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View Full Version : Guaranteed to draw hate...on me, but...

9/3/2007, 10:12 AM
There are a lot of really good OU highlight vids out there.
Then there are the dark and grainy ones. OK, I can live with that.
But why the seeming obsession with that crap known as "rap", and why the downright obscene ones? The hard rock? Well, if it isn't laced with the "F" word, cool enough.
I've got friends to whom I send links of Sooner Greatness, many in other countries, but I have to pick and choose verrrrrrry carefully lest I offend them. Often I must refrain from sending a link that features great visuals because I'm embarassed by the racket that accompanies them.
Maybe the guys who create these vids. pro or amateur alike, could offer TWO versions; One for folks who want to retain their hearing into old age and who prefer a dash of Boomer Sooner in the background, and one for the, uhhh, others.
Yeah, yeah, I COULD turn the volume off, but can I guarantee that children of the folks I send my Sooner vid links to will do the same?

About that "Hate". Well, in the immortal words of Lester T. Molester...
"Let 'er rip!"

(Behind that big rock...with a gun.)

9/3/2007, 10:15 AM
Actually I agree with you. Not because I don't like cussing, but because I don't like much of the accompanying music on these videos. It's like putting trucker girly mudflaps on a Corvette. Just doesn't fit.

9/3/2007, 10:17 AM
fwiw, you are not alone. It's all a matter of taste and I don't care for rap. Most of the videos I see I have to mute to sit through. Certainly takes away from it.

9/3/2007, 10:18 AM
Actually I agree with you. Not because I don't like cussing, but because I don't like much of the accompanying music on these videos. It's like putting trucker girly mudflaps on a Corvette. Just doesn't fit.

Here. Take this rifle. There's room for both of us behind this rock.
You're the man, Rogueish one.
(Bogey at 6 O'clock!)


9/3/2007, 10:19 AM
fwiw, you are not alone. It's all a matter of taste and I don't care for rap. Most of the videos I see I have to mute to sit through. Certainly takes away from it.

Miko, you're on the Fifty Cal! Cover the left flank!


9/3/2007, 10:21 AM

9/3/2007, 10:24 AM
You are NOT alone.......the music rarely matches the show.......it also lacks general respect......but then so does society.........

9/3/2007, 10:28 AM
You're right, every OU highlight vid should feature the Dukes of Hazard theme song... or maybe just dueling banjos.

9/3/2007, 10:33 AM
You're right, every OU highlight vid should feature the Dukes of Hazard theme song... or maybe just dueling banjos.

Not a bad idea! (YOU are on KP, BTW!)
And U. of Meetchikkin vids oughta feature "Dueling Oboes"!


9/3/2007, 10:35 AM
You're right, every OU highlight vid should feature the Dukes of Hazard theme song... or maybe just dueling banjos.

Have some red!

Confirmed wound, little sucker just poked his head over the burm and...KAPOW...that'll learn 'im.

9/3/2007, 10:39 AM
Have some red!

Confirmed wound, little sucker just poked his head over the burm and...KAPOW...that'll learn 'im.

...dern 'im!


9/3/2007, 10:53 AM
I know of a couple that seem the have pretty good soundtracks!

9/3/2007, 10:59 AM
LoyalFan - Have to taken a look at the videos posted on SoonerSports.com? Take a look at this video of the NT game:


No music, just BB calling the game.

9/3/2007, 11:25 AM
Greatness! Thanks, Whet!


9/3/2007, 11:46 AM
Hmm, I've made highlight videos using a genre of music outside of the norm...

Last years ****** (http://youtube.com/watch?v=gC3wM1_VU9k)

And I just recently made a video of North Texas-OU (http://youtube.com/watch?v=riOipgG8c6o)highlights to a rock/techno song, nothing to hardcore. But yeah, I'm guilty of making rap videos as well.

Anyway, I figured their were people out there who were sick of all the rock/rap mixes, and I thought I'd go with something more "storytelling", whatever that means. Anyway, if all the highlight vides out there are not your taste, why not make your own?

9/3/2007, 11:50 AM
Double post:

Also, the rock/techno song features a Christian band, P.O.D, so that ought to take away worries of young ones and what goes in their ears. As for the OU OSU game, no words at all. Just music from the Matrix soundtrack.

9/3/2007, 11:51 AM
Hmm, I've made highlight videos using a genre of music outside of the norm...

And I just recently made a video of North Texas-OU (http://youtube.com/watch?v=riOipgG8c6o)highlights to a rock/techno song, ... why not make your own?

I am eager to watch your vid (can't access it @ werk :mad:)

As for making my own, I have thought of it but fear I lack the talent and technical know-how:O

9/3/2007, 11:51 AM
Hmm, I've made highlight videos using a genre of music outside of the norm...

Last years ****** (http://youtube.com/watch?v=gC3wM1_VU9k)

And I just recently made a video of North Texas-OU (http://youtube.com/watch?v=riOipgG8c6o)highlights to a rock/techno song, nothing to hardcore. But yeah, I'm guilty of making rap videos as well.

Anyway, I figured their were people out there who were sick of all the rock/rap mixes, and I thought I'd go with something more "storytelling", whatever that means. Anyway, if all the highlight vides out there are not your taste, why not make your own?

Actually the easiest thing to do is just turn the sound off which is what I usually do.

I appreciated the video and your hard work.

Music is a matter of taste and there is no way to please everyone. For me, if a computer was used to produce the sound it isn't music. That's just me I am old school to the core where music is concerned.

Thanks again for the video.

9/3/2007, 11:57 AM
I appreciated the video and your hard work.

Music is a matter of taste and there is no way to please everyone.

Thanks again for the video.

I agree.

I certainly am not in a position to criticize anyone's efforts. Merely agreeing with LF's comment about personal taste in music.

9/3/2007, 02:41 PM
I dig what the folks are trying to do when they put music to their highlight clips.

However, when we're clicking on all cylinders, I think these highlight videos would work just as effectively with, say, Beethoven -- they don't really need to be pumped up by high-adrenaline audio. The visuals have all the impact needed.

Although, guess some music probably *wouldn't* work... Like Benny Hill stuff.

9/3/2007, 03:19 PM
I'm with you.

9/3/2007, 03:28 PM
Well LF, you thought you were going to get ambushed, but a lot of other
decent people agree with you. Now if we can just get rid of the lake lice.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/3/2007, 03:30 PM
You're right, every OU highlight vid should feature the Dukes of Hazard theme song... or maybe just dueling banjos.Pls. ID yourself. Are you whorn, orange aggy, the U, domer, suc, or some other non-Sooner riff-raff?

9/3/2007, 03:37 PM
Pls. ID yourself. Are you whorn, orange aggy, the U, domer, suc, or some other non-Sooner riff-raff?

you should have mentioned A$$Whole U as his almamater.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/3/2007, 05:14 PM
you should have mentioned A$$Whole U as his almamater.I believe all the schools I mentioned have that as a nicname.

Animal Mother
9/3/2007, 05:21 PM
Unfortunately rap is what sells right at this moment. I could live without it but it ain't gonna happen.

9/3/2007, 05:34 PM
Honestly, I like when the music from a particular vid comes from the same era as the video footage. More authentic, or something.

9/3/2007, 05:59 PM
Honestly, I liked the techno remix of Jeff used in his. I like a more up beat music.

But then, if I don't like a vid, I move on. It's not like I'm making them. If you can't find one you like, then make yer own.

9/3/2007, 10:04 PM
I don't like the swear words either. It limits the videos I can share with my friends and family as well.

9/3/2007, 10:10 PM
"I love swear words."

M Scorsese

9/3/2007, 10:13 PM
Honestly, I like when the music from a particular vid comes from the same era as the video footage. More authentic, or something.
Are you suggesting that rap is the only music that represents this era?;)

9/3/2007, 10:23 PM
Rap doesn't qualify as music to me, so I don't want to hear it period. And as far as football videos, I wanna watch and hear football, could care less about music being in the mix. Oh, and I'm old, so I could care less about anyone' love of crap..............er rap! ;)

9/3/2007, 10:25 PM
I don't mind rap as long as it's not the crap that gets played on the radio, but if it is then it probably doesn't go well with football, anyway.

Play some Mozart on a highlight reel.

9/3/2007, 10:27 PM
I dont like that crap either

9/3/2007, 10:28 PM
two words.


9/3/2007, 10:47 PM
Rap = "music" that's misspelled. They left the "c" off the front.