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View Full Version : I emailed Sen. KYL, again today...I HAD TO!!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/14/2007, 08:13 PM
"I can only simply say that ANY immigration bill passed now will result in a vote against all legislators in both houses of congress, when they are up for re-election.

ALL that needs to be done is enforce existing laws. Stop illegal immigration, now."

6/14/2007, 08:19 PM
It looks like a strong possibility that Reid will bring the bill back to the floor. The Republicans get to offer 10 amendments and the Democrats get to offer 10 amendments.

There are anywhere between 12-15 Republicans that the supporters of the amnesty bill think they can swing to their side in either the final vote or to support cloture so those senators are being heavily lobbied to invoke cloture and ultimately support the bill.

The immigration bill is definitely not dead yet. Celebrating its demise may have been pre-mature.

6/14/2007, 08:50 PM
When the U.S. Senate voted NOT include the amendment that would throw out every illegal alien convicted of a felony, that told me everything I needed to know about our traiterous masters in D.C.

Where's the rope?

6/14/2007, 08:58 PM
When the U.S. Senate voted NOT include the amendment that would throw out every illegal alien convicted of a felony, that told me everything I needed to know about our traiterous masters in D.C.

Where's the rope?
I'll bring the rope, you bring a revolver!

6/14/2007, 09:18 PM
If those drooling retards in DC can't figure out how to protect this nation, then every last one of them should go, Bush included.

This issue, on top of not fighting to win in Iraq has me so disgusted I am just sick.

6/14/2007, 09:24 PM
If those drooling retards in DC can't figure out how to protect this nation, then every last one of them should go, Bush included.

This issue, on top of not fighting to win in Iraq has me so disgusted I am just sick.
I'm going to look past that you're late to the party and embrace the fact you showed up at all. ;)

6/14/2007, 09:27 PM
Not late, its been boiling for a while.

6/14/2007, 09:27 PM
I understand your sentiment RLIMC, the fact of the matter is that these people are too concerned about their own political behinds to do what is necessary to correct a problem we should've addressed FIFTY YEARS AGO!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/14/2007, 09:32 PM
I'm going to look past that you're late to the party and embrace the fact you showed up at all. ;)SicEm, Tuba has always had those views, I thought. So have just about all conservatives. I'm hearing even a good many knee-jerks believe we should enforce existing immigration laws. I am max flummoxed that all those politicians want to ignore our immigration laws. I really can't see why they would think it's a good idea!???!!

6/14/2007, 09:37 PM
SicEm, Tuba has always had those views, I thought. So have just about all conservatives. I'm hearing even a good many knee-jerks believe we should enforce existing immigration laws. I am max flummoxed that all those politicians want to ignore our immigration laws. I really can't see why they would think it's a good idea!???!!

I'm not talking about his views on immigration, I was referring to him becoming fed-up with Bush and the rest of the GOP national leadership.

6/14/2007, 09:37 PM
We need some leaders in DC.

6/14/2007, 09:40 PM
We need some leaders in DC.
Ask and ye shall receive.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/14/2007, 10:32 PM
I'm not talking about his views on immigration, I was referring to him becoming fed-up with Bush and the rest of the GOP national leadership.I thought that's what you meant. I think some *****footing regarding ROE at the beginning of Iraq War was understandable. But, when it became clear that the MSM was turning on the administration,( after the Gitmo and Abu Graib torture accusations) that's when Bush should have quit sucking up to the politically correct crowd, and gotten real about winning, instead of "making nice" with his political opposition.

The unbelievable social spending Bush has done was bad enough, but continuing to ignore border security has got me really scratching my head. As best I can tell, Duncan Hunter and Giuliani are the most adamant supporters of our current immigration laws. I think it's imperative the GOP candidate be determined to enforce border security, or he won't have a chance of winning.

6/14/2007, 10:42 PM
I thought it was Kyl without the E?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/14/2007, 10:47 PM
I thought it was Kyl without the E?Well, thank you! I'll correct it.

6/15/2007, 07:19 AM
More than ever before am I believing that our system of gov is on life support. I am seriusly wondering if the American people have the balls to do something about it.:(

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/15/2007, 09:44 AM
More than ever before am I believing that our system of gov is on life support. I am seriusly wondering if the American people have the balls to do something about it.:(The economy is going to have to tank before major changes will take place, IMO. One good terrorist strike might be all that's necessary to accomplish that.

6/15/2007, 10:16 AM
Is there a web site that shows how the people in Washington voted for all bills?

I'd like to see if ol mary fallin really believes in faith, family and Oklahoma values. :rolleyes:

6/15/2007, 10:49 AM
The economy is going to have to tank before major changes will take place, IMO. One good terrorist strike might be all that's necessary to accomplish that.

Sadly, I agree and unfortunately it will probably take the latter .

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/15/2007, 05:09 PM
Is there a web site that shows how the people in Washington voted for all bills?

I'd like to see if ol mary fallin really believes in faith, family and Oklahoma values. :rolleyes: Try Google: congress votes database washingtonpost.com.
I plan to look at every vote cast by all legislators I can vote for or against, on any of the amnesty bills they might try to pass.