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Norman Sooner
8/9/2007, 08:49 PM
Does anyone know anything about unemployment and what qualifies you for it?

My wife turned her 2 weeks in to tan and hell america and we were ok with that. Her area manger was the biggest piece of white trash you'll ever see and did nothing more than give my wife hell every chance she got. My wife had gone from the smallest store in chickasha to one of the biggest at 240 and penn. So she was getting promoted so obviously she was doing the right things. She had never been written up or anything. Then comes this week and she schedules a docters appointment before she loses her insurance. The area manager says that she can have off for her appointment as long as she had her hours for the week. Well she goes to her appointment and goes home. The next day she goes into work and the area manager is there and send her home(basically firing her) for no call no show because she didnt go back to work after the docter. She had her hours, so its clear that the area manager is simply screwing her over. at any rate i would highly suggest that noone go to tan and hell america or even apply for a job there. They treat their employees like crap. Any thoughts? I know i can always count on the people from the south oval to have helpful insight..

8/9/2007, 09:00 PM
[William Wallace] Berrn it! [William Wallace]

8/9/2007, 09:02 PM
Gimme her boss's name...and I'll add her to the list. My wife's supervisor just made that list today as well. I went in to explain what was going on with my wife, and politely asked that she be afforded her space...
After her last m/c, her co-workers were all constantly talking about another pregger employee and her pregnancy right in front of my wife...and one of em was being quite overtly insensitive towards my wife about it. I don't know how many times I had to listen to my wife cry on the phone on her way home from work while I was at Randolph because of some of the comments that were made in her presence.
So today, I ask her boss to please make sure that that situation is avoided this time...and she got all defensive and bitchy towards me. I instantly got a buttload of bad vibes about this woman. My wife has told me of this defensive, ruthless behavior her supervisor has previously shown...and I finally saw where she was coming from. So basically, I just gave my wife my official blessing to start looking for a new job. If that's the kind of sensitivity shown to a woman who's going through her second miscarriage in six months, then I will not allow my spouse to be around it.

Norman Sooner
8/9/2007, 09:09 PM
I dont know if i should be angry or feel bad about my wifes old employer. According to my wife, she wears booty shorts with her butt hanging out and giving her cameltoe..So help if i ever encounter this lady..Your situation however if so far wrong that i cant comprehend. That situation would land me in jail for sure..My wife cried every morning before she went to work, it was about 1 morning short of me hiding her keys so she couldnt go to work...

8/9/2007, 10:09 PM
According to my wife, she wears booty shorts with her butt hanging out and giving her cameltoe..So help if i ever encounter this lady...


i think you mean Camel Toad.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
8/9/2007, 11:09 PM
If she had already turned in her two weeks notice, that may disqualify her for unemployment.

8/9/2007, 11:09 PM
you don't get unemployment if you quit.

Frozen Sooner
8/10/2007, 12:00 AM
Nor do you get unemployment for being fired for no show/no call.

8/10/2007, 01:20 AM
Depends on the companies policy. Where I work, the no show/no call policy is 3 days. This is actually not uncommon.I never understood why a company would have such a stupid policy but many do.

Seems to me your wife didn't actually quit. She was fired before her 2 week notice ended. You also said she was never written up. Most companies have policies that require being written up a certain number of times before they terminate you. Personally, I don't think it's right but there are laws or policies in place that make it really hard for a company to fire an employee and actually be able to block their unemployment. You pretty much have to screw up pretty bed for that to happen.

Suppose she was rightfully terminated. If she really wants to go the unemployment route, she can go get a temp. job for 30 days. After that period, she can file and be eligible to get unemployment off the tanning place as that is the place the state will go back to see how much she has paid in and how much she qualifies for.

8/10/2007, 02:53 AM
File for the unemployment...

All they can do is say no.

8/10/2007, 08:59 AM
No unemployment if you quit or get fired "for cause". "For cause" is the subject of many a hearing between employers, former employees and the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.

8/10/2007, 10:12 AM
If she can pass as a foreigner she can just claim she doesn't speaka ingleis. Thats what the few messicans that have applied for unemployment that worked for us have done... And they get away with it :mad:

Norman Sooner
8/10/2007, 10:35 AM
I really want her to file for it, then have them fight it, and then have to have a hearing for it. Just to be a pain in the butt, like they have been.