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  1. #1 Elite Member Okla-homey's Avatar
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    Good Morning: OUr annual homage to The Heroes of 1777.

    December 19, 1777 Continental Army enters winter camp at Valley Forge

    Arrival at Valley Forge, Dec. 19, 1777

    230 years ago today, with the onset of the bitter winter cold, the Continental Army under General George Washington, enters its winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 22 miles from British-occupied Philadelphia. Washington chose a site on the west bank of the Schuylkill River that could be effectively defended in the event of a British attack.

    One of the most enduring modern images of Washington at Valley Forge. Painting by Arnold Friberg.

    Eighteenth century armies rairly campaigned in the winter, and instead sought a safe place to ride out the winter cold. Unfortunately for the Continental army, the relative warmth and comfort available to their enemy in Philadelphia or any other American city was denied them. Lucky for us they stuck it out.

    Washington's men built crude log huts to shelter themselves that winter. This is a reproduction at Valley Forge National Historic Site

    Interior. The racks to the left were used as bunks in the little 10x10 huts.

    1777 had been a very discouraging year, Patriot forces under General Washington suffered major defeats against the British at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown; Philadelphia, the capital of the United States, fell into British hands.

    Toughing it out at Valley Forge

    The particularly severe winter of 1777-1778 proved to be a great trial for the American army, and of the 11,000 soldiers encamped at Valley Forge, hundreds died from disease. However, the suffering troops were held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, who stayed with his men -- although he and his immediate staff quartered in a borrowed house.

    Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge. The property is now administered by the NPS.

    Food and other necessities were in short supply. Correspondence between General Washington and the Congress exists which features the commanding general's impassioned pleas for food, clothing and other vitals.

    Unfortunately for the suffering army, these supplies were slow to arrive and scant in quantity. This was mainly due to the fact, until the US was governed by the Constitution 20 years later, Congress had no power to appropriate money. At this time in our history, the Army depended on voluntary donations from the several states. Despite their suffering, the men soldiered on.

    Poorly supplied by a Congress low on cash, the men struggled to survive.

    As the winter stretched on, Prussian military advisor Frederick von Steuben kept the soldiers busy with drill and training in modern military tactics. The incessant drilling made Von Steuban's pupils better able to meet and defeat the previously better trained British and German regiments they would face in subsequent campaigns.

    Friedrich Wilhelm Augustin, Baron von Steuben, a German officer, took part during the American Revolution. Born in Magdeburg, Prussia, on Sept. 17, 1730, and died on Nov. 28, 1794, Von Stuben helped instill discipline in the Continental Army through his drilling techniques. Despite his claims, the genial von Steuben was only a captain, not a former Prussian general; but he was a superb drillmaster.

    When Washington's army marched out of Valley Forge on June 19, 1778, the men were better disciplined and stronger in spirit than when they had entered proving the old adage, "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." Nine days later, they won a victory against the British under Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey.

    Memorial Arch at Valley Forge

    "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever they can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser; in fees, expenses and waste of time." -- Abraham Lincoln, (1809-1865) Lawyer and President who saved the United States.

    "Without opportunities on the part of the poor to obtain expert legal advice, it is idle to talk of equality before the law"-- Justice Chas. Evans Hughes

  2. 12/19/2007, 09:35 AM

  3. #2 Elite Member fadada1's Avatar

    Re: Good Morning: OUr annual homage to The Heroes of 1777.

    valley forge is a pretty cool place. whenever you drive through, you gotta think what it was like back then - especially without a huge mall a mile away.

    one of my distant relatives wintered over there. haven't been able to find much about him - other than we share the same last name and we are definitely related.

    thanks for the cool info.
    I don’t know if the block on that last one was due to low trajectory or if the guys up front didn’t hold their ground well enough. I’m not convinced it matters. We have every reason to believe the ball could have gone through the uprights and the refs would have signaled first down Oregon. - D.E.

  4. 12/19/2007, 10:21 AM

  5. #3 Elite Member fadada1's Avatar

    Re: Good Morning: OUr annual homage to The Heroes of 1777.

    Quote Originally Posted by jaux
    I forgot to mention the Valley Forge interchange on the PA Turnpike is the biggest goat f*** in the history of mankind.
    true. very efficient.

    it looks like a goat f*** as well. literally. there used to be a golf course there. they let it grow over about 2 years ago and it looks like hell. word was they were building a wegmans there (wegmans is a hella awesome supermarket), but that's going in up the road a bit. don't know what they're going to do with that area.
    I don’t know if the block on that last one was due to low trajectory or if the guys up front didn’t hold their ground well enough. I’m not convinced it matters. We have every reason to believe the ball could have gone through the uprights and the refs would have signaled first down Oregon. - D.E.

  6. #4 Elite Member TUSooner's Avatar
    Inside your monitor. Hit it with a hammer to release me and get 3 wishes.

    Re: Good Morning: OUr annual homage to The Heroes of 1777.

    You tell me it's the institution. Well, you know, you'd better free your mind instead.
    (Shoo-bee doo-wah)

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