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8/30/2007, 08:04 PM
I saw this from the Poke board. It seems to be a hoax. Sorry if it has been posted.

USA Today
Friday, August 24, 2007

Jump on The Bandwagon; Literally: Sooner Fans Among Least Educated

Norman, OK – A new study released last month by the Sports Statistics Foundation, a research and statistical think-tank based in Dallas, Texas, shows that Sooner fans are among the least educated in the nation, and dead last in the Big 12.

The study was commissioned by the Big 12 last year to assist the sports marketing department. "We thought the information would be valuable in determining where to place our TV, radio, and print advertisements", said Bill Brenner, Big 12 Executive Director, "but we never expected these results."

The study looked at the percentage of each school's fans that have a college education. Only 4.7% of sports fans identifying themselves with The University of Oklahoma had completed a college degree, lowest among the Big 12 teams. OU ranked in the lower 5th percentile nationally. Additionally OU ranked 3rd in the nation in number of high school dropouts claiming allegiance to the school as a percentage of the total fan base.

The survey results were both good and bad for the State of Oklahoma. Oddly enough the study showed the Oklahoma State University had some of the most educated fans. According to Brenner this wasn't so surprising, "OSU is known nationally and internationally for several programs that are consistently recognized for their quality. It's not all about cows and corn there in Stillwater."

OU fans, get ready. Change is on the way. "Due to the surprising results, we're going to have to reevaluate our entire advertising campaign", says Joe Castiglione, University of Oklahoma Athletic Director. "Historically our strategy has been to target wealthy, educated professionals in an attempt to increase season ticket holder revenue which carries higher profit-margins. Now we see a more targeted economic class approach being appropriate, focusing on the low-income, uneducated fan base."

What does that mean for the fans in Norman? "We'll have to explore more non-traditional ad spaces, says Castiglione. We've started a pilot program in two separate trailer parks in the OKC metro area in an attempt to increase the Sooner brand awareness there, passing out OU car flags and lawn signs to residents. We've also purchased ad space in several gentlemen's clubs."

These tactics may seem extreme and even bizarre, but this could be just the tip of the iceberg according to Castiglione, "We've just begun to explore innovative advertising for the low-income, low-education demographic. We're currently in discussions the Oklahoma State Prison system about providing free televised OU football games, as well as plasma TVs in exchange for exclusive broadcasting rights within the State's prison system."

It's hard to say if the campaign will be successful according to Brenner, "We commissioned the study to help schools generate athletic revenue through improved marketing. How they choose to implement ad campaigns is up to them. Though I can't imagine the prisoner fan-base is the way to go. I wouldn't want to be known as the official school of the state penitentiary".

-Stanley Greer is an AP sportswriter covering college and Olympic athletics and can be reached at sgreer @ usatoday.com.

Newbomb Turk
8/30/2007, 08:13 PM
It seems to be a hoax.

seems to be?

8/30/2007, 08:21 PM
What the F?

8/30/2007, 08:22 PM
Pukes like to make $hit up to make themseives feel better.

8/30/2007, 08:31 PM


2k2 c5
8/30/2007, 08:43 PM
What the F?

My theory: The problem is the way the sample was skewed. OU fans tend to come from all over, including those who never attend college (how many 4th graders wanna grow up to be AD?) while OSU fans tend to be OSU grads only. They don't draw many outsiders. The more popular the school sport, the more street fans it will draw.

Stats can say anything you want depending on how you spin it. Either that or it's Bush's fault.

8/30/2007, 08:56 PM
what about saxet fans. half of them don't even understand the game of football.

8/30/2007, 08:58 PM

At least 15 oswho fans are lurking on our board right now staring at that picture trying to figure out what the big deal is. They are probably thinking.."them gooners dont know that
"state" is spelled with a "e""

8/30/2007, 08:59 PM
My theory: The problem is the way the sample was skewed. OU fans tend to come from all over, including those who never attend college while OSU fans tend to be OSU grads only. They don't draw many outsiders. The more popular the school sport, the more non-alumni fans it will draw.

Stats can say anything you want depending on how you spin it. Either that or it's Bush's fault.

The only fans the Pukes are going to attract are the pig barn graduates because no one else will sign up. Why would anyone else spend time or money on watching them. I would rather have a full stadium of fans who are there because they choose to be instead of a few thousand who are there due to their masochistic sense of allegiance to a perennial loser.

8/30/2007, 09:02 PM
The only fans the Pukes are going to attract are the pig barn graduates because no one else will sign up. Why would anyone else spend time or money on watching them. I would rather have a full stadium of fans who are there because they choose to be instead of a few thousand who are there due to their masochistic sense of allegiance to a perennial loser.
The reason half of there fans come to their game is in hopes that a bunch of sheep will come running out of that big gay gate

8/30/2007, 09:07 PM
lam... like lambda...? maybe... hmm.

8/30/2007, 09:15 PM
obviously the person who designed that shirt was thinking about cradle robbing some sheep, or a lam if you will.

Crimson Kid
8/30/2007, 09:21 PM
Something else to make them feel better about themselfs, little brother will never learn.

8/30/2007, 09:28 PM
I hope the Okie lite fan who wrote this wasn't going for the "believable" approach.

8/30/2007, 09:29 PM

8/30/2007, 09:30 PM
Fellas, it's clearly a hoax. There's plenty of subtle evidence:

Norman, OK – A new study released last month by the Sports Statistics Foundation, a research and statistical think-tank based in Dallas, Texas, shows that Sooner fans are among the least educated in the nation, and dead last in the Big 12.

The dateline: Okla. is the Associated Press dateline style for Oklahoma.

Also, Dallas stands alone, without the Texas, in AP style.

Also, why in the world would an Associated Press writer have an email address with USA Today. It doesn't work that way.

8/30/2007, 09:32 PM
along with the fact that the article is not on the USA today website...

8/30/2007, 09:45 PM
Fellas, it's clearly a hoax. There's plenty of subtle evidence:

The dateline: Okla. is the Associated Press dateline style for Oklahoma.

Also, Dallas stands alone, without the Texas, in AP style.

Also, why in the world would an Associated Press writer have an email address with USA Today. It doesn't work that way.
while you are correct, OSU pokes are probably laughing the arses off right now that you pointed this out and are analyzing their fake article :D

8/30/2007, 09:48 PM
i can't blame them for being jealous.

8/31/2007, 02:17 AM
Wow... and they say OUr journalism department is lackluster. :rolleyes:

I got it!!! How about we all write a fake article to make OUrselves feel better!?! Oh, wait... why would we want or need to do that? :confused:

8/31/2007, 03:18 AM
while you are correct, OSU pokes are probably laughing the arses off right now that you pointed this out and are analyzing their fake article :D

I'm laughing my arse off right now that I'm not a Poke. :texan:

8/31/2007, 07:29 AM
I just saw a new study where more osu fans than any other school were likely to believe that this story was true.

8/31/2007, 07:42 AM
I've already gotten it in e-mail about 15 times from poke fans I work with claiming it as fact.

Dear Lord, thank you for making it this easy sometimes. Amen

8/31/2007, 09:26 AM
This is pretty lame. It's the equivalent of your jealous little brother writing a fake note from mom and dad telling you what a poopyhead you are. Moving on....

Partial Qualifier
8/31/2007, 09:32 AM
The sad thing is, a rather large section of OSU fans will honestly believe that's real, and they'll be referring to it for years to come.

8/31/2007, 11:48 AM
I envy the Pokes' "educaition"

I do wish I had a link to that ad, though.

8/31/2007, 12:10 PM
Googling the phrase "Sooner Fans Among Least Educated"

Gets exactly two hits.
Hit #1 - orangepower.com
Hit #2 - spurstalk.com, posted by one Capt Mike whose avatar on the Spurs board is an OSU flag.

So it's not even an Onion story or anything, it's wholly the creation of the wannabes in Stagnantwater.

Go figure.

8/31/2007, 12:25 PM
attention: resident aggie...

I know you're out there!

How do you plan to defeat Georgia? C'mon. Give us the inside story :D

8/31/2007, 12:31 PM
We'll have to explore more non-traditional ad spaces, says Castiglione. We've started a pilot program in two separate trailer parks in the OKC metro area in an attempt to increase the Sooner brand awareness there, passing out OU car flags and lawn signs to residents. We've also purchased ad space in several gentlemen's clubs."
Yep. The exact types of activities an athletic director would participate in.

8/31/2007, 12:51 PM
Yep. The exact types of activities an athletic director would participate in.
Your AD also participates in cheating, like phone calling and giving players new cars with free gas. After all, "sooner" means "cheater," so it's only natural that he cheats. OSU-OU Big 12 champeenship this year! OSU wins nat'l title! ORRRRRANGE POWERRRRR

8/31/2007, 12:52 PM
I suppose Pokes have to do something to take their minds off the ulcer pain. It's got to be stressful to experience such regularly stunning disappointment each and every season.

Maybe it was one of their professors' Honors English creative writing assignment... :D

8/31/2007, 01:00 PM
I'd be bitter too if my school made the horrendous decision to make all their fans wear orange.

8/31/2007, 03:06 PM
Worst hoax ever.

8/31/2007, 04:16 PM
I got it!!! How about we all write a fake article to make OUrselves feel better!?! Oh, wait... why would we want or need to do that? :confused:

You don't have to. Just refer to the fact that SHEEP SCIENCE is a senior level class at OSU.

No, I'm not kidding. It's a fact. ANSI 4553.

Let's not forget RAM SEMEN COLLECTION (ANSI 4900) as a special topic.

8/31/2007, 04:27 PM
Let's not forget RAM SEMEN COLLECTION (ANSI 4900) as a special topic.

lOSUr cheerleader: "Okay professor, I have my three ram semen collection points ready. Can we get this over with? I'm late for my Equine Arousal seminar."

Stoop Dawg
8/31/2007, 04:32 PM
Dear fellow Sooner fans,

When you make fun of OSU's educational system (or anyone else's for that matter), try to use proper spelling and grammar.

Thank you.
Stoop Dawg

8/31/2007, 04:37 PM
You don't capitalize 'OU' in any reference on a message board? :confused:

8/31/2007, 04:43 PM
Doug Gottlieb just mentioned it on ESPN radio as though it were a real article. And they honestly want us to believe that OU fans are stupid???

Jason White's Third Knee
8/31/2007, 04:44 PM
I got to, "Sports Statistics Foundation". Uh. Real dumb. "Scratch My Balls Foundation." Pfft.

8/31/2007, 06:03 PM
No doubt a complete hoax, much like the rumored football program at that the sheep humpers tout as the 'greatest offense in the world'. Offensive is too mild a word,