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8/10/2007, 01:08 PM
KFC employee. total of 4 days.

anyone have any stories about their worst job?

8/10/2007, 01:09 PM
telemarketing. 3 hours.

8/10/2007, 01:10 PM
CP wipes people butts...just say'n

8/10/2007, 01:19 PM
Frying donuts (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=584674&#post584674). I lasted three weeks.

8/10/2007, 01:22 PM
CP wipes people butts...just say'n

i'm an owner at the hospice where i now work, so i'm really not a hiney wiper.

even if i were, it would be nothing compared to previous jobs:

1.) Love Box (insert joke here). no ****, this was the toughest, most miserable job i've ever had. i quit the day i got my first paycheck.

2.) 5 years of humping with 1st force recon (insert joke here). i quit the first day Uncle Sam would let me.

8/10/2007, 01:24 PM
1.) Love Box (insert joke here). no ****, this was the toughest, most miserable job i've ever had. i quit the day i got my first paycheck.

More info Please...:D :pop:

8/10/2007, 01:24 PM
grocery store meat dept. evening clean up.

8/10/2007, 01:26 PM
More info Please...:D :pop:


8/10/2007, 01:29 PM

BOOOOOOO!:mad: What a let down:D

8/10/2007, 01:36 PM
The worst job I've ever heard of is the guy who works at a sewage treatment plant and has to dive into the raw sewage to repair stuff. He has some thick suit on, but I still couldn't handle it.

8/10/2007, 01:40 PM
I've never had a miserable job. The most demanding job I had was delivering pizza on Friday nights. Crazy insane, but a fun job overall. The least fulfilling job I had was shuffling paper (literally) for a few months before I started working at OU.

8/10/2007, 01:50 PM
I used to do cleanup on the houses that my dad built when I was a kid. Picking up shingles, nails, bottles full of pee, etc in the 100 degree heat is the succ.

jk the sooner fan
8/10/2007, 01:54 PM
i spent a month on a hot tar roofing crew and a summer hauling hay..and as bad as those were, it wasnt as bad as the one day i spent with a paint contractor in a new home......my job was to sand (by hand) a huge wall with wood paneling

8/10/2007, 01:58 PM
Snack bar at the Rodeo.

8/10/2007, 02:03 PM
Target, then around SW 44th & Walker. One lousy day around 1974. I was suposed to put price tags on stuff and shelve merchandise. The "lady" who was going to be my supervisor was a mean, sour, cranky, 100% beyotch azzzhole. I left at the end of the shift and just never went back. Don't even know if ever bothered to get my day's pay.

8/10/2007, 02:09 PM
Perhaps not my worst job...but my shortest.

I accepted a job at ObjectSpace in Addison about 7 years ago. The interview was the best, toughest, most complete interview process I'd ever been through - only when I got there on the second day did I realize how it had actually prevented me from noticing small things about the company environment. When I got there, I found a group packed like lemmings into an office area built for half the number of employees they had, and the WORST morale I'd ever seen. It was all I could do to get one person to answer a question - when someone would acknowledge my existence, it was usually to give me a nasty look.

I quit on the second day at noon, took the other job I'd been offered.

I'm fairly certain, had I stayed, that it WOULD have been the worst job I've ever had. Saved by being transparently honest about how much it sucked.

8/10/2007, 02:36 PM
Door-to-door coupon selling. (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showpost.php?p=559052&postcount=120) Eight hours - only because I had been kidnapped.

8/10/2007, 02:38 PM
I used to do cleanup on the houses that my dad built when I was a kid. Picking up shingles, nails, bottles full of pee, etc in the 100 degree heat is the succ.
I worked for a company in Norman for a summer that did that. It's the major succ. Especially picking up after the Indian Sheetrockers. Never pick up 2 pieces stuck together or an empty box after they were there.

8/10/2007, 02:40 PM
sacking groceries at the IGA grocery store in Spiro. Did that for 9 months, enforced my decision to NEVER desire to work with the general public.

8/10/2007, 02:46 PM

8/10/2007, 03:10 PM
I worked for a company in Norman for a summer that did that. It's the major succ. Especially picking up after the Indian Sheetrockers. Never pick up 2 pieces stuck together or an empty box after they were there.

I know exactly what you mean, and yes that is nasty.

Let me just say, now I know why so many builders splurge for the port a potty for their contractors. Wish my dad would've.:(

8/10/2007, 04:26 PM
Driler park working the concession stand when I was 16.
It was hotter than hell, we didn't have registers or calculators on hand so when you had a big order to add up....ya had to use your brain. I was at a disadvantage. :D

I lasted one night, my boss was Chuck Lamson, still with the Drillers to this day.

8/10/2007, 04:32 PM
Oh man, I completely forgot about working at Astroworld. I must have blocked the memories. At least I don't have dreams about working there anymore, dreams where it's always dark and rainy. Working with the general public sucks. So yeah, that was my worst job.

King Crimson
8/10/2007, 04:43 PM
post-hole digging for most of the Don Cies signs north of Robinson that wasn't "Brookhaven proper" in the late 80's. the old timers thought it was a blast to "forget" to water the post area for a week before. we also had this awesome job of digging out huge pieces of concrete from mud after a fire hydrant blew. they don't make tools for this job.

baling hay.

digging horizontal, underground crawl space underneath a cabin in Allenspark, Colorado. by hand.

i worked for Little Caesar's for exactly one day.

8/10/2007, 05:11 PM
Soda jerk at Classic 50's or was it Sonic in those days? I can't remember, it was less than a month. It sucked and you were in plain sight for all your friends to see. My Mom made me take the job when I was in a lazy 17 yr old mode.

King Crimson
8/10/2007, 05:23 PM
i think it was 50's then. i got the Cies job in lazy post-freshman year of college mode. were Wes Marquis and Mike Greb in your year? i worked with them. pulling weeds and pounding rocks in what is now "high real estate". i listened to Big Star that whole summer, that's all i remember.

8/10/2007, 05:31 PM
This wasn't a real job, but when i was 15-16 years old, my grandfather had retired and had bought a trailer park as an investment. He used to come by and pick me up and I'd mow the grass around the place with a Yazoo big wheel mower and he'd pay me $20. This was in the mid 70's. It wasn't worth $20 even back then.

Trailer parks around Van Winkle Rd. Extension in Jackson, MS weren't exactly ornate palaces with beautiful people residing there. These were folks that were just down on their luck or too lazy to make something of themselves. Cutting the grass around this place was a nightmare. I was always running over somebody's crap they left laying outside their trailers. There was a filthy, trash-strewn drainage ditch behind the trailer park. I am surprised I didn't get snake bit, or shot, around there.

That experience did two things: (1) Made me never want to live in a trailer, no matter what, and (2) Forced me to get a real p/t job so I wouldn't have to do it any more.

"Sorry, Papaw, I have to go to work/play baseball/I have a date/clean out my sock drawer...."

Not disparaging mobile home folks, but we all have things that turned us one way or another in life.

8/10/2007, 05:33 PM
i think it was 50's then. i got the Cies job in lazy post-freshman year of college mode. were Wes Marquis and Mike Greb in your year? i worked with them. pulling weeds and pounding rocks in what is now "high real estate". i listened to Big Star that whole summer, that's all i remember.
Yep, Wes and I were pretty good buds at Whittier and I was good friends with Greb at WMH and NHS.
Wasn't Greb on the golf team?

King Crimson
8/10/2007, 05:43 PM
Greb was not on the golf team.

King Crimson
8/10/2007, 06:06 PM
double post

8/10/2007, 06:48 PM
My time at KFC though short was quite miserable. That crap you have to merinade the chicken in will eat the skin from ones hands.

But boy do I miss those days of being youthful

8/10/2007, 08:31 PM
yellow pages sales...sucketh greatly