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View Full Version : NCAA Apologizes!

7/12/2007, 07:46 PM
Below is a psuedo copy of a letter sent today from "the NCAA" to OSU, TAMU and Hook 'em football fans:

12 July, 2007

Dear Aggies, Aggots and Longhorns,

Please accept our most sincere apologies. We know you were counting on us to protect you from the seeming juggernaut rolling toward you from Norman, OK.

Honestly, we did all we could for you. I wish it could have been more, but we simply had nothing to work with. Our entire case was built on The University of Oklahoma’s compliance office failing to retrieve a single piece of paper regarding two guys cheating a car dealership out of small time wages. There’s only so much you can do with that, you must realize.

It is our feeling that you must share part of the blame for the failure to break the Sooners. You knew our case was weak, yet it should have been more than sufficient message board ammo to raise all of college football against them. You, as message board crusaders, failed to build on the foundation we provided you.

That said, please know that we did try to help you. God bless, and may He help you when your team must take the field against the Sooners these next few years. They will need your prayers.


Dr. M. Brand et.al.