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7/5/2007, 04:47 PM
This just in from the UK...I knew I retired from the military too early. Now they have "naked woman clubs" on base!

A group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened to use car bombs and rocket grenades in terrorist attacks in the United States during discussions on an extremist internet chat site.

Police found details of the discussions on a site run by one of a three-strong "cyber-terrorist" gang.

They were discovered at the home of Younis Tsouli, 23, Woolwich Crown Court in south-east London heard.

One message read: "We are 45 doctors and we are determined to undertake jihad and take the battle inside America.

"The first target which will be penetrated by nine brothers is the naval base which gives shelter to the ship Kennedy." This is thought to have been a reference to the USS John F Kennedy, which is often at Mayport Naval Base in Jacksonville, Florida.

The message discussed targets at the base, adding: "These are clubs for naked women which are opposite the First and Third units.":texan:

It also referred to using six Chevrolet GT vehicles and three fishing boats and blowing up petrol tanks with rocket propelled grenades.

7/5/2007, 05:40 PM

Hey, Fla, have you seen your boat lately?

Scott D
7/5/2007, 06:31 PM
why couldn't they use PT Cruisers..the fewer of those monstrosities on the roads the better.

7/5/2007, 08:00 PM
What's up with all these Muslim doctors? So much for "First do no harm". :rolleyes:

7/5/2007, 08:04 PM
What's up with all these Muslim doctors? So much for "First do no harm". :rolleyes:

You gotta try to see it the way they look at it. See, us non-Muslims are sub-humans damned to perdition. Therefore, we're fair game. Seriously.

7/5/2007, 08:13 PM
You gotta try to see it the way they look at it. See, us non-Muslims are sub-humans damned to perdition. Therefore, we're fair game. Seriously.
Come on, you can't be serious. They just want to hold our collective hands and sing 'kumboya,' but BusH*tler keeps distracting them by dropping 2,000 pound JDAM's on their heads.

7/6/2007, 05:34 AM
Anyhoo, the "Death Doctor's" intel is sadly out of date. JFK was decommissioned in March of this year.

Maybe this is why they don't like "Big John:"

. . . mobilized in August of 1990 for Operation Desert Shield. Despite having little to no warning, Kennedy prepared for her deployment overseas, where she arrived in September 1990 and became the flagship for the commander of the Red Sea Battle Force. On January 16, 1991, Kennedy's Carrier Wing 3 commenced operations against Iraqi forces as part of Operation Desert Storm. Between the commencement of the operation and the cease-fire, Kennedy launched 114 airstrikes and nearly 2,900 sorties against Iraq, which delivered over 3.5 million pounds of ordnance.

From February to June, 2002 jet planes from the ship dropped 62,113,992 pounds of ordnance on Taliban and al Qaeda targets.

7/6/2007, 07:01 AM
Anyhoo, the "Death Doctor's" intel is sadly out of date. JFK was decommissioned in March of this year.

Maybe this is why they don't like "Big John:"
That is some serious boom-boom.

7/6/2007, 07:12 AM
45 doctors?

Sheesh, first we had the Flying Imams, and now this?

Whatever happened to your garden variety towelhead?

7/6/2007, 11:00 AM
Why don't they have these clubs on Air Force bases?

I joined the wrong branch!