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6/3/2004, 08:25 PM
Hey,. that was my 1450 post! That's gotta be good for something.

hmmm, good for 15 more straight posts I see.

6/3/2004, 08:44 PM
Geez, I just lost the postpadding title too.
And what happened to you, OUinFla? You ALWAYS manage to get here for the important numbers.... falling down on the jorb? me too. :D

6/4/2004, 01:37 PM
what makes you think 1500 was an important number?

6/4/2004, 01:41 PM
what makes you think 1500 was an important number?

500, 1000, then 1500..... logic. But I guess this means since you didn't get it, it isn't important.

6/4/2004, 09:28 PM
my viewpoint exactly!

6/4/2004, 10:34 PM
It is starting to worry me that I can follow your reasoning....

I hear that the weather is getting better up North.... for some stuff anyway. Good news. (Ha - figure that one out!)


6/5/2004, 08:04 PM
# 1510 is an important number.
especially if it is the only post of the day.

afternoon thundershowers are begining to appear here in central Florida. Being as I live in the "lightning capital" of the US, it is a time of year for caution. More recorded lightning strikes occur within a 60 mile radius of my home than anywhere else in the country for a comparable size.
It has to do with the seasonal SE normal wind pattern colliding with the daily afternoon Westerly sea breeze caused by the warming of the land mass.
It will last into September, and we can count on lots or rain, thousands of lightning strikes, and very little safe fishing from about 1pm until 7pm on a nearly daily basis.
As an aside note, the daily rains require those with swimming pools to have to add massive amounts of chlorine to their pools to keep the algae growth down.

6/6/2004, 04:29 AM
Well, now I feel better about not living in Fla. :D I was one of those geeky kids who had to wear a nose pincher when I swam. I was allergic to the clorine. Fortunately, it has gotten better with old age. I love to go to water parks.

There was a bad storm Tuesday (only 28,000 still without power - ouch). One of the weather people was showing off their lightning tracker - they thing was lit up all over North TX and part of southern OK. The tracker had recorded 8,000 strikes during a 4 hour period. Wow!

6/6/2004, 04:22 PM
Just dropped by to make sure the absurdity continues.

Carry on!

6/7/2004, 12:59 PM
Hey, it's Eddie Haskel's birthday! Well, actually it's Ken Osmond's birthday (143); he played Eddie on "Leave it to Beaver." Osmond is not and never was Alice Cooper, despite what you might have heard in 6th grade. Osmond was an LA cop for 18 years though.

6/7/2004, 02:48 PM
I love the important crap you learn in this thread.

6/7/2004, 02:48 PM
And come to think of it............
#1515 sounds kinda cool.
that's for you Baja!

6/7/2004, 03:22 PM
And come to think of it............
#1515 sounds kinda cool.
that's for you Baja!

Thank you OU!
Just more trivia - Lil Baja's roommate this Fall is the great-niece of Don Knotts. :D Woo-hoo!

While I was working on my new craft room today, I heard about an opportunity that I though might be appropriate for this board. Oscar Meyer has a contest that will let soemone win the weinermobile for a day. Submit a 50 word essay on what you would do with it. I don't know if you get free food - I would hope so......

6/7/2004, 05:57 PM
Oh, I'd love to be an Oscar Meyer Weiner......
That is what I'd truly like to be.......
Cause if I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner.........

6/7/2004, 06:43 PM
Everyone would be in love with me! :D

I can see the farks now.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/8/2004, 08:30 AM
Hey, Baja. I've been telling you that your avatar is done. Want to PM me your email or something?

Fla- You are next.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/8/2004, 08:31 AM
My bologna has a first name...

6/8/2004, 10:06 AM
Im gonna let Al Gore finish that line.

6/9/2004, 01:28 PM
Wooo-hooo! Thank you JWTK!

It's Wednesday..... The weeks are going by so fast. :(

Riley is growing like a weed. She has gone from not being able to jump up on the hearth, to getting up there at will. Ben, our Golden, is officially her step-brother. As he is laying on the floor, Riley will step on him to get up on the sofa, chair or whatever is close. She is not afraid of too much either, but that may change as THE CAT comes over tonight. :)

6/9/2004, 03:08 PM

6/9/2004, 03:56 PM
Groovy avatar, Baja (& JW3K) !

6/9/2004, 05:21 PM

So does Riley. But getting her nails trimmed has made it more fun to have her around - sharp nails & teeth are too much.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/10/2004, 11:13 AM
OK, I got Baja's and OUFla's done. TU, you're next. Hmmm. What to do...

6/10/2004, 12:32 PM
OK, I got Baja's and OUFla's done. TU, you're next. Hmmm. What to do...

I can hardly wait; maybe I'll have to change my handle after I see it. :D

6/10/2004, 04:13 PM
I can hardly wait; maybe I'll have to change my handle after I see it. :D

You have an opportunity to make suggestions.... so get with it. Something to do with New Orleans perhaps?
I can't wait to OUinFlas.
JWTK - you could start another business..... though you might have a hard time collecting from us..... :D Thanks again.

6/10/2004, 05:26 PM
You have an opportunity to make suggestions.... so get with it. Something to do with New Orleans perhaps?
I can't wait to OUinFlas.
JWTK - you could start another business..... though you might have a hard time collecting from us..... :D Thanks again.
I guess something New Orleans would be about right. Or maybe something to do with the guy everybody says I remind them of - James Bond, of course. :rolleyes: Maybe I should have thought ahead when I picked my name last winter. Whatever it turns out to be, though, I'm sure to get my money's worth!

Jason White's Third Knee
6/11/2004, 08:11 AM
I was thinking Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
"Anyone? Anyone?" Only because of the teaching aspect of the trivia and the persona that you have taken on since this thread began. This one is a toughy, because you haven't given me much more than the trivia. If you want something specific, let me know. Or you'll get James Bond w/Ben Stein's head.... which might be cool.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/11/2004, 08:57 AM
Like that.

6/11/2004, 09:55 AM
Like that.

YIKES!! That's a little scary. Can you put him in a Tulane band uni? Now that would be funny.

The aggies are invading Baton Rouge this weekend. We'll be running them out of Alex Box by Sunday afternoon and then it's on to Omaha!

TU - good luck to the Greenies out at Fullerton. That's going to be quite a series.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/11/2004, 10:06 AM
I don't think that Tulane has a band anymore.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/11/2004, 10:09 AM

My mistake! They DO have one and here it is. They just started back up after a long layoff. And their Uni's? Green t-shirts. Awesome.

6/11/2004, 10:24 AM
Or just the James Bond outline....

I am waiting to see the one for OUinFla... see if he can get it to show..... these old people, you know! And yes, I am one of them.

New story - the kid whose truck got stuck on the tracks two weeks ago today. He has been driving his parent' suburban (sorry, it is the wrong brand for me to capitalize) since he is too young for a rental. He does yardwork. Yesterday, a 16-year-old T-boned the suburban while it was parked at a customers. The kid flipped his car over the suburban - fortunately, only minor injuries. At least this wasn't his fault this time.

6/11/2004, 10:35 AM
Like that.
:D :D :D
Nice try. I'm not really worthy of the attention, but thanks. Now, if you could fark MY head on 007.....

By the way, at one time Tulane's band apparetly didn't have any tuba-sousaphone players because they sent an electric-bass player marching on the field, complete with extension cord and a guy pushing the amp on a cart. "The Pride" they ain't!

Thanks TG, maybe we'll get a chance to knock you guys out of the CWS, but that annual LSU home-field advantage gives you guys a boost, and we have yet to beat Fullerton in 4 tries.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/11/2004, 04:37 PM

6/12/2004, 10:54 PM
Thanks, Dr. Knee, it's certainly better than my driver's license photo. :cool: You da man!

6/12/2004, 10:58 PM
Thanks, Dr. Knee, it's certainly better than my driver's license photo. :cool: You da man!
It does sorta look like I'm shooting the bird.............

6/13/2004, 01:31 AM
My first thought was that you look kinda like Norm from This Old House.
Ummmm, you don't wear plaid shirts do ya? ;)
Very nice.

6/14/2004, 08:20 AM
It does sorta look like I'm shooting the bird.............


Nice work Knee. Plaid shirts...:)

6/14/2004, 09:08 AM
The puppy has been with us for 3 weeks tomorrow. We weighed her this weekend - now about 15 lbs, compared to the 7 lbs she weighed when we got her. Her legs are sprouting as she can now get up on the ottoman without assistance. Another "safe place" has disappeared. Poor big dogs. And us.
Those puppy teeth are harsh. :(

6/14/2004, 10:21 AM
My first thought was that you look kinda like Norm from This Old House.
Ummmm, you don't wear plaid shirts do ya? ;)
Very nice.
Sorry, no plaid shirts. (Can't you see that I wear a tux every day?!)

6/14/2004, 11:16 AM
I forgot to tell you all about my trip to scenic East Texas. My friend lives on Lake Tyler, which is a lovely place and is full of Sooner fans. We went to a party Saturday night and met a nice couple and their daughter, who attends OU. They sang Boomer Sooner to us, since my friend is well known around the lake as "the LSU fan". So we went to another party Sunday night and I wore my LSU National Champs hat for fun. The hosts, ironically, lived down the street in Tyler from my former neighbors in Dallas. Former neighbors of former neighbors. Small world! There were many many Sooners at the Sunday party and there was one guy in an OU t-shirt, I really wanted to get a picture with him but I think he thought I was stalking him or something...he left and I never got my picture. I was also disappointed that nobody was willing to part with their OU Koozie. Not that I blame them.

6/14/2004, 12:28 PM
I forgot to tell you all about my trip to scenic East Texas. My friend lives on Lake Tyler, which is a lovely place and is full of Sooner fans. We went to a party Saturday night and met a nice couple and their daughter, who attends OU. They sang Boomer Sooner to us, since my friend is well known around the lake as "the LSU fan". So we went to another party Sunday night and I wore my LSU National Champs hat for fun. The hosts, ironically, lived down the street in Tyler from my former neighbors in Dallas. Former neighbors of former neighbors. Small world! There were many many Sooners at the Sunday party and there was one guy in an OU t-shirt, I really wanted to get a picture with him but I think he thought I was stalking him or something...he left and I never got my picture. I was also disappointed that nobody was willing to part with their OU Koozie. Not that I blame them.
Hey TG - Congratulations for LSU getting to Omaha again. As much as I am unable to cheer for them (it must be genetic!), I have no problem recognizing that they are among the cream of the crop. (at least when playing all the big games at home ;) ). My friends are pretty excited about the deal.

6/14/2004, 12:33 PM
TigerGirl, At least there are no stalking headlines showing up.
Did you go check out the new HGTV Dream Home? I think it is being built on the south side of the lake. Sounds like a nice area and a nice house.

TU, I noticed the tux. I had This Old House on TV when I first saw your picture, so it was a legit thought - not a crack. :p

OUinFla - where are you? Working hard, I bet. I can't wait to see your new icon.

I am trying to win the Texas lottery - odds are only 47 million to 1 or some such.
I think it will be 115 million - of which you get around 58% to spend. I'll suffer.

6/14/2004, 01:24 PM
I did go check it out and it is HUGE and quite cool! The lake is quite a little community, pretty houses, friendly people, we had lots of fun. I think I need to go sign up to win that place!

TU, thanks for the good wishes. I know how hard it must be for you! ;) We watched the Greenies try to pull it out in the 9th last night. I heard they fell victim to some horrible calls earlier in the game. We went to the game Saturday, it was great. Lots of offense, and the Aggies went quiet after the 1st inning. That was nice.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/15/2004, 07:57 AM
It does sorta look like I'm shooting the bird.............
That's a legit 007 photo. I only added your melon and resized it. Your head was tweaked, but not the other stuff. Besides, wouldn't you like to shoot the bird now and then?

Jason White's Third Knee
6/15/2004, 08:01 AM
Ok, Tigergirl. would you like one?

6/15/2004, 08:16 AM
That's a legit 007 photo. I only added your melon and resized it. Your head was tweaked, but not the other stuff. Besides, wouldn't you like to shoot the bird now and then?
Great job. You have captured the real suave, debonnair, and dangerous me. The thing I actually shoot most is my mouth, which I shoot off several times a day without thinking. :D

6/15/2004, 08:41 AM
Ok, Tigergirl. would you like one?


This should be interesting...

6/15/2004, 03:40 PM

Hey, it's better than Tony the Tiger. ;)

Tigergirl, you go to the HGTV website in January or Frberuary and register for the house - once a day. The killer is the taxes - most of the winners are forced to sell. But you could have a blowout party there first - do I get invited? :p

Jason White's Third Knee
6/15/2004, 04:04 PM

This should be interesting...
Any requests? Baja and TUSooner had an idea of what they wanted. You can PM me, if you like.

6/16/2004, 03:52 PM
Another amazing mutt story. She is 11 weeks old.
Riley's dog food is in 40 lb bags, which are made with 3 layers of paper. Since she has managed to tear through 2 of the layers, I moved the bag next to the kitchen island while I decided what to do with it. While fixing dinner last night, I heard this scratching sound from where the bag was leaning against the cabinet. As I started to yell at Riley to leave the bag alone, up pops 2 paws and the tip of her nose. She used the bag to climb up to the counter. I moved the bag.
This morning, I was standing at the kitchen sink. Behind the sink is a pass-thru window into a sunroom where we can lock up the dogs. I hear the mutt, barking and scratching. Alll of a sudden, there are those 2 paws and the tip of her nose - again. This time she climbed up on 2 boxes - they were the same size and not in a stair-step arrangement. Guess she is a future agility candidate.

6/18/2004, 03:13 PM

Hey, it's better than Tony the Tiger. ;)

Tigergirl, you go to the HGTV website in January or Frberuary and register for the house - once a day. The killer is the taxes - most of the winners are forced to sell. But you could have a blowout party there first - do I get invited? :p

Baja, when I win the dream home I will have a blowout party and everyone's invited! You all would feel right at home on Lake Tyler. Like I said, there were Sooners everywhere. There's an Aggie with a cannon, but I won't invite him. My friend said he fires it every time they score and it drives her nuts. It terrifies the kids and the dogs. I asked her if she noticed how quiet it was last year the day they played OU. heh.

Let's see...avatar...right now I'd be well represented by a half asleep girl on an airplane, or rather waiting in an airport, but that's no fun.

6/19/2004, 06:27 PM
Happy Father's Day to all of our Sooner Dads. I hope you have a great day, with lots of love from your family.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/22/2004, 12:30 PM
Ou in Fla must have hated his avatar. He hasn't posted since I sent it to him!

OK, Tigergirl. I'll figure out something for you.

6/22/2004, 02:13 PM
Ou in Fla must have hated his avatar. He hasn't posted since I sent it to him!

OK, Tigergirl. I'll figure out something for you.

I love surprises! On the LSU board - my avatar is some martini glasses. I couldn't ever find anything small enough to fit the requirements over here. However, anything relating to booze pretty much fits me well.

Well, now that our baseball season has ended in a real crash and burn fashion, I'm ready for some football. Only 75 days to go.

6/22/2004, 04:50 PM
I love surprises! On the LSU board - my avatar is some martini glasses. I couldn't ever find anything small enough to fit the requirements over here. However, anything relating to booze pretty much fits me well.

Well, now that our baseball season has ended in a real crash and burn fashion, I'm ready for some football. Only 75 days to go.
Yeah, TG, tere are a few unhappy Tiger baseball fans around today. But it's only because they got spoiled by Bertman's 90's teams. Don't be too sad.
I'm looking forward to your avatar, maybe it'll be up when I get back from Austin next week.

6/23/2004, 02:27 PM
Yes! To the oblivian of the Testing Forum with your FOUL self!!! :P

Jason White's Third Knee
6/23/2004, 02:28 PM

6/23/2004, 02:30 PM
Whao! Look at the post count drops on this forum!

6/23/2004, 03:51 PM
I'd love to see the Thread Ender get moved into the Test forum. That would be beautiful. I hope it gets closed or moved before football season starts.

WELL, WELL, WELL. It seems I am the greatest thread ender of all time.


Half a Hundred
6/23/2004, 08:06 PM
**** **** **** **** ****!


6/24/2004, 09:51 AM
Yet another test *bump*...

Jason White's Third Knee
6/25/2004, 11:55 AM

6/25/2004, 01:50 PM
And I like the avatars you made for Tiger and OUinFla (he is busy now, but he has added it to his profile).

6/25/2004, 02:43 PM
It is so so so wrong!

Love my avatar, tho. Thanks, Knee! I look like some cool 80's rocker chick. Which - of course - I am.

Jeez this rain is awful. TU should be glad he's in Austin this weekend instead of New Orleans. I hope everything hasn't floated away before he returns. I was supposed to play in a tennis tournament starting last night but it's been raining since Wednesday so we're toast. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to drink all weekend.

Is it just me or is this board rilly rilly slow today?

6/25/2004, 06:24 PM

6/26/2004, 07:12 AM

Don't you think rilly is the coolest word evar?

6/26/2004, 03:00 PM
Don't you think rilly is the coolest word evar?

Are you a Valley Girl Tiger? ;)
I like the avatar.

7/2/2004, 08:17 PM
It is so so so wrong!

Love my avatar, tho. Thanks, Knee! I look like some cool 80's rocker chick. Which - of course - I am.

Jeez this rain is awful. TU should be glad he's in Austin this weekend instead of New Orleans. I hope everything hasn't floated away before he returns. I was supposed to play in a tennis tournament starting last night but it's been raining since Wednesday so we're toast. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to drink all weekend.

Is it just me or is this board rilly rilly slow today?
hey what?

7/9/2004, 04:00 PM
So sad that I don't see you guys on the regular boards too much.
I miss this thread.

7/9/2004, 06:20 PM
the long painful death of the ender thread.

7/10/2004, 09:56 PM
Ike, we're trying to be the last one on this thread - ya know? ;)
I had a string of a week going before.......

7/11/2004, 04:37 PM
I'm not sad at all that I had this moved over into the 'Coffin' of this board, the Testing Forum.

7/11/2004, 06:02 PM
well, I'll join in on that....Im getting sick of political threads....unfortunately I just can't resist the urge to click on them and subsequently get pissed at what people on both sides are saying.

7/15/2004, 10:48 AM
Ike, that's why I miss this thread in the "real world' of threads. Nothing to tick you off, but then nothing Earth-shatteringly interesting either. Just for fun.

7/22/2004, 08:57 PM
Glad to see you guys are hanging on here in the nether world. Of course the last post was 1 week ago......

7/28/2004, 03:39 PM
Glad to see you guys are hanging on here in the nether world. Of course the last post was 1 week ago......

Yep. Still here. Just checking.

7/30/2004, 09:25 AM
hmmmm....I wonder if you can talk *******s in this thread.....It almost seems like no one would notice....

Jason White's Third Knee
8/1/2004, 11:33 PM
Sweet! You guys are still posting here. I'll have to up my visitage to this testing forum.

So I ripped off psycho's avatar and made it my own. Haven't seen any whohaw about it though.

What's shakin' people? Tiger, I think I may have seen you at a Ratt conccert a couple of years ago. Still in the same super hot outfit? This time the cigarette burned down to a 3 inch ash that defies gravity and you have one eye winked to cool the burn? Love the outfit though..... Man, ain't Final Nett great? Flamable but effective.

sooner nation
8/1/2004, 11:35 PM

8/3/2004, 10:07 AM
JWTK, that is an awesome avatar :D

8/5/2004, 08:14 AM
Just dropped by to see if anybody's still here. Glad to see it. JWTK - as you may have noticed, I lost the avatar you made for me. Tried to fiddle with it and ended up deleting it. I'm thinking of something else, but can't seem to decide......

8/5/2004, 08:38 AM
Ike, that's why I miss this thread in the "real world' of threads. Nothing to tick you off, but then nothing Earth-shatteringly interesting either. Just for fun.

Baja, we ALL know why it was moved here.

8/9/2004, 10:02 PM
how is it that this thread has been allowed to drop near the bottom of the test board!!! gah, you people.

8/20/2004, 06:07 PM
goodbye ender thread <sniff> we'll miss you

Jason White's Third Knee
8/21/2004, 01:38 PM
Still hanging on. So... What's up everybody? School is starting here and things are getting BUSY. Looks like the Illini will be 3-8 this year. Turner will be gone. Hopefully they will wise up and hire a decent coach. Solich isn't doing anything, is he?

9/10/2004, 05:41 PM
yeah, the Illini look to be headed for another season of doom and gloom, but 3 times better than last year.

On the upshot, with the addition of TH and a new coach, Im kinda excited about the Bears chances this year.

Czar Soonerov
9/22/2004, 01:44 AM

Total Posts: 1,590
User Name Posts Jason White's Third Knee (http://member.php?u=37115) 297 OUthunder (http://member.php?u=36493) 288 BajaOklahoma (http://member.php?u=37504) 200 The Fake Don Dokken (http://member.php?u=38550) 157 TUSooner (http://member.php?u=38353) 149 OUinFLA (http://member.php?u=36415) 140 TigerGirl (http://member.php?u=38343) 73 gdc (http://member.php?u=36760) 40 Gambino Sooner (http://member.php?u=38722) 24 Ike (http://member.php?u=36641) 18 Red October (http://member.php?u=36705) 17 bri (http://member.php?u=36568) 15 SoonersEnFuego (http://member.php?u=37299) 13 TexasLidig8r (http://member.php?u=36639) 8 SoonerV (http://member.php?u=36916) 8 ouflak (http://member.php?u=36478) 7 OklahomaTrombone (http://member.php?u=36676) 7 Spray (http://member.php?u=36740) 7 GottaHavePride (http://member.php?u=36957) 7 bugtussle (http://member.php?u=37963) 6 colleyvillesooner (http://member.php?u=36575) 5 Crusader (http://member.php?u=36747) 5 SoonerGOP (http://member.php?u=37449) 5 bearcat_sooner (http://member.php?u=36497) 4 TexasIsOUsBtch (http://member.php?u=37312) 4 caphorns (http://member.php?u=38096) 4 Jimminy Crimson (http://member.php?u=38666) 4 SoonerInFla (http://member.php?u=36379) 3 afs (http://member.php?u=36504) 3 jaux (http://member.php?u=36625) 3 XingTheRubicon (http://member.php?u=36628) 3 Harry Beanbag (http://member.php?u=36670) 3 HuskerMob (http://member.php?u=38614) 3 Rhino (http://member.php?u=36416) 2 Sooner_Bob (http://member.php?u=36424) 2 Boomer (http://member.php?u=36492) 2 Al Gore (http://member.php?u=36537) 2 Partial Qualifier (http://member.php?u=36563) 2 Half a Hundred (http://member.php?u=36588) 2 OUDoc (http://member.php?u=36708) 2 Bourbon St Sooner (http://member.php?u=36727) 2 MiccoMacey (http://member.php?u=36776) 2 sooneron (http://member.php?u=37287) 2 SweetheartSooner (http://member.php?u=37356) 2 OUstudent4life (http://member.php?u=36390) 1 SoonerfanJK (http://member.php?u=36404) 1 soonerboomer93 (http://member.php?u=36406) 1 AustinTXHorn (http://member.php?u=36457) 1 SelmaBamaFan (http://member.php?u=36474) 1 opksooner (http://member.php?u=36507) 1 Widescreen (http://member.php?u=36548) 1 SoonerBorn (http://member.php?u=36557) 1 OregonSooner (http://member.php?u=36624) 1 panhandlesooner (http://member.php?u=36638) 1 Dio (http://member.php?u=36656) 1 Hook 'Em Horns (http://member.php?u=36703) 1 saucysoonergal (http://member.php?u=36731) 1 BigRedJed (http://member.php?u=36762) 1 webfoot (http://member.php?u=36784) 1 LosAngelesSooner (http://member.php?u=36800) 1 OUHouston (http://member.php?u=36846) 1 Eddie Money (http://member.php?u=36854) 1 Soonerborn03 (http://member.php?u=36875) 1 KC//CRIMSON (http://member.php?u=36921) 1 KansasSooner (http://member.php?u=36956) 1 Blue (http://member.php?u=36966) 1 OUscab (http://member.php?u=37092) 1 OUscarb (http://member.php?u=37098) 1 Oldnslo (http://member.php?u=37118) 1 swardboy (http://member.php?u=37119) 1 Gandalf_The_Grey (http://member.php?u=37209) 1 jdsooner (http://member.php?u=37256) 1 Captain Obvious (http://member.php?u=37403) 1 101sooner (http://member.php?u=37618) 1 usmc-sooner (http://member.php?u=37834) 1 DCSooner (http://member.php?u=37851) 1 sooner nation (http://member.php?u=38389) 1 notweak2 (http://member.php?u=38586) 1 Sirus (http://member.php?u=38612) 1 jreed13 (http://member.php?u=38634) 1 boomersooner28 (http://member.php?u=38694) 1 Worker Bee (http://member.php?u=38872) 1

9/22/2004, 07:26 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhh, I have missed this thread.
It's like coming home after a summer stint in the peace corps.

9/22/2004, 11:15 AM
Wow, I was just thinking about renewing the argument over who REALLY puts the kiss of death on a thread. But I looked at pages 2 & 3 of the SO and was shocked to see that I wasn't the last post on very many. I didn't run a total though.

9/22/2004, 11:44 AM
It's me.

9/22/2004, 06:47 PM

Total Posts: 1,590
User Name Posts Jason White's Third Knee (http://member.php?u=37115) 297 OUthunder (http://member.php?u=36493) 288 BajaOklahoma (http://member.php?u=37504) 200 The Fake Don Dokken (http://member.php?u=38550) 157 TUSooner (http://member.php?u=38353) 149 OUinFLA (http://member.php?u=36415) 140 TigerGirl (http://member.php?u=38343) 73 gdc (http://member.php?u=36760) 40 Gambino Sooner (http://member.php?u=38722) 24 Ike (http://member.php?u=36641) 18 Red October (http://member.php?u=36705) 17 bri (http://member.php?u=36568) 15 SoonersEnFuego (http://member.php?u=37299) 13 TexasLidig8r (http://member.php?u=36639) 8 SoonerV (http://member.php?u=36916) 8 ouflak (http://member.php?u=36478) 7 OklahomaTrombone (http://member.php?u=36676) 7 Spray (http://member.php?u=36740) 7 GottaHavePride (http://member.php?u=36957) 7 bugtussle (http://member.php?u=37963) 6 colleyvillesooner (http://member.php?u=36575) 5 Crusader (http://member.php?u=36747) 5 SoonerGOP (http://member.php?u=37449) 5 bearcat_sooner (http://member.php?u=36497) 4 TexasIsOUsBtch (http://member.php?u=37312) 4 caphorns (http://member.php?u=38096) 4 Jimminy Crimson (http://member.php?u=38666) 4 SoonerInFla (http://member.php?u=36379) 3 afs (http://member.php?u=36504) 3 jaux (http://member.php?u=36625) 3 XingTheRubicon (http://member.php?u=36628) 3 Harry Beanbag (http://member.php?u=36670) 3 HuskerMob (http://member.php?u=38614) 3 Rhino (http://member.php?u=36416) 2 Sooner_Bob (http://member.php?u=36424) 2 Boomer (http://member.php?u=36492) 2 Al Gore (http://member.php?u=36537) 2 Partial Qualifier (http://member.php?u=36563) 2 Half a Hundred (http://member.php?u=36588) 2 OUDoc (http://member.php?u=36708) 2 Bourbon St Sooner (http://member.php?u=36727) 2 MiccoMacey (http://member.php?u=36776) 2 sooneron (http://member.php?u=37287) 2 SweetheartSooner (http://member.php?u=37356) 2 OUstudent4life (http://member.php?u=36390) 1 SoonerfanJK (http://member.php?u=36404) 1 soonerboomer93 (http://member.php?u=36406) 1 AustinTXHorn (http://member.php?u=36457) 1 SelmaBamaFan (http://member.php?u=36474) 1 opksooner (http://member.php?u=36507) 1 Widescreen (http://member.php?u=36548) 1 SoonerBorn (http://member.php?u=36557) 1 OregonSooner (http://member.php?u=36624) 1 panhandlesooner (http://member.php?u=36638) 1 Dio (http://member.php?u=36656) 1 Hook 'Em Horns (http://member.php?u=36703) 1 saucysoonergal (http://member.php?u=36731) 1 BigRedJed (http://member.php?u=36762) 1 webfoot (http://member.php?u=36784) 1 LosAngelesSooner (http://member.php?u=36800) 1 OUHouston (http://member.php?u=36846) 1 Eddie Money (http://member.php?u=36854) 1 Soonerborn03 (http://member.php?u=36875) 1 KC//CRIMSON (http://member.php?u=36921) 1 KansasSooner (http://member.php?u=36956) 1 Blue (http://member.php?u=36966) 1 OUscab (http://member.php?u=37092) 1 OUscarb (http://member.php?u=37098) 1 Oldnslo (http://member.php?u=37118) 1 swardboy (http://member.php?u=37119) 1 Gandalf_The_Grey (http://member.php?u=37209) 1 jdsooner (http://member.php?u=37256) 1 Captain Obvious (http://member.php?u=37403) 1 101sooner (http://member.php?u=37618) 1 usmc-sooner (http://member.php?u=37834) 1 DCSooner (http://member.php?u=37851) 1 sooner nation (http://member.php?u=38389) 1 notweak2 (http://member.php?u=38586) 1 Sirus (http://member.php?u=38612) 1 jreed13 (http://member.php?u=38634) 1 boomersooner28 (http://member.php?u=38694) 1 Worker Bee (http://member.php?u=38872) 1
I'm disappointed to find out that I once posted in this thread.

9/22/2004, 06:48 PM

9/23/2004, 08:30 AM
I'm taking the day off. Happy Republic of West Florida Day (September 23, 1810).


9/26/2004, 09:06 AM
I am glad to see that it is still hanging around. I really miss this thread.

9/26/2004, 09:08 AM
Wow! I have only posted 200 times on here. It seemed like more. Interesting numbers Czar.

9/26/2004, 09:10 AM
1600! I was going to leave it for someone else, but OUinFla is busy with the hurricane du jour. So I claim #1600 for him. He has most of the other numbers anyway!

9/29/2004, 05:06 PM
Happy Michaelmas.

9/30/2004, 12:27 AM

9/30/2004, 02:49 PM
This is the testing thread, i was just testing out how to post a pic :rolleyes:

9/30/2004, 08:40 PM
1600! I was going to leave it for someone else, but OUinFla is busy with the hurricane du jour. So I claim #1600 for him. He has most of the other numbers anyway!

Thank you for claiming it for me, but it is just not the same. It is officially your number now. Seriously, you.......
Lucky for you Hurrican Jeanne was incoming and knocked me offline that day!
Congrats on finally gettting a "number that means something" !

10/4/2004, 05:47 PM

Nah, just the starter of the thread.

10/6/2004, 08:02 PM
This ol' thread needs a bump...even if it is n the middle of nowhere

10/17/2004, 10:47 PM
I really miss this thread. No political hating, no picking on players doing the best they can do under trying circumstances (read frequent lineup changes due to injuries).
I liked this board (and especially this thread) because the tone was generally nice. Funny, not taking each other too seriously, but not hateful. This last week has seen a major change - for the worse. No way would I have thought we won after reading this board yesterday and today.
So in the spirit of "this game was my fault," which was pretty funny, I think it must be my fault and I am going to take a hike.
I'll miss some of you, others not at all. Seriously.

10/18/2004, 08:57 AM
Sure has become harder to get some "significant" numbers on this thread.
Ill miss some of you too Baja.

10/19/2004, 10:08 PM

Jason White's Third Knee
10/26/2004, 03:22 PM
Nah, just the starter of the thread.
Hey, now!

Jason White's Third Knee
10/26/2004, 03:25 PM
I liked Dokken being on this board. He was great at posting trivial crap... he wasn't on the same level as TU, but he was great. When it comes to reaching to Neptune and grabbing a subject to post on, TU is the best. Anyway, remember, the key to a good smoothie is how long you blend it. Try blending for at LEAST a minute.

11/5/2004, 10:28 AM
I miss this thread.

Jason White's Third Knee
11/30/2004, 07:56 PM
I think I watched about 20 hours of football over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was great, but my wife can't stand to be in the same room as a football game now. Pfft. Wuss.

Harry Beanbag
11/30/2004, 08:02 PM
Wow. I didn't know this thread still existed.

11/30/2004, 10:53 PM
I liked Dokken being on this board. He was great at posting trivial crap... he wasn't on the same level as TU, but he was great. When it comes to reaching to Neptune and grabbing a subject to post on, TU is the best. Anyway, remember, the key to a good smoothie is how long you blend it. Try blending for at LEAST a minute.


12/1/2004, 12:07 AM
Wow. I didn't know this thread still existed.

Long live the hi-jacked thread!

What'd I say?

Is It Live?
12/2/2004, 02:09 PM
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas - everywhere you go!

12/2/2004, 03:10 PM
If you look on the main page and notice the replies number is a link, click it and you'll see this:

Jason White's Third Knee 300
OUthunder 289
BajaOklahoma 205
The Fake Don Dokken 157
TUSooner 153
OUinFLA 143

Seems the greatest thread ender of all time is trying damn hard to keep this one going ;) hehehe

12/2/2004, 03:12 PM

Total Posts: 1,590
User Name Posts Jason White's Third Knee (http://member.php?u=37115) 297 OUthunder (http://member.php?u=36493) 288 BajaOklahoma (http://member.php?u=37504) 200 The Fake Don Dokken (http://member.php?u=38550) 157 TUSooner (http://member.php?u=38353) 149 OUinFLA (http://member.php?u=36415) 140 TigerGirl (http://member.php?u=38343) 73 gdc (http://member.php?u=36760) 40 Gambino Sooner (http://member.php?u=38722) 24 Ike (http://member.php?u=36641) 18 Red October (http://member.php?u=36705) 17 bri (http://member.php?u=36568) 15 SoonersEnFuego (http://member.php?u=37299) 13 TexasLidig8r (http://member.php?u=36639) 8 SoonerV (http://member.php?u=36916) 8 ouflak (http://member.php?u=36478) 7 OklahomaTrombone (http://member.php?u=36676) 7 Spray (http://member.php?u=36740) 7 GottaHavePride (http://member.php?u=36957) 7 bugtussle (http://member.php?u=37963) 6 colleyvillesooner (http://member.php?u=36575) 5 Crusader (http://member.php?u=36747) 5 SoonerGOP (http://member.php?u=37449) 5 bearcat_sooner (http://member.php?u=36497) 4 TexasIsOUsBtch (http://member.php?u=37312) 4 caphorns (http://member.php?u=38096) 4 Jimminy Crimson (http://member.php?u=38666) 4 SoonerInFla (http://member.php?u=36379) 3 afs (http://member.php?u=36504) 3 jaux (http://member.php?u=36625) 3 XingTheRubicon (http://member.php?u=36628) 3 Harry Beanbag (http://member.php?u=36670) 3 HuskerMob (http://member.php?u=38614) 3 Rhino (http://member.php?u=36416) 2 Sooner_Bob (http://member.php?u=36424) 2 Boomer (http://member.php?u=36492) 2 Al Gore (http://member.php?u=36537) 2 Partial Qualifier (http://member.php?u=36563) 2 Half a Hundred (http://member.php?u=36588) 2 OUDoc (http://member.php?u=36708) 2 Bourbon St Sooner (http://member.php?u=36727) 2 MiccoMacey (http://member.php?u=36776) 2 sooneron (http://member.php?u=37287) 2 SweetheartSooner (http://member.php?u=37356) 2 OUstudent4life (http://member.php?u=36390) 1 SoonerfanJK (http://member.php?u=36404) 1 soonerboomer93 (http://member.php?u=36406) 1 AustinTXHorn (http://member.php?u=36457) 1 SelmaBamaFan (http://member.php?u=36474) 1 opksooner (http://member.php?u=36507) 1 Widescreen (http://member.php?u=36548) 1 SoonerBorn (http://member.php?u=36557) 1 OregonSooner (http://member.php?u=36624) 1 panhandlesooner (http://member.php?u=36638) 1 Dio (http://member.php?u=36656) 1 Hook 'Em Horns (http://member.php?u=36703) 1 saucysoonergal (http://member.php?u=36731) 1 BigRedJed (http://member.php?u=36762) 1 webfoot (http://member.php?u=36784) 1 LosAngelesSooner (http://member.php?u=36800) 1 OUHouston (http://member.php?u=36846) 1 Eddie Money (http://member.php?u=36854) 1 Soonerborn03 (http://member.php?u=36875) 1 KC//CRIMSON (http://member.php?u=36921) 1 KansasSooner (http://member.php?u=36956) 1 Blue (http://member.php?u=36966) 1 OUscab (http://member.php?u=37092) 1 OUscarb (http://member.php?u=37098) 1 Oldnslo (http://member.php?u=37118) 1 swardboy (http://member.php?u=37119) 1 Gandalf_The_Grey (http://member.php?u=37209) 1 jdsooner (http://member.php?u=37256) 1 Captain Obvious (http://member.php?u=37403) 1 101sooner (http://member.php?u=37618) 1 usmc-sooner (http://member.php?u=37834) 1 DCSooner (http://member.php?u=37851) 1 sooner nation (http://member.php?u=38389) 1 notweak2 (http://member.php?u=38586) 1 Sirus (http://member.php?u=38612) 1 jreed13 (http://member.php?u=38634) 1 boomersooner28 (http://member.php?u=38694) 1 Worker Bee (http://member.php?u=38872) 1

Well ****, nevermind then heh. Czar always a step ahead of em... bastage!!! :mad:

12/3/2004, 11:44 PM
This is my obligatory monthly post on the "greatest thread evar".
Have you discovered a "real" life Baja? I miss forum-playing with you.

12/7/2004, 02:17 PM
No. Way.

This thread is still here? It's like an old friend.

Many, many congrats, my Sooner Friends! May you silence the USC machine in a most powerful way.

Now on to useless stuff. Knee, Baja, TU...how have you been?

To somewhat explain my absence...if anybody cares. I had to move to a temporary space in the spring that left my monitor exposed to all the world. Not a positive environment for hanging out on message boards. Then...I spent the summer darting around the Southeast introducing my little software to customers galore. And well, now it's Christmas so whadaya know.

Belly Button
12/8/2004, 02:37 PM
Well, your avatar looks good. Welcome back!

12/12/2004, 08:19 PM
can't believe this thread is still here

12/12/2004, 10:47 PM
Hello. Did I miss anything?

Jason White's Third Knee
12/20/2004, 02:49 PM
Here's a good smoothie recipe.
3oz of canned pineapple tidbits
1 spotty banana (I swear they are SOOOOO much better that way)
4oz of frozen strawberries (sugar added)
1 cup of ice

Blend for 90-120 seconds. You will love it.

12/21/2004, 03:48 PM
Smoothies are good.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/27/2004, 11:19 PM
Smoothies are good.
Depends on the smoothie.

Sucks that this thread doesn't keep rolling. Maybe we should resurrect in some other form.


12/28/2004, 06:08 PM
I need to mail this package to Pahonix...

1/2/2005, 12:20 AM
I thought this thread had died. :confused:

1/2/2005, 10:24 AM
I thought this thread had died. :confused:
not yet!

1/3/2005, 11:34 AM
if you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

1/3/2005, 07:57 PM
Depends on the smoothie.

Sucks that this thread doesn't keep rolling. Maybe we should resurrect in some other form.


...or death of a salesman.

1/4/2005, 11:20 AM
this thread still sucks............if it were furniture, it would be in the attic of a ghetto tower.

1/4/2005, 12:16 PM
So, how is it that this thread sucks and the invisible thread doesn't? They both suck equally but the only difference is, that one was started by a mod and the other by a normal joe.

Sounds like butt kissin to me.

1/6/2005, 12:37 AM

1/6/2005, 12:55 PM

1/6/2005, 01:02 PM
in Norm's leg

1/7/2005, 10:57 PM
-.. --- -- .. -. .- - .. --- -.

1/7/2005, 11:18 PM
I love your avatar...

1/8/2005, 10:07 PM
I was trying to kill the thread you bastage! :P

1/8/2005, 10:10 PM
Oh this isn't going to help.


1/9/2005, 11:44 PM
I've seen alot of strange things in my life, but that....is....AWESOME!!!

Jason White's Third Knee
1/10/2005, 11:17 AM
-.. --- -- .. -. .- - .. --- -.

I changed my avatar cause this is the way I feel. OU broke my heart. Now I am an evil ****er. I've been so bitter that I can hardly look at anything OU related.

1/10/2005, 03:26 PM
die motherfukka!

1/10/2005, 05:59 PM

1/11/2005, 12:28 AM
Zinc is by far the best element. I also like plutonium. It's just fun to say. "Plutonium." How's your plutonium?

1/11/2005, 12:31 AM
Marty: "Does it run like, on regular unleaded gasoline?"
Doc Brown: "No, unfortunately it requires something with a little more kick- Plutonium!"
Marty: "Doc, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium! Did you rip that off?"
Doc Brown:"Of course! From a group of Libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and instead gave them a shoddy bomb casing filled with used pinball machine parts!"

1/15/2005, 01:06 AM
back to the top bitches

Jason White's Third Knee
1/19/2005, 09:43 AM
Ac actinium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinium) 89
Ag silver (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver) 47 (Latin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin) Argentum) Al aluminium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium) 13
Am americium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americium) 95
Ar argon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon) 18
As arsenic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenic) 33
At astatine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astatine) 85
Au gold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold) 79 (Latin Aurum) B boron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boron) 5
Ba barium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barium) 56
Be beryllium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryllium) 4
Bh bohrium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohrium) 107
Bi bismuth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bismuth) 83
Bk berkelium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkelium) 97
Br bromine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromine) 35
C carbon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon) 6
Ca calcium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium) 20
Cd cadmium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadmium) 48
Ce cerium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerium) 58
Cf californium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Californium) 98
Cl chlorine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine) 17
Cm curium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curium) 96
Co cobalt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobalt) 27
Cr chromium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium) 24
Cs caesium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium) 55
Cu copper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper) 29 (Latin Cuprum) Db dubnium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubnium) 105
Ds darmstadtium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darmstadtium) 110
Dy dysprosium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysprosium) 66
Er erbium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erbium) 68
Es einsteinium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsteinium) 99
Eu europium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europium) 63
F fluorine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorine) 9
Fe iron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron) 26 (Latin Ferrum) Fm fermium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermium) 100
Fr francium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francium) 87
Ga gallium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallium) 31
Gd gadolinium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadolinium) 64
Ge germanium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanium) 32
H hydrogen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen) 1
He helium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium) 2
Hf hafnium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafnium) 72
Hg mercury (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_%28element%29) 80 (Latin Hydragyrum - quicksilver) Ho holmium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmium) 67
Hs hassium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hassium) 108
I iodine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodine) 53
In indium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indium) 49
Ir iridium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iridium) 77
K potassium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium) 19 (German (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language) Kalium) Kr krypton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krypton) 36
La lanthanum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanthanum) 57
Li lithium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium) 3
Lr lawrencium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrencium) 103
Lu lutetium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutetium) 71
Md mendelevium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendelevium) 101
Mg magnesium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium) 12
Mn manganese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manganese) 25
Mo molybdenum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molybdenum) 42
Mt meitnerium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meitnerium) 109
N nitrogen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen) 7
Na sodium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium) 11 (Latin Natrium) Nb niobium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niobium) 41
Nd neodymium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neodymium) 60
Ne neon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon) 10
Ni nickel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel) 28
No nobelium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobelium) 102
Np neptunium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neptunium) 93
O oxygen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen) 8
Os osmium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmium) 76
P phosphorus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphorus) 15
Pa protactinium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protactinium) 91
Pb lead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead) 82 (Latin Plumbum) Pd palladium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladium) 46
Pm promethium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promethium) 61
Po polonium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonium) 84
Pr praseodymium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praseodymium) 59
Pt platinum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum) 78
Pu plutonium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutonium) 94
Ra radium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium) 88
Rb rubidium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubidium) 37
Re rhenium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhenium) 75
Rf rutherfordium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutherfordium) 104
Rg roentgenium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgenium) 111
Rh rhodium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodium) 45
Rn radon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radon) 86
Ru ruthenium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenium) 44
S sulfur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur) 16
Sb antimony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimony) 51 (Latin Stibium) Sc scandium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandium) 21
Se selenium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium) 34
Sg seaborgium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaborgium) 106
Si silicon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon) 14
Sm samarium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samarium) 62
Sn tin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin) 50 (Latin Stannum) Sr strontium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strontium) 38
Ta tantalum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalum) 73
Tb terbium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terbium) 65
Tc technetium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technetium) 43
Te tellurium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tellurium) 52
Th thorium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium) 90
Ti titanium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium) 22
Tl thallium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thallium) 81
Tm thulium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thulium) 69
U uranium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium) 92
Uub ununbium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununbium) 112
Uuh ununhexium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununhexium) 116
Uup ununpentium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununpentium) 115
Uuq ununquadium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununquadium) 114
Uut ununtrium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununtrium) 113
V vanadium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanadium) 23
W tungsten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tungsten) 74 (German Wolfram) Xe xenon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenon) 54
Y yttrium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yttrium) 39
Yb ytterbium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ytterbium) 70
Zn zinc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinc) 30
Zr zirconium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirconium) 40

Jason White's Third Knee
1/24/2005, 11:33 AM
Trying out a new ale recipe. Just got it in to the fermentation container last night. Will let you know the results:

5 gallons spring water
3 lbs dry amber malt extract
1 lb dry plain malt extract
6 oz sorghum molasses
1/4 cup maltodextrin
1/2 oz fuggles hops boiling
1/2 oz tettanger hops boiling
1/5 oz tettanger hops aroma
1 tsp irish moss

It smells soooooo good.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/24/2005, 11:33 AM
per·i·stal·sis (phttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/ebreve.gifrhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/lprime.gifhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/ibreve.gif-stôlhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/prime.gifshttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/ibreve.gifs, -sthttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/abreve.giflhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/prime.gif-)
n. pl. per·i·stal·ses (-shttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/emacr.gifz) The wavelike muscular contractions of the intestine or other tubular structure that propel the contents onward by alternate contraction and relaxation. Also called vermicular movement.


\Bor"bo*rygm\, n. [F. borborygme, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to rumble in the bowels.] (Med.) A rumbling or gurgling noise produced by wind in the bowels.

1/31/2005, 11:44 PM
Sometimes you just feel the need to come home again.

2/1/2005, 01:50 AM
oh my god, what the heck is going on in here?

Jason White's Third Knee
2/10/2005, 10:01 AM
Trying out a new ale recipe. Just got it in to the fermentation container last night. Will let you know the results:

5 gallons spring water
3 lbs dry amber malt extract
1 lb dry plain malt extract
6 oz sorghum molasses
1/4 cup maltodextrin
1/2 oz fuggles hops boiling
1/2 oz tettanger hops boiling
1/5 oz tettanger hops aroma
1 tsp irish moss

It smells soooooo good.

Pretty cool! When I bottled it, I used 1.25 cups of plain malt in a quart of water and added 2 tablespoons of Spruce Extract. Spruce was used by US settlers to flavor and preserve the beer before hops was available here. It gives it a rather sweet taste, a bit like a cola.

The beer is a success! If I were to do it again, I would have made the whole recipe stronger, adding one more lb of amber malt, another oz of fuggles, and one more tablespoon of spruce extract. Nice fizz, clarity, and flavor. I think it needs more flavor though.

Stay tuned. Next is a REAL ginger ale. I am stoked.

2/12/2005, 11:23 AM
I've missed you guys.
Mr. Baja's company has a new boss, so he has been working longer hours to keep up with the financial stuff. I think it is gonna be great - more Sooners in the company!
Lil Baja has a very smart partner in her chemistry lab this semester. He has the same major, so she is planning to off him after finals. Decrease the competition. What a girl!

Jason White's Third Knee
2/23/2005, 01:12 PM
http://img211.exs.cx/img211/1686/p22104195qt.th.jpg (http://img211.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img211&image=p22104195qt.jpg)

I've been sculpting lately too. This is my second sculpture. It's a gift for my father in law. Looks like him to me.

The second beer batch of 2005 is ready for bottling. I used a ton of ginger and I think it's going to be very refreshing.

Jason White's Third Knee
2/23/2005, 01:14 PM
I've missed you guys.
Mr. Baja's company has a new boss, so he has been working longer hours to keep up with the financial stuff. I think it is gonna be great - more Sooners in the company!
Lil Baja has a very smart partner in her chemistry lab this semester. He has the same major, so she is planning to off him after finals. Decrease the competition. What a girl!
Wait. Off him? Like kill?

2/24/2005, 12:51 PM
I'm moving to Montana in June. The 9 month summers down here are killin us so we're out. I tried to quit my job the other day but my boss told me I could continue my present duties from the glorious Rocky Mountains. So now all we have to to is 1. sell the house 2. sell the car 3. buy a new car 4. find a place to live.

No problem. I think I'll start a countdown. 100 days (or so) till I head out.

2/24/2005, 02:18 PM
I'm moving to Montana in June. The 9 month summers down here are killin us so we're out. I tried to quit my job the other day but my boss told me I could continue my present duties from the glorious Rocky Mountains. So now all we have to to is 1. sell the house 2. sell the car 3. buy a new car 4. find a place to live.

No problem. I think I'll start a countdown. 100 days (or so) till I head out.
Gonna raise you up a little crop of dental floss?

(obscure Frank Zappa allusion)

2/25/2005, 05:26 PM
might be movin' to Montana soon
Just to raise me up a crop of Dental Floss Raisin' it up
Waxen it down
In a little white box
I can sell uptown
By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss,
But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Well I just might grow me some bees
But I'd leave the sweet stuff
For somebody else...
but then, on the other hand
I'd Keep the wax N' melt it down
Pluck some Floss N' swish it aroun'
I'd have me a crop
An' it'd be on top

(that's why I'M movin' to Montana)

Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon
(yes I am)
Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune
I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss
That's growin' on the prairie
Pluckin' the floss!
I plucked all day an' all nite an' all Afternoon...
I'm ridin' a small tiny hoss
(His name is MIGHTY LITTLE)
He's a good hoss
Even though He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
Any way I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss
Even if you think it is a little silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks
I'm gonna find me a horse
Just about this big
An' ride him all along the border line
With a Pair of heavy-duty
Zircon-encrusted tweezers in my hand
Every other wrangler would say
I was mighty grand
By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss
But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Well I might Ride along the border
With my tweezers gleamin'
In the moon-lighty night
And then I'd Get a cuppa cawfee
N' give my foot a push...
Just me 'n the pymgy pony
Over the Dennil Floss Bush
N' then I might just Jumb back on
An' ride Like a cowboy
Into the dawn to Montana
Movin' to Montana soon

3/1/2005, 11:32 PM
A tiger in Montana?
Kinda bet you will have a hard time finding other Cajuns to watch games with.
Thank goodness for satelite dish.

3/3/2005, 05:20 PM
We're moving to Bozeman and there's a Baton Rouge guy who owns a restaurant not far away in Livingston. He's an LSU grad so I'm hoping he'll show the games when he can. I hate to thing of the west coast football I'm going to be subjected to, but I guess I'll get used to it. The good thing is that I'm keeping my job with the company here in BR and my boss said we could arrange some trips around home games.

I'm going to suffer from serious withdrawal.

3/6/2005, 12:02 PM
Welcome to Division 1-AA football country, TigerGirl. Good times with the rivalry between UM and MSU. Go Griz!

3/7/2005, 02:08 PM
Thanks! I'm looking forward to it. I see that Bobcat Stadium holds all of 15,000 people. I hope I can find a seat! ;)

Jason White's Third Knee
3/7/2005, 03:08 PM
TG, DON'T DO IT! Sure the roads will be better, but the weather won't be! I came from NM and TX to IL. It's too much darkness. It'll freak you out! Too dark and too cold I tells ya!

3/7/2005, 04:14 PM
How the hell is this thing still alive....and why am I still subscribed to it when I haven't posted in it for a year

3/7/2005, 09:14 PM

Tear Down This Wall
3/8/2005, 07:13 PM

3/17/2005, 03:20 PM
TG, DON'T DO IT! Sure the roads will be better, but the weather won't be! I came from NM and TX to IL. It's too much darkness. It'll freak you out! Too dark and too cold I tells ya!

Yes but the mountains...they will be there! I will ski!

Tear Down This Wall
3/17/2005, 05:24 PM
A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a...Afternoon delight!


3/26/2005, 01:18 AM
Wait. Off him? Like kill?

Yeap. Last year, they only took 50 kids into the physical therapy program. She figures that she needs to start eliminating the competition - but only after she is finished with chemistry. :D

Can you believe that your little thread has lasted this long?

3/31/2005, 02:27 PM
How the hell is this thing still alive....and why am I still subscribed to it when I haven't posted in it for a year

Good question.

3/31/2005, 03:55 PM
Why did I come here?

3/31/2005, 11:54 PM
Why did I come here?

A subtle attempt to end the thread?
and thus win the title of the thread?

Your efforts failed.

4/1/2005, 03:18 PM
Move along, nothing to see here.

4/2/2005, 01:09 AM

4/2/2005, 11:17 AM


4/2/2005, 11:18 AM

Scott D
4/2/2005, 02:52 PM
this is the thread.....the thread that never ends.....that is all

Tear Down This Wall
4/12/2005, 12:57 PM
come on wonder mike do what ya like

like a can of beer that's sweeter than honey
like a millionaire that has no money
like a rainy day that is not wet
like a gamblin fiend that does not bet
like dracula with out his fangs
like the boogie to the boogie without the boogie bang
like collard greens that dont taste good
like a tree that's not made out of wood
like goin up and not comin down
is just like the beat without the sound no sound
to the beat beat, ya do the freak
everybody just rock and dance to the beat

Jason White's Third Knee
4/18/2005, 04:49 PM
Sam's diet cola is better than any other diet cola and is cheaper. How cool is that?

I love buying tools.

4/18/2005, 11:26 PM
The problem is that whoever posts the last post in here, will officially be the Greatest Thread Ender of All Time...so it won't ever end, too much competition. But let's face it I am a Thread Ending God, I have ended threads for the last year, I am the longest reigning thread ender in over 10 years. You are not in my league ;)

4/18/2005, 11:42 PM
I will crush you all at thread ending

4/19/2005, 01:41 AM
I have been in Triple Thread Ending matches, I have been steel cage barb wire thread ending match, I have beaten the Dead Thread, The Olympic Gold Medalist Thread, I have survived Hell in the Thread, I have walked out victorious in a six man Elimation thread chamber, You are not in my league boy! ;)

Tear Down This Wall
4/19/2005, 10:16 AM
"Lovable losers, no account boozers, and honkey tonk heroes like me."

Waylon Jennings

4/23/2005, 02:25 PM
Only 20 more school days left! I am so ready.

4/23/2005, 02:26 PM
And I bet that OUinFla makes it back here for the 1,900th post. He has radar or something.

4/23/2005, 06:27 PM
OUinFla is too busy at Hooters or playing with fish to join us poor folk or return PM's even.

4/24/2005, 09:38 PM
OUinFla is too busy at Hooters or playing with fish to join us poor folk or return PM's even.

Hmmmmm...... have you done anything to him lately? If he were to put you on his ignore list, would he still get PEEMS from you? I'm just saying.... :P

4/24/2005, 09:40 PM
And I love your avatar BTW! He is so cute, as are his big brother and big sister.

4/24/2005, 10:35 PM
Surely, you both jest?

4/24/2005, 10:36 PM
All thunders kids are cute.
cause their Mom is beautiful.

4/24/2005, 10:36 PM
Hooters? I wish.

4/24/2005, 10:37 PM
I like Waylon Jennings.

4/24/2005, 10:38 PM
And Peter Jennings

4/24/2005, 10:38 PM
Gandolf, you dont have a chance.

4/24/2005, 10:39 PM
1700 the hard way!

4/25/2005, 12:16 PM

4/26/2005, 09:23 PM
I always miss the cool numbers. 1702 sucks.

4/26/2005, 09:42 PM
There's nothing wrong with 1702!
If you add up all the digits, you come up with 10.
add them again, and you come up with 1.
= LSU's ranking after the 2003-2004 Sugar bowl.
It's all in how you look at it.

4/27/2005, 09:31 PM
Did you make it over to the fish thread before it sunk to the back pages?
They really needed you. :)

And I really want to know how you make it to the 100's. I think you own most of them.

4/27/2005, 10:44 PM
fish thread?
as in aquarium?
or rod and reel kind?

Seriously, the answer is no.

4/27/2005, 10:45 PM
Why is this thread in the "Testing Area" ?
are we taking a test?

4/28/2005, 01:24 AM
Enlighten them.

This was the "official" post-padding thread, so it got the boot. It has been joined by its replacement. There are a couple of others that deserve to join us, but the post-count loses would be devastating.

Didn't you turn in your test? You are so going to fail.
Does that mean you become a poke or a whorn?

4/28/2005, 12:54 PM
Didn't you turn in your test? You are so going to fail.
Does that mean you become a poke or a whorn?

If I ever become a poke or whorn, that means the Rapture has occured, and I got left behind, and the pokes or whorns provide the only means of salvation. As all Sooners will already be gone.

5/2/2005, 10:26 AM
It has not only been joined by its replacement...it has been SURPASSED by its replacement! :D

5/10/2005, 10:32 PM

Al Gore
5/15/2005, 10:27 AM
I just had to keep this thread alive....

5/15/2005, 03:45 PM
Ho Ho is the most beloved clown. You are forgetting the Pokey factor.

5/18/2005, 07:02 PM
I'm gonna go with Baja on this one...that guy doesn't look like a clown to me. He just looks like that guy that wanders around elementary schools scaring the children.

5/19/2005, 07:30 AM
it lives!

5/28/2005, 09:52 AM
So they declared my husband's Expedition "totaled." He was more than willing to fix it - more money for the dealership, he didn't mind driving a loaner, the lease is up in Sept anyway.
Now he has to wait for everybody to agree on the value of the vehicle. So that is her insurance company, Ford (lease holder), our insurance company, and the company that has our Gap insurance. He thinks that we may actually make some money off of this.
Oh, and they want him to sign a release saying that he won't sue for injuries and damages. They will compensate him. I suggested starting with a $100,000. ;)

6/6/2005, 09:48 PM
and they said?

That is the longest pool I have ever seen.

Jason White's Third Knee
10/21/2005, 09:49 AM
Man. This thread was waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down there. I've just been too busy.

10/21/2005, 10:02 AM
Good times ...good times ...

10/21/2005, 10:03 AM



10/21/2005, 10:23 AM
I win.

10/21/2005, 10:44 AM
or not. ;)

10/30/2005, 09:56 PM
I win, Part II.

10/30/2005, 09:58 PM
not so fast.

10/30/2005, 10:12 PM
pffft, amateurs.

11/8/2005, 12:27 PM

11/16/2005, 04:37 PM
Never happen

11/16/2005, 04:42 PM
Sooners can't FINISH (or end threads)

11/16/2005, 05:03 PM
quit following me around

11/16/2005, 05:08 PM
The world revolves around u? Did not know that.

11/16/2005, 07:25 PM
Ya learn somethin ever day here on SF.com

11/16/2005, 07:26 PM
This thread is annoying... oops I guess I just bumped it again, eh?

11/18/2005, 08:41 PM
I will NOT be beaten!!

Jason White's Third Knee
12/2/2005, 02:23 PM
Sure wish Dokken would come back. The poster, not the hairband. Ratt on the other hand...

Lay it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/2/2005, 02:33 PM
Why does your avatar say OU no 1 ?
OU number 1 , I could understand.

see, there's always something else to post about on this thread.
It's endless I tell ya.

12/13/2005, 03:51 PM
OU isn't in FLA!

12/13/2005, 08:50 PM
Crazy Eights

12/13/2005, 09:53 PM
OU isn't in FLA!

This one is, but I would prefer to be in your avatar.
figuratively speaking.

12/14/2005, 09:20 PM

12/14/2005, 10:00 PM
CC Deville=Pamela Anderson Lee ...but with more make-up.

Great post mother****er!:D

12/14/2005, 11:27 PM
Made a chimney fire tonight. 'Twas cool.

12/15/2005, 12:52 AM
I win

12/15/2005, 04:19 PM
If this thread goes any further, it will mean armageddon has begun.

12/15/2005, 04:27 PM
Armegeddon it...really gettin' it...Def Leppard

12/15/2005, 06:23 PM

12/15/2005, 06:39 PM
thunder wins! dang

12/15/2005, 09:40 PM
over my dead body.
which could happen before this thread ends.

12/16/2005, 01:10 AM

12/16/2005, 02:00 AM
over my dead body.
which could happen before this thread ends.

:eek: :)

Tear Down This Wall
12/16/2005, 09:58 AM
Anybody else listening to the Geto Boys this morning?

12/16/2005, 05:18 PM
I might just win with this one

12/16/2005, 05:25 PM
I might just win with this one

If you will just bring back your animated avi, Ill quit posting in this thread
.for at least a week.

12/16/2005, 06:45 PM
I am undefeated thread killer

fwiw, you suck at thread killing.......

12/17/2005, 07:19 AM
Time to make some java.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/19/2005, 11:56 PM
Why does your avatar say OU no 1 ?
OU number 1 , I could understand.

see, there's always something else to post about on this thread.
It's endless I tell ya.

I've been meaning to put a little . in there so it would say OU NO. 1
It's tough coming up with stuff like that. In IL you can get a personalized plate for free if your plate ends with a number.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/20/2005, 12:00 AM

Yeah, that.

12/20/2005, 10:38 PM
I've ended a few lately with inappropriate references...