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View Full Version : Your NFL Team, Likes and Dislikes for the upcoming season??

6/25/2007, 11:48 AM
Kansas City Chiefs

I have always been a huge Chiefs fan and coming off a unexpected Playoff season(albeit unsuccessful) I have some excitement for the upcoming season but also several concerns!

Likes: Adding a lot of young talent to a previously old team
Young QB(Brodie Croyle) with a huge upside IMO if healthy
Larry Johnson-he will give us 1700yds
Finally getting back to having a D that can make a difference
Linebackers should be great-Derrick Johnson, Donnie Edwards,
Napolean Harris
Special teams should be extremely solid

Dislikes: no playmakers at WR
Either 2nd year qb or damon huard
old offensive line
old defensive backs
Herm Edwards puts the shackles on the offense

Prediction: 8-8 with the possibility of 10-6 with good qb play

6/26/2007, 10:56 AM
Tony Romo.
The New Jersey Con Man isn't here, anymore.
Wade Phillips can coach defense.

TO's drops. TO's feelings. TO's drama
TGRW basically throwing the rest of his teammates on defense under the bus (great leadership you're showing there, Roy)

Not so much a dislike as a question mark:
If Leonard Davis couldn't hack it in Arizona, what makes the Cowboys think he'll do any better in Dallas?

Prediction: 12-4 if there's a marked improvement on defense and TO stops dropping passes and doesn't complain too much.

7-9 if all hell breaks loose.

6/26/2007, 11:57 AM
it seems like everyone around here is a Chiefs or Cowboys fan, lol!

6/27/2007, 04:42 PM
I always thought they were Cowboy fans or Cowboy haters.

Big Red Ron
6/27/2007, 07:46 PM
Favorite team is whoever is playing Dallas, my second favorite team if the 49ers and they look to be turning the corner.

Brandon Moore=the best NFL linebacker produced by OU in a loooong time.

6/28/2007, 10:27 AM
Brandon Moore=the best NFL linebacker produced by OU in a loooong time.

Partially agree, when Lehman is healthy he had a really good year his rookie year. Hopefully he can get healthy finally this year

Scott D
6/28/2007, 04:04 PM

Likes:Can't be any worse than last year
Defense was a major bright spot
Getting rid of Mr. "I Play When I Want To" has magically made the chemistry at the WR position tons better.
We got a rookie QB who could be real real good

Last year
The year before that
The year before that
The offensive Line the past few years

7/2/2007, 03:37 AM

Likes- Brees
Jammal Brown

Dislikes- Has the secondary been shored up?

7/2/2007, 07:50 PM
Bears: Not as good as last season (on defense, esp if no Briggs or Tank) but the offense should be the same or better. Losing Jones won't hurt a whole lot, and even if Benson goes down, Adrian Peterson is more than capable of filling in. Grossman should be OK, and Hester can only help the offense. Do I see a return to the Super Bowl or conference title game? No. Being in the NFC North will get them 11 or 12 wins and a first round bye.

7/7/2007, 07:02 PM
Seattle Seahawks all the way. As long as Matt and Shaun stay healthy, they will be a force

7/8/2007, 01:49 AM
Big D; Pros:

Romo is the only reason we made the playoffs at all, and will soon shut up his haters who remember the infamous fumble above anything else the guy did.

TO is "healthy," hopefully that is a +.

Wade Phillips supposedly tooling the D with TGRW being the base talent.

Patiot McGiant was so burnt-out its unreal. Hope WP doesn't slouch and grouch like BP did in his elder days.

WRs are about two injuries from a losing season. Seriously, who is counting on TO to be around long enougfh to build a mentionable legacy?

Need better play from the corners... BADLY. TRRW wasn't throwing anyone under the bus... 3/4 of the secondary was burnt at the line almost every play.

Team altogether lacks fire and chemistry. I guess that is more because of the style of the modern game. Free Agency, blah-blah... it's more of a game of cards anymore than a great competitive sport.

7/8/2007, 04:25 PM
Houston Texans

Another weak draft
Taking a first round pick on a 19 year old at one of the most, if not the most, physical position
Andre Johnson is one of the best WRs in the league and doesn't get any attention
Trading for an unproven, albeit pretty highly touted QB, after the front office passed on drafting any QB from last year, arguably the best QB class in a long time. oh yea, they also gave Carr an extension, then cut him, and is going to have to eat a bit of the salary
No running game
No #2 WR
Blah blah blah I hate this team

They're from my hometown?

7/8/2007, 07:55 PM
I'm a lifelong Cowboys fan, but really with free-agency and fantasy football I've become a free agent fan.

This year I'd like to see VY get knocked the hell out.
I'd like to see the former Sooners do well.
I'd like to see an underdog team win. A lot.

7/10/2007, 12:04 PM


--BIG Jason Campbell fan. He really flew under the radar late last season. Over the final 7 games, the Redskins' offense was very, very good. Having said that, he only has 7 games under his belt, and that certainly leaves him as an unproven QB.

--Offensive line is very good and much, much deeper than in past seasons.

--The Clinton Portis/Ladell Betts combo is awesome.

--Chris Cooley is probably one of the top 5 playmaking TE's in the NFL.

--Assuming Laron Landry is as advertised, the Redskins may have the best secondary in the NFL- and they SHOULD with all of the draft picks and money they've put into it. (Landy, Sean Taylor, Carlos Rogers, Shawn Springs, Fred Smoot, David Macklin, Jeremetrius Butler, Omar Stoutmire, Pierson Prelieau-- that's a lot of talent back there).

--London Fletcher was a nice signing. Will solidify a weak MLB spot from last year.

--Second year in the Al Saunders system which started to gel late last year. Coaching staff has remained intact.


--Most Redskins fans are not concerned about the WR corps-- I am. Moss and Randle El are solid, but both are very small. No real big guys to go to in the red zone. No real depth or young guys pushing for time. Campbell is going to need some playmakers to bail him out at times-- not sure we have enough in that department.

--The D Line was great the two previous years, but fell apart last year. The Redskins did very little to address it in the off-season, instead choosing to upgrade the back 7. There are a few young DT's that have some potential, but the Redskins were last in the NFL in sacks last year for a reason. By far, this is the single biggest area of concern.

--After our 10-6, divisional playoff season from 2005, I thought the Redskins had shaken some of the "losing culture" that had infected the organization. But last year, some old nasty habits returned, and things spiraled out of control. I am glad the have chosen to stay the course though with this staff and basic core of players. But yes, the "culture" is still a concern.


It's the NFL, the difference between 5-11 and 11-5 really isn't that wide of a gap. So, I am hopeful. And I am thrilled that Mark Brunell is finally out of the picture (as a starter).

If things go perfectly for the Redskins and Jason Campbell is the real deal, then they could be like the Saints of last year and jump on people with an explosive offense. I could see them at 10-6 or 11-5.

If things go terribly, the Redskins could wind up in 6-10 territory again.

I'd say the smart money is probably on an 8-8 season.

7/10/2007, 12:25 PM
Bears: Not as good as last season (on defense, esp if no Briggs or Tank) but the offense should be the same or better. Losing Jones won't hurt a whole lot, and even if Benson goes down, Adrian Peterson is more than capable of filling in. Grossman should be OK, and Hester can only help the offense. Do I see a return to the Super Bowl or conference title game? No. Being in the NFC North will get them 11 or 12 wins and a first round bye.

I don't know, I think Grossman might be one of those perennial head cases...more Jeff George than Brett Favre.

I hope TFAP is capable. I hope Benson is not a head case this year.

Sucks that one of the starting DLs likes being a criminal more than a player.

For me, it's kind of a wait and see thing. But I'm kind of mad that they haven't done more.

7/18/2007, 08:53 AM
Likes: Ravens and the Bears

Dislike: FALCONS

7/24/2007, 05:27 PM
Tampa Bay-

Likes-the defensive core is still there with Brooks,Simeon Rice et al...and throw in Cato June and Barrett Ruud, it may be one of the best defenses Gruden has had since the super bowl team.

Dislikes-WIMPY ASSED OFFENSE, with the exception of Cadillac and Alstott.
I thought last year was big Mike's last year???
Pathetic qb play, and now that Culpepper is being talked to you cannot help but think the Bucs will never get any better at that position(Garcia/Simms/Gradowski)

Dislikes-the "chin" isn't there to coach, Big Ben looked average last year after his stupid accident on the crotch rocket, still no defense to speak of, offense is just as bad, draft was a non event.

Likes-a healthy Heinz Ward, that's about it.

jk the sooner fan
7/25/2007, 02:22 PM
i like that the cowboys are in the league

i dislike that other teams are going to try and beat them

7/25/2007, 03:19 PM
i like that the cowboys are in the league

i also like that Parcells was unsuccessful in swallowing any of them