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View Full Version : Who thinks Stoops is running up the score?

9/9/2007, 01:48 AM
There seems to be a contingent at OUInsider that is complaining about Stoops running up the score. To wit:

Originally Posted by linksplayer
I like the win, but I don't agree with Stoops running up score on everyone.

To which I responded:

I've read some of your posts since last week's game and I have to ask. Are you a woman or do you just sit down to pee?

I suppose you'd rather our backup QB's come in completely unaccustomed to running our offense in an actual game situation? If Halzle and/or Nichol are forced into action because Bradford can't play for some reason and they don't perform well because they haven't seen any game time, Stoops will be criticized. He's doing what's best for his team, not what's best for your delicate sensibilities.

Am I wrong?

9/9/2007, 01:52 AM
No, you're not wrong at all.

Look, if I were coaching a really really bad team then I would be more offended by a team that had to fall down on their own to prevent themselves from scoring than I would be if they continued driving.

Now, if Stoops were going for it on 4th downs and that kind of **** in a way that made it obvious that his intention was to run up the score then yes that'd be kind of classless. But just continuing to competently run your offense is just fine in my book.

9/9/2007, 01:56 AM
To quote Mike Leach "It isn't my job to stop my team from scoring"

9/9/2007, 02:01 AM
To quote Mike Leach "It isn't my job to stop my team from scoring"

Dam you read my mind....

What better situation to see how the backups perform, if the losers are still playing their 1st team D and my 2nd team O scores, too dam bad for them!!! If you dont like the score, throw in towel and walk off the field!!!

I do think Leach hit the nail square on the head......

9/9/2007, 02:02 AM
Its not possible to run up the score on a team with 5 natty champs who intentionally broke your qbs leg and who cost you 3 champs yourself. A team who routinely runs up the score on the FIU's of the world when they're good. (every year but this one). Any U fan who cries about this is nothing but a spoiled baby. Any sooner fan who feels bad about this needs to quit watching Oprah. The U needs to take thier lumps this year, we did (remember the 90s?)

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 02:12 AM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

When the score isn't lopsided enough for the experts and girly fans we drop in the polls. When other teams run up the score it's always put down as being an example of how dominant they are.

Tech and Leach get crap any time they win by less than 14, and get equal crap when they win by 40.

When LSU or Suc run up the score it's almost always with the starters and no one says anything other than worrying about their golden boys getting hurt.

I liked how the King put it way back in the day..."what am I supposed to do, start passing to keep the score down" or something like that.

Screw anyone who thinks we're running it up. We're just making damn sure there's no chance of getting ducked again. And to me it just shows that we're on a mission and we're focused on playing the best we can from the opening kickoff until the final gun.

And if they think we're running it up now, just wait until either a) Sam starts playing the entire game or b) the backups get even better than they are now.

9/9/2007, 02:26 AM
crap, so we aren't gonna score 100 next week?

9/9/2007, 02:46 AM
Running up the score is the invention of people that don't play sports.

If you are out there playing, and you are getting manhandled, it's supposed to make you mad that the other team keeps scoring. If it doesn't what are you doing on the field in the first place?

9/9/2007, 02:47 AM
"Bud - Barry - Bob" - Oklahoma Running up "The Score" Goes back over Fifty Years - If you don't Like it ?? - Get season tickets for North Texas and be happy losing 9 or 10 games a year....Coach Stoops can't control a wide out being wide open and being faster than the guy chasing him...
Keep Rockin'

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 02:51 AM
I hope we DO score 100 next week. That kinda crap is the only thing that really gets the "didn't watch the game" pollsters to notice.

9/9/2007, 03:43 AM
It's not Bob's fault that Miami sucks. :)

9/9/2007, 03:57 AM
we need to put the game away and get the backups experience

you can't get ducked if you are up by 30+

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 03:58 AM

9/9/2007, 05:51 AM
i think it's more like "damned if you do, damned if you do."

leach has it right, as do some others. if you're playing a 1AA, then you can take it easy on... no wait... never mind. you simply can't tell your 2nd/3rd team guys to not try to play hard - this is how injuries happen. is stoops suppose to tell hazle/nichol, "son, don't throw the ball, we'll make the other guys upset."

those are div 1 teams playing out there. i think we should've score 90+ on a&m in 2003 - especially after the jolly celebration and taking a knee on 1st and goal. if i were stoops (and i'm not ever going to be), i would've thrown it in the endzone on the next play. send the message that, "you suck, and i'm going to remind you even more how bad you suck, and if you can't control your players, i won't control mine." childish??? YOU BET YOUR *** IT IS!!!!

9/9/2007, 05:59 AM
So Widescreen - did you get an answer from Miss Wimpypants? BTW, your answer is good and so was Mike Leach's. I think Barry said something once about not stopping the 4th and 5th stringers as they don't get to play often and they want to score... And this was Miami, if we could've scored a 100, I wish we would have...

9/9/2007, 06:27 AM
The 2nd and 3rd team guys bust their @$$ in practice, just like the starters do. They deserve to go out and compete and not just take a knee....

These people that complain about running up the score are annoying.

As Billy Tubbs would say..... "GET BETTER!"

9/9/2007, 06:42 AM
He ain't running up the score,he is keeping the hammer down.I have been advocating this foe the last 2-3 years.I was tired of seeing us set on 10-14 point leads and just trying to run out the clock.When you continue to attack you demoralize your foe and take away their will to play.The end result is big wins with a lot of players playing,all of which is good for OU.

For those who have forgotten,OUr opponents put some big numbers up on pitiful Blake teams.PAYBACK baby.

9/9/2007, 06:56 AM
As a side note to getting backups ready. When the voters go to vote. they have not seen the most of the games. Most just scan the the win / loss in the paper and vote... Ummmm, OU 51/Miami 13.. OU must be really good i better vote them high.

9/9/2007, 07:07 AM
I will say that stoops seems to be more willing to keep his team's foot on the gas longer than some other coaches. This is a good thing though (at least for sooner fans) since a team's chances in the MNC race depend alot on the subjectivity of voters. When they see scores like 79-10 and 51-13 they're going to say "wow this teams good!" and move us up in the polls. This was how all that 03 Sooners best team ever nonsense got started. Voters aren't going to remember the fact that our recievers dropped alot of passes and that if miami had a qb with a pulse this actually would have been a close game, they're only going to remember the 51-13 score.

9/9/2007, 07:08 AM
As a side note to getting backups ready. When the voters go to vote. they have not seen the most of the games. Most just scan the the win / loss in the paper and vote... Ummmm, OU 51/Miami 13.. OU must be really good i better vote them high.
Good point,I forgot that one.

9/9/2007, 07:17 AM
"You are asking me to hold the score down? That's illegal. It's called point shaving."

Billy Tubbs - circa 1985.

9/9/2007, 07:21 AM
"You are asking me to hold the score down? That's illegal. It's called point shaving."

Billy Tubbs - circa 1985.

9/9/2007, 07:21 AM
For several years now, Stoops has used a simple formula for burning clock.

1st down - run
2nd down - run
3rd down - Pass if you have to, else run.

The goal is to move the chains, not run 3 plays and punt.

Viking Kitten
9/9/2007, 07:23 AM
Here's the thing. Hosts of sports radio shows have these 2 or 3 hour blocks of air time that they have to fill with something. So they invent "issues" like this because it gives them something to talk about. It's their job to yap, yap. yap. It's Stoops' job to win games. Lucky for us he's been doing his job really well and, as always, not paying attention to the media guys.

9/9/2007, 07:45 AM
Unless a team does something, like, oh I dunno, let's say win 47 straight, there's no way to measure it's greatness other than its dominance over the opposition by score. That's all the media hypsters know: The score. Any win within 20 points over the loser and it's a "close game."

Can't wait to hear from Mike Stupica.

9/9/2007, 08:18 AM
I don't think Stoops is running up the score. If he kept the 1st string in the whole game, yes maybe, but he's putting in our backups when we have a "safe" margin.

After the first week, I heard this complaint, so I reviewed the #s for the other games, and our score was not that far off from the others that received no complaints.

Just look at some of this week's scores:
Rutgers - 41, Navy -24
LSU - 48, VT - 7
WV - 48, Marshall - 24
tu - 34, TCU - 13
GT - 69, Samford - 14
Kentucy - 56, Kent State - 20
Kansas - 62, SouthLA - 0

9/9/2007, 09:06 AM
I saw a few posts in the Miami forum accusing Stoops of running it up, then finally one of their supporters told everyone to shutup by pointing out they would kept running their offense if they were the ones leading. He chided them pretty good, grow up and take it like men he said.

The Maestro
9/9/2007, 09:10 AM
I just love that Miami fans are dealing with the whole "someone is running up the score on us" thing. I doubt you will see the Reggie Wayne's, Ray Lewis's and others flashing that "U" hand sign after touchdowns now. We have stripped these thugs of their pride in their university. That is what I love about it most of all.

They now are humiliated and have shame...thanks to OU.

9/9/2007, 09:12 AM
I am so tired about this whole cry-baby mentality from other teams about "running up the score" that they accuse OU of doing. :mad:

Get over it you bunch of pansies and start complaining to the coaching staff about YOUR team not being able to score! :mad::mad::mad:

9/9/2007, 09:14 AM
My reply is "Who cares?" and comment is that against the likes of North Texas, it woulda been a shame to go for a 100 but versus a team WE ALL HATE WITH A PASSION such as the aforementioned thugs from the U, I say RUN UP THE SCORE, BOB!

9/9/2007, 09:15 AM
According to Bob in the paper this morning, the last touchdown was a check at the line by Halzle...that wasn't called by the coaches.

good call Halzle, maybe if we need you in a game you'll know what to do.

STFU, whiners, make a tackle, no one scores.

9/9/2007, 09:17 AM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.

9/9/2007, 09:19 AM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.

So...is Bob supposed to call 20 straight kneel downs after he goes up a score?

Geez...poor losers are what it is.

9/9/2007, 09:21 AM
According to Bob in the paper this morning, the last touchdown was a check at the line by Halzle...that wasn't called by the coaches.

good call Halzle, maybe if we need you in a game you'll know what to do.

STFU, whiners, make a tackle, no one scores.

Yep, he said it in his press conference. A run was called, but they stacked 10 in the box. It's not our fault their ****ty CB gave Tennel the inside lane with zero safety help.

Great call by Halzle.

9/9/2007, 09:26 AM
We were playing frickin' Miami, a team with 4-5 future NFL players on defense. It is a little hard to feel sorry for poor helpless Miami getting picked on by the big bad Sooners.

The Maestro
9/9/2007, 09:26 AM
If people don't like scoring start watching soccer. No one runs the score up in that sport. The game of football is 60 minutes and you have to play hard as long as the clock is running.

9/9/2007, 09:34 AM
My philosophy is.....

My team will stop trying to score, when our opponents stop trying to catch up.

9/9/2007, 09:41 AM
Obviously, anyone with a little football knowledge saw that Miami had the box loaded to stop the run and the white flag was not totally being waived. Halze probably changed the play at the line of scrimmage and caught Miami with there pants down on a seam route that went to the house.

I vaguely remember Miami teams destroying lesser teams and running up the score with the outcome already determined.

I guess it is true what they say... Karma is a bitch!

9/9/2007, 10:06 AM
Miami complaining about running up the score?!?

Just a "few" years ago, I was living in Houston, and was one of the 10,000 or so who attended the Rice - Miami game. The Owls put up a pretty good fight that day, and the 'Canes were only up a couple of touchdowns late in the 4th quarter. They had the ball deep in Rice territory. With the outcome of the game already decided, coach Jimmy Johnson has QB Vinny Testaverde call time out with under a minute to play. They come out of the TO throwing, and tack on another TD before time expires to make the final score look "better" (since the game was not televised, and beating Rice 17-3 must not look impressive enough).

That, my friends, is running up the score.

Miami fans should recognize what goes around eventually comes around, baby.....

9/9/2007, 10:12 AM
someone correct me if i'm wrong on both these questions, but...

1-why don't people say they're running up the score on basketball games? i don't remember that being said about that sport.

2-i don't think that usc was running up the score on us in the o.b. i just thought we played reeeeeeeeally bad that game. did anyone here think that?

9/9/2007, 10:16 AM
With 10 guys at the line of scrimmage by Miami, I would hate to be having a discussion about how Madu now has a shoulder separation because Halzle didn't check out of the belly dive when he recognized the heat coming.

You must leave no doubt playing against solid teams.

9/9/2007, 10:17 AM
Also, on the topic: where is the VT-is-the-nation's-team media after last night's VT-LSU game? With a 41-7 lead at about the VT 35 yard line and 3+ minutes to go in the game, Miles calls a play action pass for a TD. If that's not running it up, I don't know what is. I hope we get to play that losur in the MNC game.

9/9/2007, 10:21 AM
I have been watching OU football for 57 years and I am sick and tired of all the gripping about runniing up the score. It's just like Billy Ball says if you don't like the score RUN up on you just get better. Pretty simple! DUH!!!!!!!
I am the fan that would love to hang half a hundred on every team we play!
Boomer Sooner

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/9/2007, 10:28 AM
Voters aren't going to remember the fact that our recievers dropped alot of passes and that if miami had a qb with a pulse this actually would have been a close game, they're only going to remember the 51-13 score.Our D looks pretty good, but I don't think it's been tested, yet. It doesn't look as if we will face a top caliber offense til we go to a bowl game. We will play some decent offenses, but not anybody really good, til then.

9/9/2007, 11:34 AM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.

heh. no, jumping on another teams logo or swinging a helmet is poor sportsmanship.

9/9/2007, 11:35 AM
If we run up the score against Miami well then it is ok. SC much better. The pokes? I would like to hang 100 on them.:D

9/9/2007, 11:38 AM
Both comments are spot on.

For several years now, Stoops has used a simple formula for burning clock.

1st down - run
2nd down - run
3rd down - Pass if you have to, else run.

The goal is to move the chains, not run 3 plays and punt.

I don't think Stoops is running up the score. If he kept the 1st string in the whole game, yes maybe, but he's putting in our backups when we have a "safe" margin.

After the first week, I heard this complaint, so I reviewed the #s for the other games, and our score was not that far off from the others that received no complaints.

Just look at some of this week's scores:
Rutgers - 41, Navy -24
LSU - 48, VT - 7
WV - 48, Marshall - 24
tu - 34, TCU - 13
GT - 69, Samford - 14
Kentucy - 56, Kent State - 20
Kansas - 62, SouthLA - 0

9/9/2007, 11:49 AM
Look, if I were coaching a really really bad team then I would be more offended by a team that had to fall down on their own to prevent themselves from scoring than I would be if they continued driving.

Is that a joke at Aggy expense?

9/9/2007, 12:01 PM
I have no problem with Halzle throwing short passes. He has to get real game experience.

If we had a Jr or Sr starter at QB, I think Halzle would have come in the game earlier. Instead, we have a Frosh who needs all the experience he can get (especially against a good team).

Isn't it great to be good enough to give our reserve QB's some decent game experience? We haven't had many games like that the last couple of years!

9/9/2007, 12:03 PM
when you get'em down...then step on their freakin' neck !!!!

9/9/2007, 12:44 PM
It doesn't look as if we will face a top caliber offense til we go to a bowl game. We will play some decent offenses, but not anybody really good, til then.
So the greatest offense in the universe isn't a top caliber one?:D

9/9/2007, 12:51 PM
If Miami's CB could tackle, Tennell wouldn't have ran for another 50 yards after the 10-yard pass.

9/9/2007, 12:57 PM
If you dont like the score, throw in towel and walk off the field!!!

I think Miami did just that for all intents and purposes.

They had 3 4th quarter drives and were three-and-out on each.
We had 3 4th quarter drives and scored 3 touchdowns.

They'd quit playing.

9/9/2007, 12:59 PM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.

Running the ball up the middle on every down (with backups in the game) and only throwing to the chains on third down is not poor sportsmanship.

What would you have Coach Stoops do differently in those situations, or are you just whining to hear yourself whine as I suspect?

9/9/2007, 01:16 PM
Don't like having the score run up on you? THEN DON'T SUCK.

Don't like seeing your team run up the score? Maybe figure skating is more your speed, you candyass.

2k2 c5
9/9/2007, 01:18 PM
His ID is linksplayer? sOUnds like a golfer. Maybe he forgot in which sport a lower score is the better one.

9/9/2007, 01:28 PM
Until the NCAA puts in a "Sorry...Your Skunked" rule I don't care how many points a team hangs on someone.

The thing is...some opposing Coaches also keep their Starters in even though they don't deserve to play.

If the losing Coach pulls his Starters and the Team kicking the crappola out of them keeps playing the starting line up...then maybe it's bad edicate....

But...that's all it is anyway is bad form.

We all are paying huge money as fans to see the players on the team play.

If a game is over and my kid was a back-up...I'd like to see him get some PT...especially on a National Broadcast like yesterday.

The talking heads are just that...talking heads.

9/9/2007, 01:32 PM
On the last scoring drive, we ran to 2 rushes for 7 yard, 1 pass for 4 yards, 1st down, Than we ran 2 rushes for 5 yards. IT was 3rd and 5 on the 39. Halzle throw the out route for the first down. Not our fault the defender was out of position (gave up) and it turned into a 61 yard TD.

9/9/2007, 01:48 PM
Who thinks Stoops is running up the score?


9/9/2007, 02:14 PM
heh. no, jumping on another teams logo or swinging a helmet is poor sportsmanship.

and as far as fans are concerned, miami wrote the book on poor sportsmanship.

Texas Golfer
9/9/2007, 02:17 PM
Running up the score is Miami (Jimmy Johnson) continuing to throw deep passes with his Heisman winning QB (Vinny Testaverde) with a 45-7 lead with less than five minutes left in the game.

9/9/2007, 02:23 PM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.

Holder - is that you?

9/9/2007, 02:37 PM
Maybe we should add a mercy rule- if you are down by 35 at anytime after the first quarter, the game will be called. Maybe that way the people whining about running up the scores dont have to watch an entire game before they have to get in line for their pap smears.

9/9/2007, 02:41 PM
Nothing will ever happen.

The TV Sponsors would have a cow.

9/9/2007, 03:06 PM
Maybe we should add a mercy rule- if you are down by 35 at anytime after the first quarter, the game will be called. Maybe that way the people whining about running up the scores dont have to watch an entire game before they have to get in line for their pap smears.

9/9/2007, 03:10 PM
I think Miami did just that for all intents and purposes.

They had 3 4th quarter drives and were three-and-out on each.
We had 3 4th quarter drives and scored 3 touchdowns.

They'd quit playing.

What she said.

That last touchdown was OU simply trying to get a first down and keep the clock moving.

9/9/2007, 03:12 PM
i want to know what the resident cane fans have to say about this.

wait, they won't come back here. but it would be nice to see it from their perspective.

9/9/2007, 03:13 PM
I don't know about the rest of you....but it's kinda nice to be defending Stoops for running up the score again.

Did he? Nah. But I wouldn't have minded if he had.

If it was up to me....we would've gone for 2.

Salt City Sooner
9/9/2007, 04:07 PM
I don't know about the rest of you....but it's kinda nice to be defending Stoops for running up the score again.

Did he? Nah. But I wouldn't have minded if he had.

If it was up to me....we would've gone for 2.
No kidding. I mean, Hartley DID miss a PAT. Gotta get back on track, y'know....:P

9/9/2007, 04:31 PM
Okay... I think people are spending way too much time on enemy boards if they think we're "running up the score."

Let's take a look at some of OUr active coaches whose fans bash Stoops for "running the score up..."

USC versus... well, everyone that doesn't beat them.

Texas 70, Colorado 3... Vince Young scored the TD that made the score 63-3. Was he a starter? Yeah... thought so.

OSU versus Baylor 2006... was there any point at all in Booby (can't) Read being in that game at all?

Don't listen to these idiot outsiders... Stoops beat UNT the way Oklahoma is SUPPOSED to beat UNT, he played true freshmen and walk-ons for almost an entire quarter just burning clock. You think Mr. and Mrs. Nichol are happy to see their son take a knee every down he plays? Think back to Paul Thompson's parents... their son does nothing but run the clock out for years and as soon as he loses one game (TCU), everyone boos him out of the stadium.

9/9/2007, 04:45 PM
Maybe we should add a mercy rule- if you are down by 35 at anytime after the first quarter, the game will be called.

Won't happen because of games like these...

In American football, "The Comeback" refers to the January 3, 1993 NFL playoff game between the Buffalo Bills and the Houston Oilers, one of the most memorable NFL games ever played.

Played in Buffalo's outdoor home of Rich Stadium, the Bills, led by quarterback Frank Reich and wide receiver Andre Reed, overcame a 32-point deficit to win the game in overtime. This is the largest comeback in NFL history.

Reich had been responsible for what was then the biggest comeback in the history of college football. In 1984, as the backup quarterback for the Maryland Terrapins, Reich replaced injured starter Stan Gelbaugh and led the Terrapins back from a first-half deficit of 31-0 to a 42-40 victory over the University of Miami.

9/10/2007, 12:01 PM
Stoops does what he should -- he puts in the second-teamers, and continues to run a "real" offense. Those backup players need experience, and they need experience trying to win games, not experience trying to take a knee.

Running up the score is when you leave your starters in, and play aggressive, two-minute-drill style offenses late in the 4th quarter when you've put the game away.

This is the specialty of LSU under Smiles. Say what you want about him, the dude has *class*.

Hot Rod
9/10/2007, 12:36 PM
Haizle's attempt at converting to make a 1st down on 3rd down is running up the score? Tennell, shame on you for breaking the tackle and not skipping to the endzone.

Wasn't N Kentucky or some team like that win by 84 this weekend?

9/10/2007, 01:07 PM
Stoops said in the TW that a run play was called and the player saw an open receiver and threw the pass- we were just trying to get a first down and run clock. Now see with more info this running up the score thing is Bull$hit!

9/10/2007, 01:18 PM
RacerX said it best:

"For several years now, Stoops has used a simple formula for burning clock.

1st down - run
2nd down - run
3rd down - Pass if you have to, else run.

The goal is to move the chains, not run 3 plays and punt."

Those who think he's running up the score just haven't seen OU football in seven years or so.

Position Limit
9/10/2007, 01:20 PM
who cares? i would have been just as happy to leave every starter in for the whole game and ran trick plays until time expired. same goes for north texas and utah state next week. anybody complaining about "running up the score" has never played organinzed sport of any variety. it's just sour grapes and a sign of weakness. run it up is say. whatever. no need to make excuses for stoops team scoring late. texas fans are the biggest pussies about this by the way. they view football games as some form of class warfare. "book'em horns" i say!!!

9/10/2007, 01:25 PM
2-i don't think that usc was running up the score on us in the o.b. i just thought we played reeeeeeeeally bad that game. did anyone here think that?

When did we play SUC? Can someone fill me in...I do not remember this game in which you speak of.

9/10/2007, 01:46 PM
Poor sportsmanship is all it is.


Ya gotta play the game, and the game is about moving the ball and putting points on the board. What kind of coach would tell his team to stop being successful?

9/10/2007, 04:26 PM
I just now realized you said you were reading OUInsider. Check your wallet.

9/10/2007, 07:52 PM
All these people letting their hearts bleed over this ***-whippin need to stop talking out of their vaginas.

9/10/2007, 07:57 PM
There seems to be a contingent at OUInsider that is complaining about Stoops running up the score. To wit:

To which I responded:

Am I wrong?

Bob can't help it. What are our players supposed to do when they see an opening, just lay down and let themselves be tackled?

Or like Joey Halzle's touchdown pass, all it was was a quick slant, and the miami guy was supposed to bring him down. Yet he failed to do so.

And as for North Texas, we had at least our 3rd stringers in, maybe even some 4th stringers. They want to get a chance to score as well. Its natural. Its not Bob's fault that our 4th stringers are better than NT's 1st stringers.

Crucifax Autumn
9/10/2007, 11:09 PM
No kidding. We started a freshman in his first college game and a 3rd string freshman running back and worked our way down the depth chart from there!

What were we supposed to do? Field 8 men?

Jason White's Third Knee
9/11/2007, 08:14 AM
If the polls stay the way they are now, and all 3 top teams go undefeated, we don't play in the NC game.

If we keep scoring 50 points on the opposition, we will certainly jump in to the top 2.

Besides, it was miami. Who wouldn't love scoring 50 on miami?