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  1. #1
    Sooner Benchwarmer

    Motivation -- My first thread!!

    Hey guys,

    This is my first thread to actually start! Hurray! I know this topic has been discussed in other threads, but I couldn't really decide which thread to post this in and it will probably end up being rather lengthy, so I decided to try the new thread button

    I wanted to bring up a hot idea on the boards recently, specifically the idea that our team lacks motivation because we are regarded as one of the best teams in the country. Now I have been reading these boards for 2+ years, and I don't think I have ever disagreed with a statement more. Normally I do not post, because usually someone has already posted my sentiments on a subject, so I just save the bandwith

    Anyways, on to motivation... The general consesnus I have read seems to be that everyone here really thinks that a reason we lost is because our boys don't have the motivation, since we are a respected program? Really? Really? I just absolutely can not see it.

    Our players have plenty motivation, I could name 20 reasons off the top of my head to be motivated to win a BCS bowl. National respect, a national spotlight on both your indivual play and your team play, make your fans proud, make your family and friends proud, the opportunity to win a game in a great stadium like the one they played in, to play great on the same field as the super bowl will be played on, to possibly obtain a #1 ranking next year.. the list goes on and on. How about being motivated to win simply because it makes you feel good inside?

    Our boys wanted to win that night, and they wanted to win in the 3 bcs bowl games they lost before that. I just can't beleive our team was not motivated enough to go out and perform.

    If our team plays lethargic, its because they are not prepared, not because they do not have the will to win. I have never understood that argument.

    If Bob is worried about motivation, take a speech class and give a good one before the game. Motivation is not the problem, it's the least of our worries. Don't you think that if we needed more motivation, we would have it after we got annihilated three bcs bowl games in a row? I would think so. How does USC or LSU ever win then? If they are always favorities, wouldn't they lose to the more motivated team all the time? Motivation is a very small factor, and we have 450 times more problems to correct before we get to Bob giving us an awe inspired speech to help the team out.

    If we want to win we need to prepare our players better and have adequate, adaptable game plans to the teams we are facing, on both offense and defense.

    Sorry if that came off a little flametastic, it was not directed towards anyone.. I just got the drift that some of you think that we lost because we are unmotivated. Make no mistake, that deer-in-the-headlights that our team displays in the first half is not the unwillingness to win, its the confusion caused by being unprepared.

    Any thoughts guys? And hopefully not too many neg speks

  2. #2
    Sooner Benchwarmer

    Re: Motivation -- My first thread!!

    Oh good god.. I would mess up and double post my first thread... Sorry mods for being a noob Delete the other please!

  3. #3
    Sooner All-Big XII-2-1+1-1+1

    Re: Motivation -- My first thread!!

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