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View Full Version : Dengue hemorrhagic fever

Chuck Bao
8/25/2007, 01:32 AM
Little Jim, my 12-year old godson, is sick in the hospital with dengue hemorrhagic fever.

So, prayers or good vibes would very much be appreciated.

As best I could understand from my Thai language conversation with his father this morning is that the worst part may be over. He has been in the hospital for four days and will need to stay for some time as they need to constantly monitor his pulse (blood pressure?) and make sure that he isn’t bleeding internally.

We are having a pretty bad epidemic of dengue in Bangkok.

Hey, THA you still here?

Little Jim is a soccer star. His family moved to Bangkok so he could play with one of the better clubs. His club got invited to train in Europe for a month last year. I may have already mentioned that in a thread last year. Okay, so I’m very proud of him.

The thing is that Little Jim is outdoors and playing soccer and gets this.

One of my best friends has had it three times. As I understand it, there are only three strains, so he has gotten all three strains. Bad luck, indeed. My friend likes to play tennis, a lot.

So, the moral of the story is that outdoor sports in Bangkok are very bad for your health.

Oh, I want to buy some stuff for Little Jim. I’m thinking about Nintendo DS and a MP3 player. Any suggestions for good stuff for a 12-year old kid in the hospital?

8/25/2007, 01:35 AM
oh man, I saw an alert about an outbreak of it

I hope he gets well soon

on, and the DS might be better unless you know what kind of music he likes

8/25/2007, 01:44 AM
prayers sent

8/25/2007, 02:06 AM
In for the Youngun !

8/25/2007, 02:08 AM
See If you Can get the King to come give him a Talk .
Bet thats nit as far fetched as you think .

Chuck Bao
8/25/2007, 03:03 AM
See If you Can get the King to come give him a Talk .
Bet thats nit as far fetched as you think .

I would and that's a great idea. Better yet, I get some US embassy types to grant his family a visa and they go to see an OU game.

My friend and his family have been on holiday to China, Australia and Europe. However, the father, my friend, was denied a chance to visit the US when I wanted to take him to visit my family in Oklahoma and that "not accepted" is still there on his passport.

This is way, way off topic, but someday maybe the US will be more amendable to Asian tourism.

8/25/2007, 03:30 AM
You got it Chuck....

Hope he gets well soon.

8/25/2007, 06:09 AM
IN, i hope he gets better.

8/25/2007, 07:06 AM
Prayers your way.

Check your PM.

8/25/2007, 07:41 AM
Prayers from here

8/25/2007, 08:31 AM
In, Chuck. Do you get that stuff from mosquitoes?

Blessings form the Mountain to the child.

8/25/2007, 09:06 AM
Chuck, prayers fot your godson.

Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitos. Only about 5% or less who contract it develop the hemorrhagic form. It is a virus so there are no antibiotics available....only supportive treatment. Most who contract the illness have fever and flu-like symptoms for a week.

The illness originated in Africa but is now found worldwide. It was spread to Latin America and the Carribean courtesy of Cuban soldiers returning from Angola. There were a reported 60,000 cases this year in Central America.

My daughter's boyfriend contracted the non-hemorrhagic form while on a mission trip to Guatemala. He recovered without problems.

8/25/2007, 09:07 AM
Yikes, that's some rough stuff. Hoping for the best and a quick recovery.

8/25/2007, 09:12 AM
Prayers sent!

jk the sooner fan
8/25/2007, 09:15 AM
done! get well soon!

Chuck Bao
8/25/2007, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, everyone.

Little Jim is a tough guy and he’ll be fine.

FaninAma, thanks for the info and clarification

He’s obviously still feeling pretty rough, but both parents remarked that the new toys got his mind off of it for a bit.

I brought him a Sony MP4 games and a Nintendo DS. Jim’s younger brother, Jon, seems to have commandeered the Nintendo. That works out well since it keeps both brothers happy and occupied.

Jim is the soccer star, which is already paying off in terms of free tuition to an expensive private school. So, I was asking the father about Jon. It seems he’s a bit chunky for all that running around stuff, so his father is planning in enrolling him in golf lessons. At age 10! :cries

Not to be self-centered or anything, but Karma definitely is biting me in the *** in the sports choices of my two godchildren.

8/25/2007, 11:36 AM
Chuck, it sounds like from the monitoring and precautions the medical staff is taking that your godson had the hemorrhagic form which means he was a sick little guy. It does sound like he is recovering and, again, all of the FaninAma family's prayers and best wishes sent to him and his family.

8/25/2007, 12:19 PM
In for the little man.

FaninAma knows more about it than I, for sure. But goodness, I seem to remember that when we learned about it in school it was on the short list of things to avoid. Very good to hear he's doing well so far.

8/25/2007, 12:35 PM
In and done.

8/25/2007, 01:10 PM
Dude...you are one of the classiest and nicest guys I've ever met.

I'm sending prayers your way now and I'll light a candle for you in church tomorrow.