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View Full Version : Amy Winehouse is in "Rehab"

8/14/2007, 06:36 PM

Singer Amy Winehouse and her husband Blake Fielder-Civil finally admitted they have a drug problem and checked into rehab over the weekend. Apparently Amy collapsed last week after taking a cocktail of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and the horse tranquillizer ketamine.

She was reported to have been caught smoking heroin in her suite by a friend, at which point her father Mitch flipped. Taxi driver Mitch arrived the next day with his wife Janis, and Fielder-Civil's stepfather Giles Civil and mother Georgette. According to a source close to the family, the meeting descended into a row and at one point Mr Winehouse grabbed Mr Civil by the throat. The source told a newspaper: "It broke Amy's heart to see her parents and in-laws fighting. "That was when she realized the drink and drugs were causing problems for everyone."

You know when I would've realized I had a problem? When I was taking goddamn horse tranquilizers. Yeah, taking something meant for a horse is usually a pretty good sign you need help. How is she even still alive? She weighs like 75 pounds. She must be some sort of witch. Screw rehab, we need to burn this chick at the stake. It's the only way she can be stopped.-SF :D

8/14/2007, 06:37 PM
Good ol' Amy Winehouse.

8/14/2007, 06:38 PM
Who is this chick? Is she really a chick? She doesn't look like it.

8/14/2007, 06:38 PM
It's Amy Winehouse.

Good ol' Amy Winehouse.

8/14/2007, 06:41 PM

8/14/2007, 06:42 PM

You need a horse tranquillizer.

Chuck Bao
8/14/2007, 06:53 PM
I have no idea who she is either. But, some people seem to like her music. Maybe she can get some help now.


8/14/2007, 06:58 PM
I thought the first post was bad. She looks like ****

8/14/2007, 06:58 PM
But, some people seem to like her music.

Her new/most recent CD is really good.:cool:

8/14/2007, 07:01 PM
^^ Is that really the same chick? ^^

Glad I'm not the only one who has no idea who she is. Freaky.

Harry Beanbag
8/14/2007, 07:09 PM
I've only heard the Rehab song and it makes me want to claw my eyeballs out and rip my ear lobes off until I can change the station. Horrible it is.

8/14/2007, 07:12 PM
look at the pic on the right. there is a tat in the inside of the right arm. pic on the left does not had the same tat.


8/14/2007, 07:23 PM
look at the pic on the right. there is a tat in the inside of the right arm. pic on the left does not had the same tat.

she only uses stick-on tramp stamps.

And just out of curiosity, was she trying to be this generations Keith Richards or something? Thats a buttload of drugs for one night.

8/14/2007, 07:52 PM
Doleo whould Hit it

8/14/2007, 09:39 PM
Get well, Amy! And try to get well before you perform at Austin City Limits! plzkthx ;)

jk the sooner fan
8/14/2007, 09:40 PM
I've only heard the Rehab song and it makes me want to claw my eyeballs out and rip my ear lobes off until I can change the station. Horrible it is.

pretty much what i thought when i heard her music

8/14/2007, 09:48 PM
What a terrible tragedy when an an attractive woman turns into something gawd awful looking.

Harry Beanbag
8/14/2007, 09:49 PM
What a terrible tragedy when an an attractive woman turns into something gawd awful looking.

This post cracks me up when I look at your avatar.

(sorry olevet ;) :) )

8/14/2007, 09:52 PM
See what happens when you get hooked on the Natty.....

:D :D :D :D

8/14/2007, 09:58 PM
Are ya sayin Im awfull ?

8/14/2007, 10:09 PM
yeah... awful good lookin....

;) :D

8/14/2007, 10:28 PM
that chics music is the suck!

I'd still hit it though.

8/14/2007, 10:51 PM
yeah... awful good lookin....

;) :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;)

8/14/2007, 10:52 PM
My initial reaction to the story was; "Who?"
After reading all the posts, I'm thinking; "Who?"

8/15/2007, 02:06 AM
They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no.
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know.

I ain’t got the time
And if my daddy thinks im fine
He’s tried to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.

I’d rather be at home with ray
I ain’t got 70 days
Cos there’s nothing, nothing you can teach me
That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway

Didn’t get a lot in class
But I know it don’t come in a shot glass

They’re tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know.

I aint got the time,
And if my Daddy thinks im fine,
He’s tried to make me go to rehab,
I wont go, go, go.

The man said, why you think you here?
I said, I got no idea
Im gonna, im gonna loose my baby
So I always keep a bottle near

Said, I just think you’re depressed
Kiss me, yeah baby
And go rest

I’m tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know

I don’t ever wanna drink again
I just, ooo, I just need a friend
Im not gonna spend 10 weeks
Have everyone think im on the mend

It’s not just my pride
It’s just til these tears have dried

They’re tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back,
You wont know, know, know

I aint got the time,
And if my daddy thinks im fine
He’s trying to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.

that is too funny :D

8/15/2007, 02:11 AM
Are ya sayin Im awfull ?
I find you stunning.

8/15/2007, 02:16 AM
The remix of that song is great.

8/15/2007, 08:55 AM
What a terrible tragedy when an an attractive woman turns into something gawd awful looking.


Father Time

8/15/2007, 10:28 AM
Father Time sure is rough on 23yr olds.

8/15/2007, 10:42 AM
When I ask my one year old if he wants to go to rehab he shakes his head.

It's the first of many inappropriate tricks I've taught him. My wife doesn't think it's as funny as I do.

8/15/2007, 10:53 AM
I have no idea who she is either. But, some people seem to like her music. Maybe she can get some help now.


That is the same chick? God help her. Give that woman twinkie.:twinkies:

8/15/2007, 11:37 AM
Father Time sure is rough on 23yr olds.

Yermom understood, you can too.

8/15/2007, 11:52 AM

8/15/2007, 11:53 AM
Yermom understood, you can too.

i hope you are referring to me ;)

8/15/2007, 12:07 PM
I have no idea who she is either. But, some people seem to like her music. Maybe she can get some help now.

I'll take none of the above for $200 Alex.

8/15/2007, 12:26 PM

You know when I would've realized I had a problem? When I was taking goddamn horse tranquilizers. Yeah, taking something meant for a horse is usually a pretty good sign you need help. How is she even still alive? She weighs like 75 pounds. She must be some sort of witch. Screw rehab, we need to burn this chick at the stake. It's the only way she can be stopped.-SF :D
Hell K is nothing in comparison to the old h-train. That is one hell of a night she had planned. I may have to put her in as my dead pool submission.

8/16/2007, 02:23 PM
Singer Amy Winehouse walked out of rehab yesterday after less than 48 hours, and then took a helicopter to London for a brain scan. The Sun reports:

Doctors ordered Amy, 23, to have the brain scan after she had a seizure during her overdose. It will reveal whether the singer has a form of epilepsy — which could have been undetected until now.

So she had a seizure after taking a cocktail of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and horse tranquillizers and the doctors deduced she might have epilepsy? Man, these doctors are really on top of their game. I would've guessed it was the insane amount of drugs, but no, it was epilepsy. You could go in after getting into a horrible car accident and they'd probably diagnose you with cancer. I mean, hey, why else would you be in such bad shape?-SF:cool:

8/24/2007, 03:51 PM

Amy Winehouse and her husband basically got into a fist fight last night which left them both bloodied and bruised. Apparently Amy's husband walked in on her cutting herself and about to do drugs with a prostitute when he intervened. The Daily Mail reports:

At around 2.30am, said guests, the fight sounded like it had restarted - then Miss Winehouse was seen sprinting down the corridor to the lift, pursued by her badly bleeding husband. One guest who got into the lift to reception at the same time said they started shouting at each other. "Amy was in floods of tears. This guy was screaming at her. She was cowering in the corner and I thought he was going to hit her. When the lift door opened, she took off across the lobby at a real pace. He was chasing after her and was about five paces behind by the time she got to the main hotel entrance."

The couple then dashed into the street. An eyewitness said: "Just after 3am, Amy came sprinting out and down the road. She was in a real state of panic. Blake was running after her, but couldn't catch up."

And like a good wife, Amy defends her husband, saying he was saving her life by beating her up:

"Blake is the best man in the world. We would never ever harm each other... I was cutting myself after he found me in our room about to do drugs with a call girl and rightly said I wasn't good enough for him. I lost it and he saved my life."

So not only did a 60 pound Amy Winehouse beat this guy up, she also outran him. Careful people, we may be dealing with the toughest man on the planet here. I hear he tames bears just by looking at them. Seriously though, this guy seems about as athletic as a grilled cheese sandwich. If you gave him a gun he'd almost be able to take on a girl scout.-SF:D

8/24/2007, 03:58 PM
So there's one person out there that would "hit it"