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View Full Version : Okay dear South Oval... new (theater) movies question...

9/3/2007, 01:19 AM
Any genre, any actors, anything. I got me some free movie passes today.

What's new? What's good? What is teh succ? What is out right now that is so awesom-o (in your humble opinions) that you couldn't live without seeing it?

I nevar go to the movies anymore, so I've been strolling around movie sites and watching trailers. If you have more than one suggestion, that's :cool:, because I'll apparently be seeing mroe than just one.

9/3/2007, 01:21 AM
Go see superbad

9/3/2007, 01:33 AM
I haven't seen it but my daugher said that "chuck and Larry" movie was hilarious...also, she isn't a fan of the Simpson's tv show, but LOVED the movie...i liked the Bourne Ultimatum

and Holy Carp..."The Princess Bride" is showing at 10:00 am tomorrow...er..later today...

9/3/2007, 01:34 AM
superbad has my vote too.

9/3/2007, 01:44 AM
I've got a lot of votes for "SuperBad," and I'm definitely looking forward to it. "Chuck and Larry" I forgot about... I'll put that on my list, too.

9/3/2007, 01:46 AM
No Reservations is a good date movie

9/3/2007, 06:42 AM
Bourne Ultimatum was teh win.

I won't go back to the theater until it's been screened for loudness first!

I'm joining the "I'll wait for the DVD" crowd. Surrounded by dozens of really loud people eating really loud food in really loud crinkly plastic and drinking really loud drinks through obnoxious sounding slurping straws. Yeah, can I get back in line for THAT ride again? So, here's to really loud speakers and movie volume so I can go and, at least, not have to hear the busy sounds of too many people in too small a space. Mah couch is the most underrated entertainment center of the decade!

9/3/2007, 08:46 AM
Stardust is really, really good.