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View Full Version : Thoughts on virginia tech

9/2/2007, 06:46 PM
So over the past few years Virginia Tech has gone from a program I really liked, to a bunch of thugs. I feel sorry for what happened at their campus. I preyed for the students, the families, and the community.

however, I feel like ESPN is pouring down my throat that they are America's team. F that. They are still a bunch of thugs. Im not going to feel sorry for feeling that way, no matter how much they show people crying in the stands.

Im probably going to burn in hell now.

9/2/2007, 06:54 PM
You know, I watched the VT game and had similar thoughts. ESPN really hit the pseudo-emotion button HARD this game.

"This is a really important game for VT because they could just come together, stand as one, and cheer as one."

Hm, that's how it always works in Norman. Are things just different out there?

"This football game is really important for the community because they can finally begin to heal."

So the last four months have done absolutely nothing for them? What about all of the VT students who couldn't come to the game?

"Tech is having such a hard time playing today because of all of the emotion."

No, they're having a hard time because they're one of the most overrated teams in the top 20.

Man, it's like... I don't know, talking about how important our game vs. UNT was because it finally allowed for the healing from the OKC bombing to begin. Or if some east coast school's football game allowed them to finally forget the Titanic.

The "Hokie Nation" has moved on by now, ESPN, why can't you? And if they've dwelled on this incident for four and a half months, then there's something wrong there that calls for therapy, not a football game.

9/2/2007, 07:13 PM
unfortunately this is the sad sad states of today's sensationalistic media... capitalize on every single thing that has an ounce of emotional spirit in it. Granted it was a terrible event. so was columbine and so was the miners that were trapped but give someone a mic that is in dispair and see the ratings ($$$) go up.

9/2/2007, 07:41 PM
I don't know...

When the guys at TAMU had the logs collapse...I respectfully gave them their time in the limelight.

When oSu's BB Team crashed in a plane accident. Same respect.

VT gets their time here too IMO...

I think every school that has a tragic occurance such as these deserve their time of healing.

The thing is...We have great spirit here as Sooners. Nobody's actions can take that away from us.

The same should go for everyone else.

Wacko copycats like the one at VT or Columbine should take note...

We will recover and you'll still be a dead wacko

9/2/2007, 08:17 PM
There's a time to remember, then there's a time to move on.

I am happy that they had their moment in the spotlight... even if it was a game versus Eastern Carolina...

However, now is time to move on (but unfortunately, we have two competing feel good stories vying for America's Team status)

Do we cheer for the Hurricane conquerors, or the... um... whatever Va Tech did. Without sounding too insensitive, at least most of them didn't have to evacuate the place they called home, worry about whether or not their families were safe for weeks (Va Tech only had to worry for less than a day), or have their coastal cities and economy destroyed. What exactly did Va Tech do, besides mourn and remember?

For that reason, I think it's time to move on. VT had a rough end of semester, but their situation could have been much worse and effected many more people. Our state's had worse natural disasters than any other state, resulting in illness, death and damage in a year's time. You don't see us running a prevail defense.

So, VT--- I hope you move on.

PS: Isn't it awesome that everyone's ragging on Michigan for losing to Appalachian State instead of us for losing to Boise State? I love it!

The Maestro
9/2/2007, 08:21 PM
Well, sure tragedy sucks, but as far as football goes, Va Tech looked lame. 17 points at home and 7 of those on defense. I don't care what the spread is...I am going to LOAD UP on LSU crushing Va Tech next week.

9/2/2007, 10:33 PM
Nothing like OU calling other programs players THUGS..LMFAO.

September 8th in Norman college football is corrected. The U says **** U

9/2/2007, 10:42 PM
Nothing like OU calling other programs players THUGS..LMFAO.

September 8th in Norman college football is corrected. The U says **** U


9/2/2007, 10:46 PM
I love it when Miami fans refer to themselves as "the U." It always makes me laugh my *** off and think of Kellen Winslow's red-faced rant about bein' a solider.

Good times!

Here's hoping no Miami players go bat-**** insane and run onto the field swinging their helmet as a weapon.

9/2/2007, 10:51 PM
Nothing like OU calling other programs players THUGS..LMFAO.

September 8th in Norman college football is corrected. The U says **** U You may continue this brand of posting at Smack Central (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10) -- that's what it's there for.

But if you continue to use it in this forum, you won't be here much longer. This forum has no place for "THA U" mentality of posting.

This is your only warning.

9/2/2007, 10:54 PM
Man, you guys (and gals) are harsh.

I still like me some Beamer ball. The shooting rampage there was tragic as hell and sports has always been pointed to as a healing experience. As for the media coverage, I think it's refreshing to see stories about the communities and the link between those communities healing from tragedies and sports events.

ESPN shoves much worse stories down our throats than this. Corso thinking the VT team will compete at a BCS level this year is crazy, they were flat yesterday. Against ECU. As far as having a bunch of thugs, they are right on par with other "big-time" programs. You can't win with a bunch of milk-drinkers.

Position Limit
9/2/2007, 11:16 PM
it's all about the bucks. and espn knows this. i was really hoping for an upset because of this. that and the fact that va tech competes with miami for the ghetto team title year in and year out. off topic, but i was watching the cocaines yesterday, and i think there was 15k people in the stands. new season, new coach, last year in that stadium and nobody shows up. including the marshall football team. pathetic. sorry to get off topic.

9/2/2007, 11:20 PM
You may continue this brand of posting at Smack Central (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10) -- that's what it's there for.

But if you continue to use it in this forum, you won't be here much longer. This forum has no place for "THA U" mentality of posting.

This is your only warning.

Just got it actually .. Will continue over there.

9/2/2007, 11:50 PM
speakin of VT, whats up with beamer's chin? always wondered about that.

9/2/2007, 11:54 PM
speakin of VT, whats up with beamer's chin? always wondered about that. In 1954, when Beamer was seven years old, he used a push broom to help keep a pile of burning trash in place. When the job was done he returned the broom to the garage, not knowing that its brushes were still smoldering. A spark ignited a can of nearby gasoline, that exploded in front of him. His 11-year old brother, Barnett, saved him by rolling him around on the ground, but Frank was left with burns on the right side of his neck, chest and his shoulders. Over the next few years he endured dozens of painful skin grafts and was left with permanent scarring. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Beamer)

9/3/2007, 01:42 AM
I think that the first game was a healing process for a very timid campus and fanbase. However, ESPN tried to make capital off of it. It was very obvious. They advertised it for weeks, had endless commercial breaks during it (wonder why?) and never shut up about it during the game. People want to pay tribute to those who lose their lives, but they don't want to be reminded every single second about what happened when they've shown up for a game. I never felt like there was a "healing process" from the OKC bombing, was that because we weren't top 25?

VT is overrated as far as X's and O's are concerned. But for now, a lot of teams are because nothing has played out. They have a history of bad eggs like anyone else does. VT has the infamous Vick brothers to USC's OJ Simpson. Texas has Ricky Williams to OSU's Prentiss Elliot. We had Charles Thompson to tOSU's Clarett. etc, etc, etc.

9/3/2007, 11:30 AM
The issue is that ESPN was pimping that tragedy for ratings. I considered it disgusting.

9/3/2007, 12:40 PM
i'm willing to put that game up to emotion. the QB went to high school with multiple victims AND the shooter

for one game, all the hype is ok. hopefully they can call get past it, and ESPN can get over it.

9/3/2007, 01:01 PM
We very nearly had a horrific tragedy of our own with the crackpot that blew himself up on the South Oval. I sincerely thank God that he didn't make it into the stadium.

There is no predicting insanity and ESPN should be ashamed for exploiting the VT shooting. The remark that got me was "Michael Vick and everything he has gone through". Duh, he did it to himself - the others were innocent victims.

9/3/2007, 01:09 PM
In 1954, when Beamer was seven years old, he used a push broom to help keep a pile of burning trash in place. When the job was done he returned the broom to the garage, not knowing that its brushes were still smoldering. A spark ignited a can of nearby gasoline, that exploded in front of him. His 11-year old brother, Barnett, saved him by rolling him around on the ground, but Frank was left with burns on the right side of his neck, chest and his shoulders. Over the next few years he endured dozens of painful skin grafts and was left with permanent scarring. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Beamer)



Frozen Sooner
9/3/2007, 02:19 PM
Wow. I feel bad for ever making fun of it now.