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View Full Version : Help support Cat in the Rachael Corrie lawsuit

7/9/2007, 06:19 AM
Racheal Corries' family will get an appeal to the 9th Circuit:mad: to have their lawsuit against Caterpillar reinstated.



The moonbats have unlimited resources with all the Soros front groups, so I will help out however I can. Of course, I can't afford a real life D9 CAT:


But I can afford the toy model or maybe even the boots:


http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:nl6NpWTakknmaM:http://www.work-n-wear.com/shop/images/3615.jpg (http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:nl6NpWTakknmaM:http://www.work-n-wear.com/shop/images/3615.jpg)

I really think that toy model would look good with a replica 1:20 scale M-240 GPMG attached to it.

Have a nice day:D

7/9/2007, 06:28 AM
She's the misguided wretch who stood in front of the IDF bulldozer trying to stop destruction of "Squatterville" and got smooshed right?

And just how, precisely, is that Caterpillar's fault? Should they have been designed to sense humans within three feet of the blade and shut off the engine?


Bulldozers don't kill people. People driving bulldozers kill people.;)

7/9/2007, 06:39 AM
Deranged, America-hating, Attention Whore (Deceased, thank God :). )
Deranged, Greedy, America-hating, Incompetent Parenting.
Greedy, Attention-Seeking, Third-Rate Ambulance Chaser.

You do the math.


7/9/2007, 06:49 AM
In the linked story, her family contends that CAT bears culpability because it knowingly sold its product to a regime alleged to commit war crimes.

You know, I bet that driver may have had a Coke within 24 hours of turning that kid into a jelly sandwich. Should Coke be sued too? He may have brushed his teeth that morning with Crest. Let's sue them too, k?

7/9/2007, 08:35 AM
Maybe a D-9 Cat could visit the family next. ;)

7/9/2007, 09:05 AM
Sad story.

Their argument against Cat is pretty dumb though. As is most of their cases for pretty much anything.

7/9/2007, 09:07 AM
In the linked story, her family contends that CAT bears culpability because it knowingly sold its product to a regime alleged to commit war crimes.

You know, I bet that driver may have had a Coke within 24 hours of turning that kid into a jelly sandwich. Should Coke be sued too? He may have brushed his teeth that morning with Crest. Let's sue them too, k?

Did Coke sell their product to the evil war-crime committing zionist regime??? That should be enough to sue them right there, racist pig-dogs.

Scott D
7/9/2007, 09:11 AM
but tuba why do you hate personal greed ;)

7/9/2007, 09:14 AM
Anyone know a good gas relieving medication? Thanks in advance.

Scott D
7/9/2007, 09:16 AM
and Homey, Coke isn't threatened unless someone can prove that it was a kosher Coke, at which point it's more likely that it was Pepsi, since they make more kosher carbonated beverages ;)

Scott D
7/9/2007, 09:16 AM
Anyone know a good gas relieving medication? Thanks in advance.

guest hosting for Rush Limbaugh ;)

or Larry King.

7/9/2007, 09:32 AM
Anyone know a good gas relieving medication? Thanks in advance.
Have someone pull your index finger

7/9/2007, 11:35 AM
Oh, it's a sad day indeed when moonbats have unlimited funds, and poor mom and pop outfits like Caterpillar have to sell the wedding china and dip into Junior's college fund to fight them off.

Which isn't to say that I don't think this case is all kinds of stupid...but I just got a chuckle out of that.

7/9/2007, 11:48 AM
Damn. Missed the thread before britardeness.

7/9/2007, 11:49 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. You must be devastated.