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jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 04:50 PM
so remember i was having trouble with the flag mount on the brick front

so i found a company in western canada of all places that makes a 6x6 base with a welded flag holder thingy on it.....to spread out the "pull"

the guy sends me this epoxy and the threaded rods, and now i've got a flag mount that isnt coming off that wall without some type of nuclear event


7/1/2007, 06:16 PM
worthless without pics.

7/1/2007, 06:34 PM
so remember i was having trouble with the flag mount on the brick front

so i found a company in western canada of all places that makes a 6x6 base with a welded flag holder thingy on it.....to spread out the "pull"

the guy sends me this epoxy and the threaded rods, and now i've got a flag mount that isnt coming off that wall without some type of nuclear event


that's "newell.": spelling smack!

I wanna see a pitcher of this new thingy-do.

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:19 PM
i always wondered how to spell that!



7/1/2007, 07:23 PM
very nice...but I'd paint the bracket brown so it would kinda blend in and stuff.

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:24 PM
well i thought about that, but the store bought brackets were white as well.....

7/1/2007, 07:28 PM
well i thought about that, but the store bought brackets were white as well.....

that's because they were not intended to be attached to masonry. ;)

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:30 PM
lol - so true

the problem with going brown is that the brick has so many different colors, what do you go with?

as much crap as i've gone thru to get a flag on the front of the house, thats how its going to be!


7/1/2007, 07:31 PM
lol - so true

the problem with going brown is that the brick has so many different colors, what do you go with?

as much crap as i've gone thru to get a flag on the front of the house, thats how its going to be!


I think a nice biege would look good.

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:34 PM
thats what i always liked about my quarters on base, there was always a flag mount on each side of the front of the house

one for Old Glory, and one for my OU flag

7/1/2007, 07:37 PM
thats what i always liked about my quarters on base, there was always a flag mount on each side of the front of the house

one for Old Glory, and one for my OU flag

I lived in a quadraplex at Leavenworth, but since I was the "senior occupant," I got to pick the flags. That Oklahoma flag really chapped the hide of the texan upstairs.;)

7/1/2007, 07:38 PM
hey everyone, JK lives at 3100

someone go tp his house


7/1/2007, 07:41 PM

7/1/2007, 07:44 PM
did that require new holes in the brick?;)

also, if you can't match the brick color, maybe you could match the green or khaki color of your siding. anything would look better than white.

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:49 PM
yes, new holes

7/1/2007, 07:52 PM
The siding looks white to me.

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 07:53 PM

do you mean the wood in the door way outside?

the entire house is brick

and thats a sand/creme color, i painted it myself

7/1/2007, 08:39 PM
Very nice, jk. Don't listen to those gonads, it looks okay whether you repaint it or not. ;)

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 08:41 PM
hey everyone, JK lives at 3100

someone go tp his house


there isnt much in the way of big tree's in my front yard!

7/1/2007, 09:21 PM
what about that back???

if all else, i'll just pee in your pool :D

7/1/2007, 09:37 PM
Dean would paint it pink to match his hat :dean:

jk the sooner fan
7/1/2007, 09:50 PM
what about that back???

if all else, i'll just pee in your pool :D

there's a big ball fir in the back, so yeah you could TP that

7/1/2007, 11:28 PM
ok, yermom will bring the steak to distract the doggies

i'll bring the tp...

jk the sooner fan
7/2/2007, 05:55 AM
ok, yermom will bring the steak to distract the doggies

i'll bring the tp...

my dogs are no threat, lol....they'l bark at you until you're next to them, then they want to be your best friend

goldens dont make good watch dogs

7/2/2007, 08:06 AM
and the steak will make sure they're best friends

i like goldens

7/2/2007, 08:07 AM
actually, they might play with the tp and make it even more entertaining :D

jk the sooner fan
7/2/2007, 08:11 AM
my only warning to you is that since its been raining, watch your step out in the backyard....i havent been able to clean up the land mines like i normally do

my female golden, as a puppy, took hold of the TP on the roll and unraveled just about the whole thing......i went up stairs and there was toilet paper everywhere

i went into the bedroom and there she was, laying on her bed on her back, with a huge wad of toilet paper under her leg....she had that "what? i didnt do it" look on her snout

7/2/2007, 08:50 AM
bronzed leaf begonias and dusty millers?

jk the sooner fan
7/2/2007, 08:53 AM
bronzed leaf begonias and dusty millers?

they look great dont they?

my front landscaping is a work in progress......those beds used to be full of that monkey grass, which i hate......the house faces the west, so it gets full sun in the afternoon (when it isnt raining all day)......i needed some contrast and the begonias handle the heat

i'm still not done with that whole area though

can dusty millers be pruned? a few of them on the side that you cant see are growing WAY taller than i expected

7/2/2007, 09:33 AM
they look great dont they?

my front landscaping is a work in progress......those beds used to be full of that monkey grass, which i hate......the house faces the west, so it gets full sun in the afternoon (when it isnt raining all day)......i needed some contrast and the begonias handle the heat

i'm still not done with that whole area though

can dusty millers be pruned? a few of them on the side that you cant see are growing WAY taller than i expected

Well done indeed... Yes, pinch the dusty millers back.

Some celosia interspersed as well would look great and would bring some rich red colors to the landscape.