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8/3/2007, 02:21 PM
Pokes vs. Georgia.

Pull for the Big 12 or F the Pokes.

This one is tough for me. After last year's non-conference year, I want the Big 12 to look big. I think we need to take at least one of the NEb/USC or OSU/GA games.

Plus I like seeing the Pokes get all puff chested just to be brought back down to earth.

8/3/2007, 02:21 PM
F the pokes!

8/3/2007, 02:23 PM
yeah what he said

8/3/2007, 02:29 PM
I don't hate the pukes... uh, I mean pokes.. It's not like they're UT or Miami or anybody that matters. They are easy to "poke" fun at though. ;)

8/3/2007, 02:29 PM
I want to see OSU win. The heads of their fans will get even bigger before they're deflated during conference play.

However, I won't be too disappointed if Georgia wins.

8/3/2007, 02:44 PM
I have had a change of the heart this summer. I am sick of beating OSU teams that are 4-7 or 5-6, there is no joy in it - only relief.

I would much rather be playing a 9-2 or 8-3 OSU team.......at least it might turn from relief to mild enjoyment.

So Go Pokes.

8/3/2007, 02:50 PM
no no no its much better for the pokes to loose. Any victories give credit to the BPS experiment. Much better for the stadium to be half empty rather than seen half full. Doesn't matter if it is a guilded stadium if they 5h1t in it, its still a stool(water).:D

8/3/2007, 03:09 PM
Voted Mother Nature.

8/3/2007, 03:16 PM
Can't ever be for the pukes. So UGA it is...

8/3/2007, 03:27 PM
Retarded stepchildren though they may be, I can never bring myself to root for them.

8/3/2007, 03:27 PM

Big Red Ron
8/3/2007, 03:50 PM
I am completely indifferent but I never grow tired of the salty goodness, of those aggie tears.


8/3/2007, 04:29 PM
I hope this is a trick question. Rooting for the Big 12 doesn't come into play here for me. It's our in-state rival so "hunker down you hairy dawgs!".

8/3/2007, 05:26 PM
Probably for Georgia as hard as I possibly can.

8/3/2007, 05:33 PM
OSU, for multiple reasons.

First and foremost, it makes our win against them even better. It helps our SOS.

Don't lose sight of the overall goal, young padwans. To win it all, we need all the other teams we play to do well.

8/3/2007, 06:08 PM
i'm a UF grad (in addition to OU), which means i'm no UGA fan.


8/3/2007, 06:18 PM
regrettably... pokes.

simply because if they go down there and blow out an SEC team that is somewhat highly touted, and we later rout them, it greatly helps our MNC hopes assuming we take care of bidness in our other games.

8/3/2007, 06:50 PM
It's always best for OU if the conference teams lose and lose big time.

Big Red Ron
8/3/2007, 08:27 PM
It's always best for OU if the conference teams lose and lose big time.You are incredible.

8/3/2007, 08:45 PM
I am completely indifferent but I never grow tired of the salty goodness, of those aggie tears.

- thank you OU_PhD

sooner n houston
8/3/2007, 10:11 PM
:O :eek: I'll be pullin for the pokes.:eek: :O

8/3/2007, 10:38 PM
I'd have to go with OSU

I mean I don't care either way, but I'd sure like the B12 to be the conference it was supposed to be. The B12 was really bad last year.

If OSU whups the Dawgs, we beat Miami (I'm scared bordering on I think we will lose) maybe we can take the rep that the SEC now has.

It's almost inexplicable how bad the B12 has become with so many traditional programs like OU, Texas and Nebraska, and borderline traditional powers like Colorado, A&M, and KSU (Snyder was a genius) and a few teams that were once every 4 or 5 years like OSU, and Tech

8/3/2007, 11:08 PM
Gotta play this one smart - always pull for your conference, especially in a big cross-sectional Big12 v. SEC game, it only makes OU look better when they whip up on their little brother (okay, half brother).

8/3/2007, 11:10 PM
I'm going for OSU. I always want to see them do well in every game but one. Plus, it would be a big feather in the cap of the Big XII for one of its teams to win in a place like Georgia. Still can't believe Colorado nearly won that game down there last year. And I think OSU is a much better team than that CU squad.

Realistically, I think UGA will win but it will be closer than most people think. I don't think it will be quite the butt-whipping they gave Boise State in the 2005 season opener, when they picked Zabransky off about 20 times. But if OSU can at least have a good showing down there and account themselves well, then they should be pleased about that.

8/3/2007, 11:18 PM
1. Root for the pokes... only helps OU.
2. Root for the pokes... only helps OU enjoy the belly-laughs more when we're ahead by 20-30 points in Bed-dumb.
3. Root for the pokes... Notre Dame is going to be down this year, so the hype will MAJORLY shift in SEC and USC's favor. I'm a little sick of USC gaining 2-3 MNCs every time I hear their name mentioned on TV.

8/3/2007, 11:28 PM
Its really surprising that on this board with so many knowledgeable football fans that we still have so many whose hatred of AGGIE supercedes the best interest of OU football.Plain and simple, intersectional conference wins are ALL the talking heads use to seperate the elite programs. We have no playoff system so perception is everything. Even if AG beats UGA, they will have plenty of other games to choke away in conference.

8/3/2007, 11:34 PM
It's always best for OU if the conference teams lose and lose big time.

All I can say is........wow.......and pass the bong PLEASE...

8/3/2007, 11:46 PM
All that needs to happen is for UGA the bulldog to p!ss on Pete.

Good dog.

8/3/2007, 11:50 PM
polks i guess.

8/4/2007, 12:17 AM
Do you think Pistol Pete will bring his broom just in case? :rolleyes:

8/4/2007, 12:18 AM
All I can say is........wow.......and pass the bong PLEASE...

LWS = NickZepp... what did ya expect?

8/4/2007, 08:07 AM
I won't being cheering for Halloween U., but I won't throw myself off a Minnesota bridge if they win.

8/4/2007, 09:49 AM
Have to vote for the Who State, but that's only because it helps the Big 12, and because my beloved grandma is an Alum, and she won't give me her stuffing recipe if I root against 'em.

I forgive her, though, because although she graduated from Stillwater, she's a Sooner Fanatic. See, smart people do go to OSU sometimes.

8/4/2007, 09:58 AM
I like Georgia. I don't like OSU. This is an easy decision. :)

8/4/2007, 10:10 AM
F the pokes!

Hey, They're still Okies - kinda like the arab saying, "me against my brother, my brother and I against the world."


8/4/2007, 10:36 AM
This is kinda like when I was rooting for Texas against USC. I was glad when they came back to win (for Big 12), then I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Talk about mixed emotions.

8/4/2007, 11:15 AM
Call me nuts but I usually root for the pokes when they're not playing OU. I guess its just a state pride thing.

Edmond Sooner
8/4/2007, 11:36 AM
To the extent it helps OU, I say Ugh (go...*gasp*...pukes). But I hope it's really, really close, and the Aggies win on a Georgia missed extra point, or some similar such FUBAR mishap. That will keep the crowing and mooing to a minimum.

8/4/2007, 11:44 AM
Maybe OSU could win in the same fashion Oregon did against us. They really lost but it's a W in the books. Maybe that would be ok.

8/4/2007, 11:44 AM
To the extent it helps OU, I say Ugh (go...*gasp*...pukes). But I hope it's really, really close, and the Aggies win on a Georgia missed extra point, or some similar such FUBAR mishap. That will keep the crowing and mooing to a minimum.

You have spoken with OSU fans before, correct? Any kind of victory - UGA forfeiting before the game begins included - will send the fanbase into a state so unfathomable we'll expect to win every game by at least 60 until the Earth ceases to exist.

Well, half of the fanbase will think that.

The other half will expect Howard to come into Stillwater and win handily on the 8th.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
8/4/2007, 01:09 PM
It's always best for OU if the conference teams lose and lose big time.Surprising to some, this is the logical answer. It's about recruiting, in OU's area of the country.

Besides, who could pick orange aggy, except when they could block a three-peat or a team's deep run at our 47 game win streak, like when some of us rooted for tx over suc year before last.

8/4/2007, 01:30 PM
I used to cheer for the Pokes when they weren't playing us but after going to the last few All College Classic basketball games and watching 90% of the Orange clad fans cheer for OU's opponent I can't bring myself to give a shhhh about them any more. I asked a guy at one of the games why he was cheering for the other team even though it wasn't the Pokes and he said it didn't matter to him or his family, they always go for OU's opponent.

8/4/2007, 01:53 PM
I used to cheer for the Pokes when they weren't playing us but after going to the last few All College Classic basketball games and watching 90% of the Orange clad fans cheer for OU's opponent I can't bring myself to give a shhhh about them any more. I asked a guy at one of the games why he was cheering for the other team even though it wasn't the Pokes and he said it didn't matter to him or his family, they always go for OU's opponent.

yep, that's the attitude of every poke I know, so I've kind of adopted that attitude towards them as well

8/4/2007, 02:04 PM
I am tired of all the SEC BS and their views toward the other conferences. They act as if they should be the national champions every year and if they do not get what they want they will say it is all bs. Colorado, for as bad as they turned out to be, went into Athens and scared the crap out of UGA and nearly came out with the win. Oklahoma State all the way in this one and they WILL win.

8/4/2007, 02:56 PM
OU grad. OSU hater. lives in GA, GO DAWGS!

8/4/2007, 02:56 PM
Being an OU grad from SEC country, I guess I'll never fully grasp the concept of EVER pulling for another in-state team. That's one thing that amazed me when I first started at OU. I'd rather see OSU go 0-12 than win a single game. Why? You want to have full control over your state (yes, it's not like we don't already). However, a big win here and a big win there can add up to a lot and before long....yep, here comes an extra blue chipper and another. That being said, it is OSU so I don't expect a HUGE threat anytime soon. Pulling for a team that hates you more than anything? No thanks, I'll pass. I'll pull for every Big 12 team except for Texas and OSU....they directly affect our recruiting success and all that comes with that. Just my 2 cents.

8/4/2007, 04:11 PM
Dawgs. Boone State can go square to hell.

8/4/2007, 04:18 PM
I used to cheer for the Pokes when they weren't playing us but after going to the last few All College Classic basketball games and watching 90% of the Orange clad fans cheer for OU's opponent I can't bring myself to give a shhhh about them any more. I asked a guy at one of the games why he was cheering for the other team even though it wasn't the Pokes and he said it didn't matter to him or his family, they always go for OU's opponent.

I like this post. Go Dawgs!

8/6/2007, 12:21 AM
.... like when some of us rooted for tx over suc year before last.

which was the gayest thing ever.

Bourbon St Sooner
8/6/2007, 09:20 AM
I guess it depends on where you live. If you're in Okie and have to work next to Aggie every day you would naturally root for UGA.

However, if you're down here and have to listen to the constant SEC circle jerk - GO POKES.

8/6/2007, 12:45 PM
I will actually be at that game. Graduated from both OU and UGA. It'll be really sweet to see both my favorite teams give the pukes a good kickin.

And I dont care what anybody says, nobody beats the tailgates (mmm... real fried chicken) in the SEC or for that matter the hot women and the skirts they wear on game day

8/6/2007, 02:23 PM
Its really surprising that on this board with so many knowledgeable football fans that we still have so many whose hatred of AGGIE supercedes the best interest of OU football.Plain and simple, intersectional conference wins are ALL the talking heads use to seperate the elite programs. We have no playoff system so perception is everything. Even if AG beats UGA, they will have plenty of other games to choke away in conference.
When I lived in OKC I worked in an office of about 250 and more than half were Poke grads and half of them were obnoxious. SO any chance for them to be beat like a drum is a good thing.

Call me nuts but I usually root for the pokes when they're not playing OU. I guess its just a state pride thing.
I used to but I got over that, see above. State pride does not extend to them since they do not reciprocate the same feelings. The only one (of D-I schools) that does get that is Tulsa, for D-II or NAIA I always pull for a state school.

I guess it depends on where you live. If you're in Okie and have to work next to Aggie every day you would naturally root for UGA.

However, if you're down here and have to listen to the constant SEC circle jerk - GO POKES.
Amen, I haven't had to deal with too many obnoxious whorns down here so it hasn't driven me to that point. I want the whorns to lose to help OU, not just because I want to see them lose like the Pokes.

Big Red Ron
8/6/2007, 03:57 PM
Since this thread still lives, please allow me to restate my opinion....

I am completely indifferent but I never grow tired of the salty goodness, of those aggie tears.



8/6/2007, 11:55 PM
I will actually be at that game. Graduated from both OU and UGA. It'll be really sweet to see both my favorite teams give the pukes a good kickin.

And I dont care what anybody says, nobody beats the tailgates (mmm... real fried chicken) in the SEC or for that matter the hot women and the skirts they wear on game day

Amen brother...lol.

8/7/2007, 12:24 AM
Maybe OSU could win in the same fashion Oregon did against us. They really lost but it's a W in the books. Maybe that would be ok.

How about a 0-0 tie and the game called for lightning. Intellectualy I accept that it helps the Big XII, state pride, etc., etc. but my gut rebels at the notion of actually rooting for those miscreants. Then there is the prospect of having to look at T-Bone grinning like a pig in poop on television for the next week while John Holcomb has an orgasm. Nope, can't do it. Hope UGA beats them like a rented mule.

Crimson Kid
8/7/2007, 12:41 AM
after alot of thought and reading some of the post here, i feel i must change my vote.


8/7/2007, 01:32 AM
How about a 0-0 tie and the game called for lightning. Intellectualy I accept that it helps the Big XII, state pride, etc., etc. but my gut rebels at the notion of actually rooting for those miscreants. Then there is the prospect of having to look at T-Bone grinning like a pig in poop on television for the next week while John Holcomb has an orgasm. Nope, can't do it. Hope UGA beats them like a rented mule.

Hoo, that's quite a description there. Maybe you could just root against Georgia, and selectively blink when they show the team they're playing against? That may be the route I take. I've already begun to forget just who the dawgs are playing. They wear... pink, right?

8/7/2007, 10:41 AM
You have spoken with OSU fans before, correct? Any kind of victory - UGA forfeiting before the game begins included - will send the fanbase into a state so unfathomable we'll expect to win every game by at least 60 until the Earth ceases to exist.

Well, half of the fanbase will think that.

The other half will expect Howard to come into Stillwater and win handily on the 8th.
I think I'm going to hurl writing this but aggy dude here is exactly right. You people rooting for them must not be around any of them. A win of any sort will immediately ignite the Big 12 Championship/National Championship talk and it will be unbearable around here.

And all of this "it's good for OU" junk? Since when has OU's fortunes depended at all on osu? They sure don't to me. that's like saying they hinge on Baylor, too.

And beating a 9-2 osu team is good? Since when? It's never a good win to beat osu. It's only a bad loss if you lose. Playing them is a lose/lose situation. i wish I never had to see them again. Ugh.

That's the easiest poll question in the history of sf.com for me.

8/7/2007, 11:05 AM
It's never a good win to beat osu. It's only a bad loss if you lose. Playing them is a lose/lose situation. i wish I never had to see them again. Ugh.

That's the easiest poll question in the history of sf.com for me.


There have been a few times when it was a good win. 1984 comes to mind.

8/7/2007, 11:06 AM
No, never a good win. Always a bad loss. Lose/lose situation. Come on, you were on a roll there.....

8/7/2007, 11:11 AM
If you wouldn't have won all the crazy games in the late 70s-80s with the ****ing "Sooner Magic" it wouldn't be such a bad loss now... It's your own fault (ya know, since you controlled all that ****).

8/7/2007, 03:27 PM
how do u vote

8/7/2007, 08:51 PM

8/7/2007, 11:01 PM
Hoo, that's quite a description there. Maybe you could just root against Georgia, and selectively blink when they show the team they're playing against? That may be the route I take. I've already begun to forget just who the dawgs are playing. They wear... pink, right?

Conversation with Pokette co-worker:

Pokette: My password is Go Cowboys. I'm an OSU alum.
Response: Is that right?
Pokette: Yeah, my husband too. We are big fans.
Response: Season ticket holder?
Pokette: No, but we bleed orange.
Response: Did you go to the bowl game?
Pokette: No but we are OSU all the way. We hate OU.
Response: Ever been to an OU/OSU game?
Pokette: No but we are going to win it all next year? Is July 4th a holiday?
Response: None (blacked out - overwhelmed by tsunami of stupidity emanting from Pokette.) :eek:

8/7/2007, 11:26 PM
Go Dawgs!

8/8/2007, 10:07 PM

Big Red Ron
8/8/2007, 10:44 PM
Aggie tears, combined with aggie excuses, with a healthy dose of aggie crow eating is always agood way to start off a Monday.

8/9/2007, 09:07 AM
For as much as I don't like the Pokes, I hate the SEC and the hype machine thats been driving them for the last couple years even more. Any loss the Big 12 can put on an SEC team is good, as far as I'm concerned.