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8/6/2007, 11:06 AM

NO way in the world he ever sees an NFL field!

8/6/2007, 11:08 AM

Baring injuries, Colt should end up of the great ones in the same breath as Dan Marino, Troy Aikman and Tom Brady. I think he'll be better than Payton Manning. Quicker release, better throws, more intense as a competitor.

I rate him as a cross between Dan Marino, Bret Favre and Troy Aikman. He'll deliver with the accuracy of Aikman and play like Bret.

They don't field teams anymore of the kind Joe Montana had, because of free agency. The offense Montana ran required repetition and low turnover year-to-year. So, no more Joe Montana.

Vince Young and Colt McCoy are going to be the next generation of Best of the Best. Colt is going to turn into a machine at that position and cut defenses to shreds. Carve them up like a Whole Foods Turkey. Slice and Dice.

If the cards fall right -- and luck has to be a factor -- we're looking at back-to-back national titles and two undefeated seasons coming up for '07 and '08 at Longhorn Country.

8/6/2007, 11:12 AM
Colt "butt Boy" Mccoy is in for a wrecking this year. We will be coming after him this year. That is if TCU doesn't put him out of his missery early on.

8/6/2007, 11:13 AM

I was thinking the same thing! Talk about being a homer.

8/6/2007, 11:24 AM
Colt "butt Boy" Mccoy is in for a wrecking this year. We will be coming after him this year. That is if TCU doesn't put him out of his missery early on.

uh.. yeah.. that really worked out for you real well last year.

The "Colt McCoy for God" posters are comparable to the "We should never co-operate with the NCAA the next time they investigate us" posters which were so prevalent on here just a few weeks ago.

8/6/2007, 11:36 AM
If he does make the NFL he will be the first player to make it who has a vagina.

a very yeastie one.

Perhaps, sand in his vagina?

8/6/2007, 11:41 AM
BAHAWAHA - I'm rollin

Maybe he got herpies from one of our LB's!

8/6/2007, 11:44 AM

8/6/2007, 11:50 AM
The "Colt McCoy for God" posters are comparable to the "We should never co-operate with the NCAA the next time they investigate us" posters which were so prevalent on here just a few weeks ago.
hey, its worked so far for USC

and hornfans doesnt ever seem to work. so disappointing :D

Scott D
8/6/2007, 12:01 PM

like you expect any version of reality from a guy with the handle of Roy4? :confused:

8/6/2007, 12:02 PM
uh.. yeah.. that really worked out for you real well last year.

The "Colt McCoy for God" posters are comparable to the "We should never co-operate with the NCAA the next time they investigate us" posters which were so prevalent on here just a few weeks ago.

Big XII Champs

8/6/2007, 12:11 PM
and hornfans doesnt ever seem to work. so disappointing :D

That's because it's powered by a hampster in a spinning wheel and left over vaccuum tubes from WW II.

8/6/2007, 12:35 PM
That's because it's powered by a hampster in a spinning wheel and left over vaccuum tubes from WW II.
now I understand why you come here to post

King Crimson
8/6/2007, 12:42 PM
i think they are having a funny.

8/6/2007, 01:29 PM
i think they are having a funny.

Me too. They'd have to be to actually say what I quoted above.

8/6/2007, 01:52 PM
he had maybe the best freshmen year in UT history. What is so strange about having high expectations for the kid?

and you all ripping him is akin to us ripping the OU Roy Williams. silly after what he did to you.

8/6/2007, 01:58 PM
Since I can't post a topic yet, anyone know when they will revise the roster on the soonersports.com site?

Also, how accurate are those heights, weights and 40 times? At Ada High, they used to add about 10 lbs. to every player, aaand we started whenever we were ready for the 40. East Central used to list me at 6' 2" and I'm really 6' 1.5". Having experienced these creates skepticism.

Sooner Eclipse
8/6/2007, 02:42 PM
The rantings of the insane are much more entertaining to read than rational people. Glad to see HF is getting back to their early 2000s form. That might be sarcasm but you can never really tell with the :texan:s. :D

Gah, I really miss reading LHFZ and longhorn bob. That was some of the best writing by one of the most deranged, idiotic lunatics that has ever found his way onto the internet. This could almost be some of bob's stuff.

8/6/2007, 03:23 PM
I heard Colt was lifting weights...and gained about 10 pounds from it :eek:

In other news from the world of ESPN, OU QB Sam Bradford has gained a decent 20-30 pounds. Nothing too shabby


8/6/2007, 03:28 PM
Dalhorn: What did he "do to us"? He had a nice game but he only threw for 108 yards. Look it up, scooter...

Jello Biafra
8/6/2007, 03:48 PM
he had maybe the best freshmen year in UT history. What is so strange about having high expectations for the kid?

and you all ripping him is akin to us ripping the OU Roy Williams. silly after what he did to you.


ummmm we had 6 turnovers and 70 something yards in penalties(stupid figgin refs.....how the hell do you get a passinterference penalty from your tight end blocking the linebacker then releasing into the middle?).....you homeowners had something stupid like 220 yards...... i don't think the opie reincarnate had much to do with it......sit back and enjoy watching him stink it up without an offensive line this year.

8/6/2007, 03:49 PM
"I like to think of Colt like with giant eagles wings, and he's singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!"


Chrissy Sims
Private Applewhite
Pee Shooter McCoy

If he makes it out of the TCU game the OU d-line is going to smash his *** all day long!

aTm had a good time with him last year!

8/6/2007, 04:07 PM
What's delusional is all of the confidence in McCoy getting embarassed this year. I'm as big a Sooner fan as any, but I'm not stupid... CM did a fantastic job last year, and we'll be fortunate if we can duplicate with a young horse ourselves. When a freshmen QB sneaks for 8 yards and throws two TD passes (something I believe no one else in the conference did to us)... we got owned. As the :texan: said above... this thread is about as silly as all the whorns who made fun of TRRW, Jason White, Mark Clayton, Q, etc.

Basically, we sound like the agroids from Stoolwater claiming Colt McCoy is going to get owned in any way after losing to him. "But he only had 108 yards passing!!!" = "6 minutes away from a BIG 12 Championship" = "If we didn't get a penalty for 12 men on the field..." = "If Zac Robinson made the pitch to (double covered) Savage... we'd beat uo" = excuses.

Funky G
8/6/2007, 04:13 PM
Colt is a good player, and seems to be a good kid...something needed in Austin lately. I just hope he fumbles, throws interceptions, and puts his helmet on backwards when he plays us. I could give a **** about what he does against everybody else on their weak schedule....


8/6/2007, 05:59 PM

That logic is terribly misguided. He compared Colt McCoy to Roy Williams. If I have to explain why that is retarded, then it is not worth my time. He had a 'nice' game against us and 'managed' the game well. Read my post, I didn't make any excuse. We lost fair and square and they were better at the QB situation than we were. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. Colt has played 1 year. Let's have him play at least 2 years, win a Big 12 south championship or 2, and a Big 12 championship or 2, and play in a BCS game or 2 before we start comparing him to someone who was a Nagurski Award winner, a Thorpe Award Winner, All Conference, and an All-American... Okay?

8/6/2007, 06:17 PM
Mccoy was worn down by the end of last year- He is going to take some hits this year. It will be interesting to see if he holds up with a less experienced Oline.

I doubt it seriously - I think he is going to take some serious hits- and not sure he is able to take them - even bulked up 10 pounds or more.

8/6/2007, 06:33 PM
Tony Lindsey had a great freshman year. And we never heard from him after that. But I'll bet McCoy doesn't fall that far.

8/6/2007, 06:45 PM

ummmm we had 6 turnovers and 70 something yards in penalties(stupid figgin refs.....how the hell do you get a passinterference penalty from your tight end blocking the linebacker then releasing into the middle?).....you homeowners had something stupid like 220 yards...... i don't think the opie reincarnate had much to do with it......sit back and enjoy watching him stink it up without an offensive line this year.

It should actually be interesting. Our O-line is our question mark on offense. Talented but untested as a group. Your front seven is your question mark on defense. Whichever one steps up will write this story.

And Colt will be just fine. I wouldn't usually have thought he might have post collegiate possibilities until I saw Drew Brees. He is smaller than Colt, so you never can tell.

8/6/2007, 07:44 PM

That logic is terribly misguided. He compared Colt McCoy to Roy Williams. If I have to explain why that is retarded, then it is not worth my time. He had a 'nice' game against us and 'managed' the game well. Read my post, I didn't make any excuse. We lost fair and square and they were better at the QB situation than we were. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. Colt has played 1 year. Let's have him play at least 2 years, win a Big 12 south championship or 2, and a Big 12 championship or 2, and play in a BCS game or 2 before we start comparing him to someone who was a Nagurski Award winner, a Thorpe Award Winner, All Conference, and an All-American... Okay?

You misinterpreted, my friend. Yeah, he's a :texan:... so he gets on your nerves even when he says hello. But he was stating that us ripping on CM is like the UT fans ripping on TRRW. The won their RRS games. That was the simple logic. He never compared TRRW to CM. They don't play the same position, so that is a dumb argument to begin with. I never comapred CM to anyone great... I said it's silly for us to act like we own him or like he's pathetic when we are o-fer against him so far. Let's beat him in Dallas before WE rip on him pointlessly, OKAY? That's the way I see it. I don't recall anyone on this board saying he would be a regular Marino, either. They just agreed that a guy with a great freshmen year has high expectations. Whornfans.com-- that's a different story.

8/6/2007, 10:35 PM
Agree with goingoneight. You can dislike the player because he's a :texan: , but you cannot belittle his accomplishments because he accomplished a lot -- most notably a victory over us, regardless of personal stats. The No. 1 goal in the game is to win -- which he did. Not unlike Nate's four-interception game, in which he didn't have great stats, but he still won scoreboard.

Vow to not take a leak on Colt if he's on fire, if you must, but you have to respect him.

Jello Biafra
8/6/2007, 10:40 PM
Agree with goingoneight. You can dislike the player because he's a :texan: , but you cannot belittle his accomplishments because he accomplished a lot -- most notably a victory over us, regardless of personal stats. The No. 1 goal in the game is to win -- which he did. Not unlike Nate's four-interception game, in which he didn't have great stats, but he still won scoreboard.

Vow to not take a leak on Colt if he's on fire, if you must, but you have to respect him.

yada yada yada....all of this being said, he is still gonna get pounded this year like a under priviledged texas cheerleader in a skin flick........

8/7/2007, 04:42 AM
You make it sound as if we're not pulling for that to happen :rolleyes:

sooner n houston
8/7/2007, 06:57 AM
Agree with goingoneight. You can dislike the player because he's a :texan: , but you cannot belittle his accomplishments because he accomplished a lot -- most notably a victory over us, regardless of personal stats. The No. 1 goal in the game is to win -- which he did. Not unlike Nate's four-interception game, in which he didn't have great stats, but he still won scoreboard.

Vow to not take a leak on Colt if he's on fire, if you must, but you have to respect him.

And if I may add, he is a fine Christian young man. I wish Colt well, just not when he plays against us!

8/7/2007, 07:41 AM
Glass Joe.

8/7/2007, 09:05 AM
"I never comapred CM to anyone great... "

"this thread is about as silly as all the whorns who made fun of TRRW, Jason White, Mark Clayton, Q, etc."

Anyway you slice it, that is a comparison. And it's a terrible one for the reasons that I have stated above. Again, I did not rip McCoy because he did beat us. However, I won't defy what I saw in person or on the stat sheet and say that he 'owned' us.

Moving on..

8/7/2007, 09:24 AM
If he makes it out of the TCU game the OU d-line is going to smash his *** all day long!

Will it look something like.. uh.. well.. this?



8/7/2007, 09:24 AM
Don't worry - we got beat early in the second half on a couple of plays. We were close enough physically with UT last year and will be more physical this year.

Colt doesn't have the Oline he had last year any way you slice it - you can not just reload that kind of talent. I am thinking he will be hit like Bomar again'st UCLA.

He is not as tough as Bomar - well hard headed. Mccoy will not last the season mark my words -

8/7/2007, 09:31 AM
he had maybe the best freshmen year in UT history. What is so strange about having high expectations for the kid?

and you all ripping him is akin to us ripping the OU Roy Williams. silly after what he did to you.

You mean the unbelievable 11 for 18 for 108 yard day he had?

8/7/2007, 09:53 AM
Don't worry - we got beat early in the second half on a couple of plays. We were close enough physically with UT last year and will be more physical this year.

Colt doesn't have the Oline he had last year any way you slice it - you can not just reload that kind of talent. I am thinking he will be hit like Bomar again'st UCLA.

He is not as tough as Bomar - well hard headed. Mccoy will not last the season mark my words -

So let me get this straight. You are equating receiving a "fluke injury" with not being tough.. even though he came back against aggy and played clearly not at full strength.

So.. if receiving an injury equates to not being tough... then... wouldn't that necessarily make Peterson not tough at all since he struggled with an ankle injury (in which, his second RRS, he played only limited time).. and a shoulder injury? hmmmm

8/7/2007, 10:12 AM
The guy is a fantastic qb.......when he doesnt get hit.

The guy can't take a hard shot and get back up from it. Instead he fakes an injury to the sidelines, results comeback negative and Mack Brown labels it a "stinger"

Their O-Line isnt going to be what it has been this year. Colt better get tough or let his labia swollen vagina continue to build up with....SAND


8/7/2007, 10:14 AM
yes, you completely shut Colt down last year with the 108 yards. Too bad 40 of those came in the form of 2 TD passes.. and 0 int's btw.

You guys are starting sound aggy with but, but... look at the stats! nevermind the score!!

8/7/2007, 10:25 AM
yes, you completely shut Colt down last year with the 108 yards. Too bad 40 of those came in the form of 2 TD passes.. and 0 int's btw.

You guys are starting sound aggy with but, but... look at the stats! nevermind the score!!

I don't think anybody was saying this. The post seemed to be in response to a whorn post implying Colt had an all-world game.

Colt's a decent QB. It's not that he got injured, for me it was the way he responded to the reported injury. IIRC, it was reported as a stinger. Painful, no doubt, but I've never seen a football player react the way he did to it.

But who cares. OUr defense will give him something real to cry about.

8/7/2007, 10:29 AM
he didn't have that great a game vs. y'all but did well enough to lead the team to an 18 point win and not make freshman mistakes a la Bomar.

Bottom line is he didn't play like a freshman and we expect even better things the next 3 years.

8/7/2007, 10:31 AM
yes, you completely shut Colt down last year with the 108 yards. Too bad 40 of those came in the form of 2 TD passes.. and 0 int's btw.

You guys are starting sound aggy with but, but... look at the stats! nevermind the score!!

Here's a stat..........Big XII Champs......No buts about that.......Score!

8/7/2007, 10:40 AM
Here's a stat..........Big XII Champs......No buts about that.......Scoreboard less X2 against Texas along with embarrassing the Big XII in the bowl game!

Had to complete the thought for you there Chief. :D

8/7/2007, 10:58 AM
Say what you will about Bomar but he was tough as hell. Some of the shots he took in 05 were freaking horrible and he got up from them. That kid COULD have been great if not for the screw up.

8/7/2007, 11:26 AM
I rate him as a cross between Dan Marino, Bret Favre and Troy Aikman. He'll deliver with the accuracy of Aikman and play like Bret.


8/7/2007, 12:01 PM
If butt boy get's hit like Bomar did in 05 which even I said "ooooh I don't think he is getting up several times" he will be knocked out of the TCU game and or the Oklahoma game and or both.

He will not withstand the punishment a week oline can give you... Sack percentage will be up 15% - all smashing hits. :)

8/7/2007, 12:16 PM
Will it look something like.. uh.. well.. this?



Like a picture of Bomar getting his a$$ kicked is going to upset anyone on an OU board.:)

8/7/2007, 12:28 PM
Had to complete the thought for you there Chief. :D

Whats more embarrassing? Losing to the eventual #6 team in the country on the last play of the game or nearly losing to 6-6 Iowa? Now, who is sounding like Aggies..............Shouldn't a smart legal mind like yours stay away from racial slurs......I am from Oklahoma.....lots of indian blood.....don't call me "Chief" you have no clue what it really means.......

What remains after our little exchange is that you have words and we have the Big XII Championship......... :D :) :D :)

8/7/2007, 01:10 PM
Had to complete the thought for you there Chief. :D
not as embarrassing as you guys beating an average iowa team by 2 points.

Boise State was actually really good. They could run plays that greg davis couldn't even think of;)

8/7/2007, 01:35 PM
To think that McCoy will no longer be an effective QB because UT graduated a few O-lineman is being just plain naive. Its not like texas is going to be playing a bunch of scrubs on O-line now. They are just inexperienced.

8/7/2007, 01:47 PM
HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Colt better than Manning? That's a pretty bold statement, and a pretty dumb statement, hahahaha, he's got a LONG way to go......and the boys in Norman have something to say about that.

8/7/2007, 03:23 PM
Whats more embarrassing? Losing to the eventual #6 team in the country on the last play of the game or nearly losing to 6-6 Iowa? Now, who is sounding like Aggies..............Shouldn't a smart legal mind like yours stay away from racial slurs......I am from Oklahoma.....lots of indian blood.....don't call me "Chief" you have no clue what it really means.......

What remains after our little exchange is that you have words and we have the Big XII Championship......... :D :) :D :)

whoa old on there fomalee....

Before the Fiesta Bowl, there was a lot of talk on here about how Boise State was undeserving.. how they were outmanned... how their talent couldn't match up... how they shouldn't even be in the game... how OU was going to squash them... how the game wouldn't even be close...(as an aside, is using the word "how" as often as I just did also be considered, a racial slur? :confused: )

As for the use of the term "chief," are you saying that when 70,000 plus fans fill Arrowhead Stadium (oh wait, is that a racial slur for the stadium as well?) and yell out, "GO CHIEFS." they are using racial slurs????

What actually remains after our exchange of pleasantries is that indeed OU is the defending Big XII champions.. congratulations are in order... and we have scoreboard X2 with a substantial likelihood of X3.

I am so glad the season is just about here so we can start up the banter once again!

Let the games begin!!!!

8/7/2007, 03:37 PM
I honestly don't think McCoy is going to be as effective against top competition W/O 2 All American Olineman and inexperience up the gut.

Knocked out at Kstate- Knocked completely into fetal position against A&M.

OU will bring some of that as well now that we know the Russian bleeds !

8/7/2007, 03:50 PM
sophomore slump for the golden boy with the burnt orange vagina. after a TCU and OU beatdown they are going to realize that the vy offense doesn't work for that guy. no vy, no championships.

Jello Biafra
8/7/2007, 04:03 PM
What actually remains after our exchange of pleasantries is that indeed OU is the defending Big XII champions.. congratulations are in order... and we have scoreboard X2 with a substantial likelihood of X3.

I am so glad the season is just about here so we can start up the banter once again!

Let the games begin!!!!

you are sooo lucky i can't post from work. or maybe i am......doesn't matter, one way or the other this post is far more "civil" than what it was in my mind 4 hours ago.......

you teabagees come onto our board and give us this bullshiite about scoreboard x2 and all....... hey how bout this.......you will need to have scoreboard x5 to equal the amount of points we have shoved up your collective asssses in the last 7 years.....

know yer role whorn..........that role doesn't include telling us how "aggie" we are.......

don't make me get into the "punishments" your "coach" is dishing out to the troubled youth on your boy scout troop.

8/7/2007, 04:22 PM
Colt is great, but he has NO toughness of a QB whatsoever. He gets banged up a bit and he's out.(texas is 0-2 when colt gets hurt)

8/7/2007, 04:27 PM
Colt's good. But he's going to take a few extra knocks than he did last year. The OLine is talented, but much less experienced, and that is the one position where experience means everything (see OU 2005).

I kind of think we are where Texas was last year. Great OLine, great skill players at WR, and a newbie QB.

The main difference to me is that our trio of RBs this year are better than what Texas had last year.

I'm hoping that can help take some pressure off our QB so he cn be effective. He doesn't need to be "McCoy-like", but he does need to take care of the ball. Any sort of 3-1 TD/Int ratio would be good. 24 TDs to 8 Ints isn't a bad season at all for a rookie QB.

8/7/2007, 04:33 PM
I too am a lawyer and the problem with being a lawyer is that, well, you work with, for, and against *******s all day. I'm sure that Lidig8r is no exception.

I have no doubt that Colt will be considered better than our QB just like I have no doubt that Simms and Young were considered better than Heupel, Hybl, and White. The Horns are considered so often to have more talent than OU. They 'should' win every year. Switzer said he rarely came out of that tunnel with as much talent as tu. I wonder why they don't have more success in modern times.. I was always told that the worst thing to be in life was an underachiever..

8/7/2007, 04:37 PM
Colt's good. But he's going to take a few extra knocks than he did last year. The OLine is talented, but much less experienced, and that is the one position where experience means everything (see OU 2005).

I kind of think we are where Texas was last year. Great OLine, great skill players at WR, and a newbie QB.

The main difference to me is that our trio of RBs this year are better than what Texas had last year.

I'm hoping that can help take some pressure off our QB so he cn be effective. He doesn't need to be "McCoy-like", but he does need to take care of the ball. Any sort of 3-1 TD/Int ratio would be good. 24 TDs to 8 Ints isn't a bad season at all for a rookie QB.
He will be a lot like McCoy but won't have as great of stats. This will not mean he "sucks" but only two things will get in his way(none are negative)

-KW philosophy(COMPLETE balance)
-RB position infested with talent and more than likely will be the strength of OUr team

8/7/2007, 04:43 PM
Oh, we agree that "lesser stats" doesn't mean "not as good season".

I think whomever starts at QB will do fine, unless it's Halzle or Nichols. ;)

8/7/2007, 04:46 PM
And I've always thought KW is different than Chuck Long in regard of a balanced offense.

Chuck Long wanted 40 pass plays and 40 run plays. 180 yards passing and 180 yards rushing.

KW seemed to like whatever was working. According to him, balance was being able to do both things equally as well, but going with the sets that the defense was giving you (i.e. stacking the box with 8 or 9 guys so you pass on them versus dropping five deep into coverage so you run on them).

8/7/2007, 04:46 PM
Tony Lindsey had a great freshman year. And we never heard from him after that. But I'll bet McCoy doesn't fall that far.

That mother****er.

8/7/2007, 04:55 PM
whoa old on there fomalee....

Before the Fiesta Bowl, there was a lot of talk on here about how Boise State was undeserving.. how they were outmanned... how their talent couldn't match up... how they shouldn't even be in the game... how OU was going to squash them... how the game wouldn't even be close...(as an aside, is using the word "how" as often as I just did also be considered, a racial slur? :confused: )

As for the use of the term "chief," are you saying that when 70,000 plus fans fill Arrowhead Stadium (oh wait, is that a racial slur for the stadium as well?) and yell out, "GO CHIEFS." they are using racial slurs????

What actually remains after our exchange of pleasantries is that indeed OU is the defending Big XII champions.. congratulations are in order... and we have scoreboard X2 with a substantial likelihood of X3.

I am so glad the season is just about here so we can start up the banter once again!

Let the games begin!!!!

More Words From You & My Shirt Still Says BIGXII CHAMPS.....What do Iowa Shirts say? Played Texas and Almost beat Them in the Cough, Cough Bowl?

Big XII Champs

8/7/2007, 05:13 PM
I too am a lawyer and the problem with being a lawyer is that, well, you work with, for, and against *******s all day. I'm sure that Lidig8r is no exception.

I have no doubt that Colt will be considered better than our QB just like I have no doubt that Simms and Young were considered better than Heupel, Hybl, and White. The Horns are considered so often to have more talent than OU. They 'should' win every year. Switzer said he rarely came out of that tunnel with as much talent as tu. I wonder why they don't have more success in modern times.. I was always told that the worst thing to be in life was an underachiever..

Actually.. I believe Stoops' recruiting classes for 2001 - 2005 were all equal to, if not higher ranked than Texas. So, in fact, it is not true at all that Texas is considered to have more talent than ou.

As for why Texas doesn't have more success in modern times.. since Mack has been at Texas, no D1 team has won more games than Texas.. Texas is undefeated in BCS bowl games and has won our last four bowl games.

Not one of your better arguments Counselor.

Jello Biafra
8/7/2007, 05:32 PM
Actually.. I believe Stoops' recruiting classes for 2001 - 2005 were all equal to, if not higher ranked than Texas. So, in fact, it is not true at all that Texas is considered to have more talent than ou.

As for why Texas doesn't have more success in modern times.. since Mack has been at Texas, no D1 team has won more games than Texas.. Texas is undefeated in BCS bowl games and has won our last four bowl games.

Not one of your better arguments Counselor.

and again, modern times equals post WWII..... jeez. as much research as you do (which i am doubting daily seeing as how you are here spewing crap at us all day) you would think you would know the phrase......

until two months ago, stoops had more wins than mackovich in one less year. if you include his umpteen years in other conferences he still only has ONE conference championship meh.....you keep butter teeth, we'll keep stoops. thanks.

i don't recall a single year in the last 10 in which oklahoma has had better recruitng classes than texas. maybe i missed it, but........ they commit to us, they immediately lose a star, they commit to texas they gain two. go figure.

NONE of your arguments are one of your better arguments, counselor.

Jello Biafra
8/7/2007, 05:36 PM
and again, modern times equals post WWII..... jeez. as much research as you do (which i am doubting daily seeing as how you are here spewing crap at us all day) you would think you would know the phrase......

until two months ago, stoops had more wins than mackovich in one less year. if you include his umpteen years in other conferences he still only has ONE conference championship meh.....you keep butter teeth, we'll keep stoops. thanks.

i don't recall a single year in the last 10 in which oklahoma has had better recruitng classes than texas. maybe i missed it, but........ they commit to us, they immediately lose a star, they commit to texas they gain two. go figure.

NONE of your arguments are one of your better arguments, counselor.

furthermore....its kinda sick you are making arguments about stats that can't be compared because stoops hasn't won 100 games nor has he coached as long. funny how his average is higher though in nearly EVERY category......

8/7/2007, 05:39 PM
Well, Counselor, please produce evidence to back up your assertion regarding recruiting from 2001 to 2005. I'm almost certain that UT won the recruiting NC in 2002 and 2005 according to Rivals. Can anyone substantiate regarding the other years? Right now, that wide assertion is false..

Jello Biafra
8/7/2007, 05:56 PM
Well, Counselor, please produce evidence to back up your assertion regarding recruiting from 2001 to 2005. I'm almost certain that UT won the recruiting NC in 2002 and 2005 according to Rivals. Can anyone substantiate regarding the other years? Right now, that wide assertion is false..

lol cool! a dictionary slap fight! i got 500 vcash that says htown has a bigger package :eek:

8/7/2007, 09:36 PM
Well, Counselor, please produce evidence to back up your assertion regarding recruiting from 2001 to 2005. I'm almost certain that UT won the recruiting NC in 2002 and 2005 according to Rivals. Can anyone substantiate regarding the other years? Right now, that wide assertion is false..

Recruiting rankings...

Couldn't find the '01 rankings... I think Texas and OU were both top-5, with Texas maybe being #1.

(Texas was just a touch shy of that 2005 February nat'l title).
#1 Texas (5 5*, 14 4*, notables: Justin Blalock, Larry Dibbles, Brian Robison (3*), Aaron Ross, Lyle Sendlein, the infamous Kasey Studdard, David Thomas, Neil Tweedie, Brett Valdez, Rod Wright, Selmon and Vince Young - Of the 5 5*, Marquis Johnson, Edorian McCullough and Brian Pickryl were various forms of "busts.")

#6 Oklahoma (3 5*, 14 4*, notables: Rufus Alexander, Larry Birdine (3*), Pasha Jackson, Davin Joseph, Zach Latimer, Chris Messner (3*), Lance Mitchell, Brodney Pool, JeJuan Rankins, JD Runnels, Calvin Thibodeaux (3*), Paul Thompson, Travis Wilson; bigger busts included Noah Allen, Wayne Chambers, Jeff Lebby, and Aaron Miller).

#4 Oklahoma (0 5*, 16 4*, notables: Lewis Baker, Alonzo Dotson, Joe Jon Finley (3*), Donte Nicholson, Carl Pendleton, DeMarrio Pleasant, Darien Williams; some busts were Tony Cade, Tashard Choice (only b/c he transferred), Mo Dampeer, Tommy Grady, Brandon Keith)

#15 Texas (1 5*, 11 4*, notables: Tarell Brown, Tim Crowder, Scott Derry (3*), Michael Griffin, Tony Hills, Robert Killebrew, Billy Pittman, Limas Sweed; some busts were Tyrell Gatwood, Dallas Griffin, Erik Hardeman, Erick Jackson, Steve Richardson)

#8 Oklahoma (3 5*, 8 4*, notables: Remi Ayodele, Branndon Braxton, Garrett Hartley, Lendy Holmes, Chijioke Onyenegecha (kind of a bust), Adrian Peterson, Marcus Walker, DJ Wolfe; busts - Brett Romar, Brett Bowers, Alan Davis, Chris Patterson, JD Quinn)

#10 Texas (1 5*, 9 4*, notables: Rashad Bobino (2*), Drew Kelson, Derek Lokey (3*), Chris Ogbonnaya, Frank Okam, Brian Orakpo, Jordan Shipley; busts are Bobby Tatum and Ramonce (there are others that might be busts if they don't perform this year)

#3 Oklahoma (2 5*, 14 4*, notables: CJ Ah You, Braxton (again), Matt Clapp, Keenan Clayton, Jon Cooper, Brody Eldridge, Austin English, DeMarcus Granger, Nic Harris, Eric Huggins, Juaquin Iglesias, Manny Johnson, Malcolm Kelly, Curtis Lofton, Allan Patrick, Ryan Reynolds, Duke Robinson, Reggie Smith; busts - Brandon Keith, everyone else is too early to tell

#20 Texas (0 5*, 9 4*, notables: Jamaal Charles, Quan Cosby, Jermichael Finley, Aaron Lewis, Roy Miller, Colt McCoy, Roddrick Muckelroy; nothing to speak of bust-wise, maybe Ishie Oduegwu

* rankings per Rivals.com

8/7/2007, 09:41 PM
Faith is in Butt Boy Mccoy for UT- he will be hurt this year~

8/7/2007, 09:44 PM
Nobody wants anyone to get hurt - I appologize.

We are coming to make sure that we hit you as hard as possible though- when we can :)

8/7/2007, 11:48 PM
We don't wanna take you out of the game, we just wanna make you wish we did. :D

8/8/2007, 09:22 AM
Well, Counselor, please produce evidence to back up your assertion regarding recruiting from 2001 to 2005.

Well sir.. observe the resident Okie Lite's well informed post.

I await your LAVISH apology sirrah! :D

8/8/2007, 10:55 AM
I guess you were right about 03, 04, 05. Hat in hand.

8/9/2007, 12:39 PM
lawyers are the scum of the earth, blood sucking leeches.

8/9/2007, 01:11 PM
yes, you completely shut Colt down last year with the 108 yards. Too bad 40 of those came in the form of 2 TD passes.. and 0 int's btw.

You guys are starting sound aggy with but, but... look at the stats! nevermind the score!!

That stream of thinking was actually introduced by your head coach, not aggy.

Personally, I love Texas, cause if we didn't have them, we'd all have trouble identifying true bulls**t in our daily lives.

8/9/2007, 01:42 PM
lawyers are the scum of the earth, blood sucking leeches.

Yes.. true enough.. but when a person/company is in deep doo-doo.. then we become THEIR scum of the earth, blood sucking leeches! :D

8/9/2007, 04:06 PM
Im not going to get into a huge argument right now about this, but all im saying is that i just cant wait to see Colt without an offensive line.

Ill just leave it at that.

8/9/2007, 04:37 PM
Im not going to get into a huge argument right now about this, but all im saying is that i just cant wait to see Colt without an offensive line.

Ill just leave it at that.


Yes.. it's a shame that we will be starting 5 brand, new high school seniors who have never played a down in college football... completely disregard the fact that Tony Hills played in every game last year and started... Ulatoski started a lot of games and played in all... Dockery started every game until hurting his knee in the OU game (and was looked upon as having a great year until then)... or that Dallas Griffin played a lot at center as well.. that both Hall and Tanner again played a lot of time as well since Mack has a reputation of rotating offensive linemen into the game to get them game experience...

Besides that.... you're right.. no offensive line.. we're just doomed!

Added to the fact that McCoy developed into a pretty fair passer on roll outs....

doomed.. absolutely .. doomed.

8/9/2007, 04:48 PM
It's all about how those guys with experience gel together. They do and Texas will be fine. If not, well...

8/9/2007, 05:01 PM
It's all about how those guys with experience gel together. They do and Texas will be fine. If not, well...

then.. we WILL be doomed!!! True enough.

8/9/2007, 05:12 PM
not to jump on Lid's bandwagon, but when was the last time Texass didnt have a good O-line?

8/9/2007, 05:22 PM

8/9/2007, 05:41 PM
which would be pre-:mack:...

This isn't the wishbone where OL have to make specific blocking patterns and there are 4 or more carriers. As long as they are disciplined enough to not hold or false start (even middle school kids can listen for a snap count and know the rules), Texass will have a strong, physical... young OL. I look for them to be as good as OU was last year in passing situations. None of their RBs have made world-beaters of themselves, yet.

8/9/2007, 06:07 PM
Loosing 2 starting Guards and a Center isn't good- there is a reason why those guys started and were drafted- regardless of the others getting in here and there.

Starter - to All Conference are two different things. They better be gellin before they face TRMcCOY and Granger up the gut.

8/10/2007, 04:14 PM
We lost a lot of our experienced line after 2004 and it clearly cost us. I've always said that the whorn championship in 2005 really had more to do with an incredibly good o-line than even El Vicente De Side Arm. Young talent is great but until a young line gels, your offense is limited and wounded. With a good o-line, even a freshman quarterback can look good. (See Glass Joe last year).

If Jamaal Charles isn't getting a ton of yards, or Glass Joe makes bad decisions, it's going to be the O-Line's fault. I suspect though that the children of the orange will call it a "sophomore slump." No, your quarterback is playing as well, just with half the running game and time to throw. The line is a very legit question mark and if you're a whorn fan and want to ignore that, just pray that Mackie isn't ignoring it.