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View Full Version : how do those of you that live in oklahoma...

9/4/2007, 11:45 AM
put up with pokes? We made a weekend trip up to tulsa so my fiance and her two kids could meet my family that lives in owasso and skiatook. We are on our way back, and stop at the academy on 44 to get some ou stuff, because selection in texas is very limited. I already have the stepkids converted to ou fans, especially the boy, and he is really excited to get some shirts and a hat. We are looking through all the stuff, and a poke fan walks by, looks at my 7 year old son holding an ou shirt, and asks him why he wants to wear that "piece of $hit rag" then gives me a look that I took as " yeah, i said it, what you gonna do about it." Before i could do or say anything, my boy looks at him and says" if it had a cowboy on it, i would probably wipe my ***." then looks at me and says, come on, daddy, he is stupid. I almost cried, I was so proud.

9/4/2007, 11:47 AM
oh i never get tired of hearing 7 year-olds out whit grown osu fans.

9/4/2007, 11:49 AM
Its like people at walmart. You see them but you do your best to ignore them.

Hot Rod
9/4/2007, 11:50 AM
Wow, an OSU adult fan insulting a child...a new low for poke fans. Makes the OU crotch-grabbing fan look good.

9/4/2007, 11:58 AM
OSU people do not know how to behave around children, see their starting LB
Chris Collins.

9/4/2007, 12:13 PM
Not that all Poke fans are like this... ;)

But yesterday, I was leaving my in-law's after dropping my daughter off so I could go into work. I cross over to the median and then see a black Explorer with OSU license plates on the front coming the other way so I stop and allow them to go by.

Despite this act of good driving, I get a stupid Poke looking out the window with a WTF look on his face.

I think nothing of it and drop in behind them where one of the idiots decides to throw a Whataburger cup onto somebody's lawn. Then the kicker. They blow through a Yield sign on a loop around over a bridge causing the driver behind them to have to slam onto her brakes to avoid hitting them.

Naturally, I laid into my horn and gave them a WTF look.

9/4/2007, 12:37 PM
i deal with them by trying to leave Norman as little as possible :D

9/4/2007, 12:43 PM
Yes, minimize contact. It's the only way.

9/4/2007, 12:48 PM

9/4/2007, 12:49 PM
So Tulsa has Hills, trees, and Aggies? Why is the third part never brought up around here?

9/4/2007, 01:00 PM
Seriously. Just what is so cool about the color orange, Eskimo Joe's cheese fries, Hideaway Pizza, Boone Pickens Stadium, The Strip, the waving wheat, wrestling championships, Bullet, "Orange Power," Big Country, homecoming house decs, Theta Pond, camping out in front of Gallagher-Iba, Shortcakes at 3 a.m., the library chimes and Pistol Pete? I just don't get it!! :confused:

9/4/2007, 01:54 PM
Seriously. Just what is so cool about the color orange, Eskimo Joe's cheese fries, Hideaway Pizza, Boone Pickens Stadium, The Strip, the waving wheat, wrestling championships, Bullet, "Orange Power," Big Country, homecoming house decs, Theta Pond, camping out in front of Gallagher-Iba, Shortcakes at 3 a.m., the library chimes and Pistol Pete? I just don't get it!! :confused:

is shortcakes that restaurant in a trailer? cus that place is good at 3 in the morning. i've been to a few parties with some high school buddies up there.

9/4/2007, 02:01 PM
Seriously. Just what is so cool about the color orange, Eskimo Joe's cheese fries, Hideaway Pizza, Boone Pickens Stadium, The Strip, the waving wheat, wrestling championships, Bullet, "Orange Power," Big Country, homecoming house decs, Theta Pond, camping out in front of Gallagher-Iba, Shortcakes at 3 a.m., the library chimes and Pistol Pete? I just don't get it!! :confused:

that reminded me of the following bulletin someone posted on myspace..
and of all people to post it, a Sooner fan. His excuse:

Well, I did it in the spirit of friendship and the fact that OSU got smacked down by UGA. Having to wear Halloween colors all year round is just the tip of the iceberg of the abject shame of being an OSU fan. Plus, like I always say: If you live in Norman, you drive 17 miles, you're in OKC; if you live in Stillwater, you drive 13 miles and you're at the highway.

in the "spirit of frienship" i forgave him. this time.

read if you dare

Go Pokes!
Body: When I see people wearing OSU hats or shirts, most of the time no words
Have to be spoken.

I started thinking about orange and what it means. Is orange a
Particularly pretty color? No. Yet we all find it beautiful. Is it a popular color?
Fashion right now has a lot of orange in it, but normally, it isn’t. Is
it a powerful color? It is eye catching, but not really considered powerful.
So why in the world do I and other faithful love it so much? The color is
A symbol. It is all we remember of our Oklahoma State.

To us it not only symbolizes eons of national championships, but also
3-7 seasons. It is Theta Pond, it is Greek Row, it is the Union. It is
Barry Sanders, Eddie Sutton, Mike Gundy, Pat Jones, Big Country, Henry Iba
And Rashaun Woods. It is meeting your friends at Joes, the Hideaway or the
DOG. It is illegal dorm parties. It is Pistol Pete. It is the Waving Song or
The Alma Mater. Its IFC. Its ****** 01 in Norman and broken roses. Its
Garth and Cross Canadian and Boland. It is The Walk, it is tailgating. It is that
Girl you always wanted to ask out but never did. Its the guy you always wish
would have. Its date parties and pre-parties. Its the swan. House decks
and hot chocolate and pomping and signs that say Do not watch Arc!

It is late night Pizza Shuttle runs. It is no air conditioning in the
Dorm or getting tickets from campus police. Its the Sirloin Stockade steer
floating in Theta Pond. It is signing up for a 4 hour class at 7:30 in
the morning as a freshman. It is DUIs and MIPs and learning to never do
that again. It is ******. Its FIJI, DELT, SNAKE, THETA, PI PHI, AGR. It is
heart breaks and leaving friends. It is showing our recruits how much we
appreciate them, it is feeling disappointed when some choose to go
elsewhere, or the elation of them deciding to come to OSU and join our
family. It is Thursday nights. Its planes, Colorado, snow and memories
that burn in all hearts that wear the Orange and Black. Its Stout,
Classroom, Ag Hall and Kerr-Drummond. Its an orange fountain; its finals week. Its
Meeting a kid thats parents knew your parents while they were here.

We cant talk about our feelings for our school without going into
Stories that would make peoples eyes glaze over and bring a tear to some. Its
Hard to explain to people that the reason we wear orange isnt because of
Sports or 7 National Football Championships. It isnt because of any one thing
Or even 100 things. Orange is pride in all things OSU. Be they good things
Or bad things, they are all part of why I love OSU. When I see people
Wearing OSU hats or shirts, most of the time no words have to be spoken. Just a
Nod or a smile and we both know that orange is something special. A
Lifetime of friends, fond memories, hurts and joy that we all have and will keep
For an eternity~ One day our kids will hear and then they will see and then
Theirs will hear about the times as they are and were~ All the while the
Chimes will sing the fight song, hearts will flutter and folks will feel a
Great sense of belonging. Fans children will sit on parents shoulders with
Arms waving to Bullet racing out of the West end zone and the commentators
Voice saying, With 9:08 remaining in the first half; Here Comes Bullet! When
You pass a car with Pete peering out of an Orange Star, you know that they
Know that you know; Its letting go, holding on, and forever remembering why
We were/are at the best college in America.

Rewind; remember cool autumn air walking to class and passing friends,
exs, lovers, and the rush you feel every time you go back; A lump in a
throat, a bitter-sweet graduation in a cap and gown; A desire to stay forever.

Although we are gone, we are still there-

Author Unknown

9/4/2007, 02:03 PM

9/4/2007, 02:04 PM
the only time i ever wear orange is so i don't get shot during deer season. then i wear the minimum amount possible.

King Crimson
9/4/2007, 02:12 PM
ah, the ol' "my college invented college experiences" nostalgia post.....i thought that was just at Texags.com...

9/4/2007, 02:18 PM
Since I'm married to an Alum / Poke Band Member....

I feel I can give an honest answer to your question.

My Wife has been absorbed into the Sooner collective.

My Sister and BIL...they are actual Poke Fans. They root on their team like normal fans. I'm proud of them for that. They don't understand how my Wife can wear OU apparrel to the OU games given that she was hit in the head by an orange while performing in the Poke Band back in the 80's on Owen Field.

She's a very special person indeed.

Now...the reason it has become easy for her to enter the collective is simple. Everybody likes a winner. :D

She has seen how many of her Alma Mater have taken the loSur role in dealing with the interstate rivalry some call B****m.

She loves being with Family and taking the kids to a few games a year in Norman too. We're preparing them for a future that envolves a good education. OU :D

Everyone wants the best for their kids...

OU OU OU OU OU OU ! ! ! !

The End

Thanks for reading

9/4/2007, 02:21 PM
put up with pokes? We made a weekend trip up to tulsa so my fiance and her two kids could meet my family that lives in owasso and skiatook. We are on our way back, and stop at the academy on 44 to get some ou stuff, because selection in texas is very limited. I already have the stepkids converted to ou fans, especially the boy, and he is really excited to get some shirts and a hat. We are looking through all the stuff, and a poke fan walks by, looks at my 7 year old son holding an ou shirt, and asks him why he wants to wear that "piece of $hit rag" then gives me a look that I took as " yeah, i said it, what you gonna do about it." Before i could do or say anything, my boy looks at him and says" if it had a cowboy on it, i would probably wipe my ***." then looks at me and says, come on, daddy, he is stupid. I almost cried, I was so proud.I would have cried too. That's priceless!

9/4/2007, 02:25 PM
is shortcakes that restaurant in a trailer? cus that place is good at 3 in the morning. i've been to a few parties with some high school buddies up there.

I don't think it's in a trailer, just an extremely tiny building. I can't remember cause everytime I went there I was pretty inebriated. :O

9/4/2007, 02:31 PM
i just remember the hash browns. and i could smoke inside. it was nice.

9/4/2007, 02:32 PM
Shortcakes pwns

9/4/2007, 02:38 PM
HI...Mrs. Stoop TrOUp here. My husband pretty well summed it up. I SWORE I would never cheer for OU when I was hit in the head by that orange. And then...I met one of the biggest OU fans, who lives in one of the biggest OU families ever.

I agreed to go to the first game with him, but I wouldn't wear OU colors. That turned out to be so much fun, that the next game I wore crimson, but nothing that said OU on it. More fun times, and I was sold. I now have an arsenal of OU pieces on my closet and only 2 or 3 OSU pieces.

I hate it when I hear about a dumb*** like the OSU fan mentioned above. It gives us really good Poke fans a bad name. Please don't lump us all together!

I will always cheer for OU, but when the rivalry is on, I will be wearing Orange and Black. I just might not always cheer for them to win, especially if OU has the better season record.

Thanks for listening!

9/4/2007, 02:40 PM
You know, there's something I find very peculiar about Pokes. Twice a year I have to hire a PR intern. In my experience, the candidates from OSU are by far the best journalism students. They actually know how to spell, use proper grammar and can write in the journalistic style. Now...OU has pumped millions of dollars into the Gaylord College of Journalism. Why aren't these kids measuring up to their peers up north? I am so perplexed by this.

9/4/2007, 02:41 PM
That aggie summed it up in the winning in Norman in 01 and broken roses.
What the crap was their record that year? All they care about is winning one game a year.

9/4/2007, 02:44 PM

I'm shocked.

I went to go take a shower and when I came back....she's standing there saying "Come here! Look at this post..."

I thought...damn...I forgot to get that off the screen....

I could only be luckier as a Husband if I had a time machine and we could take her back to where her Dad said...I'll help you through school as long as it's oSu....:D

9/4/2007, 02:48 PM
At least your aggy has been relevant in some sports.. rasslin', golf, baseball, basketball.... and at least your aggy don't dress up its band in GI Joe costumes, buzz cut their hair, lower the academic admission standards to be part of that cult and go around performing cunninglinguistics with a damned dog for 4 years.... all the while ignoring the fact that Baylor.. BAYLOR.. has more national championships in athletics than aggy.

You just have Whataburger Orange and an ag school whose football stadium has fake grass and faces east/west.

Your aggy is harmless.. almost... cute with how they want to be relevant... our aggy is... cultishly bizarre.

9/4/2007, 02:53 PM
I'd hate to have to deal with those sabre rattlers...

They are so dense that you couldn't pull excaliber out of their heads.

9/4/2007, 03:07 PM
the only time i ever wear orange is so i don't get shot during deer season. then i wear the minimum amount possible.
I wore it once in high school when I had to do community service for a speeding ticket.

9/4/2007, 03:09 PM
I make her store that orange stuff in the attic.

9/4/2007, 03:10 PM
I wore it once in high school when I had to do community service for a speeding ticket.

Wow, never heard that one before. ;)

9/4/2007, 03:14 PM
Wow, never heard that one before. ;)
Maybe an old cliche but in this case it's just a fact that's hard to pass up.

9/4/2007, 09:43 PM
My dislike of OSU is greater than that of the puke orange school down here, that is because the firm that I worked at in OKC was about 50% poke out of about 150 people...they made it hard to like anything OSU.

You know, there's something I find very peculiar about Pokes. Twice a year I have to hire a PR intern. In my experience, the candidates from OSU are by far the best journalism students. They actually know how to spell, use proper grammar and can write in the journalistic style. Now...OU has pumped millions of dollars into the Gaylord College of Journalism. Why aren't these kids measuring up to their peers up north? I am so perplexed by this.
My sister was a journalism major at OU in 94-95, she got a 31 on her ACT, 4th in her class out of 400+ and on a regents scholarship. She was the editor of her high school (and jr. high) papers and turned deficits into profits and even had conflicts with administration and school board over content. Her papers were better put together than most daily newspapers that are out now.

The journalism program there made her change her mind about the field, she hated it, the way they taught it, the "focus" of the program on things other than what should matter (in her opinion). She changed to elementary education and transferred to UCO.

9/4/2007, 09:49 PM
OU paper = POS.

Nuthin but a rag. I stopped reading it early on at school.

9/4/2007, 09:49 PM
OU paper = POS.

Nuthin but a rag.

i pick it up to do the sudoku

9/4/2007, 11:13 PM
To Mrs Stooptroup So ya say you dont cheer the aggies at all ?
when was the last time they had a better record than OU during that game?:D
No as to how do I deal with em around here . I subscribe to the Dean method of riddin the state of vermin ;)

9/5/2007, 12:31 AM
I get along great with almost nearly every OSU aggie I know. I was best man for one of 'em. One time in LA he got so sick of the longwhorn watch party at the same sportsbar he was at he even started singing "Boomer Sooner."

9/5/2007, 12:38 AM
It is that Girl you always wanted to ask out but never did. Its the guy you always wish would have.

That's awesome. lOSUr is bisexual.

9/5/2007, 12:40 AM
Oklahoma is awesome in the fall and spring....summer is not that bad and neither is winter, one of the greatest places in the world.....

9/5/2007, 12:14 PM
Oklahoma is awesome in the fall and spring....summer is not that bad and neither is winter, one of the greatest places in the world.....

yeah... but that doesnt help with a retarded poke, does it?:confused:

9/5/2007, 12:21 PM
yeah... but that doesnt help with a retarded poke, does it?:confused:

psst..i think he has reading comprehension issues

9/5/2007, 01:28 PM
Since I'm married to an Alum / Poke Band Member....

I feel I can give an honest answer to your question.

My Wife has been absorbed into the Sooner collective.

My Sister and BIL...they are actual Poke Fans. They root on their team like normal fans. I'm proud of them for that. They don't understand how my Wife can wear OU apparrel to the OU games given that she was hit in the head by an orange while performing in the Poke Band back in the 80's on Owen Field.

She's a very special person indeed.

Now...the reason it has become easy for her to enter the collective is simple. Everybody likes a winner. :D

She has seen how many of her Alma Mater have taken the loSur role in dealing with the interstate rivalry some call B****m.

She loves being with Family and taking the kids to a few games a year in Norman too. We're preparing them for a future that envolves a good education. OU :D

Everyone wants the best for their kids...

OU OU OU OU OU OU ! ! ! !

The End

Thanks for reading

Sounds like the orange in the noggin knocked some sense into her?

9/5/2007, 02:54 PM
OU paper = POS.

Nuthin but a rag. I stopped reading it early on at school.
I like seeing who got arrested.

9/5/2007, 11:26 PM