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View Full Version : Daryl Hunt stopped me in the hall today!

sooner n houston
7/30/2007, 01:57 PM
Some of you may remember my earlier post about Daryl working at the same company I do here in Houston. Today he stopped me in the hall and told me he and Switzer would be driving to the Miami game together. They are going to stop and pick up Daryl's mother on the way and take her as well. Seems the University will be honoring Daryl and his mother at half time. I didn't get all the details because he was in a hurry. Daryl said that they were going to be naming some section of Memorial Stadium in his honor.
I will be talking to him later this week and taking some pictures. Hopefully I can get more details then. He has agreed to sign a helmet that I have that has been signed by several OU greats and I want to get pictures of that, of course!
Wish I could say I had gotten the other sigs, but I bought this helmet off of EBAY. It has Switzer, Boz, Billy Vessels, Billy Simms, Steve Owens and a few others that won't come to mind right now.
Has anyone else heard anything about the stadium naming thing?

Boomer Sooner.

7/30/2007, 03:32 PM
I just did a little research and couldn't find anything. That sounds cool, though. I'll be there cheering for him that day.

Tell Daryl I said "Boomer!"

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/30/2007, 04:53 PM
Some of you may remember my earlier post about Daryl working at the same company I do here in Houston. Today he stopped me in the hall and told me he and Switzer would be driving to the Miami game together. Did he say why Switzer would be in Houston?

sooner n houston
7/30/2007, 05:15 PM
Did he say why Switzer would be in Houston?

No, he didn't. I'll ask him later.

7/30/2007, 05:41 PM
If it has Billy Simms autograph,you were rpped off brother. :D

sooner n houston
7/30/2007, 05:43 PM
If it has Billy Simms autograph,you were rpped off brother. :D

Yea yea, spelling poice!!! :eek: :D

Tear Down This Wall
7/31/2007, 01:07 PM
Dude, when I was a chillun', Hunt made hundreds and hundreds of tackles every year for us - then for Bum Phillips in Houston. Loved watching Daryl Hunt back in the day!

7/31/2007, 01:16 PM
He stopped you in the hall, huh? Well, I watched him play linebacker for us in the late 70's, and you're sure not the first person he's stopped! :D

Tear Down This Wall
7/31/2007, 01:22 PM
From a 1999 interview with Phil Tabor, another 70s Sooner great:
"We've had a great time this weekend," Tabor said. "We all had a good laugh reliving Hunt getting thrown out of the Texas game in 1976 for clotheslining the Texas quarterback twice. Seeing coach Switzer and sharing our memories has been real enjoyable.

"Coach Switzer never forgets anything. One fond memory we talked about was when coach and Billy Sims went to New York for the Heisman presentation. They were able to take five players with them and they chose Greg Roberts, Victor Hicks, Daryl Hunt, Thomas Lott and myself. It was a great experience."

From a 1977 newspaper recap of the OU victory over Ohio State:
But it wasn’t an epic. Oh, it was a little of that for Oklahoma at the start. Sharp and quick, the Sooners capitalized on one of their fumbles and one of Ohio State’s for a 14-0 lead in the first four minutes. Peacock, picking up a Kenny King bobble, ran 33 yards for the first score to end a 67-yard drive. Then a fumble caused by linebacker Daryl Hunt set up Billy Sims’ 15-yard touchdown run.

From a 1978 newspaper recap of the OU victory over Texas:
Lott, the quarterback who puts it all together so well in the Sooner Wishbone, really put it out of sight with his 24-yard pass to split end Bobby Kimball on second-and-16 in the fifth minute of the third quarter.

The Longhorn defense was aroused beginning to hope it might stop a drive which began on the OU 48 after Sooner linebacker Daryl Hunt intercepted Little, who threw awkwardly under pressure. But Lott saw Kimball break behind Derrick Hatchett in the end zone and zipped the ball to him.

From a 2005 article previewing the OU-Texas game:
Although tackles was a relatively new NCAA official statistic, Shoate's total against the Longhorns was a record that stood until Daryl Hunt made 21 in 1977. Only Jackie Shipp (23 in 1981), Rocky Calmus (22 in 1999) and Kevin Murphy (21 in 1983) have hit the mark since.

sooner n houston
7/31/2007, 01:28 PM
He stopped you in the hall, huh? Well, I watched him play linebacker for us in the late 70's, and you're sure not the first person he's stopped! :D

No, but thank God he just asked me to stop! He still doesn't look soft by any means.

Of course since he is head of security I complied! :D

Tear Down This Wall
7/31/2007, 01:35 PM
From a 2002 pre-draft analysis of Rocky Calmus:
Only Rod Shoate (420, 1972-74), Jackie Shipp (477, 1980-83) and Daryl Hunt (506, 1975-78) had more tackles in a career at Oklahoma

Tear Down This Wall
7/31/2007, 01:36 PM
If there was a tackle made between 1975-1978, Daryl Hunt was probably somewhere in or near it. Man, those were fun teams to watch!

7/31/2007, 02:22 PM
Did the stop in the hall look like this?


7/31/2007, 11:04 PM
Dude, when I was a chillun', Hunt made hundreds and hundreds of tackles every year for us - then for Bum Phillips in Houston. Loved watching Daryl Hunt back in the day!

Uhh, Dude. Give Daryl a big 'ol GO MOJO for me. I was watching him during his Odessa Permian Friday Night Lights days.
