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View Full Version : Mowing yesterday was fun

Partial Qualifier
7/2/2007, 08:43 AM
5 hours of sloppy, grass-bagging, mower-unclogging fun :)

If you haven't mowed yet and you're not one of the lucky few who were able to mow sometime in the past 3 weeks, do yourself a favor and DON'T try to mow it the same height it was before.

My NDN, god bless him, he got like 10 bags of grass and mowed Saturday while it was still mushy so now he's got the classic mud stripes all over his lawn and the grass is kindof white-ish

Newbomb Turk
7/2/2007, 08:52 AM
do yourself a favor and DON'T try to mow it the same height it was before.

now you tell me.

actually I mowed Saturday - the grass was a bit wet and it wasn't too bad. I probably should have raised the mower a notch or two though.

7/2/2007, 09:09 AM
Heh, I just came in from mowing about 2/3 of my lawn (rest is in the way back, so it can wait).

I stepped outside and was immediately hit by a swarm of no less than 20 mosquitos.:mad:

7/2/2007, 09:22 AM
I mowed from 11:00 am till 20:30 yesterday. I borrowed a lawn sweeper from a friend. So i mowed and sweep, mowed and sweep. Until it starting raining, i still have the back yard to cut and sweep. I still need to sweep the south side of the place but its too wet. then when i get that done, i need to lower the deck and start all over. I am telling ya i should have bailed it all. You should see the pile of grass and its only about a 3rd of what i will have.

7/2/2007, 09:47 AM
I am just gonig to try and forget about this weekend. Oh how the mighty Augsta lawn fell after 8 days of not mowing/constant rain. Not only was I tired after mowing, stopping to unclog, etc. et.c I was PO'd looking at my once pristine yard....yellow in places and clumps of wet grass in others.

7/2/2007, 10:12 AM
I'm having to enlist some help in order to continue my money saving lawn mowing commitment here at the house. :)

7/2/2007, 11:28 AM
Yall need to just use the Olevet method
Just wait till Fall , the shat will die and fall down .
simple :D

7/2/2007, 01:11 PM
Yeah, I haven't even considered mowing. Like I want to look like my neighbors with mud stripes. I'd rather have a couple inches of grass/weeds. I think the grass is pretty much drowned and stopped growing anyway.

7/2/2007, 01:25 PM
I really Don't want to see Gonzo and gHP'S LAWNS

7/2/2007, 01:43 PM
Yeah, I haven't even considered mowing. Like I want to look like my neighbors with mud stripes.

That's gross, dude. And I believe they're known as "skidmarks".

7/2/2007, 02:00 PM
My NDN.....

american or red dot?