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View Full Version : You know what sucks...

7/9/2007, 08:17 AM
Not having any internet for at least another two weeks because of flooding of Texoma. :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Some brilliant mind built the box with all of the communications techno-junk below the height of the top of the flood pool. Thanks a lot *******. :texan:

It feels like the 80's down there, with out any hip music and french-rolled jeans.

thanks for looking at my post and making this the new best thread EVAR. Too bad I wont get to see what anyone put till next weekend since I am leaving teh internet friendly confines of Norman for assbackwardsville.


jk the sooner fan
7/9/2007, 08:43 AM
i'm sure its due to global warming.....

Scott D
7/9/2007, 08:45 AM
mebbe it's me, but I'd reschedule a trip to the bowels of hell if I wasn't gonna get no innerweb there.

Scott D
7/9/2007, 08:45 AM
and jk the new catch phrase is global cooling ;)

7/9/2007, 09:07 AM
Not having any internet for at least another two weeks because of flooding of Texoma. :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Some brilliant mind built the box with all of the communications techno-junk below the height of the top of the flood pool. Thanks a lot *******. :texan:

It feels like the 80's down there, with out any hip music and french-rolled jeans.

thanks for looking at my post and making this the new best thread EVAR. Too bad I wont get to see what anyone put till next weekend since I am leaving teh internet friendly confines of Norman for assbackwardsville.

:mad:Damn him.

7/9/2007, 09:09 AM
By the time Frag gets back online....

All His Bases will Belong to Us.

7/11/2007, 06:24 PM
MUAHAHAHA! Hello from the Sherman IHOP! God this is awful. I miss the innerwebs. Keep ur dirty hands off my bases... I'm fortifying.

You know what else sucks? That i basically have to go down here to do my work. Some of it i could do in Norman. But more than that my advisor :mad: wants me to be here for all of it. ghey.

So the septic is about to flood down here. it has been under water for more than a week. I might get to go home more than just the weekend, in order to reduce the load on the septic.

Damn global warming....

7/11/2007, 06:39 PM
Should this thread be merged with the NCAA sanction thread?

7/11/2007, 09:14 PM

7/11/2007, 09:49 PM
I always thot the PERFECT suck was a 3 foot tall broad with a flat head and a 6 pack:eek:

7/14/2007, 04:24 AM
I always thot the PERFECT suck was a 3 foot tall broad with a flat head and a 6 pack:eek:

Make her three feet tall, and stands about to here....

...with a flat spot on her head so i can rest my beer - Jason Boland

Ahhh the weekend is here, back to normantown, and drunky town domination. Always the last man standing. I love you innerweb

Chuck Bao
7/14/2007, 09:01 AM
Heh! I'll mess up your thread and all your complaining and bad-mouthing, since you won't be accessing the internet much and driving to Sherman and back in between posts would take like what - 60-90 minutes?

Alrighty now, you needn't call the small Lake Texoma communities "assbackwardsville". I can't dispute that observation and I tend to agree, but...

...exactly who built that box with all of the communications techno-junk below the height of the top of the flood pool? At the OU Biological Station? An OU engineer?

...have ya thought about buying one of those lap tops and satellite high-speed connection. My niece has one and it seems to be working just fine, except when it's storming and that's been like only 50% of the time. At the end of the day, maybe that'd be cheaper than driving to Sherman.