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6/14/2007, 01:34 PM
#1 - http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0706/campus.bestuniforms/content.10.html

ummm, gag me

Big Red Ron
6/14/2007, 01:38 PM
That list has Wofford on it. Just one guy's opinion.

6/14/2007, 01:49 PM
Don't forget Georgia Southern

6/14/2007, 01:53 PM
Makes me sick. That puke colored orange is laughable..

Landthief 1972
6/14/2007, 02:24 PM
They need to run tests for colorblindness on their writers.

6/14/2007, 02:27 PM
You've got to be kidding...

There is no doubt that the article was written by a Hook 'em

6/14/2007, 02:40 PM
They misspelled "ugliest".

6/14/2007, 02:54 PM
The may be the worst "best" uniform list I have ever seen.

First, only Michigan, Texas, or ND even qualify out of these 10 IMO. (SC debatable) OSU no way.

Secondly, Wofford and ND are essentially the same uni.

Lastly, if you are going to put Texas on the list....at least have the intellegence to put them in their all whites.

6/14/2007, 02:55 PM
spare me, that list was pathetic

6/14/2007, 03:09 PM
They misspelled "ugliest".

Here's that one (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0706/campus.ugly.uniforms/content.1.html?cnn=yes)

6/14/2007, 04:03 PM
My initial reactions to the best unis:
10 georgia: yawn
9 USC: neg me if you want, but their home unis are pretty sweet
7 tOSU: Not bad, but not top 10
6 Wofford: Put a buffalo on the helment and "colorado" on the jersey and its a solid #6
5 ND: yawn
4 Yale: high school
3 Auburn: possibly top 10, still too high though
2 Michigan: Yup, they got one right.
1 saxeT: aside from the horrible colors, if you want your uniform to be taken seriously you need to have sewn-on numbers and not painted numbers. Even Wooford had sewn-on numbers

6/14/2007, 04:18 PM
my top picks (in no particular order) off the top of my head

Michgan home unis
USC home unis
FSU home unis (the garnet ones... not the black crap they had last year)
OU away unis
LSU whites (home? away? who can tell?)
Colorado home unis

6/14/2007, 04:28 PM
What crap if they put Michigan as "good" but delaware as "bad"

How can you enshrine the ripoff as a classic?

6/14/2007, 04:52 PM
OU has the best uniforms, seriously...

6/14/2007, 05:02 PM
Any uniform that features the color orange is automatically disqualified. It's just an offensive color.

Also, those of you that like Colorado's unis, you might want to check out their new ones.

6/14/2007, 05:51 PM
Where is Penn St? I love their unis.

Im also a big fan of Florida's white pants/blue jersey uni.

6/14/2007, 06:01 PM
I'm surprised they went with Georgia Southern and not Alabama. Basically the same thing. Also surprised there's no Penn St on there. PSU or UA always get brought up for their classic look.

UT's jerseys look like what we used to wear to practice in.

I'm fine with Michigan and even tOSU. ND is fine. I think my biggest gripe about USC, besides the colors is the helmet decal. Looks like a flower when they're moving around.

6/14/2007, 06:33 PM
I would add Floridat State. Their garnet top with gold bottoms are sweet.

6/14/2007, 07:36 PM
I think that someone has been smoking the wacky weed.:D

6/14/2007, 08:02 PM
the dude who put that list together loves solids

6/14/2007, 08:20 PM
That list has Wofford on it. Just one guy's opinion.

Don't knock the mighty Terriers. It's actually a pretty nice campus and very good 1AA team. I gave it a look a few years back when I was scouting for undergrad, though let it be known that I did end up at a "Big Red" (Denison U., they gave me $ and OU did not; did go to OU for grad though). If I wasn't to chose OU as the top uni, I'd have to go with BYU or Nebraska.

King Crimson
6/15/2007, 04:48 AM
Also, those of you that like Colorado's unis, you might want to check out their new ones.

yup. sucktastic.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2007, 05:55 AM
That list is a joke...and I agree that OU uniforms are the best hand downs.

FSU does get an honorable mention.

6/15/2007, 09:14 AM
Hate to break it to y'all but Texas has the best combination of unique colors, helmet logo and traditional look. Notre Dame's are cool but that look is pretty common - Army, Navy for example.

and I'll tell you right now OU's unis are also greatness, especially the roads. Not sure what's up with the homes looking like pantyhose at times lately but a solid uni none-the-less. the no-names policy was terrible though. All that aside, your colors are very common. Nothing aside from the logo really separates you from Bama / Arky / or even a&m. the striped pants and white jerseys are very sharp though I admit and better than above mentioned.

No one else has Texas orange matched with a traditional, clean look. unbiased fans almost always put Texas and OU in their top 10. I agree the mesh jerseys could be improved upon.


6/15/2007, 09:24 AM
I hate to break it to Texas fan, but Tennessee would like a word about how original the orange and white thing + all-white road colors are. I'm sure Texas fan thinks that their shade of orange is very different, but the rest of the world doesn't care.

If you can call our Crimson the same as A&M's Maroon, your orange doesn't get a free pass over the Tennessee and Okie State colors.

Also, you folks need thicker pants. I have no need to read Limas Sweed's jock size through his game uniform.

6/15/2007, 09:33 AM
Tennessee would like a word about how original the orange and white thing




6/15/2007, 09:36 AM
I once saw a guy throw up on himself. I guess he was unique as well.

6/15/2007, 09:41 AM
A great person once said "Burnt orange makes me PUKE."

6/15/2007, 09:45 AM
Are you really trying to say that doesn't look EXACTLY alike, aside from the stripes on the pants? Hell, even their T and your Horn have similar shapes.

6/15/2007, 09:46 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think Texas' uniforms are nice looking, I just don't think they are unique or original. Just like I wouldn't say that OU's uniforms are original. Oregon taught us that original does not mean better.

6/15/2007, 09:57 AM
No list is complete without....

Penn State
Nebraska home and NOT all red

As for pants, wear one color at home and on the road.
No sparklies on the helmet.
No mono-color look, unless it's all black or all white

Big Red Ron
6/15/2007, 10:24 AM
The list changes every year. We were number two the last time I saw this list come out.

Herr Scholz
6/15/2007, 10:33 AM
I like our all whites. In our title game vs. USC, I thought they looked simple and clean compared to the fancy schmancy scarlet and gold of the Trojans.

DKR asked whether he wanted to change the UT uniforms back in the '60s, "Heck no, these are work clothes. We're not going to fancy this thing up..."

I like the following traditional unis: Texas, OU, Nebraska, Penn St., Alabama, LSU, Michigan, Notre Dame, USC, UCLA.

King Crimson
6/15/2007, 10:42 AM
I like our all whites. .

you just like it when your guys butt sweat and you can see their jocks.


6/15/2007, 10:43 AM
As for pants, wear one color at home and on the road.

'Husker fans would argue against this. They went nuts when the white pants became a regularity on the road during Frank's latter years.

Miami looks better when they wear orange pants on the road.

Colorado's best combo used to be black on gold at home and white on black on the road.

6/15/2007, 10:57 AM
Penn State has middle school unis. White helmets are the suck.

6/16/2007, 12:32 AM
TX TECH's red on black = worst in CF.

6/16/2007, 12:46 AM
Y'all sound ghey talking about this fashion stuff. Put my guys in Sooner Red and play good football, I'm satisfied. :D

6/16/2007, 01:43 PM
TX TECH's red on black = worst in CF.

My only problem with them is the bass-boat style helmets.

6/16/2007, 02:59 PM
No one else has Texas orange matched with a traditional, clean look. unbiased fans almost always put Texas and OU in their top 10. I agree the mesh jerseys could be improved upon.

That's probably because no one would want that baby **** shade of orange as part of their color scheme.:rolleyes:

6/17/2007, 11:04 PM
Honestly, that ranking is a joke. There is nothing noteworthy about the jersey other than its color. Texas' away uni's are the worst in the country.

6/17/2007, 11:13 PM
Not gonna lie...USC's unis are pimpin....

...however we look pure and sacred with crimson and cream :)

6/18/2007, 11:20 AM
They got Oregon at #1 worst correct, as well as having ISU on the worst list.

My list:

1. OU
2. Bama
3. Arky
4. Indiana
5. Nebbish
6. Anyone else red.

Jason White's Third Knee
6/18/2007, 01:27 PM
the dude who put that list together loves solids

If by 'solids' you mean 'young boys' then I agree.

Delaware and Michigan have the same uni's and one is on the best list, one on the worst list. Stupid.

Plus, I like the Air Force uni's. Yeah, whatever. I still like 'em.

6/18/2007, 02:16 PM
Clearly, SI is having as much trouble finding content to fill its site as we are having trouble finding things to talk about!

Texas Sucks.

6/18/2007, 09:34 PM
I like Fexas's uniforms, but no way are they #1.