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View Full Version : Pitt-Jolie Divorce countdown...

The Maestro
8/7/2007, 01:36 PM
...is officially on. Karma is quite the bitch, Angie. Paranoia about the husband you stole from another woman. But I do like Brad's response. I am sure after Paltrow, Aniston and Jolie he's not too worried about finding a replacement.


8/7/2007, 01:43 PM
I so full of not care I can barely stand it.

8/7/2007, 01:53 PM
She even told him she will go away to France for two months when shooting starts, but Brad just told her, 'Well, if that's how you feel, go ahead.' "

I'm sure she'll be looking for a kid-friendly place, with all those kiddos and whatnot.

8/7/2007, 02:05 PM
I'm sure she'll be looking for a kid-friendly place, with all those kiddos and whatnot.
Reading the list of her children sounds more like a roster of nations at the UN.

8/7/2007, 02:09 PM
Lindsay Lohan checked into rehab [/news flash]

8/7/2007, 02:34 PM
Not that I keep up with this stuff, but Bradgalina aren't husband and wife. They said they wouldn't be wed until all people were allowed to married regardless of gender. ywia. ;)

8/7/2007, 03:16 PM
Just thought I'd check into this thread and say that celebrities should only be seen/heard on the silver screen.