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View Full Version : Many Thanks and it was good to meet Chuck Bao

8/17/2007, 10:25 PM
Been in Bangkok since Sunday, and had dinner with Chuck Bao Monday evening. It was good to meet him and thanks to Chuck for his hospitality.

Work has been running me ragged, that and jet lag has lead to 7:30 pm bed times whether I wanted it or not...i.e., falling asleep with clothes on and TV blaring.

Working today - Saturday and Sunday will have a 1/2 tour of the temples.

So Thanks again to Chuck! and in learning what his handle means...;)

8/18/2007, 10:07 AM
Does it mean "tranny fighter?"

Did you fight any trannys?

Did Chuck fight any trannys?

What I really want to know is...how's the food?

8/18/2007, 12:00 PM
Didn't fight any tranny's, but fighting seems to be a passion in Thailand. Some lady prisoner just won a WBC title and got pardoned. The food, good.

8/18/2007, 12:53 PM
Chuck hosted a lunch for me and his co-workers when I was there for a visit. He was nothing but class and charm and he was a funny guy to boot!

Nothing but nice things to say about Chuck from this guy here, and I'm not surprised you feel the same.

8/18/2007, 01:47 PM
Tell me more about the food. Please? :D

Chuck Bao
8/19/2007, 02:24 PM
I’ve just seen this thread. I’ve away on holiday at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

And before any of you can ask, no, I did not fight any trannies at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort either.

Back on topic, THA is the coolest dude, ever.

I can tell these things.

When I apologized for recommending his hotel after going there to meet him and seeing that it is under construction, he’s like cool and told me never mind. (I’m not so sure about that now after his amorous neighbors)

When I arranged to meet him in the hotel lobby, him wearing a Sooner cap and me wearing my Baylor cap, did he mind?

When I suggested the food, he’s like okay let’s go for it.

So, how is the food going for ya, THA? Have you got Bangkok Belly yets?

8/20/2007, 08:56 AM
Nope on the Bangkok Belly...:D My colleague did take me to a local lunch place where they charge by the plate, so we'll see. He told me he gave me last week to get situated, this week it'll be Thai spicy...today, not so bad, but good.