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9/11/2007, 12:51 PM
Hi all, it’s been a long time since I posted, but I’ve lurked on and off in my absence.

Anyway, I’m sure there have been some posts about Kevin Everett, but I wanted to give my thoughts. (for those of you that don’t know, Kevin was injured on a play in last Sunday’s game, and is in the very early stages of paralysis).

I heard this morning that the neurologist gave him a 5% change of “full recovery”. In neurological speak, that means walking.

I was given a 15% chance after my surgery, and as of today (going on two years later), I am at about 85%. I can walk without assistance, and have 75% muscle use in my right leg. I still have no sensation and there are some muscle functions I cannot perform. At this point in my recovery, I am as far along as I will ever be.

If you saw me on the street, you would think that I sprained my ankle, otherwise, you’d never know about my paralysis.

Kevin’s injury is considered “incomplete”, meaning the spinal cord wasn’t severed. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean much when it comes to recovery. The spinal cord is as sensitive as the brain, and doesn’t take well to being “insulted”.

I ask that you pray for Kevin, and more importantly, his family and care givers. The first 3 months of recovery are the hardest. At this point, he is heavily sedated, and probably doesn’t fully realize the severity of his injury. He will have to re-learn everything most of us take for granted; swallowing, feeding himself, moving his body so that he doesn’t develop lesions (bed sores), etc.

I don’t know Kevin personally, but given that he is a professional athlete, I’m sure he has to have the drive and determination not to give up…so I am sure he will fight to regain any function. The people that will struggle the most are his family (feelings of helplessness, etc.), and the care givers (Doctor’s, Nurses, etc.) that will work 24/7 without much appreciation. Sadly, the caregivers bear the burden of dealing with volatile emotions from Kevin and his family.

Again, I thought I would share a little insight and ask that anyone that cares to, take a minute out of your day and pray for Kevin and his situation.


9/11/2007, 12:54 PM
WB, Keith. You've been missed.
Maybe not "missed", but from time to time we noticed you'd been gone. ;)

9/11/2007, 12:59 PM
WB, Keith. You've been missed.
Maybe not "missed", but from time to time we noticed you'd been gone. ;)

You can say it doc, you've longed for my return.

It's okay.

9/11/2007, 01:08 PM
8X, glad to see you back posting.

9/11/2007, 01:24 PM
Good to hear from you, 8x. Methinks you know what you are talking about.

9/11/2007, 01:41 PM
The replays of what happened looked real bad. I hope he recovers. Good to see you back Keith. Try to stay around more, quit lurking and click some damn ads!!! :D

9/11/2007, 01:52 PM
Come back 8x I miss you.

9/11/2007, 02:11 PM
Who are you again?

9/11/2007, 02:24 PM
Nice post, Keith. Thanks for checking in and I'm glad you are doing well.

However, I must give your thread an F for nincomepoopery, which used to be your trademark. We expect a more thouroughly nincompoopish effort in the future.


9/11/2007, 02:48 PM
In the spirit of Mike Utley, I hope Everett never gives up.

And thanks for the update, Keith.

9/11/2007, 03:17 PM
Nice post, Keith. Thanks for checking in and I'm glad you are doing well.

However, I must give your thread an F for nincomepoopery, which used to be your trademark. We expect a more thouroughly nincompoopish effort in the future.


Shut your face.

King Crimson
9/11/2007, 03:22 PM
i've posted this before but one of my closest friends is a quadriplegic from a car accident. it's terrible, and it's gonna be a real change of life for Everett. but, he's still alive and can do a lot with his time on earth. it takes a lot courage to have someone wipe your *** and drain your **** bag and get up everyday in the morning.....but you are still alive. the days get longer, they get shorter. the trees grow leaves.

9/11/2007, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the personal update , and im IN

9/11/2007, 07:15 PM
Good to see you, 8X; I'm glad you're doing better.

Harry Beanbag
9/11/2007, 07:30 PM
Very encouraging news now...


9/11/2007, 07:41 PM
that doctor wasn't pulling the Scotty move was he? :)

that's great news. the thing is that i would think the people with the best chances to recover from something like this would be a professional athlete

9/11/2007, 08:18 PM
good to see you back 8X

just read they think he'll walk again now, muscle movement in the arms and legs

9/13/2007, 12:34 PM
It just goes to show the major improvements in medicine now. I read where the trainer (doctor) was able to administer a steroid (no, not the Brian Bozworth kind) injection in the ambulance on the way out of the stadium. That keeps the swelling around the spinal cord to a minimum.

Amazing, and great news.

...now back to my usual nincompoopery!

King Crimson
9/13/2007, 12:39 PM
that is great news for Everett.

9/13/2007, 12:53 PM
Thanks 8x's, my prayers are with him. I'm two months recovered from a spinal fusion and I'm about 70% now and feel better than I have in years.
I hope God grants him the same fortune as he's done for both you and I in the coming months.

9/13/2007, 02:38 PM
I saw the hit when it happened. I thought it was bad.. I hope he recovers well and send prayers to his family.