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View Full Version : Things You Regret Never Having Done

Viking Kitten
8/22/2007, 07:24 PM
Like if you died tomorrow... what would you be most bummed to have missed out on?

I'm thinking maybe skydiving and not traveling enough. There is a bunch of stuff I want to see, Victoria Falls in Africa, the Taj Mahal, in China the Great Wall and the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, Tokyo, Rio, Sydney.

Damn. I better crackin' on this list, huh?

jk the sooner fan
8/22/2007, 07:51 PM
too long a list!

8/22/2007, 07:53 PM
I would miss Aug 24th the most.

8/22/2007, 07:57 PM
Summer when I got o/o the Army and before I went to OU. Spent a couple weeks at home in Idaho learning to be a whitewater raft guide. I had a blast and some great teachers. I couldn't pin anybody down on how much $$ I'd make. "It depends on the season, water levels, tips, etc." So I left the boathouse (free room, food was on me) and went home to Pocatello to cook greasy food at a truck stop (Boy, don't be afraid to put a little grease on the griddle, them eggs should float on it) because I knew how much I'd make dragging my butt out of bed at 3 AM to fire up the kitchen every freakin' morning.

Yeah, I'd do that differently if I could time travel back to then.

8/22/2007, 08:00 PM
Like if you died tomorrow... what would you be most bummed to have missed out on?

I'm thinking maybe skydiving and not traveling enough. There is a bunch of stuff I want to see, Victoria Falls in Africa, the Taj Mahal, in China the Great Wall and the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, Tokyo, Rio, Sydney.

Damn. I better crackin' on this list, huh?

how ya doin?

I wanted to do beijing, but shanghai is a blast

I'm hoping to see sydney in January, but I'll do an overnight in Tokyo on one of my next trips between here and the states...

8/22/2007, 08:07 PM
Elizabeth Hurley

8/22/2007, 08:09 PM
Day 1 for me in Saudi Arabia, January 1991:
US Army is asking for volunteers to be either
a) truck drivers or
b) "laundry and bath specialists"

My buddies and I thought we were hard, just out of Basic/AIT in a combat MOS. We joked about what the guys who chose (b) would wear for a combat patch. "A bar of soap and bubbles?!"

Yeah, we should have chosen B for sure. Even A could have been wiser than not choosing either one.

8/22/2007, 08:16 PM
winning the lotto

8/22/2007, 08:35 PM
two chicks at the same time!

yes, I was close and I blew it

8/22/2007, 08:38 PM
Going surfing. I wish I could get over my fear of the water just long enough to ride a wave

Catching a bass. I wish I could get over my fear of touching a fish just long enough to catch a big one.

Scuba diving.

Going to Tuscany.

Have a better relationship with my mother.

Most of all I regret not having met the love of my life earlier in my life. I've missed out on so much happiness by not having met him sooner.

8/22/2007, 08:41 PM
Most of all I regret not having met the love of my life earlier in my life. I've missed out on so much happiness by not having met him sooner.
That is a bad regret to have. What if you weren't in the right place earlier in your life, you never know, you could have hated him at the time or treated them ****ty just cuz you were in the mood. Think of it like this- all the time that led up to you meeting that one love, you were growing as a person and learning about yourself and thus, preparing for true love.

Newbomb Turk
8/22/2007, 08:52 PM
two chicks at the same time!

I was close and I blew it

dude, they weren't chicks.

8/22/2007, 08:55 PM
dude, they weren't chicks.
Hush, or I will summon .... him..


8/22/2007, 09:07 PM
I would say I would regret not living the rest of my life.

8/22/2007, 09:08 PM
T W I N S !!!

8/22/2007, 09:42 PM
Learning to fly.

8/22/2007, 10:52 PM
I have quite a list of things I want to do/places I want to go before I die. Here are a few:

San Francisco
Grand Canyon
Pyramids in Egypt
NYC with VK :cool:

And I will soon be able to check South Korea (Daejeon) and Australia (Sydney/Melbourne) off my list! :D

8/23/2007, 05:16 AM
going to college. Going to HS, i was not a very good student, I was smart enough i guess, but didnt give a ****. Got married a week after graduating, got a job, been working ever since. some time 2 jobs at a time. We were so poor for a while it was scary. Yea, I regret not going to school...I know i could start now, but being almost 50 i dont see it happing. If i was going to put that much energy into something it would be starting my own business. What ever that would be.

Viking Kitten
8/23/2007, 07:30 AM
NYC with VK :cool:

Them Yanks ain't gonna know what hit 'em.

8/23/2007, 08:09 AM
I wish that I'd served in the military at some point.

And I wish that my grandfathers had lived long enough for me to know them.

8/23/2007, 08:26 AM
That is a bad regret to have. What if you weren't in the right place earlier in your life, you never know, you could have hated him at the time or treated them ****ty just cuz you were in the mood. Think of it like this- all the time that led up to you meeting that one love, you were growing as a person and learning about yourself and thus, preparing for true love.
Dude. Give me your man card right now before someone else sees this post. ;)

8/23/2007, 08:56 AM
I had a pretty good opportunity to play football at OU as a walk-on. Really, really, really wish I'd done it now, even if just for a year.

8/23/2007, 09:00 AM
I regret not going to high school.

Things I still wanna do before I take the big dirt nap:

Australia/New Zealand
Irish Pub tour in Ireland
Harry Potter tour in England
North Dakota and Montana
Revisit a route my family took on a driving/camping vacation in 1962 - France, Belgium, Luxemborg, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Portugal.
Machu Pichu

I have no desire whatsoever to visit any of the Asian countries. Can't trust those little ****ers.

Viking Kitten
8/23/2007, 09:25 AM
Ooh... good call on the Irish pub tour.

Add to my list: seeing U2 live, flying at mach one (or faster) and skiiing the Alps.

jk the sooner fan
8/23/2007, 09:27 AM
i'd like to take a golf tour of scotland and ireland

australia/new zealand/tahiti

i'd like to go back to europe and tour the continent as a private citizen and not a GI on a weekend pass

i'd love to tour the civil war battlefields i havent seen


i'd love to spend a month in arizona during spring training and follow a couple of mlb teams around

8/23/2007, 09:36 AM
much much more travel - there are so many places I want to visit, i can't even list them all...
bungee jumping
barrier reef
cruise around the world

VK...let's go skydiving....

Viking Kitten
8/23/2007, 09:43 AM
IN. As soon as I send my kids to college. :D

8/23/2007, 09:46 AM
VK, we should try out for The Amazing Race. I wonder what they would label us...cause you know, they always have the gay couple, the sorority sisters, the couple that never gets along, the lady with the midget...

Viking Kitten
8/23/2007, 09:51 AM
There's always a couple of really nerdy guys too. We could be nerdy chicks.

8/23/2007, 09:55 AM
There's always a couple of really nerdy guys too. We could be nerdy chicks.

These could be part of our uniform:


8/23/2007, 10:08 AM
All I've ever wanted to do is to go into space. Traveling is nice, but I'd like to see the world, you know what I mean?

8/23/2007, 11:25 AM
I wanna have a 'Hole In One' someday.

8/23/2007, 04:57 PM
What's with all you peeps wanting to see Australia? Mrs. R is big on the idea, maybe that's when I'll go to an Asian country that she doesn't want to go to.

8/23/2007, 05:02 PM
To this day, I still regret not having played football in high school. I played football in junior high, but I didn't have quite the drive that I do now, just a classic case of being young and dumb. What I would give just to play one quarter of high school football.

8/23/2007, 05:25 PM
When I moved to Colorado 6 or 7 years ago, I swore that I would climb Longs Peak (14,259 ft). Maybe this will be the year.

8/23/2007, 05:47 PM
Executing Bevo before I turned 18.

8/23/2007, 05:48 PM
I regret not going to high school.

Things I still wanna do before I take the big dirt nap:

Australia/New Zealand
Irish Pub tour in Ireland
Harry Potter tour in England
North Dakota and Montana
Revisit a route my family took on a driving/camping vacation in 1962 - France, Belgium, Luxemborg, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Portugal.
Machu Pichu

I have no desire whatsoever to visit any of the Asian countries. Can't trust those little ****ers.

Ditto that. Even though I've already been to France and Belgium, I'd go again in a heart beat.

Something else I would like to try is one of those Dr. Pepper halftime million dollar field goal kicks. That would rock. I can still roll out of bed and hit a 40 yarder like the back of my hand. True story.:cool:

8/23/2007, 06:06 PM
Winning the Powerball last night.

proud gonzo
8/23/2007, 06:07 PM
I regret not going to high school.

Things I still wanna do before I take the big dirt nap:

Australia/New Zealand
Irish Pub tour in Ireland
Harry Potter tour in England
North Dakota and Montana
Revisit a route my family took on a driving/camping vacation in 1962 - France, Belgium, Luxemborg, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Portugal.
Machu Pichu

I have no desire whatsoever to visit any of the Asian countries. Can't trust those little ****ers.want to adopt me and take me with you? :D

8/24/2007, 09:26 AM
Winning the Powerball last night.

maybe saturday. it's up to $300,000,000
if i win...i'll take us all on a vacation. where you wanna go?

8/24/2007, 09:39 AM
What's with all you peeps wanting to see Australia?

australia is one of the coolest places on the planet.

it's kind of like southern california without the smog and *******s.

8/24/2007, 10:15 AM
want to adopt me and take me with you? :D

Sure. You don't eat much and you'll fit nicely in my carry on.:P

8/24/2007, 10:24 AM
australia is one of the coolest places on the planet.

it's kind of like southern california without the smog and *******s.

plus the guys are hot and they have cute accents.

8/24/2007, 10:39 AM
plus the guys are hot and they have cute accents.

I never knew you dug aborigines. Kinky...

8/24/2007, 11:52 AM
Wow, where do I start

I wish I would have finished college. I only went 2 years to OU and then decided to get married (to my now ex), stupid stupid stupid.

And I want to travel-many places, here are a few, but not all

historical places in the US like Pearl Harbor, all the areas around Washington DC, Civil War places and such
New England in the fall
and I think it would be cool to, at some point visit all the Big 12 stadiums (with the exception of that place in Austin-not going there)

I'm with you Dean on the Harry Potter Tour, would love that!

8/24/2007, 01:01 PM
I never knew you dug aborigines. Kinky...

yep, i met the first one in Italy, of all places...


8/24/2007, 01:04 PM
building my own secret lair.

proud gonzo
8/24/2007, 01:05 PM
yep, i met the first one in Italy, of all places...

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b274/soonerbrat/italy/aborigine.jpgthat is AWESOME!!!