Marcus. The Book Thief............................................. ......................................... 109
    Drama............................................. .................................................. ................................ 110
    Sophocles. Oedipus Rex............................................... .................................................. .. 110
    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth........................................... .............111
    Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House............................................. ..............................................113
    Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie......................................... ........................114
    Ionesco, Eugene. Rhinoceros........................................ .................................................. .115
    Fugard, Athol. “Master Harold”…and the boys.............................................. ............116
    Poetry............................................ .................................................. ................................. 116
    Shakespeare, William. “Sonnet 73.”.............................................. .................................116
    Donne, John. “Song.”........................................... .................................................. .............116
    Shelley, Percy Bysshe. “Ozymandias.”..................................... .....................................117
    Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Raven.”........................................... ............................................117
    Dickinson, Emily. “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark.”........................................119
    Houseman, A. E. “Loveliest of Trees.”........................................... .............................. 120
    Johnson, James Weldon. “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”........................................ 120
    Cullen, Countee. “Yet Do I Marvel.”.......................................... .................................... 120
    Auden, Wystan Hugh. ”Musée des Beaux Arts.”............................................ ........ 120
    Walker, Alice. “Women.”.......................................... .................................................. ....... 120
    Baca, Jimmy Santiago. “I Am Offering This Poem to You.”.................................121
    Informational Texts: English Language Arts.............................................. .............122
    Henry, Patrick. “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention.”............................122
    Washington, George. “Farewell Address.” .................................................. ..............123
    Lincoln, Abraham. “Gettysburg Address.” .................................................. ..............123
    Lincoln, Abraham. “Second Inaugural Address.” .................................................. ..124
    Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. “State of the Union Address.” ................................124
    Hand, Learned. “I Am an American Day Address.” ...............................................125
    Smith, Margaret Chase. “Remarks to the Senate in Support
    of a Declaration of Conscience.” .................................................. ..........................125
    King, Jr., Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”.......................................127
    King, Jr., Martin Luther. “I Have a Dream: Address Delivered at the
    March on Washington, D.C., for Civil Rights on August 28, 1963.”.............127
    Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings............................................. ...128
    Wiesel, Elie. “Hope, Despair and Memory.”.......................................... .....................128
    Reagan, Ronald. “Address to Students at Moscow State University.”.............128
    Quindlen, Anna. “A Quilt of a Country.”......................................... .............................129
    Informational Texts: History/Social Studies........................................... ................ 130
    Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee:
    An Indian History of the American West.............................................. ............... 130
    Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn..... 130
    Gombrich, E. H. The Story of Art, 16th Edition........................................... ...............131
    Kurlansky, Mark. Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World......131
    Haskins, Jim. Black, Blue and Gray: African Americans in the Civil War.........131
    Dash, Joan. The Longitude Prize............................................. ......................................132
    Thompson, Wendy. The Illustrated Book of Great Composers..........................132
    Mann, Charles C. Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491..................................133
    Informational Texts: Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects................133
    Euclid. Elements.......................................... .................................................. .......................133
    Cannon, Annie J. “Classifying the Stars.”........................................... ........................135
    Walker, Jearl. “Amusement Park Physics.”......................................... ........................136
    Preston, Richard. The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story......................................136
    Devlin, Keith. Life by the Numbers........................................... ....................................137
    Hoose, Phillip. The Race to Save Lord God Bird.............................................. ........137
    Hakim, Joy. The Story of Science: Newton at the Center.....................................137
    Nicastro, Nicholas. Circumference: Eratosthenes and the
    Ancient Quest to Measure the Globe............................................. ........................137
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Department of Energy.
    Recommended Levels of Insulation........................................ ................................138
    Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts:
    History/Social Studies & Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects........138
    Grades 11–CCR Text Exemplars......................................... ........................................... 140
    Stories........................................... .................................................. ................................ 140
    Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales............................................. .................... 140
    de Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote........................................... .................................. 140
    Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice......................................... .......................................142
    Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Cask of Amontillado.”..................................... .....................143
    Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre.............................................. ............................................ 144
    Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter............................................ ......................145
    Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment........................................ ................... 146
    Jewett, Sarah Orne. “A White Heron.”........................................... ............................. 146
    Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor............................................ ..................................147
    Chekhov, Anton. “Home.”........................................... .................................................. ....148
    Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby............................................ ............................ 149
    Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying............................................. ..................................... 149
    Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to .................................................. ............................ 150
    Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God.......................................... 150
    Borges, Jorge Luis. “The Garden of Forking Paths.”........................................... .. 150
    Bellow, Saul. The Adventures of Augie March............................................. ..............151
    Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye............................................... .........................................152
    Garcia, Cristina. Dreaming in Cuban............................................. ...............................152
    Lahiri, Jhumpa. The Namesake.......................................... .............................................152
    Drama............................................. .................................................. ................................153
    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet............................................ .............153
    Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. Tartuffe.......................................... ........................153
    Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest........................................... ...........154
    Wilder, Thornton. Our Town: A Play in Three Acts.............................................. ....156
    Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman.......................................... .....................................156
    Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun............................................... ......................156
    Soyinka, Wole. Death and the King’s Horseman: A Play.......................................157
    Poetry............................................ .................................................. .................................157
    Li Po. “A Poem of Changgan.”........................................ ................................................15 7
    Donne, John. “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning.”........................................ .....157
    Wheatley, Phyllis. “On Being Brought From Africa to America.”......................158
    Keats, John. “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”............................................. .............................158
    Whitman, Walt. “Song of Myself.”.......................................... .......................................159
    Dickinson, Emily. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.”................................... 160
    Tagore, Rabindranath. “Song VII.”............................................. ................................... 160
    Eliot, T. S. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”........................................ .......... 160
    Pound, Ezra. “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter.”.......................................... ... 160
    Frost, Robert. “Mending Wall.”............................................ ............................................161
    Neruda, Pablo. “Ode to My Suit.”............................................ ......................................162
    Bishop, Elizabeth. “Sestina.”........................................ .................................................. ..162
    Ortiz Cofer, Judith. “The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica.”......................................... ...162
    Dove, Rita. “Demeter’s Prayer to Hades.”........................................... .......................163
    Collins, Billy. “Man Listening to Disc.”............................................ ..............................163
    Sample Performance Tasks for Stories, Drama, and Poetry................................163
    Informational Texts: English Language Arts.............................................. ............ 164
    Paine, Thomas. Common Sense............................................. ....................................... 164
    Jefferson, Thomas. The Declaration of Independence...................................... ... 164
    United States. The Bill of Rights (Amendments One through Ten
    of the United States Constitution)..................................... ....................................166
    Thoreau, Henry David. Walden............................................ ...........................................167
    Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “Society and Solitude.”........................................ .............167
    Porter, Horace. “Lee Surrenders to Grant, April 9th, 1865.”................................168
    Chesterton, G. K. “The Fallacy of Success.”......................................... ......................169
    Mencken, H. L. The American Language, 4th Edition........................................... .169
    Wright, Richard. Black Boy............................................... ...............................................170
    Orwell, George. “Politics and the English Language.”........................................ ...170
    Hofstadter, Richard. “Abraham Lincoln and the Self-Made Myth.”...................170
    Tan, Amy. “Mother Tongue.”.......................................... .................................................. 170
    Anaya, Rudolfo. “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”......................................171

    Informational Texts: History/Social Studies........................................... .................172
    Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America........................................... ..............172
    Declaration of Sentiments by the Seneca Falls Conference...............................172
    Douglass, Frederick. “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?:
    An Address Delivered in Rochester, New York, on 5 July 1852.”.................173
    An American Primer. Edited by Daniel J. Boorstin.......................................... .......175
    Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe. “Education.”...................................... ..............................175
    McPherson, James M. What They Fought For 1861–1865.....................................175
    The American Reader: Words that Moved a Nation, 2nd Edition......................175
    Amar, Akhil Reed. America’s Constitution: A Biography......................................176
    McCullough, David. 1776.............................................. .................................................. ...176
    Bell, Julian. Mirror of the World: A New History of Art.........................................176
    FedViews by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco...................................177

    Literature: Stories, Drama, Poetry

    Informational Texts: Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts
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  16. #56 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
    The Great San Joaquin Valley

    Re: tezt


    •Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (1869)
    •The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1876)
    •“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost (1915)
    •The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper (1973)
    •Dragonwings by Laurence Yep (1975)
    •Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor (1976)

    •“Letter on Thomas Jefferson” by John Adams (1776)
    •Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass (1845)
    •“Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Address to Parliament on May 13th, 1940” by Winston Churchill (1940)
    •Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry (1955)
    •Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck (1962)


    •The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare (1592)
    •“Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1817)
    •“The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe (1845)
    •“The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry (1906)
    •The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939)
    •Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
    •The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara (1975)

    •“Speech to the Second Virginia Convention” by Patrick Henry (1775)
    •“Farewell Address” by George Washington (1796)
    •“Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln (1863)
    •“State of the Union Address” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1941)
    •“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (1964)
    •“Hope, Despair and Memory” by Elie Wiesel (1997)


    •“Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats (1820)
    •Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (1848)
    •“Because I Could Not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (1890)
    •The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
    •Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (1937)
    •A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry (1959)
    •The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (2003)

    •Common Sense by Thomas Paine (1776)
    •Walden by Henry David Thoreau (1854)
    •“Society and Solitude” by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1857)
    •“The Fallacy of Success” by G. K. Chesterton (1909)
    •Black Boy by Richard Wright (1945)
    •“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell (1946)
    •“Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry” by Rudolfo Anaya (1995)
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    The Great San Joaquin Valley

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  18. #58 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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  19. #59 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
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    4/26/2013 $5.20 $88.68 $461.22 $21.22 4.82% $84.60 $440.00
    3/26/2013 5.266 $88.68 $466.98 $26.99 6.13% $83.55 $440.00
    2/26/2013 5.509 $88.68 $488.53 $48.54 11.03% $79.87 $440.00
    2/8/2013 7.792 $88.68 $690.99 $690.99 $0.00 $0.00
    1/28/2013 5.454 $88.68 $483.66 $43.66 9.92% $80.67 $440.00
    12/26/2012 4.553 $88.68 $403.76 $53.76 15.36% $76.87 $350.00
    12/14/2012 9.063 $88.68 $803.70 $803.71 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2012 4.518 $88.68 $400.65 $50.66 14.47% $77.47 $350.00
    10/26/2012 4.552 $88.68 $403.67 $53.67 15.33% $76.89 $350.00
    9/26/2012 4.426 $88.68 $392.49 $42.50 12.14% $79.08 $350.00
    8/27/2012 4.531 $88.68 $401.80 $51.81 14.80% $77.25 $350.00
    7/26/2012 4.69 $88.68 $415.90 $65.91 18.83% $74.63 $350.00
    6/26/2012 4.768 $88.68 $422.82 $72.83 20.81% $73.41 $350.00
    5/29/2012 4.725 $88.68 $419.01 $69.01 19.72% $74.07 $350.00
    4/26/2012 4.51 $88.68 $399.94 $49.95 14.27% $77.61 $350.00
    3/26/2012 4.481 $88.68 $397.37 $47.38 13.54% $78.11 $350.00
    2/27/2012 4.69 $88.68 $415.90 $65.91 18.83% $74.63 $350.00
    1/26/2012 4.958 $88.68 $439.67 $89.68 25.62% $70.59 $350.00
    12/28/2011 0.046 $88.68 $4.07 $4.08 $0.00 $0.00
    12/27/2011 5.156 $88.68 $457.23 $107.23 30.64% $67.88 $350.00
    12/16/2011 1.151 $88.68 $102.07 $102.07 $0.00 $0.00
    11/28/2011 5.326 $88.68 $472.30 $122.31 34.95% $65.72 $350.00
    10/26/2011 5.155 $88.68 $457.14 $107.15 30.61% $67.90 $350.00
    9/26/2011 3.86 $88.68 $342.30 $92.30 36.92% $64.77 $250.00
    8/26/2011 3.841 $88.68 $340.61 $90.62 36.25% $65.09 $250.00
    7/26/2011 3.434 $88.68 $304.52 $54.53 21.81% $72.80 $250.00
    6/27/2011 3.661 $88.68 $324.65 $74.66 29.86% $68.29 $250.00
    5/26/2011 3.54 $88.68 $313.92 $63.93 25.57% $70.62 $250.00
    4/26/2011 3.473 $88.68 $307.98 $57.99 23.19% $71.98 $250.00
    3/28/2011 3.579 $88.68 $317.38 $67.39 26.95% $69.85 $250.00
    2/28/2011 3.529 $88.68 $312.95 $62.95 25.18% $70.84 $250.00
    2/4/2011 0.893 $88.68 $79.19 $79.19 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2011 3.627 $88.68 $321.64 $71.64 28.66% $68.93 $250.00
    12/27/2010 3.693 $88.68 $327.49 $77.50 31.00% $67.70 $250.00
    12/17/2010 3.256 $88.68 $288.74 $288.74 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2010 3.778 $88.68 $335.03 $85.03 34.01% $66.17 $250.00
    10/26/2010 3.865 $88.68 $342.74 $92.75 37.10% $64.68 $250.00
    9/27/2010 4.021 $88.68 $356.58 $106.58 42.63% $62.17 $250.00
    8/26/2010 4.454 $88.68 $394.98 $144.98 57.99% $56.13 $250.00
    7/26/2010 4.244 $88.68 $376.35 $126.36 50.54% $58.91 $250.00
    6/28/2010 4.333 $88.68 $384.25 $134.25 53.70% $57.70 $250.00
    5/26/2010 4.465 $88.68 $395.95 $145.96 58.38% $55.99 $250.00
    4/26/2010 3.995 $88.68 $354.27 $104.28 41.71% $62.58 $250.00
    3/26/2010 4.168 $88.68 $369.61 $119.62 47.85% $59.98 $250.00
    2/26/2010 4.378 $88.68 $388.24 $138.24 55.30% $57.10 $250.00
    2/5/2010 1.113 $88.68 $98.70 $98.70 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2010 4.437 $88.68 $393.47 $143.47 57.39% $56.34 $250.00
    12/28/2009 4.269 $88.68 $378.57 $128.57 51.43% $58.56 $250.00
    12/18/2009 2.146 $88.68 $190.30 $190.31 $0.00 $0.00
    11/27/2009 4.419 $88.68 $391.87 $141.88 56.75% $56.57 $250.00
    10/26/2009 4.5 $88.68 $399.06 $149.06 59.62% $55.56 $250.00
    9/28/2009 4.597 $88.68 $407.66 $157.66 63.06% $54.38 $250.00
    8/26/2009 4.815 $88.68 $426.99 $176.99 70.80% $51.92 $250.00
    7/27/2009 4.947 $88.68 $438.69 $188.70 75.48% $50.54 $250.00
    6/26/2009 5.225 $88.68 $463.35 $213.35 85.34% $47.85 $250.00
    5/26/2009 5.298 $88.68 $469.82 $219.83 87.93% $47.19 $250.00
    4/27/2009 5.624 $88.68 $498.73 $248.74 99.49% $44.45 $250.00
    3/26/2009 5.748 $88.68 $509.73 $259.73 103.89% $43.49 $250.00
    2/26/2009 6.225 $88.68 $552.03 $302.03 120.81% $40.16 $250.00
    2/13/2009 0.215 $88.68 $19.06 $19.07 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2009 5.9 $88.68 $523.21 $273.21 109.28% $42.37 $250.00
    12/26/2008 5.692 $88.68 $504.76 $254.77 101.91% $43.92 $250.00
    12/26/2008 2.883 $88.68 $255.66 $255.66 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2008 5.637 $88.68 $499.88 $249.89 99.96% $44.35 $250.00
    10/27/2008 5.905 $88.68 $523.65 $273.66 109.46% $42.34 $250.00
    9/26/2008 4.22 $88.68 $374.22 $124.23 49.69% $59.24 $250.00
    8/26/2008 3.961 $88.68 $351.26 $101.26 40.50% $63.12 $250.00
    7/28/2008 3.979 $88.68 $352.85 $102.86 41.14% $62.83 $250.00
    6/26/2008 3.781 $88.68 $335.29 $85.30 34.12% $66.12 $250.00
    5/27/2008 3.632 $88.68 $322.08 $72.09 28.83% $68.83 $250.00
    4/28/2008 3.676 $88.68 $325.98 $75.99 30.40% $68.01 $250.00
    3/26/2008 3.843 $88.68 $340.79 $90.80 36.32% $65.05 $250.00
    2/26/2008 3.75 $88.68 $332.55 $82.55 33.02% $66.67 $250.00
    2/8/2008 5.647 $88.68 $500.77 $500.78 $0.00 $0.00
    1/28/2008 3.823 $88.68 $339.02 $89.02 35.61% $65.39 $250.00
    12/28/2007 30.053 $88.68 $2,665.10 $2,665.10 $0.00 $0.00
    12/26/2007 2.759 $88.68 $244.66 $28.67 13.27% $78.29 $216.00
    11/26/2007 2.92 $88.68 $258.94 $42.95 19.88% $73.97 $216.00
    10/26/2007 2.765 $88.68 $245.20 $29.20 13.52% $78.12 $216.00
    9/26/2007 2.873 $88.68 $254.77 $38.78 17.95% $75.18 $216.00
    8/27/2007 3.068 $88.68 $272.07 $56.07 25.96% $70.40 $216.00
    7/26/2007 3.064 $88.68 $271.71 $55.72 25.79% $70.50 $216.00
    6/26/2007 3.107 $88.68 $275.52 $59.53 27.56% $69.52 $216.00
    5/29/2007 3.101 $88.68 $274.99 $59.00 27.31% $69.65 $216.00
    4/26/2007 3.156 $88.68 $279.87 $63.87 29.57% $68.44 $216.00
    3/26/2007 3.269 $88.68 $289.89 $73.89 34.21% $66.08 $216.00
    2/26/2007 3.248 $88.68 $288.03 $72.03 33.35% $66.50 $216.00
    2/2/2007 4.882 $88.68 $432.93 $432.94 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2007 3.282 $88.68 $291.04 $75.05 34.74% $65.81 $216.00
    12/26/2006 3.326 $88.68 $294.94 $78.95 36.55% $64.94 $216.00
    12/22/2006 37.907 $88.68 $3,361.59 $3,361.59 $0.00 $0.00
    11/27/2006 3.092 $88.68 $274.19 $58.20 26.94% $69.86 $216.00
    10/26/2006 3.108 $88.68 $275.61 $59.62 27.60% $69.50 $216.00
    9/26/2006 3.261 $88.68 $289.18 $73.19 33.88% $66.24 $216.00
    8/28/2006 3.292 $88.68 $291.93 $75.93 35.15% $65.61 $216.00
    7/26/2006 3.34 $88.68 $296.19 $80.19 37.13% $64.67 $216.00
    6/26/2006 3.348 $88.68 $296.90 $80.90 37.45% $64.52 $216.00
    5/26/2006 3.275 $88.68 $290.42 $74.43 34.46% $65.95 $216.00
    4/26/2006 3.167 $88.68 $280.84 $64.85 30.02% $68.20 $216.00
    3/27/2006 3.264 $88.68 $289.45 $73.45 34.01% $66.18 $216.00
    2/27/2006 3.274 $88.68 $290.33 $74.34 34.42% $65.97 $216.00
    2/3/2006 7.758 $88.68 $687.97 $687.98 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2006 3.2 $88.68 $283.77 $67.78 31.38% $67.50 $216.00
    12/27/2005 2.699 $88.68 $239.34 $64.35 36.77% $64.84 $175.00
    12/23/2005 7.002 $88.68 $620.93 $620.94 $0.00 $0.00
    11/28/2005 2.674 $88.68 $237.13 $62.13 35.50% $65.45 $175.00
    10/26/2005 2.832 $88.68 $251.14 $76.14 43.51% $61.79 $175.00
    9/26/2005 2.794 $88.68 $247.77 $72.77 41.58% $62.63 $175.00
    8/26/2005 2.893 $88.68 $256.55 $81.55 46.60% $60.49 $175.00
    7/26/2005 2.886 $88.68 $255.93 $80.93 46.25% $60.64 $175.00
    6/27/2005 2.985 $88.68 $264.70 $89.71 51.26% $58.63 $175.00
    5/26/2005 4.789 $88.68 $424.68 $149.69 54.43% $57.42 $275.00
    4/26/2005 4.942 $88.68 $438.25 $163.26 59.37% $55.65 $275.00
    3/28/2005 4.862 $88.68 $431.16 $156.16 56.79% $56.56 $275.00
    2/28/2005 4.769 $88.68 $422.91 $147.91 53.79% $57.66 $275.00
    2/4/2005 0.061 $88.68 $5.40 $5.41 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2005 4.971 $88.68 $440.82 $165.83 60.30% $55.32 $275.00
    12/27/2004 4.444 $88.68 $394.09 $144.09 57.64% $56.26 $250.00
    12/23/2004 0.21 $88.68 $18.62 $18.62 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2004 4.505 $88.68 $399.50 $149.50 59.80% $55.49 $250.00
    10/26/2004 4.808 $88.68 $426.37 $176.37 70.55% $52.00 $250.00
    9/27/2004 4.886 $88.68 $433.29 $183.29 73.32% $51.17 $250.00
    8/26/2004 5.01 $88.68 $444.28 $194.29 77.71% $49.90 $250.00
    7/26/2004 5.086 $88.68 $451.02 $201.03 80.41% $49.15 $250.00
    6/28/2004 4.818 $88.68 $427.26 $177.26 70.90% $51.89 $250.00
    5/26/2004 4.912 $88.68 $435.59 $185.60 74.24% $50.90 $250.00
    4/26/2004 4.802 $88.68 $425.84 $175.84 70.34% $52.06 $250.00
    3/26/2004 4.992 $88.68 $442.69 $192.69 77.08% $50.08 $250.00
    2/26/2004 4.938 $88.68 $437.90 $187.90 75.16% $50.63 $250.00
    2/6/2004 0.058 $88.68 $5.14 $5.14 $0.00 $0.00
    1/26/2004 4.93 $88.68 $437.19 $187.19 74.88% $50.71 $250.00
    12/26/2003 5.144 $88.68 $456.16 $206.17 82.47% $48.60 $250.00
    12/26/2003 0.23 $88.68 $20.39 $20.40 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2003 5.22 $88.68 $462.90 $212.91 85.16% $47.89 $250.00
    10/27/2003 5.383 $88.68 $477.36 $227.36 90.95% $46.44 $250.00
    9/26/2003 5.648 $88.68 $500.86 $250.86 100.35% $44.26 $250.00
    8/26/2003 5.691 $88.68 $504.67 $254.68 101.87% $43.93 $250.00
    7/28/2003 5.727 $88.68 $507.87 $257.87 103.15% $43.65 $250.00
    6/26/2003 5.896 $88.68 $522.85 $272.86 109.14% $42.40 $250.00
    5/27/2003 6.098 $88.68 $540.77 $290.77 116.31% $41.00 $250.00
    4/28/2003 6.334 $88.68 $561.69 $311.70 124.68% $39.47 $250.00
    3/26/2003 6.562 $88.68 $581.91 $331.92 132.77% $38.10 $250.00
    2/26/2003 6.821 $88.68 $604.88 $354.89 141.95% $36.65 $250.00
    1/27/2003 6.753 $88.68 $598.85 $348.86 139.54% $37.02 $250.00
    12/27/2002 0.278 $88.68 $24.65 $24.65 $0.00 $0.00
    12/26/2002 6.437 $88.68 $570.83 $320.83 128.33% $38.84 $250.00
    11/26/2002 6.55 $88.68 $580.85 $330.85 132.34% $38.17 $250.00
    10/28/2002 6.336 $88.68 $561.87 $311.88 124.75% $39.46 $250.00
    9/26/2002 6.415 $88.68 $568.88 $318.88 127.55% $38.97 $250.00
    8/26/2002 6.19 $88.68 $548.92 $298.93 119.57% $40.39 $250.00
    7/3/2002 6.09 $88.68 $540.06 $290.06 116.02% $41.05 $250.00
    12/28/2001 0.893 $88.68 $79.19 $79.19 $0.00 $0.00
    7/30/2001 22.894 $88.68 $2,030.23 $1,030.24 103.02% $43.68 $1,000.00
    7/2/2001 15.762 $88.68 $1,397.77 $697.77 99.68% $44.41 $700.00
    12/29/2000 0.598 $88.68 $53.03 $53.03 $0.00 $0.00
    12/29/2000 12.831 $88.68 $1,137.85 $1,137.85 $0.00 $0.00
    7/28/2000 16.092 $88.68 $1,427.03 $527.04 58.56% $55.93 $900.00
    6/29/2000 19.201 $88.68 $1,702.74 $602.74 54.79% $57.29 $1,100.00
    2/4/2000 0.768 $88.68 $68.10 $68.11 $0.00 $0.00
    2/4/2000 1.362 $88.68 $120.78 $120.78 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 0.352 $88.68 $31.21 $31.22 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 2.639 $88.68 $234.02 $234.03 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 9.549 $88.68 $846.80 $846.81 $0.00 $0.00
    7/28/1999 31.797 $88.68 $2,819.75 $819.76 40.99% $62.90 $2,000.00
    2/5/1999 0.365 $88.68 $32.36 $32.37 $0.00 $0.00
    12/31/1998 0.198 $88.68 $17.55 $17.56 $0.00 $0.00
    12/31/1998 2.737 $88.68 $242.71 $242.72 $0.00 $0.00
    8/4/1998 28.528 $88.68 $2,529.86 $1,029.86 68.66% $52.58 $1,500.00
    7/27/1998 8.921 $88.68 $791.11 $291.11 58.22% $56.05 $500.00
    Ingles solamente (¡no exepciones!)

  20. #60 Elite Member SanJoaquinSooner's Avatar
    The Great San Joaquin Valley

    Re: tezt

    04/26/2013 5.201 $88.68 $0.63 $461.22 n/a n/a +$21.22 +4.82% $84.60 $440.00
    03/26/2013 5.266 $88.68 $0.63 $466.98 n/a n/a +$26.99 +6.13% $83.55 $440.00
    02/26/2013 5.509 $88.68 $0.63 $488.53 n/a n/a +$48.54 +11.03% $79.87 $440.00
    02/08/2013 7.792 $88.68 $0.63 $690.99 n/a n/a +$690.99 $0.00 $0.00
    01/28/2013 5.454 $88.68 $0.63 $483.66 n/a n/a +$43.66 +9.92% $80.67 $440.00
    12/26/2012 4.553 $88.68 $0.63 $403.76 n/a n/a +$53.76 +15.36% $76.87 $350.00
    12/14/2012 9.063 $88.68 $0.63 $803.70 n/a n/a +$803.71 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2012 4.518 $88.68 $0.63 $400.65 n/a n/a +$50.66 +14.47% $77.47 $350.00
    10/26/2012 4.552 $88.68 $0.63 $403.67 n/a n/a +$53.67 +15.33% $76.89 $350.00
    09/26/2012 4.426 $88.68 $0.63 $392.49 n/a n/a +$42.50 +12.14% $79.08 $350.00
    08/27/2012 4.531 $88.68 $0.63 $401.80 n/a n/a +$51.81 +14.80% $77.25 $350.00
    07/26/2012 4.690 $88.68 $0.63 $415.90 n/a n/a +$65.91 +18.83% $74.63 $350.00
    06/26/2012 4.768 $88.68 $0.63 $422.82 n/a n/a +$72.83 +20.81% $73.41 $350.00
    05/29/2012 4.725 $88.68 $0.63 $419.01 n/a n/a +$69.01 +19.72% $74.07 $350.00
    04/26/2012 4.510 $88.68 $0.63 $399.94 n/a n/a +$49.95 +14.27% $77.61 $350.00
    03/26/2012 4.481 $88.68 $0.63 $397.37 n/a n/a +$47.38 +13.54% $78.11 $350.00
    02/27/2012 4.690 $88.68 $0.63 $415.90 n/a n/a +$65.91 +18.83% $74.63 $350.00
    01/26/2012 4.958 $88.68 $0.63 $439.67 n/a n/a +$89.68 +25.62% $70.59 $350.00
    12/28/2011 0.046 $88.68 $0.63 $4.07 n/a n/a +$4.08 $0.00 $0.00
    12/27/2011 5.156 $88.68 $0.63 $457.23 n/a n/a +$107.23 +30.64% $67.88 $350.00
    12/16/2011 1.151 $88.68 $0.63 $102.07 n/a n/a +$102.07 $0.00 $0.00
    11/28/2011 5.326 $88.68 $0.63 $472.30 n/a n/a +$122.31 +34.95% $65.72 $350.00
    10/26/2011 5.155 $88.68 $0.63 $457.14 n/a n/a +$107.15 +30.61% $67.90 $350.00
    09/26/2011 3.860 $88.68 $0.63 $342.30 n/a n/a +$92.30 +36.92% $64.77 $250.00
    08/26/2011 3.841 $88.68 $0.63 $340.61 n/a n/a +$90.62 +36.25% $65.09 $250.00
    07/26/2011 3.434 $88.68 $0.63 $304.52 n/a n/a +$54.53 +21.81% $72.80 $250.00
    06/27/2011 3.661 $88.68 $0.63 $324.65 n/a n/a +$74.66 +29.86% $68.29 $250.00
    05/26/2011 3.540 $88.68 $0.63 $313.92 n/a n/a +$63.93 +25.57% $70.62 $250.00
    04/26/2011 3.473 $88.68 $0.63 $307.98 n/a n/a +$57.99 +23.19% $71.98 $250.00
    03/28/2011 3.579 $88.68 $0.63 $317.38 n/a n/a +$67.39 +26.95% $69.85 $250.00
    02/28/2011 3.529 $88.68 $0.63 $312.95 n/a n/a +$62.95 +25.18% $70.84 $250.00
    02/04/2011 0.893 $88.68 $0.63 $79.19 n/a n/a +$79.19 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2011 3.627 $88.68 $0.63 $321.64 n/a n/a +$71.64 +28.66% $68.93 $250.00
    12/27/2010 3.693 $88.68 $0.63 $327.49 n/a n/a +$77.50 +31.00% $67.70 $250.00
    12/17/2010 3.256 $88.68 $0.63 $288.74 n/a n/a +$288.74 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2010 3.778 $88.68 $0.63 $335.03 n/a n/a +$85.03 +34.01% $66.17 $250.00
    10/26/2010 3.865 $88.68 $0.63 $342.74 n/a n/a +$92.75 +37.10% $64.68 $250.00
    09/27/2010 4.021 $88.68 $0.63 $356.58 n/a n/a +$106.58 +42.63% $62.17 $250.00
    08/26/2010 4.454 $88.68 $0.63 $394.98 n/a n/a +$144.98 +57.99% $56.13 $250.00
    07/26/2010 4.244 $88.68 $0.63 $376.35 n/a n/a +$126.36 +50.54% $58.91 $250.00
    06/28/2010 4.333 $88.68 $0.63 $384.25 n/a n/a +$134.25 +53.70% $57.70 $250.00
    05/26/2010 4.465 $88.68 $0.63 $395.95 n/a n/a +$145.96 +58.38% $55.99 $250.00
    04/26/2010 3.995 $88.68 $0.63 $354.27 n/a n/a +$104.28 +41.71% $62.58 $250.00
    03/26/2010 4.168 $88.68 $0.63 $369.61 n/a n/a +$119.62 +47.85% $59.98 $250.00
    02/26/2010 4.378 $88.68 $0.63 $388.24 n/a n/a +$138.24 +55.30% $57.10 $250.00
    02/05/2010 1.113 $88.68 $0.63 $98.70 n/a n/a +$98.70 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2010 4.437 $88.68 $0.63 $393.47 n/a n/a +$143.47 +57.39% $56.34 $250.00
    12/28/2009 4.269 $88.68 $0.63 $378.57 n/a n/a +$128.57 +51.43% $58.56 $250.00
    12/18/2009 2.146 $88.68 $0.63 $190.30 n/a n/a +$190.31 $0.00 $0.00
    11/27/2009 4.419 $88.68 $0.63 $391.87 n/a n/a +$141.88 +56.75% $56.57 $250.00
    10/26/2009 4.500 $88.68 $0.63 $399.06 n/a n/a +$149.06 +59.62% $55.56 $250.00
    09/28/2009 4.597 $88.68 $0.63 $407.66 n/a n/a +$157.66 +63.06% $54.38 $250.00
    08/26/2009 4.815 $88.68 $0.63 $426.99 n/a n/a +$176.99 +70.80% $51.92 $250.00
    07/27/2009 4.947 $88.68 $0.63 $438.69 n/a n/a +$188.70 +75.48% $50.54 $250.00
    06/26/2009 5.225 $88.68 $0.63 $463.35 n/a n/a +$213.35 +85.34% $47.85 $250.00
    05/26/2009 5.298 $88.68 $0.63 $469.82 n/a n/a +$219.83 +87.93% $47.19 $250.00
    04/27/2009 5.624 $88.68 $0.63 $498.73 n/a n/a +$248.74 +99.49% $44.45 $250.00
    03/26/2009 5.748 $88.68 $0.63 $509.73 n/a n/a +$259.73 +103.89% $43.49 $250.00
    02/26/2009 6.225 $88.68 $0.63 $552.03 n/a n/a +$302.03 +120.81% $40.16 $250.00
    02/13/2009 0.215 $88.68 $0.63 $19.06 n/a n/a +$19.07 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2009 5.900 $88.68 $0.63 $523.21 n/a n/a +$273.21 +109.28% $42.37 $250.00
    12/26/2008 5.692 $88.68 $0.63 $504.76 n/a n/a +$254.77 +101.91% $43.92 $250.00
    12/26/2008 2.883 $88.68 $0.63 $255.66 n/a n/a +$255.66 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2008 5.637 $88.68 $0.63 $499.88 n/a n/a +$249.89 +99.96% $44.35 $250.00
    10/27/2008 5.905 $88.68 $0.63 $523.65 n/a n/a +$273.66 +109.46% $42.34 $250.00
    09/26/2008 4.220 $88.68 $0.63 $374.22 n/a n/a +$124.23 +49.69% $59.24 $250.00
    08/26/2008 3.961 $88.68 $0.63 $351.26 n/a n/a +$101.26 +40.50% $63.12 $250.00
    07/28/2008 3.979 $88.68 $0.63 $352.85 n/a n/a +$102.86 +41.14% $62.83 $250.00
    06/26/2008 3.781 $88.68 $0.63 $335.29 n/a n/a +$85.30 +34.12% $66.12 $250.00
    05/27/2008 3.632 $88.68 $0.63 $322.08 n/a n/a +$72.09 +28.83% $68.83 $250.00
    04/28/2008 3.676 $88.68 $0.63 $325.98 n/a n/a +$75.99 +30.40% $68.01 $250.00
    03/26/2008 3.843 $88.68 $0.63 $340.79 n/a n/a +$90.80 +36.32% $65.05 $250.00
    02/26/2008 3.750 $88.68 $0.63 $332.55 n/a n/a +$82.55 +33.02% $66.67 $250.00
    02/08/2008 5.647 $88.68 $0.63 $500.77 n/a n/a +$500.78 $0.00 $0.00
    01/28/2008 3.823 $88.68 $0.63 $339.02 n/a n/a +$89.02 +35.61% $65.39 $250.00
    12/28/2007 30.053 $88.68 $0.63 $2,665.10 n/a n/a +$2,665.10 $0.00 $0.00
    12/26/2007 2.759 $88.68 $0.63 $244.66 n/a n/a +$28.67 +13.27% $78.29 $216.00
    11/26/2007 2.920 $88.68 $0.63 $258.94 n/a n/a +$42.95 +19.88% $73.97 $216.00
    10/26/2007 2.765 $88.68 $0.63 $245.20 n/a n/a +$29.20 +13.52% $78.12 $216.00
    09/26/2007 2.873 $88.68 $0.63 $254.77 n/a n/a +$38.78 +17.95% $75.18 $216.00
    08/27/2007 3.068 $88.68 $0.63 $272.07 n/a n/a +$56.07 +25.96% $70.40 $216.00
    07/26/2007 3.064 $88.68 $0.63 $271.71 n/a n/a +$55.72 +25.79% $70.50 $216.00
    06/26/2007 3.107 $88.68 $0.63 $275.52 n/a n/a +$59.53 +27.56% $69.52 $216.00
    05/29/2007 3.101 $88.68 $0.63 $274.99 n/a n/a +$59.00 +27.31% $69.65 $216.00
    04/26/2007 3.156 $88.68 $0.63 $279.87 n/a n/a +$63.87 +29.57% $68.44 $216.00
    03/26/2007 3.269 $88.68 $0.63 $289.89 n/a n/a +$73.89 +34.21% $66.08 $216.00
    02/26/2007 3.248 $88.68 $0.63 $288.03 n/a n/a +$72.03 +33.35% $66.50 $216.00
    02/02/2007 4.882 $88.68 $0.63 $432.93 n/a n/a +$432.94 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2007 3.282 $88.68 $0.63 $291.04 n/a n/a +$75.05 +34.74% $65.81 $216.00
    12/26/2006 3.326 $88.68 $0.63 $294.94 n/a n/a +$78.95 +36.55% $64.94 $216.00
    12/22/2006 37.907 $88.68 $0.63 $3,361.59 n/a n/a +$3,361.59 $0.00 $0.00
    11/27/2006 3.092 $88.68 $0.63 $274.19 n/a n/a +$58.20 +26.94% $69.86 $216.00
    10/26/2006 3.108 $88.68 $0.63 $275.61 n/a n/a +$59.62 +27.60% $69.50 $216.00
    09/26/2006 3.261 $88.68 $0.63 $289.18 n/a n/a +$73.19 +33.88% $66.24 $216.00
    08/28/2006 3.292 $88.68 $0.63 $291.93 n/a n/a +$75.93 +35.15% $65.61 $216.00
    07/26/2006 3.340 $88.68 $0.63 $296.19 n/a n/a +$80.19 +37.13% $64.67 $216.00
    06/26/2006 3.348 $88.68 $0.63 $296.90 n/a n/a +$80.90 +37.45% $64.52 $216.00
    05/26/2006 3.275 $88.68 $0.63 $290.42 n/a n/a +$74.43 +34.46% $65.95 $216.00
    04/26/2006 3.167 $88.68 $0.63 $280.84 n/a n/a +$64.85 +30.02% $68.20 $216.00
    03/27/2006 3.264 $88.68 $0.63 $289.45 n/a n/a +$73.45 +34.01% $66.18 $216.00
    02/27/2006 3.274 $88.68 $0.63 $290.33 n/a n/a +$74.34 +34.42% $65.97 $216.00
    02/03/2006 7.758 $88.68 $0.63 $687.97 n/a n/a +$687.98 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2006 3.200 $88.68 $0.63 $283.77 n/a n/a +$67.78 +31.38% $67.50 $216.00
    12/27/2005 2.699 $88.68 $0.63 $239.34 n/a n/a +$64.35 +36.77% $64.84 $175.00
    12/23/2005 7.002 $88.68 $0.63 $620.93 n/a n/a +$620.94 $0.00 $0.00
    11/28/2005 2.674 $88.68 $0.63 $237.13 n/a n/a +$62.13 +35.50% $65.45 $175.00
    10/26/2005 2.832 $88.68 $0.63 $251.14 n/a n/a +$76.14 +43.51% $61.79 $175.00
    09/26/2005 2.794 $88.68 $0.63 $247.77 n/a n/a +$72.77 +41.58% $62.63 $175.00
    08/26/2005 2.893 $88.68 $0.63 $256.55 n/a n/a +$81.55 +46.60% $60.49 $175.00
    07/26/2005 2.886 $88.68 $0.63 $255.93 n/a n/a +$80.93 +46.25% $60.64 $175.00
    06/27/2005 2.985 $88.68 $0.63 $264.70 n/a n/a +$89.71 +51.26% $58.63 $175.00
    05/26/2005 4.789 $88.68 $0.63 $424.68 n/a n/a +$149.69 +54.43% $57.42 $275.00
    04/26/2005 4.942 $88.68 $0.63 $438.25 n/a n/a +$163.26 +59.37% $55.65 $275.00
    03/28/2005 4.862 $88.68 $0.63 $431.16 n/a n/a +$156.16 +56.79% $56.56 $275.00
    02/28/2005 4.769 $88.68 $0.63 $422.91 n/a n/a +$147.91 +53.79% $57.66 $275.00
    02/04/2005 0.061 $88.68 $0.63 $5.40 n/a n/a +$5.41 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2005 4.971 $88.68 $0.63 $440.82 n/a n/a +$165.83 +60.30% $55.32 $275.00
    12/27/2004 4.444 $88.68 $0.63 $394.09 n/a n/a +$144.09 +57.64% $56.26 $250.00
    12/23/2004 0.210 $88.68 $0.63 $18.62 n/a n/a +$18.62 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2004 4.505 $88.68 $0.63 $399.50 n/a n/a +$149.50 +59.80% $55.49 $250.00
    10/26/2004 4.808 $88.68 $0.63 $426.37 n/a n/a +$176.37 +70.55% $52.00 $250.00
    09/27/2004 4.886 $88.68 $0.63 $433.29 n/a n/a +$183.29 +73.32% $51.17 $250.00
    08/26/2004 5.010 $88.68 $0.63 $444.28 n/a n/a +$194.29 +77.71% $49.90 $250.00
    07/26/2004 5.086 $88.68 $0.63 $451.02 n/a n/a +$201.03 +80.41% $49.15 $250.00
    06/28/2004 4.818 $88.68 $0.63 $427.26 n/a n/a +$177.26 +70.90% $51.89 $250.00
    05/26/2004 4.912 $88.68 $0.63 $435.59 n/a n/a +$185.60 +74.24% $50.90 $250.00
    04/26/2004 4.802 $88.68 $0.63 $425.84 n/a n/a +$175.84 +70.34% $52.06 $250.00
    03/26/2004 4.992 $88.68 $0.63 $442.69 n/a n/a +$192.69 +77.08% $50.08 $250.00
    02/26/2004 4.938 $88.68 $0.63 $437.90 n/a n/a +$187.90 +75.16% $50.63 $250.00
    02/06/2004 0.058 $88.68 $0.63 $5.14 n/a n/a +$5.14 $0.00 $0.00
    01/26/2004 4.930 $88.68 $0.63 $437.19 n/a n/a +$187.19 +74.88% $50.71 $250.00
    12/26/2003 5.144 $88.68 $0.63 $456.16 n/a n/a +$206.17 +82.47% $48.60 $250.00
    12/26/2003 0.230 $88.68 $0.63 $20.39 n/a n/a +$20.40 $0.00 $0.00
    11/26/2003 5.220 $88.68 $0.63 $462.90 n/a n/a +$212.91 +85.16% $47.89 $250.00
    10/27/2003 5.383 $88.68 $0.63 $477.36 n/a n/a +$227.36 +90.95% $46.44 $250.00
    09/26/2003 5.648 $88.68 $0.63 $500.86 n/a n/a +$250.86 +100.35% $44.26 $250.00
    08/26/2003 5.691 $88.68 $0.63 $504.67 n/a n/a +$254.68 +101.87% $43.93 $250.00
    07/28/2003 5.727 $88.68 $0.63 $507.87 n/a n/a +$257.87 +103.15% $43.65 $250.00
    06/26/2003 5.896 $88.68 $0.63 $522.85 n/a n/a +$272.86 +109.14% $42.40 $250.00
    05/27/2003 6.098 $88.68 $0.63 $540.77 n/a n/a +$290.77 +116.31% $41.00 $250.00
    04/28/2003 6.334 $88.68 $0.63 $561.69 n/a n/a +$311.70 +124.68% $39.47 $250.00
    03/26/2003 6.562 $88.68 $0.63 $581.91 n/a n/a +$331.92 +132.77% $38.10 $250.00
    02/26/2003 6.821 $88.68 $0.63 $604.88 n/a n/a +$354.89 +141.95% $36.65 $250.00
    01/27/2003 6.753 $88.68 $0.63 $598.85 n/a n/a +$348.86 +139.54% $37.02 $250.00
    12/27/2002 0.278 $88.68 $0.63 $24.65 n/a n/a +$24.65 $0.00 $0.00
    12/26/2002 6.437 $88.68 $0.63 $570.83 n/a n/a +$320.83 +128.33% $38.84 $250.00
    11/26/2002 6.550 $88.68 $0.63 $580.85 n/a n/a +$330.85 +132.34% $38.17 $250.00
    10/28/2002 6.336 $88.68 $0.63 $561.87 n/a n/a +$311.88 +124.75% $39.46 $250.00
    09/26/2002 6.415 $88.68 $0.63 $568.88 n/a n/a +$318.88 +127.55% $38.97 $250.00
    08/26/2002 6.190 $88.68 $0.63 $548.92 n/a n/a +$298.93 +119.57% $40.39 $250.00
    07/03/2002 6.090 $88.68 $0.63 $540.06 n/a n/a +$290.06 +116.02% $41.05 $250.00
    12/28/2001 0.893 $88.68 $0.63 $79.19 n/a n/a +$79.19 $0.00 $0.00
    07/30/2001 22.894 $88.68 $0.63 $2,030.23 n/a n/a +$1,030.24 +103.02% $43.68 $1,000.00
    07/02/2001 15.762 $88.68 $0.63 $1,397.77 n/a n/a +$697.77 +99.68% $44.41 $700.00
    12/29/2000 0.598 $88.68 $0.63 $53.03 n/a n/a +$53.03 $0.00 $0.00
    12/29/2000 12.831 $88.68 $0.63 $1,137.85 n/a n/a +$1,137.85 $0.00 $0.00
    07/28/2000 16.092 $88.68 $0.63 $1,427.03 n/a n/a +$527.04 +58.56% $55.93 $900.00
    06/29/2000 19.201 $88.68 $0.63 $1,702.74 n/a n/a +$602.74 +54.79% $57.29 $1,100.00
    02/04/2000 0.768 $88.68 $0.63 $68.10 n/a n/a +$68.11 $0.00 $0.00
    02/04/2000 1.362 $88.68 $0.63 $120.78 n/a n/a +$120.78 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 0.352 $88.68 $0.63 $31.21 n/a n/a +$31.22 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 2.639 $88.68 $0.63 $234.02 n/a n/a +$234.03 $0.00 $0.00
    12/22/1999 9.549 $88.68 $0.63 $846.80 n/a n/a +$846.81 $0.00 $0.00
    07/28/1999 31.797 $88.68 $0.63 $2,819.75 n/a n/a +$819.76 +40.99% $62.90 $2,000.00
    02/05/1999 0.365 $88.68 $0.63 $32.36 n/a n/a +$32.37 $0.00 $0.00
    12/31/1998 0.198 $88.68 $0.63 $17.55 n/a n/a +$17.56 $0.00 $0.00
    12/31/1998 2.737 $88.68 $0.63 $242.71 n/a n/a +$242.72 $0.00 $0.00
    08/04/1998 28.528 $88.68 $0.63 $2,529.86 n/a n/a +$1,029.86 +68.66% $52.58 $1,500.00
    07/27/1998 8.921 $88.68 $0.63 $791.11 n/a n/a +$291.11 +58.22% $56.05 $500.00
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