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9/14/2007, 03:10 PM

Associated Press - September 14, 2007 12:35 PM ET

MUSKOGEE, Okla. (AP) - A 7-year-old Muskogee boy has a broken collarbone and other injuries after being hit by a car driven by Muskogee High School football coach Matt Hennesy.

Police say Chase Thornton was hit last night when he rode his bicycle into a street from between two cars and in front of Hennesy's car.

Police say they weren't notified until the boy was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Hennesy says he called the boy's father and had a player take the boy to a training room where he was left with an athletic trainer. Hennesy then went to a team dinner and later told the Muskogee Phoenix newspaper he should be dealing with the team's football game tonight and - quote - "not this crap."

The coach says he wasn't required to call police and that the accident is the boy's fault.

Under state law the driver of a car involved in an injury accident is required to immediately call police.

Police say information about the accident is being sent to the district attorney's office.

Muskogee is ranked third in Class Six-A and hosts top-ranked Union tonight.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

9/14/2007, 03:16 PM
The quotes I've seen from the coach make him look like a total ***hole. I don't know the guy, maybe he is an ***hole. Any Muskogeeans in here?

Linky (http://www.kotv.com/news/topstory/?id=135897)

``I ought to be dealing with tomorrow night's game not this crap.''

The accident occurred when Hennesy was leaving Indian Bowl stadium where his team plays.

``I was leaving the stadium when this kid ran into the front of my car,'' he said. ``It was the kid's fault.''

Hennesy said he wasn't required to call police to file a report.

``I'm not going to file a report against a little kid, even though my car was damaged,'' he said. ``It was the kid's fault.''

9/14/2007, 03:19 PM
I'm from Muskogee.

9/14/2007, 03:27 PM
I'm from Muskogee.

Is coach an a-hole or does he need to hire a pr director?

9/14/2007, 03:28 PM
What a stupid kid. Doesnt he know he can get hurt running out in the middle of a road.?

9/14/2007, 03:29 PM
What a stupid kid. Doesnt he know he can get hurt running out in the middle of a road.?

Especially when you try to run over a car with your bicycle. Idiot.

The Maestro
9/14/2007, 03:36 PM
I went to Muskogee in the mid-80's...Jason Freeman's dad was the coach then. A real prick as a driver's ed teacher and also was skimming money from the Coke machines at the stadium.

King Crimson
9/14/2007, 03:36 PM
blame a 7 year old, that takes a man.

9/14/2007, 03:38 PM
Especially when you try to run over a car with your bicycle. Idiot.

That kid should take a physics class. I'm just saying.

Ok, I'll stop now. :twinkies:

9/14/2007, 03:39 PM
"Hennesy then went to a team dinner and later told the Muskogee Phoenix newspaper he should be dealing with the team's football game tonight and - quote - "not this crap."

Geez....what a jerk. Have an ounce of compassion.

9/14/2007, 03:48 PM
Nick Saban, err, Matt Hennesy doesn't have time for this s***.

9/14/2007, 03:49 PM
So, it's Muskogee vs. Shawnee in A-hole Coach Bowl '07, then?

9/14/2007, 03:54 PM
Is the boy all right?!

9/14/2007, 04:00 PM
*cough*Eddie Sutton*cough*

9/14/2007, 04:11 PM
I can see where he is probably freaked out and said something stupid, but this goes beyond that!!!

9/14/2007, 04:14 PM
Is coach an a-hole or does he need to hire a pr director?

I just heard the coach on the Sports Animal. A 7 year old kid darting in traffic, out by himself unsupervised and his dad didn't know where the building was to come and get him. The boy was left with a certified trainer and a registered nurse who said they would stay with him until his parents arrived. According to the interview on the Animal, no charges were filed. There was nothing to file charges for and the interview with the Phoenix was while the coach was at the police station filing a report. Several of the players were also required to file reports.

The boy was left with 10 adults who were looking after him. Unfortunately, none of them were his parents who, apparently, didn't have a clue as to where he was.

I wouldn't know the Muskogee coach from Adam's house cat but there are two sides to every story. Maybe the newspaper needs to do an interview with the parents about first graders running loose with no supervision.

Perhaps "the crap" he was referring to was the newspaper reporter trying for a sensational story when there wasn't one. Thank God the kid is okay and that's pretty much all that matters.

9/14/2007, 04:18 PM
I'm going to go read another thread. I don't have time for this crap.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
9/14/2007, 04:25 PM
I agree that the kid was pretty stupid for weaving between the cars and he is lucky that he didn't get hurt worse. The coach is a bigger idiot though for not acting like he gave a damn.

9/14/2007, 04:29 PM
Is coach an a-hole or does he need to hire a pr director?

no idea. but, I am from Muskogee.

9/14/2007, 04:58 PM
I went to Muskogee in the mid-80's...Jason Freeman's dad was the coach then. A real prick as a driver's ed teacher and also was skimming money from the Coke machines at the stadium.

Sheesh, I can't imagine the king's ransom he must have skimmed off of that scheme.:D

9/14/2007, 05:00 PM
well, we know that no one was high on reefer in this incident.

9/14/2007, 05:17 PM
I agree that the kid was pretty stupid for weaving between the cars and he is lucky that he didn't get hurt worse. The coach is a bigger idiot though for not acting like he gave a damn.
that's not how I heard it at all. he said there were at least 2 adult witnesses and he stayed and gave full attention to the little kid. first thing he did was call the kid's parents.
I think he was mad at the newspaper lady for taking his statements outta context.

9/14/2007, 05:40 PM
I heard the coach's account on the sports animal and his account is nothing like the article. As mentioned he stated that the kid ran into his car while the kid was darting through traffic and that he provided immediate aid to the kid, called his dad, and left him with a nurse and the trainer.

He should sue the the paper for libel.

9/14/2007, 05:44 PM
DHS should check out the parents for letting a seven year old kid ride his bike on a busy street.

9/14/2007, 05:50 PM
DHS should check out the parents for letting a seven year old kid ride his bike on a busy street.

9/14/2007, 05:58 PM
This deserves Adrian Peterson-like attention because like AD, this kid also broke his collarbone :rolleyes:

Kids do dumb things and get hurt. While I was lucky enough to avoid breaking bones when I was young, I definitely ran through poison ivy, had a fish hook through a finger and even went through ice on a partially frozen over river.

The kid will learn his lesson, because it probably hurts a lot to have a broken bone.

The coach, however, will also learn that he shouldn't say such things to a newspaper when dealing with an injured child. The kid's at fault, yes, but he's seven years old.

Now... don't we have a REAL game tomorrow and not Muskogee vs. whoever? :D:D:D

9/14/2007, 06:01 PM
I smell a conspiracy. I'll bet this kid is from Union and this whole thing was a set-up meant to distract the Muskogee team before tonights game. I'll bet the reporter from the muskogee phoenix is in on it to.

9/14/2007, 06:02 PM
You have to understand the Muskogee Daily Phoenix is a piece of crap paper. And that their account of things can not necessarily be taken as an accurate account of what really happened. That said, Coach Hennesy did all the right things but should have keep the crap comment to himself.

9/15/2007, 02:09 AM
DHS should check out the parents for letting a seven year old kid ride his bike on a busy street.

Spot on. 'Cuz, when *we* were all 7 (those of us over the age of 30), our parents NEVER let us ride a bike without:

1) Carrying a GPS tracker so they knew where we were all the fudging time.

2) Wearing a helmet.

3) Wearing knee-pads.

4) Being trailed by at least 2 "good touch" adults at all times.

A 7 year old, out riding his bike by himself? I mean, if this was midnight, I get the idea of calling DHS -- but otherwise, you, sir, in my very humble opinion, seem to me to possibly be smoking the crack. I say this with the utmost respect -- and present it merely as my own, personal opinion.

There was a time when kids were allowed to go do stuff by themselves, basically once they showed they were physically capable of doing stuff by themselves. I don't think that was such a bad policy.

This insane micro-management of children where the very notion of them "just going outside to play" is nearly on par with neglect, is largely responsible for today's kids being a generation of fat bastages who can't think for themselves. Being a throwback parent sure as heck shouldn't be grounds for calling social services.

Those of you who grew up in the pre-paranoid days, back before every nightly news report included a sensationalist piece about child abduction -- you remember what it was like being a kid then, right? And surely you, like me, got to ride your bike all over the place at age 7, alone.

Probably had some mild restriction like - stay in the neighborhood... But you didn't have to be baby-sat every moment of the day.

Every kid who rides a bike gets the lecture about not darting in front of a car.

Obviously, Darwin wanted to cull this little boy from the species. Shame his sissy parents probably made him wear a helmet -- odds are he's gonna breed.

9/15/2007, 02:34 AM
Redstick, I could not agree more. As the father of a 15 year old, we're out of this stage and on to greater complexities.
It is jarring whenever my family comes back the US to visit the folks to see how paranoid people are and how kids are taking on the personalities of inmates.

9/15/2007, 04:11 AM
Coach Hennessy headbutted me at Logans and it hurt. I headbutted him back and he laughed. Seemed like a cool dude.

9/15/2007, 07:00 AM
Spot on. 'Cuz, when *we* were all 7 (those of us over the age of 30), our parents NEVER let us ride a bike without:

1) Carrying a GPS tracker so they knew where we were all the fudging time.

2) Wearing a helmet.

3) Wearing knee-pads.

4) Being trailed by at least 2 "good touch" adults at all times.

A 7 year old, out riding his bike by himself? I mean, if this was midnight, I get the idea of calling DHS -- but otherwise, you, sir, in my very humble opinion, seem to me to possibly be smoking the crack. I say this with the utmost respect -- and present it merely as my own, personal opinion.

There was a time when kids were allowed to go do stuff by themselves, basically once they showed they were physically capable of doing stuff by themselves. I don't think that was such a bad policy.

This insane micro-management of children where the very notion of them "just going outside to play" is nearly on par with neglect, is largely responsible for today's kids being a generation of fat bastages who can't think for themselves. Being a throwback parent sure as heck shouldn't be grounds for calling social services.

Those of you who grew up in the pre-paranoid days, back before every nightly news report included a sensationalist piece about child abduction -- you remember what it was like being a kid then, right? And surely you, like me, got to ride your bike all over the place at age 7, alone.

Probably had some mild restriction like - stay in the neighborhood... But you didn't have to be baby-sat every moment of the day.

Every kid who rides a bike gets the lecture about not darting in front of a car.

Obviously, Darwin wanted to cull this little boy from the species. Shame his sissy parents probably made him wear a helmet -- odds are he's gonna breed.

It was on a busy street, his parents didn't know where he was and he was seven fricken years old. If your parents let you ride your bike on a major street and didn't even know where your were when you were seven then they were crappy parents. And I say this with the utmost respect -- and present it merely as my own, personal opinion.

9/15/2007, 07:04 AM
Coach Hennessy headbutted me at Logans and it hurt. I headbutted him back and he laughed. Seemed like a cool dude.
Are you serious Clark??

9/15/2007, 07:07 AM
Redstick, I could not agree more. As the father of a 15 year old, we're out of this stage and on to greater complexities.
It is jarring whenever my family comes back the US to visit the folks to see how paranoid people are and how kids are taking on the personalities of inmates.

In Japan kids ride the train for an hour to get to school, alone, when they are that age but I bet they are safer in that train then they are riding a bike at rush hour on a major thoroughfare. It's not about being paranoid it's about being responsible parents.

9/15/2007, 08:20 AM
Seven year olds should not be allowed to ride bikes. We need a congressional investigation into youthfull bike wrecks. There seem to be a lot of them.

9/15/2007, 08:40 AM
I agree with the post that we don't know the context from which the coach's statement was taken.

9/15/2007, 08:53 AM
I'm going to go read another thread. I don't have time for this crap.