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View Full Version : That Mine accident went from bad to worse

8/16/2007, 10:23 PM
Now they got rescuers hurt. 12 rescuers have asked to transfer from the rescue cuz its not safe. Mr. Mine owner might find himself in a pinch

8/16/2007, 10:26 PM
bad news...a really bad situation...

8/16/2007, 10:45 PM
One rescuer has now died

8/16/2007, 10:54 PM


8/16/2007, 11:02 PM
so whats the word on the miners? any hope left?

8/16/2007, 11:06 PM
they are drilling a new hole where they got some noise from with their sensitive microphones. it was probably something in the mountain and not the miners. but they are getting o2 readings of 17% which can sustain life though.

8/17/2007, 12:00 AM
its now two rescue workers dead. they keep saying it was safe yet I believe this industry is gonna say what it needs to in order to save face

8/17/2007, 12:10 AM
u should be up there drill'n that hole man...you'd have a hundred in the side of that hill by now;)

proud gonzo
8/17/2007, 12:55 AM
i guess i haven't been watching the news for a while... hadn't really heard much about this

8/17/2007, 05:15 AM
3 dead rescuers now. Why dont they just drill a great big hole and go in from the top.

8/17/2007, 07:22 AM
Prayers going out for everyone involved. How tragic.

8/17/2007, 07:22 AM
the agony continues. Prayers go to their family.

8/17/2007, 09:03 AM
One thing I haven't heard yet is the transition from a rescue to a recovery effort. They obviously still think there's a shot for these guys to still be alive, even though they've been how many days without water in an oxygen deficient atmosphere with God knows what other contaminants.

Losing rescuers in the effort is entirely inexcusable.

Yes, make an effort. Yes, do everything you can to make that save. But when you're killing the folks that are working their tails off to rescue people that given the odds are already dead, you're screwing up. Big time. You already lost lives or put them in harm's way from the initial incident. Be hasty, but for God's sake, don't kill MORE people trying to make a save.

That's FDNY caliber crap.

8/17/2007, 01:03 PM
Actually, there was lots of water kept in the mine scattered throughout various chambers. No food, other than what the miners would have brought in with them for the day.

So IF the miners survived the triggering event, staying alive would be quite feasible. But I would have to think that if they were well, there would have been some contact with one of the holes drilled so far.

8/17/2007, 01:41 PM
I wish all this technology were available when Big Bad John was killed.

8/17/2007, 02:54 PM
CNN had this seismologist on this morning that says these seismic events aren't earthquakes. They are the result of the rocks shifting due to mining.

He says the signature of these events in that area have a different signature than what an earthquake has.

The Mining Industry knows all this I'm sure.

I can't imagine they'll let much more of this go on unless they find the original 6 miners alive via those 8 inch drill holes.

Mining is a dangerous business.

The seismologist even had a chart of all of the activity that had been occurring in those mountains and said it was due to mining.

There's absolutely no way you'd get me in there.