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View Full Version : Here's A Depressing Thought

8/1/2007, 05:20 AM
I've been so pumped about the upcoming season and then, in the middle of the night, I thought........the officials.

The officiating for the last three or four years has been so horrific that it has depressed me and almost ruined the game.

I've thought about some calls against LSU and calls in our favor which have disgusted me.

Oh wait.....didn't something happen with OU and Oregon last year?

Why can't these bastards be held accountable ESPECIALLY since the latest NBA referee scandal? These guys need to be put in front of a press conference after games and asked questions!

Coaches get asked questions.

Players get asked questions.

Commissioners of conferences get asked questions.

BCS officials get asked questions.

Athletic Directors get asked questions.

Why do officials get protection? Of ALL people involved in football that should be put under the hot spotlight of coverage, the officials should be grilled RUTHLESSLY! If you can't handle it........CARRY YOUR ***!

As someone pointed out, they've done the least to get where they are, they possess the most control....yet they are beyond reproach!

Why are they protected and treated like royalty? WHY?

Can anyone give one reasonable arguement why they shouldn't be held under intense scrutiny?

8/1/2007, 08:19 AM
because if they are under that sort of pressure after games, i think it would make their performance during games even worse...because they would be thinking the entire game "well if i make a bad call i'll have to deal with that s*** in the press conf"...but i know what ur sayin

8/1/2007, 04:44 PM
BIG QUESTION: If the NCAA can vacate wins where a coach has sternly punished himself by booting the culprit guilty of "cheating," why can't they vacate the games where kids like Paul Thompson played by the rules and still got cheated?

8/1/2007, 04:48 PM
my sig pretty much somes it up...

8/1/2007, 05:07 PM
What the hell are the refs going to say? "The back ref saw the ball hit the ground. The sideline ref didn't. I'm the senior ref, and I made the decision based on who had the best angle to view the play. The replay was inconclusive."

They have a very hard, completely thankless job. Once or twice a year, they screw up really bad, and get called on it. What more can they do, after the game? What would yelling at them and asking why they called a PI on a tipped ball accomplish? Just because you can't control your anger, or because you can't let it go that bad things happen to good teams sometimes, we have to harass these people?

Video review has been in College Football for how long? The refs are still getting used to it, and the various conference directors of officials are still finding out which head refs best manage the whistles with the new technology. Sure, I think the system needs work. Mostly, I think it needs better funding so that the camera angles that officials need are there.

And what happened in Oregon? ****, what're you gonna do? In those rare cases it's the conference's job to hold the official responsible. The Pac-10 did not. We (hopefully) will not be going to Washington as a result of this.

8/1/2007, 05:09 PM
And what happened in Oregon? ****, what're you gonna do? In those rare cases it's the conference's job to hold the official responsible. The Pac-10 did not. We (hopefully) will not be going to Washington as a result of this.

BS man they gotta come up and play the huskies...THEY GOTTA I SAY!

8/1/2007, 09:37 PM
they need to rework the replay system and actually spend some money on it instead of using some local old codger in the booth that barely knows how to use the equipment

if the TV guys can see it, there is no reason the officials shouldn't

i mean if the commentators can find the play and review it and replay it multiple times that fast there is no reason the officials shouldn't.

8/1/2007, 09:45 PM
BIG QUESTION: If the NCAA can vacate wins where a coach has sternly punished himself by booting the culprit guilty of "cheating," why can't they vacate the games where kids like Paul Thompson played by the rules and still got cheated?
Interesting thought, well said

8/1/2007, 09:51 PM
It is a million dollar game with nickle and dime officials...tail wagging the dog...guaranteed problems

8/1/2007, 10:38 PM
they need to rework the replay system and actually spend some money on it instead of using some local old codger in the booth that barely knows how to use the equipment

if the TV guys can see it, there is no reason the officials shouldn't

i mean if the commentators can find the play and review it and replay it multiple times that fast there is no reason the officials shouldn't.


The ACC is spending approximately $450,000 for instant replay. The Big 12 is spending between $650,000 and $700,000. The Big East will spend $250,000.

At least the SEC and Big 12 will have five on-field officials who will wear pagers so that they can be notified of a review in the booth.

They're making progress.

8/2/2007, 12:39 AM
What the hell are the refs going to say? "The back ref saw the ball hit the ground. The sideline ref didn't. I'm the senior ref, and I made the decision based on who had the best angle to view the play. The replay was inconclusive."

They have a very hard, completely thankless job. Once or twice a year, they screw up really bad, and get called on it. What more can they do, after the game? What would yelling at them and asking why they called a PI on a tipped ball accomplish? Just because you can't control your anger, or because you can't let it go that bad things happen to good teams sometimes, we have to harass these people?

Video review has been in College Football for how long? The refs are still getting used to it, and the various conference directors of officials are still finding out which head refs best manage the whistles with the new technology. Sure, I think the system needs work. Mostly, I think it needs better funding so that the camera angles that officials need are there.

And what happened in Oregon? ****, what're you gonna do? In those rare cases it's the conference's job to hold the official responsible. The Pac-10 did not. We (hopefully) will not be going to Washington as a result of this.

I see your point, now here's mine. If you did a truly crappy, I mean horrible job at your work place, would you:

A. get promoted
B. get protection
C. get your *** fired

I know people make mistakes, but when we make them at work we are held accountable for them. The officials are being paid....meaning it's considered work. They know that a large segment of the population watches football and that if they officiate, their mistakes will be seen. Tech and Oregon were the biggest fowl up over the last few years. If a guy missed a clip or hold, so be it, but these things were clearly visible from replay....well actually they were just clearly visible. My opinion is that if you whore it up that bad, you're *** can face a little public cruxifiction.

8/2/2007, 08:30 AM
It is a million dollar game with nickle and dime officials...tail wagging the dog...guaranteed problems
Well said. Hit's the nail on the head. I'm not saying these guys are on the take. I'm saying they ARE biased or stupid. Not all of them but enough to ruin the game at the pace it's going.

8/2/2007, 10:31 AM
I see your point, now here's mine. If you did a truly crappy, I mean horrible job at your work place, would you:

A. get promoted
B. get protection
C. get your *** fired

I know people make mistakes, but when we make them at work we are held accountable for them. The officials are being paid....meaning it's considered work. They know that a large segment of the population watches football and that if they officiate, their mistakes will be seen. Tech and Oregon were the biggest fowl up over the last few years. If a guy missed a clip or hold, so be it, but these things were clearly visible from replay....well actually they were just clearly visible. My opinion is that if you whore it up that bad, you're *** can face a little public cruxifiction.

Actually, I have a really great boss. So when I screw up, he talks to the client and keeps me from facing their wrath since I'm just a grunt. Then, he comes to me and chews my *** out. That's the way it's supposed to be.

Now, if I had screwed up as bad as the quacks at Oregon, I'd be fired. That's what's making people so mad, and I agree that that guy should have been fired. However, we can't just jump on refs as soon as one bad call happens! The only time we really need to throw a fit is times like Oregon, where the officials had multiple tries to get it right and, through their own incompetence, failed.

8/2/2007, 10:35 AM
Not to mention the obvious tipped pass and PI call late on the last Oregon Drive.

I saw that from the stands- if the ball is tipped it is free game.

NCAA rules are bogus as well- The reff said he saw we recovered but could not change the call on the field - what up with that... Why have replay if not to get the call right and take pressure off the reffs.

8/2/2007, 11:08 AM
BIG QUESTION: If the NCAA can vacate wins where a coach has sternly punished himself by booting the culprit guilty of "cheating," why can't they vacate the games where kids like Paul Thompson played by the rules and still got cheated?

Because it would be a constant tug of war between who got the bigger shaft each game, there are horrible calls each game against each team. It is a part of the game, thats the human error side. I hate as much as anyone that we got jobbed against ORegon but there is nothing that could or should have been done about it!

Salt City Sooner
8/2/2007, 02:26 PM
I see your point, now here's mine. If you did a truly crappy, I mean horrible job at your work place, would you:

A. get promoted
B. get protection
C. get your *** fired

I know people make mistakes, but when we make them at work we are held accountable for them. The officials are being paid....meaning it's considered work. They know that a large segment of the population watches football and that if they officiate, their mistakes will be seen. Tech and Oregon were the biggest fowl up over the last few years. If a guy missed a clip or hold, so be it, but these things were clearly visible from replay....well actually they were just clearly visible. My opinion is that if you whore it up that bad, you're *** can face a little public cruxifiction.
FWIW, the head ref from the OU/Oregon game last year is now the Coordinator of Officiating for the entire Pac-10 Conference.

Coordinator of Football Officiating: Dave Cutaia


8/2/2007, 03:04 PM
I thought he resigned from our hate mail campaign - damn....

Promoted he was- JEDI

8/3/2007, 06:54 AM
BIG QUESTION: If the NCAA can vacate wins where a coach has sternly punished himself by booting the culprit guilty of "cheating," why can't they vacate the games where kids like Paul Thompson played by the rules and still got cheated?

By NCAA representatives, no less.


8/3/2007, 09:26 AM
I've always thought that if a person was going to fix a game they would bribe the refs just like the mafia did the NBA referee. If you don't think it's happened/happening in college football then you are naive.

The coverup of last year's Oregon debacle still stinks to high heaven and I'm shocked there hasn't been more digging by the media.

I do take solace from the thought that Kevin Weiberg is no longer drawing a paycheck from the Big 12 thanks in part to how he handled the TT and Oregon fiascos.

8/3/2007, 10:10 AM
FWIW, the head ref from the OU/Oregon game last year is now the Coordinator of Officiating for the entire Pac-10 Conference.


Nice to see the Pac-10 took their responsibility of holding the refs accountable to heart. :rolleyes:

8/3/2007, 10:55 AM
FWIW, the head ref from the OU/Oregon game last year is now the Coordinator of Officiating for the entire Pac-10 Conference.

Now I hope we do get a +1 just so the Pac-10 will quit.