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View Full Version : It's official: Sooner Magic is back

9/9/2007, 01:24 AM
I don't know what that other thread is talking about. ESPN is saying it is a 3-way race between LSU, OU and USC. All the commentators were falling all over themselves try to out adjective each other how great our freshman quarterback is. CORSO says he thinks Oklahoma is the best team in the country.
Yes Corso "Bobby" the Sooner hating sob says he thinks we are the best team in the country! It could be the apocalypse.
The only one who had anything negative to say is that pos old fark Holtz. Mark May couldnt contain himself talking about what a great team and quarterback we had. Then they would play Bradford "threading the needle" Incredible video.
Mark May said the Bradford would be the best quarterback stoops ever had. that one gave me goosebumps.

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 02:24 AM
Yeah...WTH is with Holtz? It's obvious we have a great running game with the guys we have. I mean Christ! Our starter was out and Miami tried some idiotic strategy of trying to stack up a bit on the run, letting what could be our best QB in the Stoops era throw to what could end up being our best receiving corp ever.

What a moron.

9/9/2007, 02:28 AM
Patrick was getting 10 yards a carry up the gut until they took him out.

9/9/2007, 02:31 AM
What makes it official? Was there a memo? A ceremony or certificate?

9/9/2007, 02:32 AM
why did they take Patrick out ?

9/9/2007, 02:33 AM
Yeah...WTH is with Holtz? It's obvious we have a great running game with the guys we have. I mean Christ! Our starter was out and Miami tried some idiotic strategy of trying to stack up a bit on the run, letting what could be our best QB in the Stoops era throw to what could end up being our best receiving corp ever.

What a moron.

He's a golden domer at heart, and hes having withdrawls, his beloved Irish are 0-2(thats some funny shiat right there).

But as for the best rec. corp, am I the only one that holds his breathe every time Iglesias touches the ball. He just seems to not catch it or give it away at the worst times. Not trying to say he cant play, just seems the bad carma wagon follows him. He trys to get a little more or do a little more and it backfires......I wish we had Clayton in the mix now......

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 02:43 AM
I know what you mean, but at the same time he's pulled off some great catches and been there for some big plays. And with our tight ends back in the games it will give all the receivers a little more breathing room.

He'll settle down as the coaches address your concerns.

9/9/2007, 02:52 AM
He'll settle down as the coaches address your concerns.

SWEET!!!! :pop:

9/9/2007, 02:57 AM
why did they take Patrick out ?

In your opinion is Patrick OUr best option at RB??? if you think so then lets hear it, I think we have a stable chaulked full of stud RB's, all with a little different styles, AP runs you over, Murray makes people look dumb and Brown is a mix of both, me personally I think Murray is the guy, but its dam hard to argue with the success AP had last year when AD went down. Any way the coaches go, I think we are blessed to have the corp of RB's we got, hell just think if Choice was still here and didnt x-fer.......

Crucifax Autumn
9/9/2007, 02:59 AM
Besides...Look at our O line play, the entire defense, the friggin amazing linebackers, our seemingly superhuman QB, Kelly catching everything that comes his way, DeMarco throwing that unselfish block, Tight Ends all playingt great, a fullback scoring a TD after such a great read by Sam, and so much more.

What other D could have made that Miami Touchdown drive take so freaking long? It sucked that a guy got left open for the TD, but damn we made 'em work for it!

And seriously...What other team has so many tackles for loss?

And you want to feel good about things? We're only gonna get better and come together even more as a team.

This is our year...the magic is back and we won't even need the regular Sooner Magic if we keep it up...We'll never need a miracle play if we win every game by 30 plus points!

Stitch Face
9/9/2007, 10:39 AM
I thought Sooner Magic was a game to game, kinda sporadic thing when you needed it most, not something that permeates a season. We should do tests.

9/9/2007, 10:43 AM
Yeah I saw that on espn this morning too. We're getting some love as a possible top 3 team. How can we not the way we've played so far? If we keep this up we'll have to be considered one of the top 3.

9/9/2007, 10:47 AM
Not to denigrate the thread but SOONER MAGIC had nothing to do with the BEATDOWN of UM.Sooner Magic is that undefinable essence which allows Sooner teams to win at CRUNCH TIME under duress.This was an old-fashioned butt-whuppin'.

9/9/2007, 10:55 AM
Our magic bag is full, we didn't have to dip into to beat down Miami. We might need it later. :D

9/9/2007, 11:03 AM
We have used zero amounts of Sooner Magic this season.

9/9/2007, 11:21 AM
I can't believe all the praise we are getting from ESPN. I guess it is pretty hard to ignore how great we have been playing this season. As far as Holtz goes, just imagine if Bradford or Murray played for Notre Dame. He, and Beano Cook, wouldn't be able to contain their excitement. Oh well, I am not going to complain too much. I much prefer Holtz to that empty suit Trev Alberts.

9/9/2007, 11:49 AM
can't believe all the praise we are getting from ESPN. These so called professional sports web sites are getting more & more like these college football message boards, where the in-thing is just stomp on a team when they're down, or blow them like crazy when they win, and I never imagined, but CBS sportsline appears to be the worst.
Classy headlineClassy headline http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2335/screenshot025ji0.jpg
CBSsportsline bush league headline http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/2369/screenshot034bw2.jpg

9/9/2007, 11:52 AM
why did they take Patrick out ?

I think what they said was 'cramps' but our other running backs showed that we didn't really need Patrick to come back in, so they let him rest. Still had like 50 or 60 yards, and should have had a pass for a huge gain.

Scott D
9/9/2007, 12:30 PM
I can't believe all the praise we are getting from ESPN. I guess it is pretty hard to ignore how great we have been playing this season. As far as Holtz goes, just imagine if Bradford or Murray played for Notre Dame. He, and Beano Cook, wouldn't be able to contain their excitement. Oh well, I am not going to complain too much. I much prefer Holtz to that empty suit Trev Alberts.

but yet, somehow Holtz managed to give one of his two "helmet stickers" last night to Sam Bradford.

9/9/2007, 12:44 PM
Holtz gets a little cranky when he's soiled his diaper...

Give him a break...he'll come around once his caretaker has changed him.

9/9/2007, 01:37 PM
The only one who had anything negative to say is that pos old fark Holtz.

AND HE PICKED US TO WIN THE MNC!!!! He's either senile, or just very confused.

9/9/2007, 01:51 PM
I have nothing against Sooner Magic, but what we saw yesterday was not it. What we saw yesterday was a good old-fashioned ***whuppin where the boys from Thug U finally had to take a dose of their own medecine.

9/9/2007, 02:17 PM
Holtz gets a little cranky when he's soiled his diaper...

Give him a break...he'll come around once his caretaker has changed him.

Ouch! I nearly soiled myself you heartless bastich :D